Seeker's Deadlands: Blood Drive

Game Master seekerofshadowlight

This is a Deadlands: The Weird West game, using the newest ruleset, the SWADE.

Starting in Sutter's Flats Texas, the posses are on a cattle drive though the weird west.

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Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

I initially was asking, due to becoming seasoned, opens up additional options for edges, and a stat increase again.

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)
Winona Concord wrote:
That explains it. I wasn't in the game yet at that point, so Winona should still only have 1 advance as she wasn't around for that.

I think you've missed out somewhere, because when Atlas and I joined we were given 1 free advance to get us up to the same 'level' as everyone else. With the advance we have all just gained, Zack now has 2 advances. I think Winona probably is meant to have 2 advances as well.


You guys just recently got an advance, After the encounter with the shaman. Not sure if everyone took it or not however. If not everyone should bring themselves up to two adavances.

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

Duly noted.

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)

Just a heads up that I have a major family event this weekend so I may not post much until Monday.

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)

Update: travelling today and tomorrow, I will post as I can. Back to normal on Wednesday.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Safe travels

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

On a family trip to vegas. Will be haphazard on responses

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)

So we go to see the marshal to get our guys out, and then depending on how that goes we move from there?

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies


Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Should be back on the 28th.

But that approach works for me

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Well, I have returned from my vegas trip.
Give me a day to get settled and caught up please


Hope the trip went well

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)

@Winona - how did you get +1 to your rolls? I'm still getting used to the SWADE system, but I was under the impression that bonuses to rolls were hard to come by.

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Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

The Attractive Edge gives +1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls against the opposite sex (if the target is attracted to the opposite sex).

Many Edges give +1 or +2 bonuses to certain rolls.

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)
Flying Eagle wrote:
Flying Eagle joins the huddle, and hearing what Winona and Zach are planning says in a whisper "I say again that killing these guys now will bring Gault's entire gang down on us for sure. Better we take down the gang first, far away from town, and then come back for these guys."

I'm thinking more and more that this is the sensible way of doing it: backing out the office now, all smiles, get our newly-released compadres back on the trail outta here and take out the gang before we come back to deal with the fake marshal.

Flying Eagle wrote:

The Attractive Edge gives +1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls against the opposite sex (if the target is attracted to the opposite sex).

Many Edges give +1 or +2 bonuses to certain rolls.

aand I've just realised that I took an Edge that gives me bonuses (on re-rolls) and basically forgot about it! :/


Its been a long, slow game and even in RL at a table folks forget about stuff.

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)

Unfortunately I've had to do some traveling due to a family emergency. I'll do my best to post to avoid holding things up but I can't guaranteed to get back to regular posting until Sunday.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Sorry to hear that Zachary. Wishing you and yours the best right now.


Hope your family is okay man.

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)

Thanks! Under control is probably the best way of describing things. I'm back now and will catch up and post in a few minutes.

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)

I have to say I'm not sure how useful ordinary townsfolk would be in this fight, apart from making up the numbers and catching bullets that would be aimed at us. Zack is reluctant to put civilians in harm's way (Heroic drawback) - he'll gladly take the 10 fighters we've already been promised but picking up cannon fodder isn't really his thing.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

I specifically asked about locals who are "good with a gun", implying that maybe they've had some hunting or combat experience. I don't want anyone with just a d4 in Shooting by my side.


If you do get anyone they likely wont be as good as the shooters from Black River, who are all professionals. You are asking for townfolks after all.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

In reality, during the 1800's in the west, a lot of the townfolk were good with firearms, they just didn't advertise.
Some of them were crack shots crossing the prairies vs the Indians.
Some of them retired from the fighting between the states, out west.
But if the gm states that there are none, there are none. :)

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

Also probably just the dramatic stakes of the game. It's up to us!


It depends on what you roll and how you try to recruit really. The book says one thing, but I agree with Rufus that there is a chance of finding and convincing someone to help. Its not like you guys have to all try one place.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Hope Keeper doesn't mind me posting this, but in case anyone's interested, a new Recruitment is up for a Rise of the Runelords game using the new Pathfinder for Savage Worlds rule set (I'm not the GM)...


Just a rollcall to see who is still around before we move onto something that likely is gonna invole combat

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

Still here.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Ready to go.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

still here.


Sorry been slammed a lot lately, I Kinda lost track of days there for a bit. I am gonna try to get at lest three days a week posting up starting this week as I think my schedule has became a bit more sane.

We still have three checking in so I'll move this forward

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)

My apologies, I've had family stuff to deal with so haven't posted as much as I should. I'm still around and will catch up now.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Have another thought, we sneak in on the west side during the night, and with the morning sun, we start shooting.

They end up looking into the sun, giving us more time to shoot before they narrow down where the shots are coming from.

First few shots are on the lookouts.


That could work. You guys could leave some scouts to watch em of a day and hit em at night.

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)

I'm good with whatever - I have to say that this sort of strategising isn't my key skill as a player so I'm happy to leave the plan to someone else.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Um...wouldn't we want to be on the east side, so that when they're looking at us, they're looking into the rising sun? Also, they're in a valley with steep hills, sunlight might not get down to the ground in there until close to mid-day.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

yea, I meant the east side. I got mixed up with the typing it.

And yes, we would need enough light to see to shoot targets. . I mean enemies at the bottom of the canyon.

We will also need enough light to blind them as they look for us.

Hoping that gives us at least 2 shots apiece before they start shooting back.

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

Anyone think of a way we can get 'em in a crossfire, like from both east and south? Maybe with cover on our side?


Remember the canyon floor past that rope is full of cattle. So anyone coming though the floor are gonna be moving though those cattle.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)
Rufus wrote:
We will also need enough light to blind them as they look for us.

Problem is, they're at the bottom of a canyon. The canyon walls shade them from the sun until at least mid-morning, if not later. Nothing wrong with a mid-morning attack, but you mentioned the rising sun, which doesn't help us.


So what is the plan? Going mid morning? Waiting till night> Trying to take out the guards without alerting the others?

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

I'm in brain-lock. Due to the die rolls needed, it'd be near impossible to take out the guards without alerting them first, so we'd have to do it noisily, which will alert everyone in the canyon.

The best thing I can think of is :
We break into two teams.
PC's from each team sneak up on the guards (only one roll needed, hopefully with a bonus from crawling up slowly) until they're within Short firing Range, and take a round to Aim.
When the PC's in one team fire, the PC's in the other team hear that and shoot at their guard.
Since we've made ourselves known, everyone (PC's and NPC's) runs up to the edge of the bluff and starts shooting at everyone down below.

What do other players think of this?

Pace 6 I Parry 5 I Toughness 7 (2 Armour)

Sounds workable, we could spend another RL week going over plans or we can just go for it and see what happens.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

That plan is the best that we can come up with right now.
I am sure that if we think hard, we can get the perfect plan.

But as you know the perfect plan will be spoiled by horrible die rolls. :)

Sorry I have not been on, but I got mugged by RL.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Let's go for it. Back to the Gameplay page!


I'll wait to a few more work out what the plans are in the game thread before I move it on.

I will say you might be able to get the drop on em. Could take the guards out with a knife or something and have the Others scramble to the walls without guards in view. A few of you do have options to take folks out without shooting.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

My understanding of The Drop is that it requires a Raise on a Stealth roll for the last few feet of approach. That makes it quite difficult. Is this correct?

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

Yeah, that's gonna be tough. I expect we'll be taking some lead in this one! (Again.)

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