Poor Wandering GM |

"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans." ~Stephen Hawking
The Necessary Evil campaign for Savage Worlds has long been a favorite of mine, so much a favorite that I am taking the likely insane step of translating it into play-by-post.
Necessary Evil posits a world where superheroes have been active since at least the First World War. This world by and large looks like ours. Ok computer controlled flying cars have just hit the luxury market and failing organs can be regrown thanks to knowledge gleaned from the 1918 zombie uprising. But it mainly looks like home.
This world is then set on fire. It turns out Professor Hawking was correct.
Four years ago Earth was attacked by aliens called the K’tharen. Luna base was lost and earth’s defenders both military and metahuman were hard pressed maintaining the war at a stalemate. Then rescue arrived. A new alien force, the V’sori, apparently a former slave race of the K’tharen, were hunting their former masters and found them here.
We didn’t ask questions, we just accepted the help and watched the K’tharen ships burn. Earth had triumphed; our Heroes had saved the day again. The victory celebrations spanned the globe. Thousands packed the streets to witness the welcoming ceremonies as the V’sori ships hovered over our cities. Millions watched the live feed from Washington as Champion and the Alpha Squadron waited beside the President to greet Ambassador F’arak.
Millions watched as a city block sized energy beam vaporized Champion (aka Superman), Alpha Squadron (AKA Avengers/JLA) and the gathered leaders. Across the globe with targeted strikes and occasional orbital bombardment the V’sori attacked. Through the dust of the first strikes those few still with a functioning feed saw K’tharen troopships dropping from the V’sori cruisers. Leaderless, hero-less, the occupation of earth had begun.
And this brings us to you. Over the past two years War-Master F’arak has hunted down every meta-human he could get his little blue fingers on. All the heroes are gone. Most of the big name villains are gone. You are what is left. You are what is left to save the world. You are the necessary evil.
Most Characters in NE are villains. Not in the class of Lex Luthor or Dr. Doom, yet, but a step up from killers like Zsasz. As the players guide puts it:
Evil, Not Psychotic
Necessary Evil is all about playing the villains of four-color comics, with their grand schemes of world domination and destruction. While these villains may be murderous and megalomaniacal, they don’t tend to be mindless killers without purpose. The super-villain you make up should at least have the potential for working with other super-villains. While playing a completely anti-social psychotic does have its charms, it does not usually make for good team game-play. Take some time to consider why your villain would cooperate with other villains, especially under the circumstances. Your villain could certainly murder his fellow compatriots at a later date to serve his own goals, but for the time being, he ought to realize he’s more powerful with others by his side.
So take Mark Hamill's Joker as the boundary line ok?
Good for you! The game can easily support heroes as well. Just remember that you were not a very famous/effective hero. They are dead. Your backstory is yours but you must never have been seriously considered for membership in Alpha Squadron (the Avengers/JLA of this setting). The language in this thread is villain-centric but know that heroes are welcome too.
"It isn’t necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice — there are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia." Frank Zappa.
What I need from you.
First off I am not requesting full characters. If you have the books go for it. Even supers are pretty quick to build in Savage Worlds. I am requesting answers to the following questions They are partly housekeeping, partly to give me an idea of you as a player, and partly to assist me in world building.
a) What is your concept? Give me a one or two sentence description of your character.
b) Do you have, or will you pledge to get if selected, access to: The Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rule book (AKA SWADE), The Super Powers Companion Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (AKA SPC3), and the Necessary Evil Players guide? I can help if you are not sure where to get these.
c) What do you look like? Hair/eye color? Height and Weight? Costume? Think of your mug shot/wanted poster.
d) What can you do? What separates you from the masses? Brains? Training? Acidic blood? Magic tea cozy?
e) What have you done? What separates you from a random survivor? Describe a typical crime. There is a reason you could not be at the welcoming ceremony with Champion. If you are a hero give me an example of your heroism and tell me why you were not incinerated for standing up for Earth?
f) How familiar are you with Savage Worlds as a system? Note familiarity is NOT required. It is not a highly complex system but it does have its rough points. I and the other players are more than happy to lend a hand.
g) What have you been doing lately? How have you spent the last two years under V'sori occupation? The campaign starts the players as prisoners of the V'sori invaders. Were you a prisoner? If so what was the V'sori attitude to you? Indifference? Interest & Interrogation? Experimentation? How long were you in captivity? If you remained free how did you manage that? Friends? Luck? Blending in to the general population? What sacrifices did you have to make to stay free?
h) The game is largely set in Star City and you will start there. Is this your home? If so how long have you been active as a meta-human in the City? Do you have family or friends here? If home is somewhere else where is it and is getting there important to you?
i) What have you seen in the world? Detail a hero or a villain or an ordinary person you have ran into, worked with, fought, or just heard about. Maybe a member of Alpha Squadron you tangled with. Maybe a criminal mastermind you worked for. Maybe a taxi driver or whoever ran the newsstand near your old lair. Make them interesting. Think of yourself as pitching a 1 or 2 issue special series for the Necessary Evil comic book we are all creating.
j) What is the greatest thing in life? What is your desired end state/goal. Tell me what is important to you.
k) You are a member of the Omega resistance movement led by Dr. Destroyer (Think Marvel's Dr. Doom). What do you think about this? Are you a willing member? Blackmailed? Given the choice of joining or being sold out to the V'sori to provide a distraction? Maybe you were part of a cell that was destroyed? Have you met Dr. Destruction?
l) The earth is occupied and the V'sori tighten their grip a little bit each day. Most people would be happy just to survive. You are not most people, you choose to fight. Why? Revenge for a loss? Anger that the V'sori have taken the planet that you should control? The simple joy of punching things?
Again a full character is NOT required to apply. Just the answers to the questions. That said I know folks will want the detailed info.
Most of what you are looking for in on the Campaign page of this game under the "Character generation guidelines, setting rules and advice, Gear" spoiler. But here is the quick version.
Standard SWADE creation rules. With More Skill Points, Born a Hero, and Larger Than Life setting rules in effect. Free SPC style AB Superpowers Rank 3 edge for everyone. See books & Campaign page for many more details.
Restrictions on origins:
No aliens. Atlanteans/Humans or Hybrids are fine. If you really want to play something from off world then make your case but it will not be easy.
No Robots. Cyborgs are fine. You may even think you are a robot but there is meat in there somewhere.
Important note on plot and tone. This is not your usual supers game. This is much darker. The players are a brand new cell in a rag-tag resistance movement facing overwhelming odds. Think the American revolution but without the French coming to pull the American bacon out of the fire. This campaign has been likened more to Shadowrun than Marvel Super Heroes. You can win but you will have to quick, quiet, and above all smart to have a chance.

Poor Wandering GM |

Banter will be welcome. You might be quipping solo for a bit but I expect the others will rise to the occasion over time.
No real "roles" to worry about. We have a Blob/master chemist, a ghost/assassin, a literal everyman who's player is learning the system, and an invisible flying artillery piece.
Note the players may not agree with these descriptions.

Brigadoon |

a) Gilligan Meshua was an average teenager when one day, on his way home from basketball practice, a group of strangely dressed people asked him to pick out a bracelet and an amulet from a selection of jewelry. Selecting a bracelet with a scorpion on it and an amulet with a door, he was proclaimed as the reincarnation of Gilgamesh, sent to defeat evil and usher in the new age of Babylon. Gilligan, having hated that name his whole life, decided to adopt the moniker Gilgamesh and it has served him well.
b) I actually have the first two (somewhere, still unpacking some boxes). I'd need to get the third one, but I've been wanting to get it for a while.
c) About 6'4", 6'5". Dark shoulder length, curly hair, blue eyes, tan skin, charming smile.
d) Physically strong, Gilgamesh is also surprisingly charming and has talked his way out of jail as often as he had broken out. He is capable with almost every weapon he picks up, whether he's used it before or not and is naturally athletic.
e) With assistance from the cultists of The First Empire, Gilgamesh began attempting to rebuild New Babylonia by taking over territory in Star City. Most of Gilgamesh's crimes revolved around gang violence and territory wars, though he would occasionally mix it up with the more heroic supers as needed. Gilgamesh viewed Star City as rightfully his, and was very protective and possessive of the territories he did take. He was in jail when the V'sori began their conquest, and was ignored because of where he was at that time.
f) I have played some Deadlands and some other settings. I'd like to be more familiar. Actually bought Savage Worlds a while back with the intent of being able ot run a supers game, but would like to get more familiar with the system
g) Gilgamesh was a prisoner when the V'sori began their invasion and remained a prison. Apparently there were some facilities the V'sori thought would be useful to keep around. There was a bit of a scuffle at one point, and Gilgamesh was able to recognize an open door when he saw it, though escaping that prison and the death sentence coming to its occupants meant the sacrifice of his best friend, Eric the Red, a viking themed villain that had been by Gilgamesh's side since the very beginning. Since then, Gilgamesh has sought opportunity to rebuild New Babylonia, but has been thwarted either due to lack of volunteers, or the threat of death looming over his head.
h) Gilgamesh grew up in Star City, and does have friends and family there. Gilgamesh actually grew up in the rougher parts of town, which gave him quick access to other villains as he became active in the super community
i) Gilgamesh did work with the Spider once, not long before the Betrayal. Despite being a ganglord, there were some things that Gilgamesh would not tolerate. After hearing whispers that some of his underlings were setting up activities outside of their boss' scope, Gilgamesh began doing some investigating and wound up tussling with the Spider over the kidnapping of Rosy Dominguez, a thirteen-year-old girl. Her disappearance coincided with several other abductions, and Gilgamesh was able to convince the Spider to let him assist with rescuing the other children. They found the children were intended to be used by an offshoot of the First Empire cultists as a sacrifice to open a portal to the realm of monsters and bring forth Humbaba, the demon-monster that Gilgamesh banished epochs ago. Together, Gilgamesh and the Spider defeated the cultists and prevented the ceremony from completing.
j) Gilgamesh's goal is to establish New Babylonia, preferably by taking over Star City (infrastructure is hard to build)
k) Gilgamesh has been loyal to the Omega Resistance since his first invitation, on the grounds that getting rid of the V'sori means being able to take Star City for himself and the establishment of New Babylonia. He's pretty straightforward in that regards, though his goal of establishing New Babylonia is met with eyerolls from a lot of people. Haven't met Dr. Destruction yet, but not really worried about that at this time.
l) Star City was prophesied to be New Babylonia, which means it is Gilgamesh's, and those aliens aren't allowed to have his stuff!
Hope this works, and I'll provide more details as requested.

Poor Wandering GM |

As happens in this pinball machine called life one of our players was called to higher duties or at least found a better use for their time.
So in response I an re-opening recruitment for this game. It is still early days plot-wise so do to not feel intimidated. Just shout out and we can get this revolution started!