GM Kwinten |

I'd like to hear from everyone and hear a unanimous "yes" before agreeing on a new person. I don't think most people would mind a sixth party member, but I'd like to make sure everyone is on board with it.

Kka Magwi |

I'd like to hear from everyone and hear a unanimous "yes" before agreeing on a new person. I don't think most people would mind a sixth party member, but I'd like to make sure everyone is on board with it.
I'm good either way. I'm on board if everyone else is okay with it, but if not, then I'm fine with that too.

Cherry Berry |

I'm fine either way. We could use another melee body. As long as it doesn't make the game harder for you to run.

GM Kwinten |

I still need to hear from Giyozara if he's okay with a new party member, but if he is, feel free to contact Apoc Golem.

Giyozara |

Oh, that’s fine, especially if it is another melee. Our front liners are going down entirely too often.

GM Kwinten |

I've been going a bit slower since the summer break. Do people like this more relaxed pace, or do you prefer going back to the slightly higher pace? I do admit that the previous pace kept my interest a bit better. >_> Taking my time means I tend to put things off, which isn't great.
Lough, have you contacted Apoc Golem yet? No worries if you haven't, what with the con and all (I hope you had a good time!), just wanted an update on that front.

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I reached out - waiting to hear back.
I'm good fast or slow - Gameday is coming up so may be a little slow around the 11th+ getting games off the ground, stabilizing by the week's out.

Kka Magwi |

Generally speaking, I'm fine with whatever pace everyone else is willing to go at, though I tend to prefer at least 1 post a day to keep the momentum going. I am down to playing in just two APs right now and things have slowed down in the other one as well. Fortunately, I have plenty of other less-enjoyable things to keep me busy around here, but...
Come the 11th though, I will be playing in an additional 4 scenarios as part of Gameday. As rainzax said, that will suck up a fair bit of my RPG time, especially during the first few days, but nothing I can't handle.

Kvit the Ruin Delver |

Similar to the above. Ideal pace is one post per day.
The downside of the forums over discord is that I don't get any notification for things being posted, so I just have to check manually. It's easier to forget when there isn't an update frequently enough.
I am also in a couple GameDay games, but will still be here for this during. I'm only running one table but it'll be my first time running that scenario. 1-14 Lions of Katapesh.

Apoc Golem |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey all! Lough reached out to me earlier, sorry for the delay. If you're still open to a new member, I'd love to join in! Sounds like a front-liner is something y'all need? Do you need a dedicated tank, or just someone else up front to take the occasional hit? And do you need additional healing? Looks like you have one person with medic dedication, but if you need more I can accommodate. :)

Kka Magwi |

Glad to have you on board Apoc Golem.
Kka's healing skills are such that after-encounter patching up is pretty much hand-waved away as long as there's enough time. For in-encounter healing, we have Cherry with Heal spells, Kka with Battle Medicine, and a smattering of healing potions. I think we're pretty much set, but an extra Battle Medicine wouldn't go astray.
Lough (Fighter) and Kka (Rogue) are essentially the front line right now. As we've discovered, though Kka can hand out the hits with the best of them, she's not so great at taking the licks; she's gone down once or twice in pretty much in every Severe+ encounter we've come across.
So from my point of view it would be nice to have someone else keeping the bad guys occupied and to provide flanking for Kka, as well as soaking up some of the hits that would otherwise be aimed at her. That doesn't need to be a dedicated tank, but something melee capable with decent AC would be preferred.

Apoc Golem |

Gotcha. I had an idea for a reach fighter/mind smith that might work, or I have a monk/blessed one build with decent AC and damage when in Mountain Stance. The fighter has more mobility than the monk, but the monk adds an in-combat healing option with lay on hands. I can swap out a skill and feat for Med/Battle Med on the fighter too, I suppose, but their Medicine skill won't exactly be stellar (Wis was a dump stat on that build). Either one looks fun to play so if y'all have a vote for one or the other, let me know, otherwise I'll just go with whichever calls to me!
Edit: if it matters, the monk has more HP, but they're both decent.

GM Kwinten |

Welcome, Apoc Golem! I hope you have fun! :)
- We've already played the first two levels of the adventure, and are now pretty much halfway through the third. I can give you an update on the story so far if you want, or the others can do so in-game. If you want PFS chronicle sheets, I'll give you full credit for the first book, no worries.
- I think the pace of the group is about equal, maybe slightly higher than most PbP games. So far, people have expressed preference for about an update a day, which I'll try to stick to. A bit longer for RP scenes, so everyone has a chance to weigh in.
- As Kka has said, some in-combat healing would be nice, but not a necessity. You don't have to be a tank, but someone on the frontline would be a nice addition.
- You'll start at level 3. I'll give you 75 gold to buy equipment with. I'm not sure how that compares to other people, maybe I'll increase it. Could others weigh in? Pretty much everyone has a +1 weapon and some savings, but that's about it, I feel.
- Feel free to choose an Uncommon ancestry, and I'm okay with Versatile heritages as well.
- I have two houserules (so far): being crit (or critically failing on a save) and going to 0 HP doesn't increase your Dying value by 2. I don't like that rule and it'll only make a bad situation worse. The second is about free archetypes. Your "main class" slot can pick up an archetype as well, separate from your free archetype slot, and your free archetype slot can choose feats from that as well. The only thing your free archetype can't choose is a feat from your main class. It's weird, but I'll try to explain with an example:
Say you pick a Fighter, and your free archetype is a Dandy. At level 2, instead of a Fighter feat, you pick up the Acrobat dedication. At level 4, your free archetype can choose from Dandy and Acrobat feats, and your "main" class can choose from Fighter, Acrobat, and Dandy feats.
I've done this to increase your options some more. Needlessly complicated? Perhaps.
I'll pause the game for a bit until Apoc has made their character. Now is the perfect time to introduce them. My plan is that you're a friend of Wrin from out of town, that's why you didn't join immediately, but if you have a suggestion for a different backstory, feel free to say so.

Kvit the Ruin Delver |

Welcome Apoc Golem! Glad to have you.
I don't have a preference on your character, but from player perspective so far if it helps you decide
* A lot of fighting has been in fairly tight quarters
* A variety of creatures so far but a lot of undead
* A wide range of fairly easy combats to near tpks on the severe+ encounters
* Plenty of room for recall Knowledge and other skills. We've had to swim/row, had the option to climb, locked doors, several traps and hazards. We've even managed to solve a few things with diplomacy or at least delayed things.
* Kka is a great melee striker glass cannon. Has thievery and stealth covered. Has a unhealthy relationship with death? Or a psychopomp? Unclear.
* Lough is a great tank, and uses snagging strike to help keep mobs pinned and flat footed. He's our beefy boy.
* Cherry Berry is an awesome cleric with the battle heals and bless and such spell casting. Also our default cute mascot.
* Giyozara is a great melee and ranged sorcerer striker. Bibliophile and resident Kamehameha! expert.
* Kvit is a mediocre illusionist but can do some damage and has some battlefield control abilities like warped terrain and grease. So if your character had ways to avoid grease or ignore difficult terrain, that might be useful.
For tying in to the story, I'd assume you'd be picking one of the abomination Vaults player's guide backgrounds? That would maybe give us an idea. Or depending on race or general background maybe one of use might know you and have called you to help.

GM Kwinten |

At the very start I said Wrin put the call out to some friends, so the easiest way in is through Wrin, but feel free to have a direct tie with someone or be from the town itself.
Kvit made a good point. This is a megadungeon, but not everything has to end in death. I'd say most fights with intelligent opponents also have a peaceful solution, so diplomacy is always an option.
I like creative solutions and out of the box thinking, so I'll reward people who try weird stuff.

Apoc Golem |

I was planning on taking an AP background to make things easier. The reach fighter might be best since he can avoid the grease a bit? He does have the weaker healing capabilities with a mediocre Medicine skill but it seems like a reach combatant might also help in tight quarters. They can attack past allies, with their higher to-hit making up for the cover bonus to AC. Plus I would be happy to pick up Blessed One with them down the road if it looks like our in-combat healing is lacking (doesn't sound like it is but it also sounds like there have been some rough fights).
On the other hand, I can swap the monk's skill feat for Steady Balance and probably be fine on the grease front as well. Plus we wouldn't be doubling up on classes. Gah! Tough decision!
I'll have my choice made by end of day so we can get started as soon as possible. I already have both ideas mapped out pretty well!

GM Kwinten |

Feel absolutely free to make your own choice and don't feel swayed by any of us. With the archetyping I think the two Fighters will look vastly different anyway, so the chance of two similar characters is much smaller.
That said, I haven't seen many Monks in action, so I'm interested in your take on it. :)

Drosil "Fuìn" Arimsyn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well it was a tough call but I think I have built him the way I want. I skipped Mind Smith (maybe down the road!) and picked up Blessed One. It even inspired an interesting moment in his backstory so even better!
Say hello to Fuìn, the kayal fighter! Beware the bonk of his meteor hammer!
As to filling him in on the story so far, I don't mind an in-character recap. Feels more organic to me. As to how you bring him in, I'll leave that up to you. I took an AP background and took the liberty of adding Wrin Sivinxi into his backstory, in hopes that it will help in that regard. :)

Cherry Berry |

Note that in pretty much every combat case so far we have outnumbered the enemy, particularly in the harder fights.
Most of our target have been humanoid, (the shape, not the type) but there are indications that giant worms are possible.
The Grease hasn't been a huge problem that you have to build your character around it.

Drosil "Fuìn" Arimsyn |

Thanks for the advice! I mean I was planning on taking Lunge as my 2nd level class feat anyway, because I like the idea of having crazy range in melee. We'll see if it ends up being useful or if I wind up retraining it down the road.

GM Kwinten |

Erm, so, okay, I forgot to take note of who failed the save against Ghoul Fever. I remember Lough and Giyozara and that Giyozara crit failed, but looking in his history, I think it's just a regular fail. Am I missing something/someone?
Also, the rules for Afflictions keep confusing me, so please help me get through this.
There is no onset, so you were both at stage 1 already.
At the end of a stage’s listed interval, you must attempt a new saving throw.
So, if I interpret this correctly, if the interval is 1 day (i.e., now), you should make a Fortitude save. If that is the case, Giyozara, please make me a new Fort save to see how you deal with the Ghoul Fever.

Giyozara |

So if the DC is 19+, I will have to make a minimum of 2 (or probably more ) consicutive Day save or risk just dying. We might just have to go to Absolom and ask for four or five lvl 5 priests to remove disease until one of them sticks, otherwise the odds are pretty bad that I’ll live to 5 when Cherry Berry can cast that spell.

GM Kwinten |

Kka suggested buying several scrolls, but I'm willing to allow regular spellcasting services. Looks like a third-level spell is 18 gp per casting.
I haven't done much counteracting before, let me get this straight:
For spells, the counteract check modifier is your spellcasting ability modifier plus your spellcasting proficiency bonus,
Ability modifier plus proficiency bonus is basically a spell attack roll, right? Or is level not included in proficiency?
Also, if you're paying a random Cleric I don't have stats for, how do I determine ability mods and such? >_>

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Kka suggested buying several scrolls, but I'm willing to allow regular spellcasting services. Looks like a third-level spell is 18 gp per casting.
I haven't done much counteracting before, let me get this straight:
For spells, the counteract check modifier is your spellcasting ability modifier plus your spellcasting proficiency bonus,Ability modifier plus proficiency bonus is basically a spell attack roll, right? Or is level not included in proficiency?
Also, if you're paying a random Cleric I don't have stats for, how do I determine ability mods and such? >_>
Nine times out of ten, just use their spellcasting attack roll mod for NPC counteract checks

GM Kwinten |

Just checking, has posting slowed down because of Gameday? I feel like there's a little more RP to do, but if I'm missing the mark, please say so and I'll push on.

Drosil "Fuìn" Arimsyn |

It seems like maybe the ghoul fever is what's stymying things, waiting to see if people can shake the illness before continuing? If people are still interested in buying spellcasting services, I can pitch in toward that to help folks stave off undeath. I only have 6gp but I'm happy to donate it to the cause.

Kvit the Ruin Delver |

Yes, I was personally waiting for the result of the disease.
Though I assume we will spend one more night to make sure everyone is 100%
Otherwise Kvit is ready to go. Spending the night will make sure his reagents and spells are fully stocked.

Kka Magwi |

Same here. Waiting for the ghoul fever problem to go away before we continue. Lough is out of the woods, so it is now up to Giyozara to make enough successful Fort saves with the combined +4 bonus that Kvit and Kka have provided with their potions and treatment. I don't think we need to blow a big wad of cash on one (or more, since there is no guarantee of success) Remove Disease scrolls until Giyozara is getting to the final stage (death, presumably).
And remember, we're quite likely to get bitten by more ghouls once we go back into the Vaults, so this is something we're probably going to go through again.
In the case of disease, and assuming Cherry is the one to cast Remove Disease here, the counteract rules devolve into a simple Spell Attack Roll against the DC of the disease in question, as listed in the stat block. So, Cherry's +9 vs a DC of 19+, which is at best a 55% chance of success. Giyozara's +6 Fortitude with the +4 bonus we provide for a net +10 is a slightly better way to go.
I also hate to point out that a 3rd-Level spell scroll is a Level 5 item that we presumably do not have access to yet. So we're now looking for someone in Otari to cast the spell for us, presumably with the expectation of remuneration.

Drosil "Fuìn" Arimsyn |

Right, I believe someone mentioned spellcasting services for a 3rd level spell is 18gp. I would assume they'd have a slightly higher chance of success since the caster would be 5th level to Cherry's 3rd, but I can see your point. Can't hurt to give Giyozara a chance to recover with Fort saves first and save the gp spending for in case he gets to final stage.
But just know if we do get that far, I'm ready to pitch in! Giyozara can't die until I've had a chance to roleplay with him! XD

GM Kwinten |

If someone crosses off that 18 gp, you go by a temple and take care of the problem. From what I can see, the typical level 5 spellcaster NPC has a modifier of +13, so that's a very good chance of getting rid of that disease.

Kka Magwi |

If someone crosses off that 18 gp, you go by a temple and take care of the problem. From what I can see, the typical level 5 spellcaster NPC has a modifier of +13, so that's a very good chance of getting rid of that disease.
So let me get this right. We spend 18gp and Giyozara is free of the Ghoul Fever? No rolling required?
If so, then let's give Giyozara a chance to roll himself out of the fever with our bonuses (Fort +10 vs DC 19+). He's at stage 2 right now, so he'll need a net of 2 more successes than failures. If he fails and goes to stage 3, then we go to the temple and have them remove it. We currently have 400.7 gp in accumulated funds so it can come out of that.
Next question: Do we want to deal with processing the stuff we've accumulated so far on this level now, or do we just drop it off and deal with it (along with whatever more we pick up) when we've finished the level?
From the Loot sheet, I see:
Volluk's Books: Sell to Morlibint.
Volluk's Portrait: Keep it with us until we run into his ghost.
+1 Chain Shirt: Transfer the +1 rune to someone's armor (Lough?)
Small Iron Key: Keep it just in case, but I think we found a use for it already.
Contract: Have it translated so we can find out who it belongs to and whether it is null and void due to circumstances.
30 Bulk Books: Sell to Morlibint.

GM Kwinten |

Okay, maybe I overstated how easy it is, but I think with a +13, overcoming the DC will be rather easy.
Do you want to adventure on while Giyozara is still sick? Remember, he only heals half as much as usual. Out of combat that isn't an issue, but if you have another tough fight, that could be problematic.

Kka Magwi |

Okay, maybe I overstated how easy it is, but I think with a +13, overcoming the DC will be rather easy.
Do you want to adventure on while Giyozara is still sick? Remember, he only heals half as much as usual. Out of combat that isn't an issue, but if you have another tough fight, that could be problematic.
Let's say it's +13 for an NPC spellcaster (though the best a Level 5 PC can expect is +11). With a DC of 19+, there is a 25%+ chance of failure, so no slam dunk; we should budget for 2-3 of attempts.
I'm not sure that continuing to adventure with Giyozara at less than full strength is wise. Pathfinder encounters are pretty much designed with the assumption that PCs go into them at full strength. Plus, all we'd be doing is kicking the can down the road; once back in Otari we'd have to deal with it anyway.

Drosil "Fuìn" Arimsyn |

I'm fine either way. Fuìn has waited this long to dungeon delve, another day or two won't bother him. :)

Giyozara |

So I've actually run abomination vaults and know the DC and so I'm staying out of the conversation, but let's just say the chances of Gyozara recovering on his own are slim to none.

Kvit the Ruin Delver |

Let's give Giyozara one more with a +4 between Cherry's administration and Kvit's tasty anti-plagues. If they get worse, let's go to the temple. It's only 13gp per try?

Kka Magwi |

Let's give Giyozara one more with a +4 between Cherry's administration and Kvit's tasty anti-plagues. If they get worse, let's go to the temple. It's only 13gp per try?
Sounds good to me, though it is 18gp per try and at +13, it may still take several attempts to succeed, with no absolute guarantee that it will in the end.

Giyozara |

I'd like to point out we don't know how many stages there are until 'death and I become a ghoul and attack the party.' And if I crit fail a recovery check that usually means I go down by two stages.

Kka Magwi |

I went ahead and made a note in the Loot Sheet that we spent 20gp on spellcasting services. It came out of the 400.7gp of accumulated party wealth.
Did we get a reading from Morlibint as to the value of Volluk's Books, and the 30 Bulk of Books we brought back from the Vaults? What about the contract? Did we find a translator?
Or do we punt on these questions and deal with it when we're done with the level?

GM Kwinten |

Did we get a reading from Morlibint as to the value of Volluk's Books, and the 30 Bulk of Books we brought back from the Vaults? What about the contract? Did we find a translator?
Ah yeah, skipped that part as you hadn't really discussed that. If you go by Morlibint he'll give you 5 gold pieces per bulk of books he finds interesting. You have 7 bulk, so that's 35 gp. The other books are practically worthless and not worth selling.
The three special books Volluk had an interest in Morlibint treats as if they're poisonous and has no interest in selling them in his shop, but he could ask around in his circles and guesses you can get 8 gp per book, if you want.He also gives you a list of topics he's interested in in case you go back, following the same rules: 5 gp per bulk you find.

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Hey PbP friends.
I am travelling again, but this time bringing a device, meaning I will be active, but my post quality may go down, limited by the medium. And back at the end of the weekend.

Kka Magwi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What's party order going in? If there's room for two abreast, happy happy to go in front with somebody else. If we're going single-file, I can either go first or, more preferably, second (since Fuìn has reach with the meteor hammer and Lough has a higher AC) but I'm cool with either one.
Until now, the usual procedure when we get to a door is that Kka gives it the once over for traps and locks, then steps aside to let Lough go in first, following closely on his heels. The softer members of the group staying back for the most part and doing their thing.
With Fuìn, how about the following? (1) Kka checks for traps and locks and steps aside; (2) Lough goes in first; (3) followed by Fuìn; (4) with Kka trailing behind them. The squishies do what they've always done.

Drosil "Fuìn" Arimsyn |

Sounds good to me!

GM Kwinten |

Just to clear things up: I see Fuìn willing to pay part of the treatment, Cherry Berry wanting to pay in full, and Kka pulling the money from the party bag. Who has now actually deducted the money from their funds? Just to prevent 45 gold being paid for a 20 gp doctor's fee. :P