Welcome to Star City, the city of the future. (Inactive)

Game Master PoorWanderingOne

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--Gilgamesh-- wrote:
Ok, I think I have everthing. Haven't made many Savage Worlds character sheets, there is the chance I missed something, so I hope you don't mind reviewing for me. And as I write this I realize that there are probably a few things I need to double-check. Sorry it's taken a while, there's already been a lot of double-checking on my end, but I do think it's pretty much done

Don't mind at all, in fact it is required.

Gilgamesh review:

.d4 Smarts, brave choice.

Skills. You are 4 points over.
what I see:
Athletics cost 5. d4 free, 1pt for d6, 2 points each for d8 and d10 as they exceed your d6 Agility.
Persuasion cost 1. d4 free, 1pt for d6
Stealth cost 1. d4 free, 1pt for d6
Fighting cost 6. d4 and d6 1 point each die. d8 and d10 2 points per die as they exceed your d6 Agility.
Shooting cost 6. d4 and d6 1 point each die. d8 and d10 2 points per die as they exceed your d6 Agility.
Total 5+1+1+6+6= 19 points spent only 15 are available.

Hindrances. Check
.What is your Driven edge driving you towards? Is it reestablishing your kingdom or something different? It needs to be on the sheet in any case.
.You only have 1 Major hindrance. Not taking advantage of the Larger than life setting rule to snag a second one?

Edges. You appear to have too many.
I see the free AB and the Human Brawler edge. Where is Iron Jaw coming from?

Figured Stats. Issues
Where are you getting the +2 pace and +1 run die?
You Parry should be 9. (half Fighting 5+2base+2parry = 9)
Toughness should be 15(8) (half Vigor 4+2base+1Brawler+8Armor = 15(8))

Gear. Issues
Per the campaign page; "~LASERS are not available. Use pulse weapons from the SPC3."
The cost & weight of a throwing/hand axe is $100 3lb

Powers. You appear to be a point over
Melee Attack 4pt base +2 Special Weapon +2 Thrown weapons, +1 Returnable for a total of 9.
As this stands when you punch someone or smack something with a parking meter you will get the +2d6 is this what you want? That +2d6 will also apply if you throw the parking meter as an improvised thrown weapon. Do you want this broad of a power or did you want this to really apply to the axe only? Because if you want to limit this to the axe then you could save some points. Go to a base 0 for the melee attack power add +2 for special weapon and then +2 again to raise the axe's damage by 2d6 and add Returnable for +1 that drops the cost to 5 pts or 3 points with the device modifier if you want to make the power part of the Axe and not part of you. At this lower cost you could add Heavy Weapon or SMASH to help with vehicles and armored foes.
Note I am assuming that the Axe is a hand/throwing Axe (Range 3/6/12 dam +d6) because otherwise you are looking at throwing the Axe as a heavy improvised thrown weapon which is a -2 to hit, damage +d8, and a range of 1/2/4.

Deadeye (2) +1 deadly 3
You realize this will not apply to the thrown axe right?

Growth 2 levels 6
At full size your approximately 9 feet tall, weigh about 1000lbs and have Toughness +2 and +2 to your Strength die. Please note this info on your sheet for ease of reference.

Armor 4
What does this armor look like? Armor has to be visible because it can be bypassed by a called shot.

Dodge 2
Hardy 2
Immunity to Poison/Disease 2
Mind shield 1
Parry 2 +2 protector 4
Uncanny Reflexes 3
Fearless 2
Leap 5 +1 Death from Above 6
Speak Language +1 Written word 2
What is the trappings/source for this power? What gives Gilgamesh the King knowledge of Klingon, French, and Mayan?

Extra 5 Lair points
Regeneration 5

Good progress. Some problems but nothing that cannot be fixed. You have a solid concept it just needs some detail work.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
--Gilgamesh-- wrote:
Ok, I think I have everthing. Haven't made many Savage Worlds character sheets, there is the chance I missed something, so I hope you don't mind reviewing for me. And as I write this I realize that there are probably a few things I need to double-check. Sorry it's taken a while, there's already been a lot of double-checking on my end, but I do think it's pretty much done

Don't mind at all, in fact it is required.

** spoiler omitted **...

I'll take care of all that. Sorry about the miscalculations, bouncing back and forth between books and campaign page, a few things must have slipped. I'll update when I'm done.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

Base Defenses : the base’s entrances have automated turrets equipped with either stun guns or pulse Gatling lasers (team’s choice).

We get the video surveillance (which Karma initially requested) no matter what Upgrade we take, so I'm ok with Advanced Firewalls. Altho I'm sure it won't keep Dr. Destruction from spying on us...

So now we have 2 votes for Firewalls. It's not a majority, but it has the most votes.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

I'm ok with our location being the Hazel Cannery.

I can be happy with Firewalls.

And the Cannery.

Karma NE wrote:

Office Building Map

Let me know how this will work. The top part is an ground floor. The bottom map is an upper floor. It could serve for multiple floors unless you need something with a different set of room. Let me know.

That map will be fine. The changes I need look easy enough to make.

Thank you.

Entry point coming up. How are the fixes coming?

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

We have 3 votes for Firewalls and the Cannery. I think even with Gilgamesh joining, that's a majority. "Make it so!" ;)

I will be out of contact from Aug 29 to Sept 3rd/4th. Just a heads up.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:


Entry point coming up. How are the fixes coming?

I apologize, I haven't had as much time to make the changes needed. I will get them done tomorrow ASAP

Character Sheet updates:
Poor Wandering GM wrote:


.d4 Smarts, brave choice.

Brawn over brain

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Skills. You are 4 points over.


Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Hindrances. Check

.What is your Driven edge driving you towards? Is it reestablishing your kingdom or something different? It needs to be on the sheet in any case.
.You only have 1 Major hindrance. Not taking advantage of the Larger than life setting rule to snag a second one?


Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Edges. You appear to have too many.

I see the free AB and the Human Brawler edge. Where is Iron Jaw coming from?

Updated and removed Iron Jaw. My mistake

Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Figured Stats. Issues

Where are you getting the +2 pace and +1 run die?
You Parry should be 9. (half Fighting 5+2base+2parry = 9)
Toughness should be 15(8) (half Vigor 4+2base+1Brawler+8Armor = 15(8))

My mistake. Forgot to update this, should be correct now.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Powers. You appear to be a point over

Updated. Removed written language.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Deadeye (2) +1 deadly 3

You realize this will not apply to the thrown axe right?

Yup. This is meant more to reflect Gilgamesh as a weapons expert. In the event that shooting something ever becomes an option for him

Regarding the other stuff about the axe, I'm fine with it being a regular battle axe. The return part is more to let it get back to him if anyone tries to take it. I'm ok with the flaws in that, I just like the idea of being able to throw and get it back.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Growth 2 levels 6


Poor Wandering GM wrote:

Armor 4

What does this armor look like? Armor has to be visible because it can be bypassed by a called shot

Realized I had forgotten about this. Bronze age armor, has been updated and added.

I really appreciate the patience, this is probably only the third savage worlds character sheet i've ever made

Gilgamesh review:

Attributes. check

Skills. Issue
_one point short_
Athletics d10, 4 pts
Persuasion d6, 1 pt
Stealth d6, 1 pt
Fighting d10, 5 pts
Shooting d8, 3 pts

Total 14/15 used. Did I miss something?

Hindrances. check
What does your transformation look like? No need to tell me now but is something to think about.

Edges. check

Powers. Issue
_3 points over_

Offensive: total 19
Melee attack, base 4pts +2 thrown weapons +2 special weapon +1 returning. total 9
Deadeye, base 2 +1 Deadly total 3
Growth 2 levels total 6

Defensive: total 18
Hardy total 2
Immune to poison/disease total 2
Parry 2 base 2 +2 protector total 4
Uncanny Reflexes base 3 total 3
Armor 4 base 4 total 4
Dodge 2 base 2 total 2
Mind Shield base 1 total 1

Other: total 11
Leaping base 5 +1 DFA total 6
Speak Language base 1 total 1
Fearless base 2 +2 steady total 4

Powers total 19+18+11 48/45
Did I miss something?

Figured stats Issues
pace, your run die should be a d6 unless I am missing something.
parry, you might want to note your parry as 7+2 as a reminder that you can loan out the 2 points from Parry.
toughness, I see 15/8 (base 6 +1 brawler +8 armor) Did I miss something?

Axe. You do not need to pay for this. The cost is covered by the Special Weapon modifier.
Armor. Is this for when you are not transformed? Worn armor and the Armor power do not stack so I am confused.
Gun. You realize you have no bullets correct?

Advances please note your advances somewhere separately. The way you did for the extra 5 lair points was perfect.

General Comments.
Have you considered the Device modifier for the Axe or Armor?

Skills. Issue
_one point short_
Updated. Increaed stealth by 1 die

Powers. Issue
_3 points over_
Last time it was 1 point over. Now it's 3? By my math it's 45 right now.

Figured Stats
Got confused and added armor forgetting that i had the armor power.

Will fix tomorrow.

Gilgamesh Powers:

Let me take a closer look. I suspect you are correct but I need to find my error.
Super Powers: Offensive (17/15)
MELEE ATTACK (8): (4) +2d6 damage and SPECIAL WEAPON (+2): The hero has
a unique hand weapon that adds +d6 damage to his melee attack in addition to the weapon’s usual damage die. THROWN WEAPONS (+2): The hero’s melee damage bonus applies to thrown weapons. Returnable: For +1 point, the weapon returns to the wielder’s hand after it’s thrown.
DEADEYE (2): The character causes +d6 damage with firearms (including pulse weapons and the like), bows, or crossbows. DEADLY (+1): The hero’s damage increases to d10.
GROWTH (3/LEVEL) for 2 levels: The hero can increase his Size up to his level in growth. Each level increases his Size and Toughness one point, and Strength one die type

Super Powers: Defensive (16/15)
HARDY (2): A second Shaken result in combat doesn’t cause a Wound.
PARRY (2) + PROTECTOR (2): Your character’s Parry increases by +1 each time this power is taken, to a maximum of +5. This stacks with any other bonuses to Parry from weapons or abilities. The character can grant any or all of his parry power bonus (but not other Parry bonuses) to any adjacent allies. This is a free action.
UNCANNY REFLEXES (3): The hero can potentially avoid area effect attacks and effects. She ignores the usual −2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see Savage Worlds), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don’t usually allow it (with the −2 penalty).
The hero’s Athletics roll penalty to return grenades (or similar weapons) is also reduced by 2.
ARMOR (4): A character gains 2 points of armor each time this power is purchased. Armor doesn’t stack with worn armor, but does stack with natural armor and the toughness power.
DODGE (2): The hero is agile, prescient, or just really good at using cover. Direct ranged attacks (Shooting and Athletics (throwing)) subtract 1 for each point in this power
MIND SHIELD (1): The hero’s mind is particularly difficult to tamper with for some reason. Mind reading and mind control attempts against her are made at −2.

Super Powers: Other (12/15)
LEAPING (6): (5) 64 yards vtcl/128 yards hztl + DEATH FROM ABOVE (+1): As long as he’s not restricted from leaping, the character’s Wild Attacks cause +4 damage instead of +2
---Trappings: The Essence of Gilgamesh comes from Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization. The legend of all warriors are merely extrapolations of Gilgamesh, who has been reborn to fight countless battles. Having lived through several civilizations and experienced almost every culture on the planet, Gilgamesh is able to speak and understand any earthly language.
FEARLESS (4): (2) The character is completely immune to Fear checks, whether they come from powers, Special Abilities, or situations. + STEADY (+2): The super’s bravery helps others. Characters within 5” (or their Command Range if it’s greater) gain a +2 bonus on Fear checks.

The above is a cut-and-paste from your alias so we are working from the same data. If you have a more up to date source then this all may be moot.

Possible issues:
_Offensive powers_
.Melee Attack. I think the Returnable (+1) is getting missed. If I am reading the formatting correctly then you have Melee Attack at +2d6 (4pts) with Special Weapon (+2). Thrown Weapons (+2) and Returnable (+1)
That is 9 pts. I think it is being recorded as 8. "MELEE ATTACK (8):"

Offensive math. ME(9) + DeadeyeDeadly(3) + Growth2(6)= 18pts

_Defensive Powers_
Defensive math. Hardy(2) + ImmunePoi/Dis(2) + Parry2Protect(4) + Uncanny R(3) + Armor8(4) +Dodge2(2) + MindShield(1) = 18pts

_Other powers_
Other math. LeapingDFA(6) + Speak(1) + Fearlesssteady(4) = 11pts

Powers total 11+18+18=47/45
I am still showing you over. Can you see where I made a mistake?

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

So if Imagine is AWOL for now, we have everyone at the site except Gilgamesh. Should we wait for him? We can explore as far as we can (see plan Karma offers in Gameplay) and return for Gilgamesh to make our main assault. Or if Gilgamesh is ready, we can work him into the plan and Karma can scout the way and others can follow.

It is likely we will need someone who can unlock doors and maybe disable or spoof cameras, since the area will likely have both and only Karma can get past both. Can Savant do this?

It looks like Gil is a warrior with no special infiltration powers, so he could be in the van while we're doing the initial recon.

Unless anyone posts any objections, I think we have the skeleton of a plan. Once Doc Toxic lets us know what they are willing to do, we can advance. So maybe the GM can give us an idea of what we see from the outside around the ground floor of the building: open or locked doors, etc.

I can do thief things and computer things.

Doc Toxic

Rather than trying to find out how long the various plumbing pipes are in an office building I propose that you are basically a Heisenberg villain at the moment. You exact position cannot be known. If you want to be somewhere specific then you can either roll Repair or Science: engineering with a +1 and Genius applies or spend a benny to just be there.

It will be an action to ooze out of a fire extinguisher/sink/toilet or other drain. You can burst pipes via a Strength roll or use of a power if you want to pop-out somewhere without plumbing access.

Remember that you can only see/sense fron drains etc.
There are ways for your position to be discovered as you move through the pipes but barring specific tech/powers this is pretty unlikely.

Sound reasonable?

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

Hope PWGM doesn't mind me posting this, but there's a recruitment for a Savage Worlds RIFTS game...in Atlantis! I'm not the GM.

Click HERE.

If you have SWADE RIFTS, you only need one other manual, $10 in PDF form. It has new races and Frameworks, but I'm not really sure you'd even need it if you go with SWADE RIFTS races and Frameworks.

No problem Psiclops. Always like to hear about more good games.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Is there a map of the building up yet?

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;
Doctor Toxic wrote:
Genius was the best buy I made

Re-rolls are really quite powerful. About half the time, the re-roll will be better than the original roll.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

I'm unable to connect to the Internet. Must replace our router. Hope to be back to normal by Monday evening. I'm posting with my phone.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Router is replaced and I'm back.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Sorry to be absent recently. My wife was hospitalized a few days last week (she's okay and back home now). Between visits to the hospital and finishing my class for the term, I've been distracted from posting.

I'll also let everyone know now that I'm going to be traveling later this week and again toward the beginning of next week. I don't know my access to WIFI although I will have my laptop so I can post if I have time and access. I'll be attending my HS 50th anniversary next weekend.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

I'm back.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

While we're waiting for the GM to return, here's something to think about. I'm considering moderating a campaign with a Steampunk theme. There are a number of possible systems to use, including Savage Worlds.

There is also an interesting GURPS sourcebook based on the Graphic Narrative (comic book) called Girl Genius. I've played GURPS and like what it tries to do in principle, but in practice, it tends to get tedious during melee and complicated to create characters. Savage Worlds has its own melee complications, such as the soak rolls and Benny re-rolls. In PBP these can cause it to take days to discover the outcome of one solid success. In other ways, however, I think SW is cleaner in melee and definitely simpler to create characters.

There is a Savage Worlds Steampunk sourcebook called A Widening Gyre that was published before the last edition update to SWADE, but it has the basic character creation options and a few new skills and edges. The campaign ideas are serviceable but I much prefer the Girl Genius sourcebook as a campaign basis.

So I may modify the SW Steampunk sourcebook to fit the Girl Genius world and modify what the sourcebook has from GURPS to SW. Also, the Girl Genius Sourcebook is expensive and only available in paperback, so people on a budget would have a hard time affording the sourcebook. The Widening Gyre is available in pdf for under $10 US, so that would be a cheaper way to go.

It will be a while before I make an official post to start the campaign, but if anyone is interested, I'll keep you posted. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know via PM. In the meantime, if you haven't read the Girl Genius books, they are all available on line at https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php.

I'm back. Sorry all. Update tomorrow!

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

I'm reading the new posts tonight and will post something Friday.

Hey everyone. I've recently had a thyroid cancer diagnosis. At the moment, this presents primarily as extreme fatigue and mind fog. As I don't have a great understanding of my character abilities to start with, I'm doing my best. Please be kind. I might disappear for long periods due to not having the energy to even open my laptop, so bot me as necessary. My current goal is to ascend to the top of the building and fight my way down.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

Savant - sorry to hear about that. Hope it's easily treatable.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Sorry to learn of your illness. We appreciate any efforts you can make to keep playing, but there's no shame or blame if you can't continue or have to be absent.

I'm definitely giving myself permission to just go to bed when I need to. But having games to look forward to keeps me going.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

PWGM - is everything alright? It's been 16 days since you made a post in this game...

PsiclopsNE wrote:
PWGM - is everything alright? It's been 16 days since you made a post in this game...

Everything is all right "ish". I am updating now.

"Savant" wrote:
I'm definitely giving myself permission to just go to bed when I need to. But having games to look forward to keeps me going.

Good call about resting. And good luck fighting this. I'll cut you plenty of brain-fog slack and deal with as much of the game/rule details as I can lift from your shoulders.

I have surgery scheduled next week to remove thyroid. That appears to be all of the treatment needed. And permanent thyroid hormone replacement, of course. I'll be here as much as I can.

My goal is still to climb to the top of the building.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Hoping for the best.

"Savant" wrote:

I have surgery scheduled next week to remove thyroid. That appears to be all of the treatment needed. And permanent thyroid hormone replacement, of course. I'll be here as much as I can.

My goal is still to climb to the top of the building.

Same here.

Dammit! (*&%%^#(#^&#@%$@^ and vast swathes of inappropriate language!

Three times! I have made this same mistake three times!

[bigger]Size does not equal Scale!!![/b]


In any case,Psiclops, keep the benny and you are not entangled. I will not make a player situtation worse because I messed up.

Sigh maybe I'll remember next time.....


3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

No problem. I always confuse Size and Scale, and every time I need to consider it, I always have to refer to the book because it's so confusing. Why did SW have to come up with *two* numbers to describe the same thing??? *Not* FFF in my opinion...

A merry Dies Natalis Solis Invicti to everyone!

In celebration of the birthday of the unconquered sun and because we will finally be getting a little more light in the mornings I am giving everyone a free re-roll.

This is a single use re-roll of anything you roll, trait, attribute, damage, anything. If you (or me rolling on behalf of your character) roll the dice then this token can be spent for a re-roll.

This token lasts until used.

Happy holidays!

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

PWGM - I'm stumped. I'm completely surrounded, and if I move in any direction, 3-5 enemies may get a Free Attack (or would only the dogs get one, if I'm "visible" only to them?). My PC has been using his powers for a while, does he have any feel for whether a bolt to the floor or ceiling may blast thru? Is there any way I can pull some kind of super-stunt to change my bolt to a blast for just one round?

ALL - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Psiclops Yeah you are in a tough spot, but no need to despair.

re:Pinata You are correct anyone you move out of base contact with will get a free attack, invisibility does not counter this unless the foe is not alert and the dogs have them on alert.
However this is not as bad as it looks. The sharks do not get Frenzy on their free attacks so that is only 1 attack per foe. Also this attack will be made a significant penalty due to your invisibility. -6 for the sharks -3 for the dog if you do NOT attack/do anything else obvious this turn. -3 to everyone if you do attack etc. Now -3 is nice but you can do better.
Please take a look at the Defend action on Core pg 99. In exchange for taking no other actions other than movement and the Defend action you increase your parry by 4. So by moving away you will draw , at worst 1 dog and 5 shark attacks. The dog will be rolling at-1 (-3 from invisibility +2 gang -up) vs a parry of (5base+5parry power+4Defend) 14. Looking at last turn we know the Dogs has a d10 fighting and no wild. I don't know the exact odds here but it does not look good for the dog. The sharks are even worse off rolling their no wild d10 at -4 (-6invisibility +2gang-up) against that same parry. Yes a hit is possible but I would take those odds.

Re:redecorating Hmmmm rules do not cover this so we are in unknown territory. Looking at Breaking Things and Cover/Obstacles I am guessing punching hole through to another floor is around 20 hardness/points of damage. Your blast can do it esp if you use a multi-action and shoot twice. The -2 MAP should not matter at you are aiming at a TN4 floor. 20points will make a hole you will need an Athletcs roll to squeeze through without a problem (likely problem would be eating half your movement that turn). 25/30points would make a bigger hole./

Re: Stunt Now you are cooking with gas! Pg 31 in the Supers book talks about stunts. I am seeing Push as your best bet here. It would allow you to turn your blast into a Medium or Large blast template at the cost of one Benny per attack.

So you are in a sticky spot but you have options and so far none of the enemy have made a dent in your force-field so maybe it is they who are in the sticky spot and not you.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

I've been hoping that Karma, Savant, and Doc could create enough distrations to draw some of the 4th floor baddies away from Psyclops, but things precipitated too quickly around him. Good luck. My advice is to use some of the options from the GM and make a beeline down to force the enemies to divide their resources and hopefully allow Psyclops some time to get away or get to a good defensible spot.

Karma has some good options to do some damage to the Vsori on floor 5, which might cause them to call for support from those deployed downward. But that will take a turn or two.

Init: ; Parry: 6, RATN: 7, Toughness: 14(8); Active: Chemical sense

Well 2024 already royally sucks. One friend has had a hospital stay and another friend passed away.

If I get too far behind, please bot me. My plan is to get dogpiled and then explode.

Rank 2 |Bennies: 2 | Current Card: TBD | Active: Speak Language, Heighten Senses, armor (10) | Toughness 6 (10) | | Map floor 4

Sorry for your loss. Hope things improve soon.

Hey everyone, I'm making the difficult decision to end my play by post career here on the boards. My energy levels and mental acuity haven't rebounded post surgery to where I need to be to keep up with my games. As a result, something that was long a source of joy has become a source of frustration and woe.

Thank you for all of the help with the rules and for mentoring me in some Savage Worlds adventures.

Please make me inactive as a player/character.

"Savant" wrote:

Hey everyone, I'm making the difficult decision to end my play by post career here on the boards. My energy levels and mental acuity haven't rebounded post surgery to where I need to be to keep up with my games. As a result, something that was long a source of joy has become a source of frustration and woe.

Thank you for all of the help with the rules and for mentoring me in some Savage Worlds adventures.

Please make me inactive as a player/character.

Well that sucks, but I understand. Injury/surgery can be life changing. The slow pace of this game cannot have helped and for that I am sorry. I had to drop off the boards for a good while myself when keeping up with games shifted from a joy to a woe. (nice turn of phrase there, consider it swiped) If/when you come back give me a look/shout if you like. Maybe we can do this again.

Good luck.
~Poor Wandering One

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

PWGM - you said : "You get a free attack when a target leaves base-to-base contact/melee range. So moving through the squares next to the Drone would draw the attack. See "Defend" in the core SW book pg 99 for details."

This is the one thing I really object to out of all of SW as a whole. Withdrawing says "When a character retreats from melee, all adjacent characters get a Free Attack."

If I just run by right next to someone, and I don't attack them, and they can't attack me because it's not their turn, I don't consider us "in melee". "In melee" to me means at least one attack attempt has been made by one person against another. I'd argue this is a point up for debate, but I know the entire SW community unfortunately agrees with your interpretation. But when I'm the GM, I go by my interpretation.

I hate this so much because it reminds me of my Pathfinder/3.5 days, when such rules required the player to very carefully plan out his path thru melee, which I called "having to move my PC like a chess piece".

I don't know if the official interpretation has changed from when I started playing SW 10 years(!) ago (or if I just didn't understand it), but I recall at the time being very happy that I didn't have to abide by *any* such rules.

3 Bennies Parry 5/14, Toughness 6/16, RATN 4/13;

P.S. - not criticizing you or your decision, just venting against the rules...

Psiclops No troubles. Yeah attack of opportunity/zone of control rules are a pain. You did make me search back to my 2008 printing of SWEX and it looks like the wording for withdrawing from melee goes back at least that far.

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