Welcome to Star City, the city of the future. (Inactive)

Game Master PoorWanderingOne

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PsiclopsNE wrote:

PWGM - if a villain doesn't have an alter-ego, I'm guessing they're off-grid and can't register their vehicle to get a license plate? So we're just going to have to hope that V'Sori surveillance misses us...

There are other ways. Usually involving fraud or theft. There is a well known Batman the Animated Series episode where Joker hijacks a car and spends months/years psychologically torturing the hijacked driver.

That sort of thing.

Ah-Rekmire Advancement assistance activate.

All right. At the moment there are 3 vaguely related things going on:
1. Your first advance: Novice 1
2. 5 bonus super power points from the lair.
3. The lair upgrade group decision.

(could also use your.02 stater on what day and month it is.)

1. Advancements are the main way experience works in SW. Take a look at SWADE pg 54 for the details. Is short an advance can be spent to:
a) Raise an attribute to the next higher die type. The usual maximum for raising attributes this way is d12. This can be done once per rank (roughly every 4 advances) and has to be done while you are in that rank. (sounds more complicated than it is. It mainly means you can't use all your early advancement to push all your attributes to d12's)

b) Gain a new edge. This one is pretty straight forward. Find an edge you like is SWADE or SPC3, make sure you qualify for it and boom you are done.

c) Remove a minor hindrance or weaken a major. For minor hindrances that is easy. Spend the Advance, come up with an in story reason and the hindrance is gone. Majors require a bit more work. They either require you to save up 2 advances to remove them or you can spend 1 advance to change a Major into a Minor hindrance that can be removed later. Ask me if you want to tackle a Major and we can work out the details.

d) Increase by one die type 2 different skills that are both lower than their respective linked attributes. Ex. you could raise Athletics (d4 linked to d8 Agility) and Common Knowledge (d6 linked to d10 smarts) to d6 and d8 respectively as both skills are below their linked attribute.

e) Increase one skill by one die type if that skill is equal to or greater than the linked attribute. EX say over the next few advances you raise your Athletics to d8. It now matches its linked attribute (agility) and cannot increase using choice d. You can still increase Athletics using this choice but it takes the full advance to do so.

2. You have 5 power points to spend. No real restrictions here you can buy new powers or add to existing ones keeping in mind that the total cost of any power is still capped at 15 barring exceptions like the 'best there is' edge. If you are open to suggestions a few points in flight or teleport would be useful and fit your esthetic.

3. The group just gained a lair. This lair comes with a free upgrade. See SPC3 pg 25 and work together to find a unanimous choice. Folks seem to be talking about taking a teleporter, or vehicles but Karma and Doc Toxic had some very good ideas as well.

Well that ran long. I hope it was useful. Please PM or post if something is unclear or you want more direct suggestions. I am very glad to help or be a sounding board.


Checking in on currant open questions.

Date: Dave proffers 27 October while Imagine offers April. Unless they clarify an exact date I am going with the 13th in tribute to my favorite first line in a novel. Any other contenders?
As this is a trivial issue I am giving this 24 hours from this post and then decide.

Advances/powerpoints: Let me know when you are Advanced and powered up.

Lair Upgrade: I've seen, teleporter, science lab, vehicle, Firewalls, and command center put out as choices. I like Self-Sufficient but my vote does not count. This decision is keeping the game on hold at the moment. Should I put a timer on this?

A classic to build a home by.

Karma NE wrote:

I'm thinking of adding the Assassin edge when I can, but I want to see if she will be able to use it often enough to make it worth taking.

With your power/skill set and the other players to attract attention I can see Assassin getting a good bit of use.

On the other hand your phasing attack does not have a damage roll for the edge to add its +2 to. So if you are looking to rely on that as your main attack you might want something else. On the third hand, Assassin will work perfectly with your weapons.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;
PWGM wrote:
Should I put a timer on this?

If you put a timer on this, and we don't reach consensus, then which option is chosen, and who chooses it?

Maybe it's better to call for a vote right now (and urge that votes be posted quickly), so that people who haven't come up with suggestions can pick one of the ones that's been made. If there is an option with more votes than any other (not a "majority"), we're done.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

If teleporters are one way, then we should take vehicles. I understand the defensive buffs, and they are tempting, but that should be our next upgrade.

There are a couple ways this can go down.

1) We screw up and get detected. We'll have to fight for the base or abandon it. This could happen at any time. We'll just need to spend some bennies to avoid detection if it happens early.

2) There is a base invasion in the adventure and we can't avoid it. This is probably not so early so we have time to build up defenses.

3) We have a kind GM and won't need to defend the base.

As for vehicles, do we have anybody skilled in driving/piloting? Per the rules, anybody in modern times knows enough to do it under normal situations but you would use the skill if there's a fight on the roads.

We have to decide on individual motorcycles, an APC or a super vehicle. My thought is a super vehicle with stealth. How many points do we get for it, and can we volunteer power points to it? It'll take five points just to carry the team, so we'll need more for sneakiness and armor and such.

Saturday check in.

Old business.

I> Date. Vote if you care to. Decision coming any time after 6pm west coast US today.

II> Advances. Please note on your character sheet what, if anything, you are doing with your Novice 1 advance. So far Doctor Toxic, Imagine, Karma, and Psiclops have so noted. Ah-Rekmire, Dave, need a hand with this or have the slings and arrows been interfering?

III> Power points. Only Psiclops appears to have spend or banked the 5 Lair granted Super Power points. Do folks not want the SPP? It would be trivial to swap the "Powerful" lair advantage for "Inspiring"(+1 spirit) or "Exotic location" (likely making the meat factory the entrance to an underground base). Removing "Powerful" also removes the "secret" lair pseudo-hindrance which may be a consideration.

IV> Lair. Psiclops brought up a good point. If the players are unable to come to a decision then the upgrade will be: 1d17 ⇒ 8, Medical center.

New business.

a> Adding a player. Do we wish to add a player at this time? I am neutral on this subject.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

As previously mentioned Dave is increasing Spirit to d8. I will allocate the 5 spp when I get a chance. Dave is cool with whatever the group decides for the lair. In his mind, it is a luxury item and it can be squandered and lost and he's no worse off. Protecting the lair is not on his list of concerns. Right now, his list of concerns begins and ends with eating, preferably at Shake Shack.

Doctor Toxic wrote:

My thought is a super vehicle with stealth. How many points do we get for it, and can we volunteer power points to it? It'll take five points just to carry the team, so we'll need more for sneakiness and armor and such.

The Super Vehicle upgrade gets you a bare bones vehicle, i/e 1 point. However the vehicle is effectively immortal per the Vehicle power so there is that. Power points can be added to the vehicle as there are available and desired.

Liberty's Edge

Male Historian/Curator

Hey guys...sorry I am holding up stuff, but caught a wicked cold and am still feeling unwell. I will try to get things updated as soon as I can. Thanks for the help and patience.

Dave Finsterman wrote:
As previously mentioned Dave is increasing Spirit to d8. I will allocate the 5 spp when I get a chance. Dave is cool with whatever the group decides for the lair. In his mind, it is a luxury item and it can be squandered and lost and he's no worse off. Protecting the lair is not on his list of concerns. Right now, his list of concerns begins and ends with eating, preferably at Shake Shack.

Oops, I see the advance marked now. Sorry about that.

Hmmm Shake Shack.... now I want a burger.

Daniel Stewart wrote:
Hey guys...sorry I am holding up stuff, but caught a wicked cold and am still feeling unwell. I will try to get things updated as soon as I can. Thanks for the help and patience.

No troubles. Feel better Ah-Rekmire. You look like death warmed over. :7)

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

1) Alright, DoxTox won me over to the Vehicles idea. I'd go with one vehicle we can all ride in. Party Van! Yes, with my fine, Fine Motor Control, I can drive...with Mind Bullets! (That's telekinesis, Kyle!)

2) I don't care that much about the date. Just that winter sucks.

3) For 5 spp--I'm spending 4 to get better at my main thing. +2 points for Forgetful for Mind control and +2 for strong. For the last one I'll just do something boring and get +1 toughness.

4) I'm consolidating my Healgun with the NEGAgun to clean up my sheet.

Imagine, Doc Toxic

One of the things that happens as you actually play a game as opposed to just reading the rules is that your understanding of it improves.

I now understand Switchable well enough to see some problems. Switchable is meant to allow a character to have different versions on the same power. An area effect grenade and a rapid fire machine pistol as a switchable Ranged attack power for example.

You both use Switchable for different powers. However you characters were approved and I stand by that. So we have a conundrum.

How do you think this can be resolved?

Perhaps over time as SPP are gained you could endeavor to de-Switchable these powers but I am open to other solutions. And as I said, your characters were approved and I stand by my earlier error.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

Dave will spend 3 spp to upgrade Regeneration to 1/hr and 2 spp to Leaping. I'll look at Edges one more time before I finalize.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

in part I was waiting to see what we chose for the base before spending my SPP. In case I needed to learn to drive or something.

I admit I was thinking of switchable as being like M&M alternate powers.
One idea would be to charge 2pp to switch to a different power. It acknowledges that the versatility is worth more than simply having a different version of the same power. It also makes me close to the power cap with the extra points in switchable.

Doctor Toxic wrote:

One idea would be to charge 2pp to switch to a different power. It acknowledges that the versatility is worth more than simply having a different version of the same power. It also makes me close to the power cap with the extra points in switchable.

That is an excellent and equitable solution. Imagine, what to you think of the Dr.'s prescription?

Lair upgrade It looks like Vehicle is in the lead with the APC as the specific choice. Anyone

Ah-Rekhmire. No vote yet. No opinion or ......
Dave. Teleporter or go with group choice
Dr. Toxic Vehicle at least as a second choice
Imagine Vehicle at least as a second choice
Karma Advanced Firewalls or Command Center
Psiclops Vehicle at least as a second choice.

Looks like Vehicle is taking the lead. Karma, Dave, A-R if you all get behind an alternate choice we can force this into a coin-toss...

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Doctor Toxic wrote:

in part I was waiting to see what we chose for the base before spending my SPP. In case I needed to learn to drive or something.

I admit I was thinking of switchable as being like M&M alternate powers.
One idea would be to charge 2pp to switch to a different power. It acknowledges that the versatility is worth more than simply having a different version of the same power. It also makes me close to the power cap with the extra points in switchable.

Dave has d6 Drive, fwiw. I'm fine with the vehicle as long as I get to pick the music.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Lots of posts since my last post Friday morning. I'm in a work crunch that occurs every five weeks, so my time for PBP is very limited for the next two days.

I have no preference on the date. I'll go with consensus on the lair. I'll be thinking what to do with the 5 pp. I might change my previous advance choice of adding to my vigor die. Will post some ideas when I get time.

Thanks for the suggestions re. assassin edge.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

FWIW, I have always been an advocate of Vehicles for the lair Upgrade.

But, my reading of it says that the first time it is taken, we all get Chieftain motorbikes. So unless we want to steal a van (which I'm not opposed to), that's all we'll get.

PsiclopsNE wrote:

FWIW, I have always been an advocate of Vehicles for the lair Upgrade.

But, my reading of it says that the first time it is taken, we all get Chieftain motorbikes. So unless we want to steal a van (which I'm not opposed to), that's all we'll get.

I can see that reading but I think the 'or' in front of the super vehicle is doing some heavy lifting here. I read the upgrade as giving one of the following:

a. the motorcycles
b. the APC
c. the jet
d. the super vehicle.

I wonder why this upgrade doesn't offer the Mako sub? I think the SPC3 could have used a tad more editing.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

I vote for this: 1983 GMC Vandura

If you do go with Vehicle I have some more information.

The bikes. Standard Chieftains {SPC3 pg 18}. No gun or sidecar. Appearance up to you. Fully charged.

The APC. Because this in an old Squadron base you have the option of a fully armed and functional Juggernaut {SPC3 pg 19}. It is however painted in the blue, gold, and red of Alpha Squadron. This is purposefully eye catching. But because this is also and old Spider base you have the option for a lighter armored, unarmed and more nondescript vehicle. Details forthcoming as soon as I get my head around the Vehicle rules.

Dave Finsterman wrote:
I vote for this: 1983 GMC Vandura

Dave, I find your views intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nondescript SUV a'la Spider. It's large it's shiny and it comes in any color you like so long as that's black.

Size 5 (large). Handling +2 (cop shocks). Top Speed 140mph. Toughness 16(4). Crew 1+7.
Air bags and safety harnesses (Crew/Passengers take half damage from Collisions). Four wheel drive (Difficult terrain is 1.5"/1" rather than 2"). Heavy Armor. Stealth paint (-4 to electronic missile lock on). Luxury features.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Does someone have telepathy with the switchboard option? If not I may take telepathy so Karma can communicate when in ghost mode.

I plan to drop Chameleon (if allowed) and add illusion, which is more versatile and also can be used for a disguise. That would give me 2 points left over. Still thinking on what to do with those.

I modeled Karma on a Dark Horse Comics character called Ghost. She has the ability to shoot a gun while intangible and the bullet becomes material upon leaving the gun. I know this is not allowed under the SW power but I'm wondering if I could use Ranged Attack power to make this work. Could she specify that the ranged attack is regular bullets fired from a pistol while she is intangible. she currently has 3 points of Ranged Attack with trappings that make it a kind of ectoplasmic magic bolt, but most pistols do 2d6 damage, so it would fit the 3 point damage value. It might even qualify for a limitation, since it could require an actual pistol to work and would not have unlimited shots, plus when Karma is tangible, it would not give her any special ability at all.

It would not be a great offensive weapon, but would serve when dealing with extras. If she adds the assassin edge, the extra damage would apply as it is normal weapon damage.

I may change my mind about adding the vigor die and take the assassin edge instead. Karma's never going to be effective in straight up face-to-face combat, and she has the 10 point regeneration power which should get her back into action if she does take a big hit. I like her more as a finesse fighter and infiltration specialist.

Edit: I would need to add shooting skill for the ideas above to work. Could I spend the advance to get shooting at d4 and boost it to d6 and drop another skill one die to get the shooting up to d8?

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

If you do go with Vehicle I have some more information.

The bikes. Standard Chieftains {SPC3 pg 18}. No gun or sidecar. Appearance up to you. Fully charged.

The APC. Because this in an old Squadron base you have the option of a fully armed and functional Juggernaut {SPC3 pg 19}. It is however painted in the blue, gold, and red of Alpha Squadron. This is purposefully eye catching. But because this is also and old Spider base you have the option for a lighter armored, unarmed and more nondescript vehicle. Details forthcoming as soon as I get my head around the Vehicle rules.

I like this idea of getting something called a Juggernaut.

It seems like we could re-paint it easily enough.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Nondescript SUV a'la Spider. It's large it's shiny and it comes in any color you like so long as that's black.

Size 5 (large). Handling +2 (cop shocks). Top Speed 140mph. Toughness 16(4). Crew 1+7.
Air bags and safety harnesses (Crew/Passengers take half damage from Collisions). Four wheel drive (Difficult terrain is 1.5"/1" rather than 2"). Heavy Armor. Stealth paint (-4 to electronic missile lock on). Luxury features.

Is this gonna be that thing from The Blues Brothers? ...Yep, this is that thing from the Blues Brothers.

The good thing that can be said about the sequel is that it accepted and embraced that it was made with more love than skill.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Karma NE wrote:
She has the ability to shoot a gun while intangible and the bullet becomes material upon leaving the gun. I know this is not allowed under the SW power but I'm wondering if I could use Ranged Attack power to make this work. Could she specify that the ranged attack is regular bullets fired from a pistol while she is intangible. she currently has 3 points of Ranged Attack with trappings that make it a kind of ectoplasmic magic bolt, but most pistols do 2d6 damage, so it would fit the 3 point damage value. It might even qualify for a limitation, since it could require an actual pistol to work and would not have unlimited shots, plus when Karma is tangible, it would not give her any special ability at all.

I muchly admire this idea and will follow it with great interest. I was never smart enough to see how to get an idea like this to work.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Doctor Toxic wrote:

One idea would be to charge 2pp to switch to a different power. It acknowledges that the versatility is worth more than simply having a different version of the same power. It also makes me close to the power cap with the extra points in switchable.
That is an excellent and equitable solution. Imagine, what to you think of the Dr.'s prescription?

My main problem with this is that it somehow legitimizes the idea that the original idea of changing it within a power is somehow worth jack squat. Let's take the book's example of spending a whopping 3 SPP to get three more energy attack types. Now, 3 PP is real money. You can buy the Healing power for that. So one would expect value for that. But there are -11- energy types. How can one expect that those 3 oh-so-precious points are ever gonna earn their salt? It's just not that common to find an enemy that's Vulnerable to something, and even if they are vulnerable to Earth damage, how the butt are you gonna ever know? It's not like they're carrying a sign saying "I like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain, and never taking Earth damage."

Having it be read as staying within the same power is acknowledging that there are some landmines just waiting to trap newbs, just like car leases and extended warranties and extended warranties on car leases.

I also thought as DoxTox thought (surprising no one) that it was like the alternate power thing. The REAL cost of Switchable is that you "can" put your 5 point of Comically Large Penis power into 5 points of Saving Dying Puppies power, but then you don't have a large penis so is it really worth it in the end?

Of course I have no chance of winning this argument and I'm not going blow up the game over it, but as stated, this is a real buttocks of a time to bring it up and I'd muchly prefer that we say this is the rule "going forward" and anything from the before-time can be grandfathered in.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

Regarding the Vehicle Upgrade : sorry, I focused on "Each time this Upgrade is taken...", and totally missed the "or" at the end.

The Juggernaut seems too big and conspicuous, and bikes have no armor protection for the riders.

I really like PWGM's SUV build!

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

Imagine - I would object to your example in that you focused on enemies being Vulnerable to an Energy Type, which is not the point of Switchable. In the book's example, for 3 SPP you get three more 10 SPP Powers. Granted, the only difference between them is their Type, but it makes the PC more versatile - a water attack could put out a fire, an air attack could blow away a poisonous cloud, etc. And, you can vary the damage and Modifiers to each attack as well, providing more versatility. It's about versatility, not about happening to have the specific Energy Type your opponent is Vulnerable to. And yes, that is *way* nerfed from the SWD version, the reason for which follows...

My problem with the version of Switchable that these PC's seem to be using is that it effectively gives them access to more SPP than the rest of us. DocTox, for example, has access to 25 SPP of different powers for the cost of 11 SPP, 14 more SPP than the rest of us. So what if he can only use them one at a time - that's true of most powers. That's unfair to those of us who didn't use it, which is why I think Switchable was so strongly modified in the SWADE version.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
Kara "Imagine" Luthor wrote:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Doctor Toxic wrote:

One idea would be to charge 2pp to switch to a different power. It acknowledges that the versatility is worth more than simply having a different version of the same power. It also makes me close to the power cap with the extra points in switchable.
That is an excellent and equitable solution. Imagine, what to you think of the Dr.'s prescription?
My main problem with this is that it somehow legitimizes the idea that the original idea of changing it within a power is somehow worth jack squat. Let's take the book's example of spending a whopping 3 SPP to get three more energy attack types. Now, 3 PP is real money...

Weird - Doc Tox and GM's posts referenced in this spoiler have disappeared.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
PsiclopsNE wrote:

Imagine - I would object to your example in that you focused on enemies being Vulnerable to an Energy Type, which is not the point of Switchable. In the book's example, for 3 SPP you get three more 10 SPP Powers. Granted, the only difference between them is their Type, but it makes the PC more versatile - a water attack could put out a fire, an air attack could blow away a poisonous cloud, etc. And, you can vary the damage and Modifiers to each attack as well, providing more versatility. It's about versatility, not about happening to have the specific Energy Type your opponent is Vulnerable to. And yes, that is *way* nerfed from the SWD version, the reason for which follows...

My problem with the version of Switchable that these PC's seem to be using is that it effectively gives them access to more SPP than the rest of us. DocTox, for example, has access to 25 SPP of different powers for the cost of 11 SPP, 14 more SPP than the rest of us. So what if he can only use them one at a time - that's true of most powers. That's unfair to those of us who didn't use it, which is why I think Switchable was so strongly modified in the SWADE version.

Doc Tox is doing Switchable wrong. Each one of those super attacks is a distinct separate power, while Switchable clearly states, "Switchable allows character to have multiple versions of the same power." (pp.47) Imagine has it more correct, where if you had an energy attack it would allow you to effectively switch your trapping to be a different type of energy, but it doesn't give you access to a completely different type of power.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

As for fairness, SPC3 sucks at it. Sucks hard. If Dave fought Psiclops 100 times, Psiclops would win 100 times. As we have just experienced, Flight is a completely busted power that ignores all of the ground variables incurred by breaking s&@%. Anyone that doesn't take Flight must hate himself. Like Dave. Seriously, I'm not like a comic book crazy or anything, but the few characters I can think of that can manipulate one of the four fundamental forces of the universe (aka gravity) are the best of the best. But in this game, if you add an activation cost to another power you can effectively pickup Flight for f!#@ing free!

My point is that while the rules ought to be followed, if we start trying to be fair or balanced or whatever we'll only get frustrated. Dave is the least effective super villain of the group, but he has the potential to be fun to play. That's why I'm here.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

You know, the more I think about the Flight power the more pissed off I get at this system. It's reserved for Superman and that's about it. In the MCU, any character that can fly has a really good explanation. Here we just add it like a dash of pepper. I f%#@ing hate it.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

I realize that Doc Tox is doing it wrong, and so is Imagine (in the way her PC is built). And that the way Imagine described the way it should work is correct, but was complaining about it for possibly the wrong reasons. I also said it was unfair, but I didn't suggest doing anything about it. You're right, even with the same number of SPP, PC's can be wildly overpowered to nearly useless, so I'm not worried about trying to force things to be balanced.

I think your frustration with Flight is its cost. For just 2 SPP, you *can* fly as fast as walking, which is very handy. Maybe if Flight started at 10 SPP, it wouldn't be taken as much? But remember Superman can fly at or faster than the speed of light, which would take 18+ points, which for our builds is almost half our SPP. Superman, as built by SPC3, would probably cost maybe 300 points or more (just guessing), way out of our league.

P.S. - DC has many superheroes that can fly besides Superman. The ones I'm familiar with include Wonder Woman, Hawkman, Shazam, Starfire, Martian Manhunter, and any Green Lantern, but there's lots of lesser-known ones that can fly as well (and not all of them are Superman-fast).

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Dave Finsterman wrote:
You know, the more I think about the Flight power the more pissed off I get at this system. It's reserved for Superman and that's about it. In the MCU, any character that can fly has a really good explanation. Here we just add it like a dash of pepper. I f&~@ing hate it.

You are referencing DC? They have greater reverence for it?

Green Lantern. (Has a bunch of powers and flight.)
Martian Manhunter. Same.
Zatana. Because magic.
Wonder woman. They ditched the net a while ago and gave her flight.

Mind you I agree with the base premise that few things declare ultimate coolness lime floating into a battle. Like Magneto.

I played the DC online game a while and when you made your hero there were three super movement choices to think about. Flight, speed, and climbing. Yeah there was no comparison. For anything but flight you just spent your time moving around buildings.

FWIW SP3 gives you more candy and more speed if you take the Speed power. You can get dodge bonuses without too much.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Doctor Toxic wrote:

One idea would be to charge 2pp to switch to a different power. It acknowledges that the versatility is worth more than simply having a different version of the same power. It also makes me close to the power cap with the extra points in switchable.
That is an excellent and equitable solution. Imagine, what to you think of the Dr.'s prescription?

Now that I got my b@!%@ing about it out of the way, yeah this is fine. :)

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0
PsiclopsNE wrote:
I realize that Doc Tox is doing it wrong, and so is Imagine (in the way her PC is built). And that the way Imagine described the way it should work is correct, but was complaining about it for possibly the wrong reasons. I also said it was unfair, but I didn't suggest doing anything about it.

I'm saying that with regard to Switchable, rules must be followed. Otherwise this game is super f%**ing lame. The way it has been interpreted, by spending 10 spp one one power and then, for just 1 spp more, we add another completely different power worth 10 spp. That's wrong and needs to be corrected or it will be abused like a prisoner at Abu Ghraib.

Thanks for the lists of heroes with Flight, nerds. But also, can Magneto fly in space in the absence of iron with which to propel himself toward or against? Could Superman fly on Krypton? Wonder Woman used to have an invisible jet, at least that's what I remember from watching the Superfriends cartoon 45 years ago. Anyway, have a good reason for disobeying the physical laws of the universe, is all. And activation costs are a scam and I'm just getting bitter because I'm not doing it.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

I like the new vehicle better than the juggernaut. Even with repainting, it's very obvious. A vehicle that can pass for an SUV or van makes much more sense.

And with this I'm good to go.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|
Doctor Toxic wrote:

I like the new vehicle better than the juggernaut. Even with repainting, it's very obvious. A vehicle that can pass for an SUV or van makes much more sense.

And with this I'm good to go.

You win this round. SUV it is!

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

Holy crap, I just looked at Imagine's character sheet. Alright, I'm not going to complain about this but I do need to rebuild Dave according to our accepted misreading of the rules. Dave is not anybody's comedy sidekick.

Dark Archive

Hybrid Girl| Notice d4|BennEEz: 4 Parry:6 Tough:12(2) ForceF: 1{Life}| RATN: 7| Wounds: 0/4|Absorb: All{R}|

While you're busy being amazed, try and remember that there was one very cute hero that was COMPLETELY USELESS during our last episode. I was behind you, completely dependant on you just about the whole time. I used a power exactly once...and it was resisted. If anyone was a sidekick it was this thing right here.

I don't even have any way to deal damage.

Huh, it's almost like I hobbled myself to be a good support character and not much else.

Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-1, Notice d4-1, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Driving d6, Fighting d12+4, Focus d8 | AG d8, SM d4, SP d8, ST d8, VI d8 | Pace 11, Size 1, Parry 13, Tough 13 | Wounds: 0

Far from it. You have shown me the light. Now I just have to figure out the best way to spend 481 additional spp.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Don't knock support characters. Not everyone has to deal mega damage to win a fight or succeed in a mission. No RPG character is (or should be) invulnerable to all attacks. I think that's why the comic groupings like the Avengers, X-Men, or Justice League are more entertaining than single super concepts. The Hulk is fun for smashing things, but by himself he'd not succeed with sophisticated threats.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Since we have the option to redesign our characters, we should describe the things our characters are particular good at and also any significant vulnerabilities or weaknesses. If the party as a whole is weak in some areas, we can discuss changes that can fill the gap.

I designed Karma to be a lone predator so she is good at infiltration, spying, and melee fighting with her katana and claws (and guns if the ideas I expressed earlier can be worked out).

She is not built to take much punishment. In ghost mode, she can avoid damage from physical attacks, but is susceptible to energy type damage. But since she can be invisible, she mostly has to worry about avoiding crossfires and explosions.

She has full regeneration, so if wounded, she'll be able to heal quickly and perhaps get back in the fight.

In combat, if unable to be effective at wounding an opponent, she can contribute with other things. In her present configuration, she has reasonably high skills of intimidation and taunt, which can make opponents shaken. If she takes illusion, she can distract enemies in various ways.

The flying issue is more of a difficult terrain/rubble issue right? Have you considered running your speed/leaping power(s) through your Hoverboard as a Device and using Drive or Athletics to do sick kicks to bypass the terrain issue. It seems a Dave thing.

Karma I can see two ways to do the attack while ghosted.

The first uses the "Phasing" aspect of the Intangibility power. (SPC3 pg 68) You solidify, attack and then re-ghosting all on your turn. This does give the attack you make a -2 as you have to use Multi-action to both e attack (action 1) and re-ghost(action 2). This exposes you to the real world for a short time which might cause issues if you were in mid air, or were relying on your dark-vision to see your target. It is also conceivable that you could be interrupted and attacked in the tiny window where you were solid. Using the Skill Bonus power to add a +2 modifier to your Athletics skill and buying some dice in Athletics will make it unlikely that any one other than a dedicated sniper/ gymnastic assassin could tag you.

The second way bends the rules using a Major trapping effect but that is what they are there for. Allowing you to interact with the real world while ghosted is a major change to the power that removes pretty much the only downside Intangible has. Getting around this will not be cheap. I propose something along the lines of you taking a non-regenerating Wound or Fatigue level every time you attack. This limits how many times you can do this in any one period but still allows you to bring it out if you really NEED to.

I like the first solution better but maybe folks can lend a hand improving the second solution or even finding a third.

Everyone Looks like the Spidervan is the survivor in the first upgrade follies. If I am wrong in this please let me know. Otherwise once the major issue below is resolved we will continue with the Van in the lair.



All right. This is the part of games I hate.

Someone makes a mistake and you don't catch it until later and it all become a pointless furball.

So. Game is on hold.

We need to resolve the Switchable problem. ASAP

First Imagine and Dave this is not worth getting upset over. Dick jokes and nerd shaming. Really? It may just be me but I find this less than helpful.

It appears we have collectively hit an impasse. Games frequently die when this happens. I do not wish this game to die, I hope you all join me in this wish. We need a solution.

At first glance I can see three but there may be more.

First. Do nothing. We use the correct rule for all post creation Power Points/redesigns and grandfather in the errors made by Dr. Toxic, Imagine, and myself. This might work but it maintains a power imbalance within the party which can be destructive to fun.

Second. Correct the error. Imagine and Dr. Toxic redesign their characters. This will be painful for them as they will loose effectiveness. But it will allow the game to progress relatively quickly.

Third. Expand to fill the power imbalance. This will require the same redesign as the second solution but in this case Dr. Toxic and Imagine have no upper SPP limit. We are trying to determine how many points they were actually built on if the error had not happened. Once we know this value Everyone then rebuilds their characters to this number. This is painful for everyone as we will all need to go through the approval process again once we have the SPP budget. It would also mean I would need re-calibrate the opposition taking into account the now more powerful PC's. This will require a significant period of time spent not playing the actual game which this pbp may not survive.

From my point of view the second solution seems the least disruptive and sets precedence for what happens when or if another error is found. I realize that this directly contradicts my earlier championing of Doc Toxic's suggestion which was a modification on solution one. I apologize for this but this suggestion appears to no longer be tenable.

Please let me know if you have a different solution in mind or have any other input. I am available either through posts or by PM. It is my hope that this can be resolved by this Friday so we can actually get back to the game.

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