Seeker's Deadlands: Blood Drive

Game Master seekerofshadowlight

This is a Deadlands: The Weird West game, using the newest ruleset, the SWADE.

Starting in Sutter's Flats Texas, the posses are on a cattle drive though the weird west.

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male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

This will be our OOC thread. It has been a while since I ran a pbp honestly and I really should have covered some basics in the Recruitment thread. It has came up in that thread so this is a good place to put this stuff.

Post rate: I tend to like 1/day, barring weekends. For a simple reason, stalling is death for a pbp. It has worked well for me in the past and I would like to stick with it. If you are gonna be unable to post for a while(work, vacation, wonky internet) just let us know and we can NPC you as needed. In combat I will give you 24 hours to post and then I will NPC you to keep from stalling.

Update times: I am Eastern standard time, But I am a night owl. As such I will likely update really late or deep in the AM. That does not mean I may only post 1/day, its just my most likely time. Its not a big deal except in combat. During combat I try to give 24 hours from my start post, if everyone posts before that deadline, cool, if not (as noted above) and then I will NPC you to keep from stalling.

Images and mapping: I plan to use roll20 if I need a mapper and will post up screen shots to use as needed. Its just simple and may not be used for all fights, but sometimes even a simple map just makes things flow easier.

Connections and Background: You can choose to connect one of more of the other PCs to yourself. Or be a a stranger to the other hirlings, I am leaving that to the players. I do what everyone to let me know 1hy they are in this tiny Texas town and why they would take a job as a cattlehand. Feel free to bounce Ideas around.

Other stuff: If I am leaving something out, feel free to ask.

KingHotTrash here as Jeremiah Lawless, the bad man turned to good.

I can easily make the 1/day posting at the least. I'm in the CST time zone and my work ends in the mid-afternoon. Sometimes I won't post till late though because I do a bunch of real-life games. I will do my utmost to always keep everyone up to date with what I'm doing, especially when in combat.

As for connections; Jeremiah Lawless is a wandering man by nature and being wanted in quite a few places has only made that habit stick. I don't think he'd travel much with anyone but I do remember seeing that there was a Blessed in our group. That character could remind him of the priest that saved him and so he may be travelling with him for now as protection.

As for why he took the job? A man needs to eat and to eat, you need dollars in your pocket. A cattle drive seems like a good way to keep on keeping on.

Bennies 2 Wounds 0 Parry 6 Toughness 8

Kristophe cracks his knuckles.

Let's do this then. he says as he watches his opponent approach. He takes several punches to the body, bending and twisting so that he protects himself from the worst of them.


Come on then you f!##er! he screams at the fighter who stands across from him. The man is winded, Kristophe's face is blooded, but his strategy of waiting and letting his opponent beat him into exhaustion has paid off.

The man is dead weight, he can barely raise his arms to defend himself as Kristophe closes in for the knockout.

As Kristoph collects his winnings after the fight, he overhears an interesting prospect.

Hmm. Maybe so. he thinks to himself

Dark Archive

Notice: d6, Parry: 7, Faith!: d10 | [RATN: 6]| Toughness: 6(1) PP: 10/15 | Bennies: 2/3 |wounds 0/3
seekerofshadowlight wrote:

Lord Borak(Atlas2112): Crazy white con man gone native shaman

Heh. What I'm going for with this guy is more akin to, well...this guy. XD

It took my a few...hundred...thousand...viewings, but I finally understand what Thulsa Doom's plan was. He was just a cannibal who wanted something to eat. And to command a bunch of people to die. And he had finally set himself up to kill two cultists with one pyre until a certain Cimmerian walked into his life. Hence he too was a spiritual con man.


"So they think I'm crazy?" Lord Borak rumbles quietly, rolling the words around in his throat.

At last he nods. "Good. Twice the pride, twice the fall."


@Jerimiah: Since I too am a wanderer, I envision that Jerimiah might have seen Lord Borak preaching his "act", perhaps on some street corner of a city and, though Jerimiah saw through the fluffery, he might recognize that such snake oil could have a strong influence...on the weak minded. =3

Got to create a Paizo character, might not be able to do that until Tuesday because of work.

I always check all my games sometime in the morning, EST. If there is anything I can think of to post, I will. Occasionally work keeps me from posting on Mondays and sometimes Tuesdays.

So great new and sad news. I am going to have to pop my head out thanks to a new job. If things clear up those and look good, I'll see about bringing Jeremiah back. Thank you for having me Seeker!

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller
KingHotTrash wrote:
So great new and sad news. I am going to have to pop my head out thanks to a new job. If things clear up those and look good, I'll see about bringing Jeremiah back. Thank you for having me Seeker!

It is good man, we have not went active yet. Sorry to lose you but cognates on the job.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Ready and willing to play!

Seeker, some GM's like some of our PC's stats to go in the "header" below the PC's name in the post, like Parry and Toughness so they don't have to open the character's page to see if they hit in combat. Any preferences?

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

We seems to have 3 people make it to this thread, Okay 4 but Kingtrash had to step out. I am going to poke the other thread and will start an in game thread for some RP either tonight or Thursday.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Dismounting from Abacus, Rufus brushes himself off, then saunters in to chat with the barkeep.

Whiskey, and a line on any work, as I am riding the grub line

Male Human, Bennies 2 /3 Parry 4, Toughness 5, Wounds 0

Riding into town Rodan looks for the one place to quench his mighty thirst. His eyes settle on a bar.
After so many weeks on the trail being a cow hand. And then getting cut loose, all so that cow pie for brains owners kid could take his job as foreman. A frown forms on his face thinking that they were lucky that they only lost a quarter of the herd due to that kid pushing to fast in the heat. Well if the old man wants a wet nose kid just off his mother's teat in charge so be it. But the old man dragging his good name in the mud to protect that worthless kid and that was just plain dirty.
He could not find a job anywhere in the area so he headed out. Low on cash and if he does not find a job soon he may go back and take what is owed from that kid's hide. He thought to himself.

"But first a shot of whiskey. Saying to his horse as he gets off and heads in to the bar.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Maybe they went to the Gameplay page, saw it wasn't open, and didn't think to check here? I almost did that.

Maybe if you just open Gameplay with a "Starting the game" post or something?

Male Human, Bennies 2 /3 Parry 4, Toughness 5, Wounds 0

Yes open the gameplay, then we can dot in and get notified of new posts.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

I was planning to do so when I get back home tonight. Will be late but my plan is to open it.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Lord Borak, I noticed you still don't have a 4th Power (at least not on your Paizo character sheet). Did you see my comment in Recruitment about Confusion and Entangle as options? SWADE's Entangle is now much more powerful, and would be a good "battlefield control" power.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Game play thread is active y'all

Male Human Parry: 6, Toughness 5

Sorry, I lost track of this thread. I am in!

Male Human Parry: 6, Toughness 5

Flying Eagle, did you just arrive in town, or have you been here for a while?

Male Human Seasoned

Sorry, just saw this was open!

I figure JT has just recently arrived in town, in the last day or so...

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

No Biggy, I just started it Friday and do not often expect much posting on the weekend. I was out of town all day Saturday and am often busy most of the day on Sundays. I think everyone has checked in at this point

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Oops, I just noticed Blackthorne and I picked the same avatar icon. It that going to be too confusing?

Dark Archive

Notice: d6, Parry: 7, Faith!: d10 | [RATN: 6]| Toughness: 6(1) PP: 10/15 | Bennies: 2/3 |wounds 0/3

yeah I am totally get you two confused lol

Male Human Seasoned

Just changed my Avatar, this should help reduce any confusion. :)

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Oppsy lol, it does happen. I would like folks t put their toughness and parry in their names as some of the other players have done

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Blackthorne - thanks, after I posted before, I realized I re-used this character from another game and had already gone past the limit to change the icon.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

A few things.

1: Lord Borak is on some quality drugs. And I love the other characters are getting this vibe too.

2: I forgot to mention you have three bennies RN

3: I am leaving it up to you guys rather you want to RP more of the travel to the ranch or just want to end scene and cut to the ranch or even the next morning.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Bennies ??

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Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

In a real-life game, Bennies are poker chips. You can use them to :

REROLL A TRAIT: Bennies grant a hero a reroll on any Trait, and best of all, you get to keep the best total from all your rolls.

RECOVER FROM SHAKEN: This is instant and may be done at any time, even as you are about to become Shaken!

SOAK ROLLS: Bennies can also be used to prevent Wounds. When you're about to take Wounds from an attack, you can spend a Benny to make a Vigor roll. Each Success and Raise reduces the number of incoming Wounds by 1.

DRAW A NEW ACTION CARD: When the game is in rounds, a character can spend a Benny to get a new Action Card (the playing card that determines your place in Initiative).

REROLL DAMAGE: You may spend a Benny to reroll damage.

REGAIN POWER POINTS: A character with an Arcane Background can spend a Benny to regain 5 Power Points.

INFLUENCE THE STORY: This one is entirely up to the Game Master, who may allow your character to spend a Benny to find an additional clue if you’re stuck, come up with some mundane but needed item, or push a nonplayer character into being a bit more agreeable (among other things).

You start with 3 at the beginning of each "scene", but the GM can award you another one for excellent role-playing, successfully pulling off a dangerous stunt, etc.

An important point : always save one Bennie in case you get Incapacitated, so you can re-roll your Incapacitation roll, which determines whether you live or die. If you're hit with a massive amount of Wounds in one attack, don't spend that last Bennie on trying to Soak the damage, take the damage and use it for the Incapacitation roll.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

Understood, Thank you for the explanation

Male Human, Bennies 2 /3 Parry 4, Toughness 5, Wounds 0

Looking at others character sheets, Lord Borak by the gear you have are you an Indian, or just someone that went native? I have you in my mind as some eastern white man, that's a snake oil salesmen.

Bennies 2 Wounds 0 Parry 6 Toughness 8

Always. Always. Always. Save a benny.

Or else you'll find yourself rerolling. Happens to me every time.

Dark Archive

Notice: d6, Parry: 7, Faith!: d10 | [RATN: 6]| Toughness: 6(1) PP: 10/15 | Bennies: 2/3 |wounds 0/3
Rodan Northward wrote:
I have you in my mind as some eastern white man, that's a snake oil salesmen.


Heh, yeah, I've been working on this character for a while, and it's only now that he gets to come out and play. =)

There's a lot of themes that I'm going for with him, but one of the main ones is that, sort of, magic doesn't exist alot. It seems like most of the characters are down-to-earth, realistic and pragmatic types that are just trying to make their own way. And there's not many actual mages out there. Sure, there's the whole ghost rock thing, but this isn't Shadowrun or DND.

And then here's Lord Borak, spouting all this B.S. and talking all this stuff that...does he really mean that? What does it mean? Are we supposed to take it seriously? Is he putting all of us on? Is he just a wacko and all of this is meaningless, or.................. or is there really something to what he's talking about?

For as much as much of his words are coming from *REDACTED* as he starts to make it through situations, more of his personality should make more sense.

Probably. ^_^

Zenfox covered Bennies. Unless anyone has much else to add I'll move the story along tonight

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Sorry guys, been getting in late. I am going to start trying to check in mid day as well

Dark Archive

Notice: d6, Parry: 7, Faith!: d10 | [RATN: 6]| Toughness: 6(1) PP: 10/15 | Bennies: 2/3 |wounds 0/3

Oh! I forgot one other quick thing.

I don't know if you guys ever have a trouble with speed, or posting rate, but some other games I've been in have had problems keeping up the momentum of the game.

For this, I've come across a few helpful tools that some games use to keep things exciting.

1) The 2-day rule.
Whenever someone doesn't post for 2 days (48 hours) it's just assumed that Real Life has got them by the throat, and it's perfectly understandable to bot them, just for right now, and they'll just catch up as soon as they can. This way not everyone is waiting for someone to post, and we don't have to worry about the game hanging up just because we can't make a post right now.

I'm totally for this and, yeah, if you haven't heard from me in 48 hours, yes, just bot me as you think is best and I'll try to catch up in whatever happens next!

(Some people shorten this to 24 hours during combat, as it's quick to just post a die roll, but I'll leave the group to decide what they prefer.)

2) The Rule of 2.

Some people may have heard of this. It just says that if there's a decision to be made/path to be taken, as soon as 2 party members agree, that's the thing that happens. This just helps to make sure that the action doesn't get held up by discussion that could spiral out in to a week or more! (Oh man, I've got a buddy who actively hates closed doors. He'll totally just barge through them just so a party doesn't get paused trying to figure out the best tactic through one!)

I've heard (once, through third-hand) of this rule being abused, so obviously it's a case-by-case basis, but the few times it has come up it's been helpful, so I try to make people aware.


Dark Archive

Notice: d6, Parry: 7, Faith!: d10 | [RATN: 6]| Toughness: 6(1) PP: 10/15 | Bennies: 2/3 |wounds 0/3

With that said, I think it's been a bit since Blackthorne last posted, so it might be best to bot him for a spell until he can get back to regular posting.

Male Human Toughness 5, Parry 5, Notice d4; Bennies 3; Wounds 0

I agree with the posting rate and decision time.

Male Human, Bennies 2 /3 Parry 4, Toughness 5, Wounds 0

Sounds good.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

Regarding the 2-day rule and combat, in a RIFTS or Supers game, posting an attack can get quite complicated, but in this setting here I see no reason not to go to 1 day in combat. Just so everyone knows, work occasionally slams me on random days (but most often on Monday and Tuesday), so I may not post on those days.

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

I tend to do the 2 day rule, except in combat. That being said I myself often do not post on Sat and sun( As I stated before), So I get if life gets you busy. I have not checked the thread out yet, so I was not really waiting for anyone, I just got super busy sunday and did not get to post. We had a flood here, my yards a mess lol.

Male Human Seasoned

SOrry folks!

Been a rough few days. :( Working on getting back to it, but RL is being a #$^%#&$^#

male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

Life is like that at times.

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male Human 8th level seeker/6th level gamer /4th level bad speller

@atlas2112 That was....not expected. LOL.

Human Indian : Parry 7 (with shield), Toughness 6(1)

In the interests of fairness, since many of us don't have Deadlands books, much less have the new Weird West edition, wouldn't the PC's have known how accepted (or not) magic is around here? I could see if magic was accepted from where Borak just came from, but not here, then he wouldn't know, but...

<time passes>

Ok, I see where in Recruitment you said "Most people don't know about magic", but that was one line from 3 pages of info 6 weeks ago...

Bennies 2 Wounds 0 Parry 6 Toughness 8

I'm going with this very simple explanation

"Most people will disbelieve what they see and create some rationale for what they are seeing"

Kris thinks this is some con game that Borak is playing...and he's more than willing to play along if something's in it for him.

Otherwise, he just enjoys watching the violence unfold.

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Encounter Map

Also, if you've gamed with Atlas....this sort of thing is kinda his thing.

Dark Archive

GM Niles wrote:
Also, if you've gamed with Atlas....this sort of thing is kinda his thing.

That, dear sir, entirely accurate statement. =)

Dark Archive

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
@atlas2112 That was....not expected. LOL.

Hee. I feel like some background is in order.

Lord Borak started out as the go-to villain in the universe that many of my characters share, which I call the "WhiteAngel-verse." (Yeah, no one else calls it that.)

He was first the bad guy in what I consider my Magnum Opus: The backstory of Wraith, one of my favorite personalities to play. Um, for sake of completeness I should make that available.

Dark Archive

Android Op 3 | HP 22/22 SP: 14/21 RP: 7/7 |  EAC: 19 KAC: 19 | Init: +6 | Perc: +8 | F: +1 R: +7 W: +3 | Atk:+7/d6+1

"What the frag? So you just want me to stand here while all these guys check me out?"

Dark Archive

Thanks Alanna. Yeah, that's great.

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to play him, so I made him into a character much like now. That game died quickly, but he was still in Weird West mode, so now here he is.

Heh. The seed of his personality lies in Wraith. She is a bad-ass cyberbunny that takes no lip.

And Lord Borak is who she is afraid of. =)

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