Seeker's Deadlands: Blood Drive

Game Master seekerofshadowlight

This is a Deadlands: The Weird West game, using the newest ruleset, the SWADE.

Starting in Sutter's Flats Texas, the posses are on a cattle drive though the weird west.

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Dark Archive

HOLY S+@#!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Wandering One!!!! HOW THE HELL YA DOIN' BUDDY?????????

I thought you were dead! =]

Oh my fragging drek PWO is back in Da HOUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE!!!

I'll PM you.

Dark Archive

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Atlas2112 wrote:

Hi there!

I know I've been away, but I'm back now.

Can I jump in?

I am not opposed to it. I'll have to look and see where you vanished and figure out how to get you in front of the current location.

Oh, um, if it helps I don't have to run Borak. I've got rifleman already made up that would probably work just as well.

(If it helps more I've mellowed out in my Hiatus. Even if I did run Borak I'm sure he won't be quite as...Boark-y... =)

FWIW, the most current version of Savage Worlds core rules has a red-headed woman standing in a snowstorm on the cover.

It's also available as a downloadable PDF for $10. If you buy it from Pinnacle (the company that makes SW), all future revisions of the document are free! You can get it HERE.

Poor Wandering One wrote:

Are you still looking for posse members?

We are indeed. I am getting home super late tonight but I will look though when I get up tomorrow and give you some character build information.

Atlas2112 wrote:

Oh, um, if it helps I don't have to run Borak. I've got rifleman already made up that would probably work just as well.

(If it helps more I've mellowed out in my Hiatus. Even if I did run Borak I'm sure he won't be quite as...Boark-y... =)

Honestly I want to run it by the group still around. A new character might be easier to add, but if no one objects we can find a way to work Borak back in.

Sorry I mean to post this last week but I got busy. On characters, Build a normal Novice character with one extra advance. The books we are using is the current Savage world book and the current deadlands setting book. If you need help on character creation let me know. I'll be checking this daily this week.

I’m going to throw my stetson into the ring with this character, who is inspired by two lines, one by The Man In Black (I shot a man in Reno just to watch him who simply wouldn’t die) and one from the western Firefly (I don’t believe there’s a power in the ‘verse can stop [them] from being cheerful). I’ve taken the same Edge (Territorial Ranger) as one of the existing characters, which might be a way to introduce him into the game if he’s picked.

I’m still thinking about what to do with the extra Advance, but apart from that the character is mostly ready I think.

Question: how are you handling Bennies? The rules suggest the GM should give out 1 Benny per session, but PbP doesn’t have sessions.

I'm going to have to withdraw my application. The NE game is eating all my attention. Sorry.


Zachary Ames wrote:

I’m going to throw my stetson into the ring with this character, who is inspired by two lines, one by The Man In Black (I shot a man in Reno just to watch him who simply wouldn’t die) and one from the western Firefly (I don’t believe there’s a power in the ‘verse can stop [them] from being cheerful). I’ve taken the same Edge (Territorial Ranger) as one of the existing characters, which might be a way to introduce him into the game if he’s picked.

I’m still thinking about what to do with the extra Advance, but apart from that the character is mostly ready I think.

Question: how are you handling Bennies? The rules suggest the GM should give out 1 Benny per session, but PbP doesn’t have sessions.

I tend to refresh them when we get to a new "section" of the adventure. I'll look over your sheet and make sure I told you the right number of edges, but as there are not many interested, I don't see a point in saying you are not in.

You are wanting to play, we have the room , so you are in if you want.

Thank you! I shall post in discussion. I ultimately decided to put my advance into my Shooting skill which makes things nice and easy.

Hmm. I wasn't really looking to double up on rangers. (One riot, one ranger.) I'll make a different character.

I'm not familiar with that saying (Brit here) although I've now looked it up. Since you're the established character, why don't I make Zack an Agent instead of a Ranger? Same backstory, just recruited by a different group.

I don't see the issue with more than one ranger myself, its not like they have to be solo. That being said, Agent could be a good option

I think it very much depends on what Winona, as the established player in the game, wants to do: I'd feel bad if the first consequence of my arrival into the game was that it forced them out of a character they're enjoying playing.

I'm more than happy to rejig Zack as an Agent - as I said, it changes the mechanics but not the essentials of the character.

Zachary Ames wrote:

I think it very much depends on what Winona, as the established player in the game, wants to do: I'd feel bad if the first consequence of my arrival into the game was that it forced them out of a character they're enjoying playing.

I'm more than happy to rejig Zack as an Agent - as I said, it changes the mechanics but not the essentials of the character.

Fair enough

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh hello!

Heh, sorry for the delay.

I just had a few questions?

Question the First: I see you already accepted Wandering Wastrel. A fine choice by any standard! Do you still need more hardy cowpokes to get these little doggies a-goin'?

2) Just to clarify (assuming you do need more characters) how many Advances should we build for? I was checking out the current players, just to see what the party might need, and it looks like they have 2?

3) Do we get a free horse? I heard they were giving out free horses? I was sold this coupon by an honest-looking man behind the dry goods store and he said it was good for one free horse? =)

Atlas2112 wrote:

Oh hello!

Heh, sorry for the delay.

I just had a few questions?

Question the First: I see you already accepted Wandering Wastrel. A fine choice by any standard! Do you still need more hardy cowpokes to get these little doggies a-goin'?

2) Just to clarify (assuming you do need more characters) how many Advances should we build for? I was checking out the current players, just to see what the party might need, and it looks like they have 2?

3) Do we get a free horse? I heard they were giving out free horses? I was sold this coupon by an honest-looking man behind the dry goods store and he said it was good for one free horse? =)

1: Yes, I am still looking for new folks to add in.

2: I honestly could not recall f they had one or two advances. I had some issues and lost my early notes. Build it with one and I'll double check to see.

3: I also do not mind if you take a horse at this point as it would be hard to bring new folks in without a horse.

Hi Atlas! Long time no see, hope you doing ok?

@ GM - I've taken 1 advance so please let me if I get another, thanks. I got caught up with stuff at the w/e but I will have Zack rejigged from Ranger to Agent later today. Also if the horse is free then that definitely leaves me with some extra cash to get nice things!

Everyone else has one now, it depends on if I bring you in before/during or after what is clearly shaping up to be a fight. Kinda hard to show up 30 or so miles in BFE with no horse.

Liberty's Edge


Character submission from Atlas2112. For your approval.


Str: d6
Agi: d8
Vig: d6
Smrt: d4
Spiwit: d6

Athletics: d4

Stealth: d6 {1} Fighting: d8+1 {3} Riding: d6{2} Shooting: d6 {2}

Notice: d4 Comm Know: d4

Persuasion: d4

Focus: d8 {4}

[Min] Ruthless
[Min] Driven

{Free Human} Martial Artist
{2 points} Chi Master
{2 points} Brawler (Fists now Str + d6}
{Advance} First STrike

PP: 15


Horse {free}
playing cards
mess kit
10 cigars
derby hat
bottle of hootch
10 lbs bacon
10 lbs coffee

Shield $3 +2/-2
Armored Vest [$100] +2/ballistic

Bullard Express (.50) 24/48/96 2d10 2 1 11 d8 11 $30
50 bullets
2x LeMat Revolver (.40) 12/24/48 2d6
& Shotgun (20-ga) 5/10/20 1–3d6 $25
50 bullets (.40)
40 shotgun shells


Mal was raised as an orphaned Foundling by an isolated monk temple. Training was hard, but the values of Life and Peace, the so-called Wa of the World, was instilled into him by hard teachers with even harder lessons.

He travels now, trying to do some good in the world and set the wrong things right.

Advances log:
5XP: First Strike edge

My apologies, getting the switch from Ranger to Agent took more thinking than I expected. New version of Zack (with free horse, and 1 Advance) is ready and raring to go!

Sorry Been slow with Holiday stuff. I'll try to get it double checked soon

Liberty's Edge

Oh man, you guys might need me to enact a daring rescue if this thing goes sideways. ^_^

Sorry, I have been really sick and have not been posting. The new folks can join the discussion thread and having them stumble into the current mess might be an excellent way to get them involved.

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