Seeker's Deadlands: Blood Drive

Game Master seekerofshadowlight

This is a Deadlands: The Weird West game, using the newest ruleset, the SWADE.

Starting in Sutter's Flats Texas, the posses are on a cattle drive though the weird west.

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Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Nope, ex soldier here.
Exercises were a term used when we were preparing to go anywhere, or just training in general.

Yes, there was a lot of physical exercise, but I might slip back into speech patterns that may confuse people.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

@ Seekerofshadowlight, Can you give me the stats for a regular horse.
You gave me the stats for Devil Eyes, but was wondering about Abacus.

Male Human, Bennies 2 /3 Parry 4, Toughness 5, Wounds 0

Question for GM, Our horses that we bought during character creation, do they have any special traits?
I think this is basically the same question from Rufus.

And I found this in the SWAE core book
Riding horses compromise speed with carrying capacity.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A),
Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d4,
Notice d6
Pace: 12; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8
Edges: Fleet-Footed.
Special Abilities:
„„Kick: Str+d4, to the front or rear as desired.
„„Size 2: Typical quarter horse of about 1,000

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Roden pointed out the Stats the book gives. Your normal horses have those stats, the ones you broke have extra bits I posted when you broke them.

Bennies 2 Wounds 0 Parry 6 Toughness 8

Well. Those rolls were s%@@.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Those are not the best rolls. I will give you the Drop, but that only applies to damage, not hitting them.

@Zenfox. Here is how I am going to do that, the shield and wagon will not stack. Mostly as I don't think they should, however the wagon still counts as armor.

Male Human, Bennies 2 /3 Parry 4, Toughness 5, Wounds 0

I thought a mares leg is a sawed off rifle?
Looking on-line I found this:

Mare's Leg (.44–40) 12/24/48 Dam. 2d8 ROF 1 Price $50 Wt. 7 Shots 6 Min Str. d6 AP 2; 1-handed

It was someone's homemade rules, but that is the only info I can find for this game system.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

I would say that parts of me not covered by the wagon are covered by the shield, so they should stack, but you're the GM...

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Rodan, it is 2d8-1 according to the info on the Campaign info page.
That the rest of that is what I got for my gun which I lent you.

I am wearing chaps, so armour +1 on legs.
I had thought a duster provided armour +1, but rechecking, it doesn't.

I guess I should have had it lined with rattler hide.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

@Rodan, Rufus is right I put the weapons on the Campaign Info page.
@Flying fox, My call was coverage based. The wagon and the wagon pretty much cover your hips and torso
@Rufus, there are no hit locations, but I did fluff it as a lower body shot.

Round 1/2 stuff
I post the current round at the top of a post and post everyone who has taken actions as {Went). Then post the next round at the bottom of the post. This keeps the game from stalling by people who have not went in round 1, but might check in later than those who went.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Oh. In my mind, I am crouching behind the wagon and my shield, but I didn't state that explicitly in GamePlay, so that's my bad. Even so, if I was standing behind the wagon which covers the lower half of me, my shield would be raised, covering the top half of me. I'm not trying to change your mind, just telling you my line of thinking.

Your rounds are...different. That'll take some getting used to.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

A few things.

1: I totally missed the raise on Damage on Rufus, good spot there.
2: Yep, the soak was Vigor, but I copy and pasted a code and in the update forgot to change the name. Updating here you have to post, then go edit it with dice rolls. And paizo IIRC has a set 1 hour limit. So I get rushed at times and overlooked the macro name.
3: On the wagon, yeah if Flying Eagle had stated he did that I could see the coverage. But without you saying it I had to go with what was in my head. Oppsies like this happen in text as its not as easy to correct and explain as a table.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Rufus - In SWADE, there is a three action maximum so the most you could do is shoot twice with one hand and once with the other.

Two-Gun Kid (BTW, you need to change Two Fisted to TGK) ignores the second off-hand attack penalty entirely, and Ambidextrous ignores the off-hand penalty. So you suffer a Multi-Action penalty as though you are performing two actions, the first and second main-hand shots (a -2).

First shot, main hand : dN-2
Second shot, off-hand : dN-2
Third shot, main hand : dN-2

This is according to a system developer.

But the +2 from the Joker cancels out all the -2's in this case.

Also, I can't tell if your "xtra left damage" is from getting a Raise on your Shooting roll, or if it's because one of the damage dice Aced, but you get to add another d6 to it regardless. And, both your second damages Aced, but you'll only get to keep one of them, so roll another d6 for it.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

I had thought it was two shots per gun.

As well, I was using the joker to cancel out the multi-attack penalty
I currently have ambidextrous to cancel out the offhand penalty.

The extra damage was from aces on the shooting roll,
I did not know that aces on the damage was allowed.

I guess i will do the extra damage here.

extra aces damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1

As for the two fisted, and two gun kid what is the difference ??
When I created the character, I thought two fisted was for 2 shooting irons.

Dark Archive

Notice: d6, Parry: 7, Faith!: d10 | [RATN: 6]| Toughness: 6(1) PP: 10/15 | Bennies: 2/3 |wounds 0/3

@GM: I think the penalty for shooting at a prone target is -4. Also I said I had my shield out, for another 2 penalty on my RATN (Ranged Attack Target Number).

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Rufus - technically, Two Fisted is for Fighting (hand-held weapon) attacks, while Two Gun Kid is for Shooting attacks (in the previous version of SW, Two Fisted applied to both kinds of attacks). It doesn't really matter which Edge you take, as long as you consistently use it for the same kind of attack (in other words, if you keep "Two Fisted", you can only use it for Shooting attacks).

Your third shot had an Ace in its Damage, so you can re-roll that one as well.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Borak - SWADE says "Ranged attacks suffer a −4 penalty to hit prone characters from a range of 3″ or greater (this does not stack with Cover)" and under Shields, they specifically refer to the amount of Cover they provide, which would not be added in while prone. :(

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Sorry for the two days no post guys, my weekends are sometimes super busy.

1: You do indeed have a limit of three actions total. As pointed out Multi-Action is a -2 for a 2nd action and -4 for a 3rd action. Off hand is a -2 as well. As pointed out Ambitious kills the off hand and Two gun kid will kill the multi-Action for a 2nd action, but you still get a -4 for the 3rd. As both Two fisted and Two Gun Kid would only cover the 2nd action, not the 3rd. So for you only the 3rd action is at -4, however the joker +2 makes it a -2 not a -4.

You only got three shots and forgot to do the ace for your first attack. So I will take your 2nd "Right" roll to be your ace shooting roll. You are also 19 range from both (2) and (4). That puts you at Medium range

So Attack 1: You get 13, the -2 for range is nuked by the +2 Ace
Attack 2: You got 5, once more the -2 is removed by the Ace
Attack 3: Left gun, you got a 7-4 for your 3rd action, with the -2 Range being removed by the ace. So you got a 3

2: @ Lord Borak. Cover does not stack, but I did forget the -4 for being pron. I am pretty sure he was farther away than 3 as I am using 1 sq= 1 inch just to make it simple.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Seeker - it's your game, your rules, but a system developer said HERE that with Ambidextrous and TGK, the third attack is at -2 (look at the table at the bottom).

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

As the 2nd action's -2 is ignored it would make sense the -4 drops to -2.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

I can work with either.

Yes, I will probably make mistakes, but once corrected, I should not make them again.

If it is alright, I will rename two fisted to two gun kid, as that was what I was envisioning when I created the character.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Yeah Two fisted and Two gun are different edges. One for Melee, one for ranged and they work the same way. I have not ran this version of SW before and find myself over looking stuff too, its all good.

There are two guys left up, one is running the 2nd is shooting while backing away. If anyone who has not taken actions this round wishes to do so can. If Not I am moving to the next round tonight

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Just for future reference : in SWADE, you can "ready" up to two items per turn as Free actions. Readying means drawing, holstering, or otherwise moving an item into or out of a "familiar and easy-to-reach" location (hip or shoulder holster, a sword sheath on your hip or back, etc.).

Each additional item readied is a (non-Free) action, as is readying an item from a "difficult" location (ankle holster, item on the ground, etc.).

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Well, my code of honour will not let me shoot a running man in the back, so it is moot.

However, I will remember that, thank you.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Good to know about the Ready, I looked though the book and did not see it. So eh went with my gut.

At this point I am giving you guys an Advancement. You can use it for one of the following

1: Gain a new Edge
2: Increase a skill that is equal to or greater than its linked Attribute by 1 dice (d12 max)
3: Increase two skills that are below the linked Attribute by 1 dice. This includes being able to gain a new skill at d4
4: Increase one attribute dice by 1 (d12 max). This can only be done once per rank.
5:Permanently remove a minor hindrance or make a major one into a minor one. Ask me first and it needs to make sense. Some hindrances can not be down graded from major to minor and some stuff needs to be reflected in story telling and RP.

Ranks are based off how many advances you have in this Edition, some Edges and Powers need a set rank to be taken

Novice is 0 to 3
Seasoned is 4 to 7
Veteran is 8 to 11
Heroic is 12 to 15
Legendary is 16+

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

In that case, I will increase my spirit to d6.

Bennies 2 Wounds 0 Parry 6 Toughness 8

Increase Vigor to D10

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Shooting to d10.

Male Human, Bennies 2 /3 Parry 4, Toughness 5, Wounds 0

Rodan will take the Woodman Edge

Dark Archive

Notice: d6, Parry: 7, Faith!: d10 | [RATN: 6]| Toughness: 6(1) PP: 10/15 | Bennies: 2/3 |wounds 0/3

Did anyone help looting the dead?

As much as I advocate equal shares of loot, that argument goes down hard if none help police the bodies afterwards.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

I stated that I was going out to collect the guns.

I believe that myself and flying eagle both indicated as such.

Not sure of any others.

Male Human, Bennies 2 /3 Parry 4, Toughness 5, Wounds 0

And Rodan was helping Rufus

Dark Archive

Notice: d6, Parry: 7, Faith!: d10 | [RATN: 6]| Toughness: 6(1) PP: 10/15 | Bennies: 2/3 |wounds 0/3

Ah! Apologies, I was unsure.

Gosh with that many people next time I'll take the boots! :)

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Naw, let them be buried with the boots on.

They had what they thought was a pat hand, and it turns out that we had aces. :)

I think the guns and belts to give us spares, or improvements as the case might be makes sense. Boots, not so much.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

They may have had a duster or two, I forgot to list, but those would have some holes. Not sure the two Lord Borak hellfired to death can be stitched up lol

On the gunbelts, I am guess they would have a few shells each. Gonna round it up and say about 150 bullets between the 8 men. The guns are all Colt Frontiers, which can be found on the weapon list. These are .44-40 cal guns. You have 9 of these now

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Well, it is the same ammo that I use along with my mares leg, so I guess I am good for a bit.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

I got in super late tonight guys and I am killed. I will move this forward tomorrow.

Male Human Parry: 6, Toughness 5

Sorry to have dropped off the face of the earth. Have been dealing with RL stuff. I'm back now if you will still have me and it makes sense story-wise.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

I just placed the vanished people as NPCs. If you want to join back in its easy to add you back.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Before I move us forward, I wanted to do a check in and see who is all still here.

It looks like we still have Rufus, Lord Borak, Kris, flying Eagle and Roden. correct?

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

I'm still here. I don't post every day if I can't think of anything for my PC to say or do, but I check the game daily.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Just trying to see who is still here is all. I am going to move forward assuming those 5 for now as no one else chimed in. I'll post in the main game thread sometimes tomorrow(for me)

Male Human, Bennies 2 /3 Parry 4, Toughness 5, Wounds 0


Bennies 2 Wounds 0 Parry 6 Toughness 8

Who're we missing?

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Not sure.

I wasnt able to check yesterday, but I am here.


I was pretty sure y'all( Along with Lord Borak) were here. I was just checking as things like combats can change based off how many PC's you have. You five have been pretty solid in posting.

Male Human Parry: 6, Toughness 5

It looks like I will have to drop this game. I just started in graduate school and things are about to get a lot busier for me. Please remove Moses from the list of active players.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Sad to see you go, but good luck with your schooling.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Good luck with your school man.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

I'll update this evening, something before 10 EST. If you want to take actions this round, post up.

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