Might and magic, Lords of the Contested Lands

Game Master Chyrone

Set in the Might & Magic ancients universe.

A group of strangers will grow into the lords of Harmondale, and get involved with more than they would have imagined.
Will their land stand the test of the years to come?
Date: February 13th

Current Characters

Churgri of Vapula

Dungeon racing rules and FAQ
(1,797 posts)

Loot | Maps | CG Female Elf Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 4 / CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 3/10 | Perception +9 / Disable Device +9 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Active Effects: None

played by Zanbabe (856 posts)
Baron Hannis Drelev
Daniel Cedric

Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

played by rorek55 (560 posts)
Estelle of Hamel

F Human Fighter 1/Cleric 1 (herald caller). Hp 21/21. AC 18 FF 17 T 11. Saves: F +5, R+1, W+4. Att: +4 vs AC, 1d10+7 (PA)/19-20x2, Reach 10 ft, 2 AoO/turn. Perc. +7. Channel (1d6) 4/4 left, BoL 5/5 left. Conditions: None.

played by Trevor86 (428 posts)
Estelle the Stray

Female Human Fighter 1. Hp 14/14. AC 18 FF 17 T 11. Saves: F +3, R+1, W+2. Att: +4 vs AC, 1d12+4, Reach, 2 AoO/turn. Perc. +7. Conditions: None.

played by Trevor86 (232 posts)
Kaiju, Mogaru
GM Chyro

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

played by Chyrone (14,798 posts)
Mort the Raven

played by Rocan (25 posts)
Severa Elanariel

CG Female Elf Illusionist wizard 3|HP 20/20|AC 17/T 13/FF 14|Fort +3/Ref +3/Will +5 (+1 to dis. illus., +2 vs. ench.)|CMB +1/CMD14|Initiative +3|Perception+2 |
0th: detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, message/1st: color spray, mage armor, silent image, silent image/2nd: glitterdust, minor image, minor image
|Darkvision 60 ft (light sens.)|Active effects: Mage armor

played by caster4life (158 posts)
Sister Seska

NG Human Cleric 1 | hp 23/23 | AC 15 T11 FF14 | CMB +4 CMD 15 | Init +1 Perc +3 | Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +6

played by DeathQuaker (9 posts)
Djarrus Gost
Wendel Tweed, Court Historian

played by Chyrone (9 posts)

Previous Characters


(1,100 posts)

(154 posts)
Brunhild Blackarrow

HP (27/27) AC (16/16/13, +1 vs undead) Saves (+5/+5/+6, +3 vs Spells/SLAs) CMD (20) Brunhild

played by Grumbaki (508 posts)
Dinvaya Lanalei
Elrys Valrassedin

F Human Evangelist Cleric 15. hp 131/131 AC 29 /FF24 /T21. CMD: 28. Init + 10 (roll twice). Perc.+ 30. Saves (/w buffs): f +21, R +20, w +25. Att (Current buffs) +21, 1d6+13. Conditions: Always see invis/Ethereal, Alter self (dex), Good Hope +3 (4 on self), Untold Wonder, Greater magic weapon +3 , Freedom of Movement, Resist energy fire + electricity, Shield of faith +4, lucky horseshoe.

played by Trevor86 (566 posts)
Lady Maurine Payne

Female Human Bard (duettist/sound striker vmc magus) 5 | HP 52/52| AC 20, T16, FF16 | F +3, R +8,W +4| Perc +8| Init +4| Speed 30' | CMB +3, CMD16 | Active Conditions:

played by Smiles-a-lot (55 posts)
Setrona Sabinus

Female Human Druid (Nature Fang)HP 09/11| AC 15 / T 13 / FF 12 | Fort +4/ Ref +3 / Will +4 | CMD 13 | Initiative +3 | Perception +6

played by Smiles-a-lot (56 posts)
Initiate of Flame
Strom Thistlebeard

Male NG Dwarf Druid 3 | HP 16/24 AC15 T11 FF14 | BAB 2 CMB 4 CMD 15 | F4 R2 W5+2 (Hardy, see desc) | Init +5 Speed 20 | Dwarven Chain-flail (Cold Iron, Masterwork) 1d20+5, 1d10+2, Reach, crit x2 | (Str+2, Dex+1, Con+1, Wis+2, Int+1, Cha+1, Armor Check -1) Diplomacy +9; Perception +6; Profession: Merchant +5; Sense Motive +5 | Companion: Sage (bobcat), AC20 HP15, Init +6
Spell Slots: O: 4, L1: 3, L2: 2 | Concentration: 1d20+4 | L0: Create Water, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidance, Resistance | L1: CLW, Entangle, Longstrider | L2: Bull's Strength, Ironskin | ++ Summon Nature's Ally II

played by Therenger (174 posts)