Astella |
When they leave the castle, Astella says
Okay, well we need to sell some things, and then perhaps gear up... any suggestions about what we could purchase to fight this particular challenge?
Is our pet thief coming along as an NPC, or staying holed up until we come back? Looks like it will be a while before we can keep our promise and get him out of town.
GM Chyro |
When they leave the castle, Astella says
Okay, well we need to sell some things, and then perhaps gear up... any suggestions about what we could purchase to fight this particular challenge?
Is our pet thief coming along as an NPC, or staying holed up until we come back? Looks like it will be a while before we can keep our promise and get him out of town.
It depends on how long you estimate 'a while' to be. If you are selling items, and leave the next day for Welnin, he'll wait to get picked up no problem. On that note, where would you like to drop him off, once you get him out of the Barrow Downs. Would you like to put him to use in Welnin in some way? Ditch him at the enclosed trade post across the border in the Contested Lands?
If he's left alone a couple of weeks more, his purse will only get him so far before he'd have to get back onto the streets.Personally, i'd suggest making your lands safe for travel first.
Estelle's player saw her going there to help and foster good will with Welnin's people.
Astella |
I would love to go back to the castle and try to stabilize the area, but this "side quest" in the dwarven kingdom keeps dragging on until it seems like the only thing we have, and we just got a quest that could suck up most of our money if anyone gets turned to stone. ... If he can't participate with us, can we send Estelle-bot back with him? We told him he had a place with us, so he could theoretically live in our castle, but it is currently not a great place to live.
Daniel Cedric |
IC and OOC, I'm a bit worried about rushing into the side quest from the king. A single Medusa(usually, IDk what changes may be implemented) would be incredibly dangerous for us, much less 2 or 3. And either way, it would best not to have to spend all our money to save someone that got turned to stone. Which is a point I'd make known IC, sorta. Also, Daniel intends to keep his word, long as Ryan(his name IIRC) keeps his. Makes himself useful, stays out of trouble, he has our protection... limited as it may be for now. I think we should go back to Welnin, deal with anything that's potentially popped up, and set Ryan to work. It might also be a nice way to leave Estelle until she returns. I'm also assuming we were told the name and a brief rundown of a Medusa by Severa?
Daniel sighs. He didn't know the best course of action, he wants to save the workers as soon as he can, but he also knows his first responsibility is to welnin's people, not its castle or the workers. But, the workers are likely the ones most in danger at the moment... And what about the snake haired women? How could they ensure they didn't meet the same fate as the workers? He'd only ever heard tales of such creatures, from less than factual accounts. Hell he hadn't ever known the name until now. But what he heard, even if only half true, unsettled him.
I... am unsure if we should pursue this request immediately. I honestly know nothing about a Medusa, other than what has been told to me like the name now, and tall tales I've heard adventurers tell at taverns of such creatures. But, from those. I am not sure if we could handle it safely. And, I'd rather not poke the dragon with a stick again.
He says, thinking back to the encounter on the island.
Besides, our first priority is to our new town and its people. I doubt people will think too kindly of us if we stay away for too long aiding others seeking to rebuild our own castle. We should see to it that any immediate issues in and around welnin, new and old, are sorted, prepare for this task while there, and then head out. Hopefully, it won't take too long and we will be heading towards the mine in short order. We could also use the time to better learn about the mines and the creatures within... Perhaps if we can obtain a good map of the area and the mine, as well as any books on the nature and abilities of a medusa, perhaps ways to stop or nullify their ability to turn someone to stone. Maybe even a way to turn it against them or their allies? I don't know... He shrugs again. Maybe that was a possibility? He thinks to himself before continuing.
Likely, The best case scenario would be only having to deal with their subordinates, and being able to sneak in, save the workers, and get out without battling a Medusa but... I'm not sure that will be likely. .
Strom Thistlebeard |
Strom listens carefully to Astella and Daniel, nodding in agreement.
"Ah have no concept of a Medusa beyond that it can turn a man to stone with a stray glance. Given that Sage and Ah were just nearly killed by a small band of common street thugs, the idea of facing such terrible monsters - more than one! - frightens the piss out of me.
"Now Ah have pledged myself to see the task through. If there are more immediate tasks that would aid in the security of your lands, then perhaps we look on that first. That is merely mah suggestion, and of course Ah want to see about getting to the Desert when mah service to this party is complete, so long as we take every precaution."
Astella |
Astella considers Daniel's words and says
... I guess we can't do much about the undead problem either? There are so many things that I feel like we are supposed to do. I don't even know where to start.
So, okay, I agree. Let's go with your plan. Stone can be broken, so there is some risk, but overall, statues are very patient about being rescued. ... However, we are in much the same position now as we were when we left. Do you know how much money it takes to hire some mercenaries to patrol the roads?
I really have no clue, and we are certainly better off than we were before, but I am not sure that we have enough to properly arm ourselves, clean out the castle, and hire all the people we need even now. ... But by all means, let us take Ryan back and see if we can at least make a dent. Maybe I can find a room in the castle that is intact to stay in.
Daniel Cedric |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
hmmm... mercenaries aren't the most ideal solution... ah! Daniel's face brightens a bit.
Why don't we request help from our friend Markus, or as some would call him, the beard. We might could send a letter, and, we can even offer payment. Though, maybe not as much as he would like. And, to be honest, I'd trust him to better train people a lot better than myself hahah.
Daniel shrugs, adding the last two bit sheepishly. Before clearing his throat and continuing
And, it would likely be worthwhile, and go a ways to both showing our dedication to the safety of the people, and help our watch grow and keep the town and its local area safe if we purchase better equipment to take back with us. And a cart to carry it. Lets see... how many town watch were there?...
how many watchmen were there in welnin, and what was their equipment? I was hoping to finish up the materials for Daniel's fullplate, but it may be worthwhile to purchase better and more gear for the guards if the improvement is worth the cost. Thinking about it, probably should have offerend Markus a job after we won, if we didn't then.
Astella |
Don't forget what we already have in our loot log... several masterwork armor items that we can use without spending money actually.
Good idea. Let's go back to the inn and go through what we have first. We might have several items that will help already. After we pull out the stuff we want, we can sell the rest before we go.
GM Chyro |
how many watchmen were there in welnin, and what was their equipment?
5 and 2 guard dogs, plus 3 puppies. 1 is a former soldier, 1 used to be a scout and current dog trainer, and 2 young men who got basic training from Lewis. Their equipment is basic. Studded leather, mundane short swords and daggers. With the exception of Lewis, who uses slightly better equipment remaining from his prior work. Their levels varied, with Lewis being the most experienced of the bunch.
Severa Elanariel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Severa nods. "Yes I would be happy to help improve security before any exceedingly ambitious undertakings. Besides, that will give us time to research and plan for these snake women."
GM Chyro |
With a plan for the current time in mind, the group bows and leaves the king's court.
Outside, ambassador Elstar is waiting. Before anything can be said, the king audibly calls for him..... "Ambassador. Le' us speak of the matter of safety, le' the young ones be, they have importan' work te do."
Yup, the king wants to make sure no nosy questions are asked about what he may have shared with you and not him.
For an informed diplomat would most likely inform their home country of geographical developments.
I assume the party waits near the embassy while Severa gathers her essential belongings.
Getting back to Grog's Grog tavern, you find Ryan sitting in the far back corner. Seemingly he had just won a game of cards, of the regular kind. The others at his table leave, and he greets you with a raised hand.
When done with any preparations the following morning, can i get 2 perception and 2 survival rolls from each.
Daniel Cedric |
before leaving, is there a messenger guild type thing in stone city? A postal service if you will? lol.
GM Chyro |
before leaving, is there a messenger guild type thing in stone city? A postal service if you will? lol.
What kind do you mean?
Large towns or cities would undoubtedly have messengers at certain key places. If you'd like, you could request a messenger near the court to leg it and deliver what message you have within the city. Outside of the city, missives get dropped off at the nearest city with a proper messenger service. With the exception of messenger birds between one of the inns on the route towards the Contested Lands.If within the city, a silver will get it delivered.
Daniel Cedric |
just someone to get a letter/request to the mercenary guild, since that's the only real lead I remember us having on where the beard would be. Request his service by name sorta deal. And if that doesn't work out, we're likely out of luck.
GM Chyro |
just someone to get a letter/request to the mercenary guild, since that's the only real lead I remember us having on where the beard would be. Request his service by name sorta deal. And if that doesn't work out, we're likely out of luck.
(soft whistle). It's possible, but getting a message across will take time. The bigger dots on the world map, are the main cities of the provinces. All of them will have some discrete 'office' where you could hire local additional manpower. If you seek to hire him specifically, you'll want to have a message get delivered to the Guild's HQ office in the Western Lowlands. Copies of contracts get sent there, so they'd have some records of what forces get hired out to whom and where, and can then inform you where to hire him. Via horseback, sending a request would take about 6 days starting from Welnin.
I've put prices for messages on foot and on horseback on the world map.
Alternatively a DC 25 Kn. Local, with a d100 on success.
You may have heard what part of Erathia he may have served in before his current line of work, which would likely be his location for hiring. 1-15 on the %, it will reach him as intended, cutting in expenses. 16-100 means it will take 1d3 weeks to reach his location.
Severa Elanariel |
Severa would be happy to help with K local if asked in character.
Perception 1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Perception 2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Survival 1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Survival 2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Severa thinks about the native flora and fauna as they travel, paying no attention to the specifics of her immediate surroundings but staying quite oriented to the general natural setting.
Theses are not my strong suits but the survival die are being friendly.
Strom Thistlebeard |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
As usual, once Strom enters a pub he becomes blissfully unaware of everything going on around him.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Survival: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Survival: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Strom later muses about Severa, the group's other new companion. He's known elves and he's known wizards, but what caught his attention was her interest in the natural word as they passed through it.
"Rather peaked looking, sad to say," he says to her regarding the blighted landscape.
"I was here once before, years ago, and it didn't look this bad. My fear is that it is spreading, though I do not know that to be the case. My caln lives in the Weatherchurch commune, in southeastern Avlee. It's quite beautiful there, warmer than other parts of Avlee but close enough to the sea to feel the heaviness of the air and on certain days you can even smell the brine of the water. If this blight ever got there I'd lose hope.
"Where are you from?"
GM Chyro |
The barrow downs have been barren and difficult for all but the toughest of meager plant life and weeds, for as long as Stone City has been there, and presumably long before that even. The blighted areas, where the ground cracks from lack of hydration, are most present around the burial barrows. Those are marked by the yellow circles. The blighted zones may well spread very slowly, but you are safe Stone City and upwards.
Since the Tularean Forest is also part of Avlee, is your village in Tularian Forest's coastal region, or in the Avlee section a little more north?
Strom Thistlebeard |
Since the Tularean Forest is also part of Avlee, is your village in Tularian Forest's coastal region, or in the Avlee section a little more north?
I imagine Weatherchurch is located in the eastern reach of the Tulerean Forest, several days north of Pierpont.
GM Chyro |
GM Chyro wrote:Since the Tularean Forest is also part of Avlee, is your village in Tularian Forest's coastal region, or in the Avlee section a little more north?I imagine Weatherchurch is located in the eastern reach of the Tulerean Forest, several days north of Pierpont.
With the measurement of our current map, the Tularean Forest's coast north of Pierpoint is about 4 days drawing a line, beyond that the Tularean forest transitions into the larger Avlee part of the continent. Along the traveled road from Pierpoint, that could amount to give or take 6 days.
Daniel Cedric |
Daniel would explain what he was doing to everyone when he would have everyone go with him to send the message. So feel free, if you can beat the DC, he'd likely send both just as a measure of assurance.
Daniel would have his message sent, then go about finding the remaining material needed for his armor to be repaired at its best quality. Then, he would purchase a cart, and a mule to pull it along with the equipment for the town guard.
perception: 1d20 ⇒ 10
perception: 1d20 ⇒ 8
survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Astella |
Sense Motive (King): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Severa Elanariel |
Severa nods to Strom. "I am also from Avlee. Specifically, I hail from a small town where my father was something of an apothecary and alchemist... My mother led the town's night watch." Strom is certainly canny enough to note that Severa speaks of her father fondly but of her mother as an uncomfortable afterthought.
GM Chyro |
Picking up Ryan the rogue from the Grog's Grog Inn, the group sets out on their journey back to Welnin.
1d6 ⇒ 2
None in the group were particular alert that day, but luck would have there were no encounters to be had. That night the group arrived at the first inn on the way back.
1d6 ⇒ 5
The next day they were more aware that civilization was drawing more distant. They heard footsteps approaching from a nearby corner on the path between hills.
The dark brown squares are steep 5ft higher elevated ground.
Thereby preventing nearly bumping into a small number of shambling dead.
Strom also spots a flying form in tattered rags flying nearby nearly at the same time, some 15ft off the map, at 15ft altitude. It has noticed the group.
Severa, Kn. Local or Kn. Religion 12 for basic knowledge. Ask away for every +5 beating the DC.
We are at slide #12.
Astella: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Daniel: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Estelle: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Ryan: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Severa: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Strom: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Zombies Cyan & green: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Zombies Red & Yellow: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Wight: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Round 1
Astella & Daniel
Zombies Cyan & Green
Estelle, Ryan, & Strom
Zombies Red & Yellow
Daniel Cedric |
apologies, was out of town this weekend
Daniel will move up to block the path between the zombies and the party, readying a strike with his blade as he does so.
readied attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
crit?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Astella |
Astella plans to attack the wight, but she takes the time to prepare first. She moves back and casts Gravity Bow.
GM Chyro |
As preparations are made by Astella and Daniel, the first head rolls, as the zombie approaching Daniel loses its own.
Green shuffles closer, taking a swing at him.
Fetid fist: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 101d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Daniel notices there was force behind that swing, but too poor of aim to harm him anyway.
The wight flies west, nearing the edge of the map. 5ft off the map.
Estelle bot moves to in front of Astella, and readies a strike against an incoming wight.
Ryan does the same but in front of Severa.
Zombies Red & Yellow
Severa Elanariel |
Severa tries to think of what she knows of such a creature.
Kn Local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 Cool so I get one question. Do they do anything nasty if they touch you? That's a classic undead thing.
Strom Thistlebeard |
Sorry, I've managed to screw up the battle map and lose Strom.
Strom moves forward beside Daniel, arming himself with is chain-flail and bringing it down on the nearest undead. He motions for Sage to stay back for the moment.
Attack with reach: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 Damage: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
GM Chyro |
Called 'fliers' by the locals and those not versed in lore on undead, these flying skeletons are called wights.
Sometimes restless spirits, instead of becoming incorporeal ghosts, possess their skeletal remains, granting it flight.
Kn. check: wights have no special effects on their attacks.
Strom's chain-flail hits the zombie, crushing some bones inside, but the shambling thing remains standing.
3 dmg.
The next two zombies approach Daniel, swinging their fists at him.
Fist: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23Dmg: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Fist: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20Dmg: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
The first fist is accurate enough to hit Daniel with a sucker punch.
Shaking the dizziness off in time to see the next come up to him, he raises his shield in time to block the other one. Feeling the impact on his shield, that one would have hurt more than the previous.
Strom Thistlebeard |
Dwarven chain flail does bludgeoning damage.
GM Chyro |
Dwarven chain flail does bludgeoning damage.
I'd be surprised if it were another category since last i saw its description. :)
Strom Thistlebeard |
Strom Thistlebeard wrote:Dwarven chain flail does bludgeoning damage.I'd be surprised if it were another category since last i saw its description. :)
I only mention it because it appeared as though you deducted DR from the damage total.
Daniel Cedric |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
zombies have DR/slashing usually.
GM Chyro |
Botting Severa.
Severa casts glitterdust to catch two zombies in the cloud of sparkles, hoping to blind them.
Will saves DC 16: 2d20 + 3 ⇒ (12, 13) + 3 = 28
Green and red are covered in sparkling dust, and green's milky dead eyes detect nothing anymore.
Round 2
Astella & Daniel
Green (-3)
Estelle, Ryan, & Strom
Zombies Red (blind 3 rounds) & Yellow
Daniel Cedric |
Daniel continues his work, and lashes out at the zombie Strom hit.
attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
GM Chyro |
Daniel continues his work, and lashes out at the zombie Strom hit.
[dice=attack] 1d20+7
[dice=damage] 1d8+5-6
-11. Zombies have DR slashing. ;)
Daniel Cedric |
the -6 is me keeping track of my hp loss. :P
Astella |
Astella moves so she can get a clear shot and fires at the Wight.
Attack (Masterwork Composite Longbow): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Damage (Piercing): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 3) + 2 = 10 (Gravity Bow)
GM Chyro |
Daniel cuts deeply into the zombie in front of him, exposing rotting guts in the process.
Astella hits the wight for 5, as part of the damage is resisted by the skeletal frame.
Green (-11) flails its fist at Daniel again.
Slam: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20Dmg: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Once more, Daniel blocks it in time, but again he feels the impact vibrate in his shield arm.
The wight's broken bones slightly repair itself.
-4 HP.
It moves around, then suddenly makes a dive past Astella, before going back up again.
Flyby claw, height advantage: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 1 = 12Dmg: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Astella ducks in time to avoid the claw hitting her, and the creature flies back up again to 10ft altitude.
Estelle and Ryan move to attack the creature.
Lucerne hammer, inspire: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 1 = 10Dmg, inspire: 1d12 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 1 = 11
Club, inspire: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10Dmg, inspire: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 1 = 8
Neither hit, though.
Zombies red (blinded 3 rounds) & yellow
Strom Thistlebeard |
Strom continues to try to take down the zombie attacking Daniel.
"Sage, flank!"
Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 5 + 2 = 15 Dmg: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
GM Chyro |
Strom, could you indicate the route Sage moved? Or acrobatic rolls to move through the zombie squares, related to any attacks of opportunity.
Strom Thistlebeard |
She can weave through the characters up and around the zombies with no diagonal movement in 15 squares. Unless they have reach no need to roll.
GM Chyro |
Strom's weapon hits the mark, bashing in the skull of the zombie.
The two zombies swing their attacks at Daniel.
Red: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 201d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Yellow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 131d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
But Daniel stays well out of their aim.
End of turn will red, DC 16: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Severa Elanariel |
Severa mutters to herself "I should have known to prepare for undead specifically." She raises a finger and fires a ray of shimmering energy at the flying wight.
Touch attack with -4 for shooting into melee: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 - 4 = 1 Blinded one round if the enemy is hit. No save. But it's obviously a miss with a nat 1.
GM Chyro |
Maybe it was some excitement of actual fighting today, Severa's ray wasn't quite near the wight there. But there's a next time, as long as her reserves lasted.
Round 3
Astella & Daniel
Wight (-4)
Estelle, Ryan, & Strom
Zombies Red (blinded 2 rounds) & Yellow
Astella |
Astella fires at the Wight again.
Attack (Masterwork Composite Longbow): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Damage (Piercing): 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 5) + 2 = 8 (Gravity Bow)
Daniel Cedric |
Daniel continues his fight with the punching dead. beheading the first one seemed to work well, so he attempts to reproduce the feat.
attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
GM Chyro |
With red's vision gone still, Daniel removes yellow's head instead, and the corpse falls to the ground.
Astella's arrow breaks a few pale ribs.
The wight slightly repairs some fractures. At -6.
It quickly ascends, before coming down just above Astella.
Estelle and Ryan move to attack it again.
Lucerne hammer, inspire: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 1 = 12Dmg, inspire: 1d12 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 1 = 15
Club, inspire: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 1 = 24Dmg, inspire: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 1 = 7
Crit?: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 1 = 11Extra dmg: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 1 = 6Not confirmed.
Of the two, Ryan manages to hit it.
Wight at -12, 10 ft altitude.
Red zombie (blind 2 rounds)
Strom Thistlebeard |
With Daniel's success, Strom moves around him to keep his flanking against the final zombie.
"To the ground with you!"
Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Dmg: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6