Seeker's Deadlands: Blood Drive

Game Master seekerofshadowlight

This is a Deadlands: The Weird West game, using the newest ruleset, the SWADE.

Starting in Sutter's Flats Texas, the posses are on a cattle drive though the weird west.

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Winona hears what seems to be two men, holding a discussion in another language. They seem to be talking low and the tone is pretty much what you would hear around a fire on the trail when a few cowpokes are whispering around the worn out nd sleeping forms around them. You are pretty sure they are sitting around just talking as others sleep. Should be easy to avoid if you climb that fence on the far end.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Rufus stands back a bit from the fence and lets those that are more stealthy listen in.


You can hear them talking, but if you sneak over a ways from them, you should be good. They sound close to the fire, so likely their night vision is ruined

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Rufus heads down towards the back fence, and when he gets there, he listens.

If he doesn't hear anyone he creates a stirrup with his hands and uses it to help hoist the others to the top of the fence.

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

Stealth : 1d4 ⇒ 4
Wild die: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Stealth exploding die: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Stealth exploding die 2: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Stealth total 11.

Winona sneaks forward, hides in the shadows, and listens.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Stealth & Wild: 1d4 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 1 Oh %*$#!

Let the plot complications begin...

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

stealth: 1d6 ⇒ 1
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Rufus fumbles a lot getting over the fence, on flying Eagles heels.

That was too loud, I think we might be going loud


Winnona sneak across the fence like a shadow, fading into the night, weaving between the crates, piles of refuse and wagons like the wind itself. Nestling near the low fire and two men talk. It is indeed another language, something European, Latin or Greek maybe. There are four wagons, you can make out maybe six or seven other people sleeping on, under or around the wagons near the fire.

Flying eagle on the other hand, starts to slip over the fence, but his belt catches on the wood as it slips between his belt and pants, he slams into the fence face first with a loud Thump! He is now hanging legs in the air as his well crafted belt holds him aloft.

Rufus leaps the fence, but finds a old, wooden craft to crash onto, then into as the wood gives way, the loud CRACK breaks the nights peace as Rufus tumbles onto the ground among the wood, with a painful thump.

Around the campfire, one of the men says "TTi ítan aftó?" As they rise and look into the dark toward the sounds. A few of the sleeping folks seem to stir some.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

I swear, the dice are out to kill me, no matter game system. :)

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

Winona actually had to study some classical Greek in school.

Language (Greek): 1d4 ⇒ 3
Wild die: 1d6 ⇒ 1


Winona thinks they are asking, "Was that him?". She isn't super sure but thinks that was it.

Rufus, yyes the dice seems to just want drama and bloodshed lol

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

What does Flying Eagle have to do (roll) to get unstuck?

Flying Eagle whispers quietly "Hey, Winona - can you give me a hand?"


You can get unstuck from just undoing your belt, no roll needed there. But you can try an athletics or other appropriate skill to see how gracefully you can deal with suddenly no longer being held up. If you don't wanna roll, you can just slam into the ground. Feel free to use the roll as a narrative metric.

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

Stealth: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Wild die: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Stealth explode: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Winona slips out of the shadows and across to Flying Eagle quickly and quietly.

"Normally if you asked me to help take off your belt we'd be having a very different conversation."

She helps him to get unstuck, then hunkers down as low as she can to stay in the shadows.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

With Winona's help, if I don't roll, do I still thump onto the ground?


[ooc]With help I see no need[ooc]

Flying Eagle is helped onto the ground as one of the mean seems to be moving toward where Rufus smacked into old crates. The second seems to be looking for a lantern. "Vlépeis típota?" He says in a quite tone as one of the sleepers pulls themselves out of the bedroll. "Ti gínetai me ólo ton thóryvo?" The whisper in a tired voice as a second person rises.

Squinting in the dark, clearly unable to see the first man calls back "Típota, ísos páli ta paidiá?"

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

That will leave a bruise

Rufus lies completely still letting the shadows of light play out over top him, while he inwardly curses the fact that he just barked his shin from the top of his boot to his knee.

As soon as they settle down a bit, he will attempt to get off the weak crates that he ended up on.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Forgot my rolls.
stealth: 1d6 ⇒ 1
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4


The man seems to find the crate where Rufus fell, but doesnt seem to see him hiding nearby. He yells something back to the camp, the second man moves to join him also speaking Greek. The 3rd man, mutters, waves his hand and seems to lay back down. Not bothered by the others two's "Investigation" .

You seem to be hidden and only the two who were awake to start with seems to be looking over the crates with a lantern.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

So, do the guys eventually go away? When they do, we'll continue with our sneaking...

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

Stealth: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Wild die: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Stealth exploding die: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Stealth exploding die 2: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Stealth total 9.

Winona decides to tip things a little in the team's favor, and she tosses an empty bullet casing out so that it makes a small amount of noise away from where the team is hiding. Her aim is lucky enough that it bounces and lands somewhere that it could plausibly have fallen off of a crate or tent, so that when it's found, it seems like it was just blown off of something by the wind and bounced on the ground.


You hear the men speaking and they start to walk toward the sound of Winona's casings. They seems to look around for a few minutes, then shrug, say something in Greek and head back to the fire. As long as you are careful, you should be able to move around. Maybe you can wait and see if they doze off, folks often leave a guard, but they are in civilization so they might all decide to sleep.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

"Let's wait maybe 10 minutes to see if they get sleepy?"

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

"Or maybe someone else will show up and we'll learn something. Either way, we just have to wait and see," whispers Winona agreeably.

"I get the feeling these are... nocturnal folks."


You wait in the dark, near some wagons and old crates. The men go back toward the camp and poke at the dying fire and start back up their conversation in low tones.

Give me some notice rolls and you can add stealth if you wanna look around.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)
Keeper wrote:
"As long as you are careful, you should be able to move around."

I took this to mean that no more Stealth rolls were needed, which was a big relief because most of us suck at Stealth?

Also, do they continue to converse longer than 10 minutes?


Good point. I did say that and at lest two of you such at it, so feel free to mossy around a bit without new rolls unless you are getting say within 10 feet of that fire.

You watch for 10, maybe 15 minutes and they two men talking don't seem to be bedding down. Although one is yawning.

Female Human Novice | Pace 6 | Parry 5 | Toughness 7 (2) | 4/3 Bennies

Winona moves slowly and cautiously to see if she can get close enough to one of the wagons to see if she can spot anything noteworthy.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Flying Eagle also moves as quietly as possible (do moccasins provide a bonus? :) to another wagon and looks at what's in there.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Rolling as quietly off the pallets, Rufus slowly hobbles his way over to another wagon to look inside.

While he hobbles, he feels a bit of blood running down his shin from where he barked it on the crates.

Damn, that hurt, I guess it will take time to get over that.


moccasins do not provide a bonus

You make your way though the dark yard, there are wagons here and stables not fair away. Most seem to be freight wagons used to transport goods, but there are three covered wagons, which ring the fire. Near them but is a showman's wagon, painted a bright red, with actual windows. Not light comes from within the wagon. Near it are two freight wagons with crates already stored.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Coming up on the dark side of the freight wagon, Rufus quickly glances inside.

Edit, forgot rolls

Stealth: 1d6 ⇒ 6
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Stealth Explode: 1d6 ⇒ 2 =8

notice: 1d6 ⇒ 1
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2


Rufus moves like the a shadow and vanished into the darkness. Creeping up to the wagon he sees maybe two dozen crates in the first and maybe 8 or so in the second. He risks a look into the second as he sees a 9th crate, not yet sealed. It looks to be two of the Urns you are looking for. They seem to be sealed with wax, they give you an uneasy feeling .

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