Brunhild Blackarrow |

Rowän_ |

Specialization is shortbow but I plan on branching out. It is denoted on my Charater sheet right after feats.
Edit I put both points into the same specialization but after thinking about it maybe we are only allowed to put 1 point per level into a specialization and start off with 2 specializations. Let me know how you would like it to work.

Rowän_ |

Also, as far as specialization goes my plan is to get to expert in short bows as quickly as possible and stop. I need the weapon focus as a prerequisite for some archery feats. I then will start putting points into one of the elemental magics going all the way to Grand Master (not sure which element yet). I might chose to go Master in another element, or armor, or sword it really depends on party composition and such.

Varian Seldlon |

Here is my character sheet Mythweavers for Varian
Varian's advancement will, likely, be as follows-
1- Dodge or Power attack
2- Quick Draw
3- TWF
4- Weapon focus (shortsword)
5- Iron will
6- Improved TWF
After this, I don't really know,
The other thought was to take weapon+shield combat style to grab shield master at level 6.
Sword and undecided. Likely a mixture of shield and armor.

GM Chyro |

@ Edelsmirge.
As far as pirates go on Antagarich, they hold up on the wide seas, raiding trade vessels.
Should you choose that trait, it'd push you towards a country with a sizeable port and mercantile vessels, working for organized crime.
These would be Avlee or Erathia. It should feature in your backstory, and better yet, tie in with the questions posed in the initial post.
@ Varian,
Shield Master requires BaB of 11. How is one to get that 5 levels early?

Varian Seldlon |

If I took the ranger combat style Weapon+shield, shield master is an option for the 6th level feat (prerequisites not required)
I'm still undediced if I will be making use of said style and shield, as it would require dropping some quality of life feats from the plan until later levels.
I will have IC answers to the posed questions either tonight or tomorrow night.

Astella |

<--Here's Zanbabe's submission.
A couple of things:
--Can I use my broken bow, story-wise, as a club rather than an "improvised weapon"? It is a large stick, so I was hoping that would work.
--Can I take the trait "Trap Finder"? It's a campaign trait... not sure if it is too strong or anything. It would let me build up disable device, which I thought would be useful.
--I mentioned the invasion of AvLee by Nighon (from this page https://mightandmagic.fandom.com/wiki/Antagarich), but if I got the timing wrong or something, please correct me. (And of course let me know if I screwed up anything else.)

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@GM_Chyro There is one really well-regarded fanmade expansion for Heroes 3 called Horn of the Abyss, and the fan team that made it is currently working on a second one, with a new faction. What makes it more special is that the original composer for Heroes 3 agreed to help the fanteam out with music for the new towns. It might have had something to do with that the fan composer for the first expansion died during creation of the second one...
Edit: looked it up, it's not a new expansion but rather an upcoming patch that adds the new town and faction to Horn of the Abyss.
On the character creation thread: Is there any chance perhaps that the point buy could be upped to 20 so that hybrid caster/martial builds are slightly easier to do without stat dumping in other areas? Clerics don't have it easy when it comes to their base 2 skillpoints/level and stat distibution requiring wis for casting and cha for channeling. If not though, that's fine.

Smiles-a-lot |

@ Trevor I agree clerics are a mad class here are some things I found helpful when building one on a low point buy:
1. Chose either melee or ranged it is hard to build for both (slashing grace/dervish dance builds are the exception).
2. The toughness feat and extra channel feat are almost mandatory because you won’t have the points to put in both like you want to and you will find yourself in melee often because of medium armor’s movement speed.
3. You could also look at archetypes that get rid of channel energy and dump charisma. (I don’t recommend this but it is an option).
4. Look for traits that bump your saves to compensate for low stats.
5. Focus on casting and buffing and minimize investment in physical stats (might be some archetypes that support this)
6. You can survive with a 14 wisdom if you focus on buffing spells
7. Submit a Druid (it is a little less mad and looked like your first choice). I appreciate you not wanting to step on my (or anyone’s) toes but you should submit something you enjoy/want.
Here is the stat array I would go with for a human melee cleric focused on buffing/support.
S: 14, D: 10, C: 12, I: 10 W: 14 C: 15 (=13+2)
Feats: toughness, extra channel (for 7 channels a day)
Traits: one that boosts your reflex and fortitude saves
Domains: Travel for extra movement is always good but there are a lot of good options to customize.
I like to have a higher charisma in campaigns that have a good amount of undead (like this one might).
Anyway I hope this helps PM me if you want to bounce off some ideas.

Brunhild Blackarrow |

Another thing that could be done is this:
Race Human (Bonus feat, skilled)
Str (12) Dex (12) Con (12) Int (10) Wis (17) Cha (12)
Lvl 1: Channel Smite, Guided Hand (Wis to hit)
Lvl 3: Toughness
Lvl 5: Heavy Armor Proficiency
Lvl 7: Power Attack
Lvl 9: Furious Focus
Lvl 11: Extra Channel
Lvl 13: Selective Channel
Guided Enchantment (+1 cost so 8k gold, Wis to Damage)
Pick a God with a weapon on the list with Weapon Training. Also take Muscle of the Society for +2 Str on carrying capacity (needed!)
Assuming a 1d8 weapon, you are at +3 Hit and 1d8+2 damage. That’s not bad. It’s like Str14 with weapon focus. As you level up you become better and better at being on the front lines. Never fighter good, but enough to not immediately crumble.
Also gets 3 skill points per level. Which is what Brunhild is rolling with

GM Chyro |

What is this 'society' you speak of? :P
If anyone would like to specify, smooth out details, when it comes to events, the ancients timeline.
@ ElbowtotheFace,
I noticed your wizard. Could you elaborate more on the 1st question's answer?
It was left rather vague as to what line of work that was.
High bidders more often than not hire more experienced wizards when it comes to feats of power.

Varian Seldlon |

1) What did you do during the conflict?
A: He was a scout and guide, for the most part as a militia/irregular he was, as is custom with Erathia, kept away from the fighting/worst of the fighting when possible. He did encounter the odd undead, though nothing of great strength or the like.
Well, I was one of the folks in charge of making sure those up tight bastards didn't get lost or start talking to the trees. Simply put, I figured a path, got 'em there quick as daylight. Fought a couple of the rotten creatures too. Though, only the weakest of em. Me, Cedric, and (insert potential name of one selected here) were, capable. Even if one was a bit of a dandy.
2) Name one specific person from your past, you have lost contact with during the conflict.
A: his family? His wife and child were never found, dead or alive, when he returned to his small cabin having been burned down.
IC: Namely, my wife, Amelia, and child Maria. I'll not bore you with the details, but suffice to say I don't speak to them anymore. Also yes, because I see no need to tell you anything more at the time.
3) Quirks to be aware of?
A: He keeps his wedding ring close, and with often times run it around his hand while in thought, especially so if the thoughts are troubling.
IC: Other than being dashingly handsome, intelligent, and great personality, with a fondness for alcohol? None, Can't you tell? I'm perfect in every way.
4) What unsettles your PC?
A: Undead, thought only marginally so now, being completely open with others unsettles him as well. As far as some tangible, being in complete darkness, especially for long periods of time without light, get to him.
IC: Uptight bastards what ask a lot of questions. Not much else. He says with a grin.
5) Particular goals in life?
At this point? Nothing grand. Survive, find the people that took his life from before and burn them and theirs to the ground. He wouldn't mind getting the contested lands less contested if possible. Whether because he can get the two children to leave them alone, or even if he has to "work with" them. Figure overseeing the land for them is better than nothing. At least then the local folk with have a damned say on things.
IC: To see justice done and debts paid. Especially to those that keep on asking me stupid questions.

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@Smiles a lot and Brunhild, thanks for your ideas!
I never heard of the Guided hand feat or the Guided enchant and those definitely seem like especially interesting options. I think I might sidestep the issues of a martial fighting style though by going for something like Herald Caller with the luck domain, and make the combat contrubution focused entirely on healing/support and summoning only. At least until later in the game when feats and resources allow to spend two feats and an enchant to get wisdom to attack and damage. Might be played as a pacifist character with a vow never to do harm (him/herself), perhaps.
Some other ideas I had were starting as fighting and going evangelist cleric at level 2 for a more warlord-type character or trying the arcane healer bard once.
Some questions I had about the world for GM_Chyro:
-To what extent do aspects from the games feature into the world lore? For instance, Rangers and druids were exclusive to AvLee in the games and Clerics and 'Paladins' (knights) to Erathia. How common is it to be a cleric in AvLee for one of their pantheon gods? Is it I.E. forwned upon for a magic user in AvLee to not be a druid?
-How well-known are the main heroes from the HOMM3 campaigns (around the restoration wars era) to the common people (Greg Hack, Gelu, Sandru and such)? Do they exist in this universe or were the wars and following events handled without them?
-When you say that AvLee and Erathia have set their sights on the contested lands again, does that mean there already have been skirmishes between the armies?

GM Chyro |

-To what extent do aspects from the games feature into the world lore? For instance, Rangers and druids were exclusive to AvLee in the games and Clerics and 'Paladins' (knights) to Erathia. How common is it to be a cleric in AvLee for one of their pantheon gods? Is it I.E. forwned upon for a magic user in AvLee to not be a druid?
I try to keep it lore friendly, if possible, but don't feel too restricted. Keeping in mind, the Might & Magic (RPG party) games gave a lot of liberty when it came to race/class. They'd have to be plausible.
Clerics of the Avlee pantheon is not uncommon. How else would the dead be revived in M&M 7? And no, not all magic users are of the divine kind. There are also gifted arcane casters within Avlee.-How well-known are the main heroes from the HOMM3 campaigns (around the restoration wars era) to the common people (Greg Hack, Gelu, Sandru and such)? Do they exist in this universe or were the wars and following events handled without them?
Depends on the name and who you'd ask, i reckon.
Crag Hack is famous among the barbarians, infamous in Erathia and Krewlod, for sure. ^^Yet he is also known as a sellsword commander, should he get bored. See shadow of death.
Gelu for example would be less known by the common people, and more by the military, as general Kendall took him in as his adopted son.
-When you say that AvLee and Erathia have set their sights on the contested lands again, does that mean there already have been skirmishes between the armies?
Both sides are preparing, but not immediately. A major conflict had only recently ended. But it will come to it eventually, is the fear of the people.

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Okay, thanks!
Thought about this for a while, might try and build a blossoming light cleric instead, one build around channeling. The archetype makes offensive channel useable vs undead, demons, chaotic evil creatures, light sensitive creatures and worshippers of chaotic evil dieties. That seems to cover most of the evil factions in the homm worlds i'm familiar with.
Ill try and put the build together somewhere tonight.

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I apologize for the delay, as last few days have been a bit hectic with my wife being sick and two small children to take of.
That said, I've been doing a lot of thinking of the final build and also looking at the final roster of applicants I think i'll go fighter 1/herald caller cleric x, possibly going into a prestige class later as well (evangelist). In the end, while I play support characters a lot I like to deal some damage myself as well.
The character will be start out as a decent frontline melee combatant and get good healing and summoning capacity very quickly with healing specialization points and domain features, slowly leaning more and more onto casting. A bit like the martial heroes in the games I suppose!
The story will probably revolve around being a Deyja harvesting survivor from the contested lands who lost faith in both AvLee and Erathia for failing to sufficiently protect them during the time of the Shadow of Death events, which ism if I look at the timeline, around 10 years before the restoration wars began.

Daniel Cedric |

I think, I will withdraw my ranger application, and present Daniel here.
Mechanics wise, Daniel is a frontline likely S+B fighter with plans to go into paladin. (Around level 3, I'm debating between 3 or 5 fighter levels) Hopefully via IC/story progression.
He may fit the setting/theme a little better as well.

Daniel Cedric |

Question, Daniel was made with the assumption that the Signature Moves trait Was open for taking.
Its more background flavor than anything, but I wanted to ask if this was OK? (its his sword)

Estelle the Stray |
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This is Trevor86's finished application. I eventually decided to start with a level of fighter and go herald caller cleric afterwards as it was the best I could come up with to make a support character/healer with some decent martial ability. I'm happy with the final result :)
As noted on further progression, I plan to spend her specialization points and feats mostly into healing abilities, later into summoning.
Good luck on the selection process, everyone!

GM Chyro |

@ Daniel, you'll still need to adjust your inventory to match the budget, the specialization points, and your ability scores.
@ Estelle,
Interesting sub. Only thing missing is the specialization points.
Minor detail regarding background, creating/raising liches is no trivial matter. It would require more than one competent necromancer to do it, or if done by a single one, they'd be very powerful to do so alone.
The victims would be raised as skeletons and/or zombies.
That aside, i've made my choice for the party.
Astella, Brunhild, Daniel, Estelle, Rowan.
Thank you for the interest, Edelsmirge, but the other submissions give me more to work with.
With luck Soto's concept will find a spot in another game. I've seen a fair number of new games popping up in recruitment, of late.

Estelle the Stray |

@ Estelle,
Interesting sub. Only thing missing is the specialization points.Minor detail regarding background, creating/raising liches is no trivial matter. It would require more than one competent necromancer to do it, or if done by a single one, they'd be very powerful to do so alone.
The victims would be raised as skeletons and/or zombies.
Ah, right. Sorry, in retrospect I was remembering Sandro with the Armor of the Damned as reference. Probably not the best comparison :') I'll edit the lich part out. For my frame of reference, are vampires, liches and the like comparably powerful to Golarion? The faction in the games can spawn them quite quickly and they're their mid-tier/upper mid tier units.
On specialization, I believe this was asked before, but just in case: at level 1 we have 2 specialization points, and only when we put 4/9/13 specialization points into a category does it give us a mechanical benefit, right? So, we'd have to be level 2 at fastest to get one of the rewards?

GM Chyro |
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Not exactly,
You get 2 per level, but devide them between skills.
You couldn't get a benefit until level 4 at earliest. And even then you'd need to spend some time with the specific instructor of the mastery.
In regards to the vampires and liches, you'll find out. :)
It'll be adjusting here and there on my part.

GM Chyro |
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Good day.
I am re-opening recruitment for our Might & Magic game. Lords of the Contested Lands. We are looking for 1 or 2 new players, to join in the establishing of a prosperous land.
The continent of Antagarich, on the planet of Enroth.
Link to the world setting timeline
Link to the setting's continent and its nations
The setting:
A group of adventurers has won a scavenger hunt, organized by a noble from the human kingdom of Erathia. Its reward, the rulership of the town of Welnin and its surrounding lands, located within The Contested Lands, a region between Erathia, and the elven nation of Avlee. Aptly named so because conflict has been waged over ownership in the past.
Winning lands and rulership? Paizo could well have taken the concept from New World Computing, who did the bare basic premise back in 1999. :P
I digress ^^....
Level 2
18 point buy. Unusual, yes, but additional ability score points can be earned through class specific quests.
No scores below 8 or above 18 before racial adjustments.
Starting wealth: 800 gold.
2 traits, no drawbacks.
Core classes, minus barbarians. The original non unchained versions.
Archetypes subject to approval, i'd like to keep things plausibly lore friendly.
Dwarf, Elves, Goblins, Human, Half-elf
Depending on what race you pick, your background has ties or an origin with one of the lands that has them as a population.
The nations and their inhabitants, along with pantheons, are described in the Players Guide linked further down.
Dwarves are devided into 2 kinds.
Avlee born dwarves, and born in Stone City, the semi-city state of the dwarves of the Barrow Downs.
While the Stone City dwarves are your average dwarf, their AvLee cousins have slightly less hardy bodies, from the less burdensome life in the forests and hills.
However, from being around elves and other forest dwelling creatures, their social mannerism are considered better, but are somewhat less driven than their Stonecity brethren. AvLee dwarves get a +2 to Wisdom and Charisma, and take a -2 to Dexterity, instead of the usual dwarf modifiers.
Goblins, not at all like Golarion's goblins.
Goblins are medium sized humanoids, with green skin in a variety of shades. They have no specific slang for other races. They are native to Deyja and Krewlod. Outside of Deyja and Krewlod, one sees some end up as bodyguards or mercenaries. The ones from Deyja are the most civilized of the two.
The males especially, often have more rough looks, like humans, while females can sometimes look like slightly more muscular green elves with sharp features.
Lupine affinity: Goblins have a +2 bonus to checks when interacting with wolves. They also receive a +1 to saves versus poisons, and low light vision.
Versatile: Like humans, they are a flexible race, and get a +2 bonus to a single ability score.
Half-elves, aka half-bloods.
Half-elves are an uncommon sight. One would see them in Avlee, and two of the towns in the Contested Lands. Fairbrook and Fairhaven, where its people are a mix of humans, elves and dwarves.
Gods & domains
Each nation has its figures of worship, but that does not exclude clerics undevoted to a particular deity. More info on this is in the Player's Guide.
A feature i will adapt from the game franchise, is specialization points. They are similar to background skills, in that you receive 2 per level, but will spend them on your choice of proficient weapon/armor/type of magic. Like skill points, the number assigned to any one particular, cannot exceed your character level.
Link to the specialization chart
1) What did you do during the last conflict? (the restoration wars)
2) Name one specific person from your past, you have lost contact with during the conflict.
3) Quirks to be aware of?
4) What unsettles your PC?
5) Particular goals in life?
Notes of interest & house rules
While this is no kingmaker, the town of Welnin and its two fellow townships are worn from their last effort for independence. The clever and opportunistic could well turn things around, to reinvigorate the town's potential and its surrounding lands.
Skills could be used to those ends, given downtime taken.
There is no cap to falling damage.
Everything is rolled for.
There is no adamantine in the setting. Its counterpart is Deepsteel, but its is rare to come by, not widely available as adamantine is in Golarion.
Antagarich has no orient. Eastern weapons and eastern themed archetypes are unavailable.
Dinosaurs do not exist on this planet.
There is no savannah, thus animals native to such terrain are not available as animal companions.
Though sharing names, creatures on Antagarich can be very different to their Golarion counterparts of the same name. An example of this is the goblin race. Some creatures may have variations, accompanied by different traits than one is used to, in standard pathfinder.
The party is currently in Stone City, home of the dwarves in the Barrow Downs, to try and get an audience with the king, in a call for help in restoring Welnin's castle.
They have recently been employed by Lady Marlene Greenbriar, to retrieve her family heirloom jewels. A noble who provides arms and armor to the city guard, and is known by the city guard to have hired 'private help' when she feels she cannot depend on the city guard. She has developed a reputation, among the gangs in the city, to have no mercy towards criminals if they wrong her. Shaving off a dwarf's beard being the latest talk of such.
A few easy tie ins for the campaign, to join up:
Perhaps you have worked for Lady Greenbriar in the past, and met with her again recently while in town for your own business.
Maybe you have accidentally crossed one of the gangs, knowingly or not, and are trying to get out of the city.
The gangs: Bern's lot (thieves, muggers, smugglers), or the Scottish mob, lead on the street by the right hand man named Copperneck.
Or per chance you are looking for fortune and different a place to settle.
But most of all, the talk that some folk are the newly in charge of Welnin, is slowly spreading. It may hold opportunity for the daring, for if there is new management, perhaps this means new talent can also make their mark there as well.
If you're a local, or family of one, and want information for developing your character, ask away.
I will keep this recruitment open for 3, 4 weeks.