Star Wars Saga Dawn of Defiance


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Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5

"Yes, Sir."

Christon clears his throat, thinking how to begin his story.

"You see, the name Organa was has been well known for centuries, and Senator Bail Organa was a first line defender of Republican standards. Everybody knows that." He doesn't want to look like he's flattering, just putting cards on the table. "Now with this knowledge, I think I'm safe within your estate if I confess that I belonged to an institution also involved in Republican politics... though with a heavier religious charge, if you know what I mean."

Move Light Object: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

He moves one of the pens on the desk to his own hand to exemplify what he was talking about in his last sentence.

"I have taken upon myself the task of collecting pieces of data that mention or belong to the Order, for as we believe History is a big wheel, there will come a time to rise again and all knowledge kept will be of key importance." He quickens a bit his speech so as to get to the point. "What I'm asking, Sir, is that if you, thanks to your contacts, position and capacity, ever catch rumours of a possible artifact, relic of person that you think might interest me... That you let me know. In the name of what we're both fighting for." He bows slightly.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

pooc] Are you going to be going for the Jedi Scholar found in the Clone Wars book? [/ooc]

Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5

No, Christon is a duelist, but since he feels there must be others like him, he feels all the knowledge he can gather will help rebirth the Jedi Order if a powerful hero manages to defeat the Empire. Also, he might stumble upon material that helps him develop his powers or techniques, such as ancient holocrons or perhaps Windu's secret notes on the creation of Vaapad. Who knows?

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

or Sith information :)

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Enjoying the supper, Dreams carries on with small talk with patrons.

I see what I had purchased in character creation didn't make it onto my sheet. will update shortly. Also would be looking for information, so that I can get more skillful. :)

Quen Pah wrote:
There is a room to the side of the main hall where droids and their needs can be taken care of.

Seeing the room off to the side, Lemm taps Robb on the shoulder. "Master Robb, I will be over there, it appears I may be able to get my magnetic servo's cleaned. It has been ages." Lemm walk over to the area, sitting on a table, lifting his feet so the maintenance droid can balance and clean his modifications.

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

Lakoneous lets no one wait for him. He hoists himself up on a chair and begins to robustly shovel food into his mouth using his hands. First it is the meat and then it is the mash substances that are with it and the gravies. Or atleast he thinks its gravy for that is what he uses it for. He talks briefly in answer to anyone asking or directing comment to him but doesn't pause his eating rate or amount. Its as if he hasn't been fed this well in weeks.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

Kol uneasily loaded a plate and sat at a table. He felt out of place in such high society, as the last time he had interacted was when he was last in service.

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3

Rufus sits down to eat, chatting easily but irreverently with the other guests. He strikes up conversations with whoever he's sitting next to, telling amusing anecdotes and telling jokes.

Not sure if there's a skill for that. Maybe a Cha check?
Charisma: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Since there has not been a successful mission from the group, the Senator would be willing to forward 500 credits to the group to purchase supplies.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Each or total ?

Human Scoundrel - Pilot 1 | HP 19/19 | Defense R16 / F12 / W13

Total, I think.

"Ok, people. What are we thinking, here?" Robb says around bites of food, pointing his fork at various times to make points, "We need some sort of a plan, right? I mean, specifically. Do we disguises or whatnot?"

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

500 gp total.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Bail Organa looks very sad when he looks at what Christon did, a demonstration of the Force.
The Jedi were not traitors to the Republic. I wish that I had been able to save even one of the younglings or the Padawans or any of the Jedi then night that the 501 and Darth Vader attacked the Jedi Temple under Order 66. Any Jedi that survived Order 66 have probably gone into deep hiding, looking for a Fulcrum, or other way to either stay hidden or join together. As we grow in trust of each other, if I can, I would like to help.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

The young woman seated next to Rufus is taken by the young man. Taking his interactions for flirting, she listens with silly giggles, and does what she can to get close to him. As she talks to him, You are so funny each word is punctuated with a finger that moves up his sternum to his lips.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

After dinner, and pulling up a chair nearest the group, Dreams looks over.

So, I think we should be holding off on the plans until after we are alone. This will keep any prying ears out of our business He looks pointedly at the flirt to Rufus's left.

Once we have the basis, then we can figure what we need and can get.

500 total. NP

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3

Rufus nods toward Dreamchaser, then takes one for the team as he leads the flirt off to a secluded alcove for a make-out session.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Shaking his head, Dreams comments.
I am headed for the ship, anyone want to join so we can discuss the upcoming festivities?

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

Lak looks around for a bowl that appears almost empty. Commandeering it he puts several large chunks of several meats in it and follows Dream to the ship. Eating the whole way back, Lak just leaves the bones and non-dug-edible on the floors behind him as they walk.
Dream is it? Lak says around a bite of meat. interesting name or is it a nickname? We Dugs prefer to use nicknames for those who can't speak the true language. THus I am called Lak by many.

Thanking the Maintenance droid that balanced and cleaned its magnetic servo's, Lemm moved back into the room where the others were finishing dining. Hearing Dreams comment about going back to the ship to discuss things, Lemm asks Robb. "Master Robb, that sounds like a good idea. Shall we head with Master Dreams?"

It turns its cycloptic eye toward Rufus in the secluded alcove. Turning on it's Multispectrum Searchlight, flooding the alcove with light. "Oh My!" Quickly turning the light off, Lemm turns back to Robb. "Or will you be staying for desert as well?"

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

It's Dreams, and it is a nickname that I got when I was younger.

He then pulls up a chair in the lounge and asks everyone that came back to the ship.
Known problems in staging a rescue are?

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

Kol came back with a bottle. He poured a drink for everyone who cared for one.
He looked at Dreams with a skeptical look.
"Aren't we a little ahead of ourselves? We need maps of the star system, the planet, the region, the prison, all of that and more. And that is to begin with."

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Taking the offered drink.
Well, I said that we were looking for problems. Those would constitute problems

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

Those would be problems. The more immediate problem would be how to spend the cash to best benefit us? The other stuff, the charts and so forth we should see what is on the general database in the ship and here in this installation. Then we should find out who the IMP was feeding the info through and go talk with them. the tall dug states around a mouth full of meat and a swag of drink.

Human Scoundrel - Pilot 1 | HP 19/19 | Defense R16 / F12 / W13

Robbidon glances over at Lemm, all nice and shiny clean from his venture into the droid maintenance 'spa' and says, "We should head back to the ship and talk some things out as a group while we give her a REAL looking over. Something we couldn't do while in transit."

He pauses to take a final bite of the meat on his plate, and continues while chewing, "But onceth thawts done, mmph, I'm gonna twemporarilwy claimmn one ofth thfose," he pauses to swallow, "...claim one of those state rooms on the ship to get some solid sleep."

Nodding in agreement with Robb, Lemm follows the crew back to the ship, picking up the food items dropped by the Dug so they can be properly recycled. Listening to the conversation

Turning it's cycloptic eye from Kol to Lakoneous, "Masters I will plug into the ships computers and find what maps are available."

As they board the ship it plugs it's scomp link in to the ships computers to see if navigation to the planet and any other maps are available.

Lemm will take '10' (20) on use computer to get any extra specs on the ship, navigation and any maps on planet.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Lak, once we figure the problems, then we can use that money to get gear to help offset the problems.
Which is why I figure we need to sit down and plan.

Dreams looks around so I wonder if we have maps of what he is being held in.

Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5

"Well, I guess the basics of the plan is we go there, pick whatever we need to pick up and come back, right?" Of course, they'll need a plan, but in order to create a plan they'll need info. He nods to Lemm's statement, as if the droid has read Christon's mind. "While Lemm's on it, I'll have a look at the medical bay, which is the thing I control best."

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

I am just giving everyone a chance to chime in on what they want to do

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3

I'm doing it!!

(But seriously, I don't want to get left behind.)

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Rufus is taking one for the team

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Attack of the flirts. or is it the flirkin ?? :)

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

Not the best planner.I'm a doer. you all do the talking Lak says and focuses on finishing his food while listening.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

Kol rubbed his eyes.
"Do the star charts indicate if this world is a main world? A backwater? Is it Yellow zoned? Red Zoned? Is there regular civilian traffic through there we could sneak in with? Is there no civilian traffic so we would need to fake authorization from someone to get in?" He said, trying to figure various approaches.
He took another drink.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Once there, what his the target in, how do we get in, what do we need to get them out.

Thinking we will need one multitool, anything else?

After prepping the computer navigation system for take off, Lemm makes its way back to the engine room to familiarize itself with the engines and other systems.

Hearing Dreamchaser discussing items needed. Lemm approaches him, "Master Dreamchaser, if you are purchasing ordinance and it sounds like there may be violence, would you be so kind as to acquire a stun baton with an energy pack for me?" Lemm shows the Catharese its wrist. "I have a built taser, but we may be in a situation where I may need even more to defend myself."

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Felucia is an out-of-the-way jungle world where massive
mushrooms dominate the landscape. The native Felucians retreated into
hiding many years ago when Gossam colonists came to the world.
Though the fierce battles of the Clone Wars made their way to the
planet eventually, Felucia was left largely unscathed, and once the
Separatist forces were defeated, the newly created Empire mostly
withdrew from the system. As Bail Organa explained to the heroes, the
Imperial presence on Felucia is based primarily around protecting the
small prison facility left on the world. The few cities on Felucia have
Imperial garrisons, and the Gossam colonists remaining on the world
after the Clone Wars must deal with Imperial persecution.
However, the heroes won’t be going anywhere near the cities. The
prison facility, which does not exist on any official maps, is located deep

in the Felucian jungle. If not for the Alderaanian Security agent frozen in
carbonite, neither Bail Organa nor the heroes would have any knowledge
of the facility’s location. The Banshee has the coordinates in its nav
computer, and the course plotted by RX-13 should bring the ship out of
hyperspace on the side of the planet nearest to the prison facility.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Lemm, we were looking for items to assist us in recovering an individual from the prison. I can understand the need for something else to protect yourself, and we will look to that later. Now we should be looking at things to assist us in that endovour

Lemm nods it's head in understanding, "Yes Dreamchaser, you are a hundred percent correct. There will be guards in a prison. I will need a way to dispatch said guards. Thus the request to acquire a stun baton with an energy pack."

Lemm begins lifting the other tools out of its belt showing the Catharese the Electroshock Probe, Fusion Cutter, Hydrospanner, Laser Welder, Power Calibrator, Power Pryer, Probe Sensors, Sonic Welder and Vibrocutters. I have every tool you will need, except for the one that may keep me from being captured." Turning the cycloptic eye away from Dreamchaser to Robb. "Unless you expect me to go into an armed prison undefended?"

Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5

"See? We know where to go. We know what to expect. Now it's a matter of deciding whether we're going through the main door or try any subterfuge. What do you all say?" Christon is not the one to use much subterfuge once they reach certain level, but maybe his new comrades have a trick up their sleeves.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

The Senator isbhappy to give you the time that you need to go shopping and plan.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

"Well then, if we're clear coming in system and right up to the planet, we have options.
If we go straight in and land in their field, we can do a smash and grab before they can get their defenses ready, since they're relying on secrecy. Frankly, we really need more in the way of guns and armor that we don't have to make that work.
If we go clandestine, we can land out of sight and sneak our way in. Do we have the prison plans? We can make this one work if we have more information."
Kol drew figures on a holographic whiteboard, thinking aloud as he did.

Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5

"Being the planet how it is, I'm more inclined to land in a hidden place and try a sneak in. I agree that the prison plans would be a valuable asset, as well as which cell is our target in and how many imps are there." He thinks for a second. "If we can't get this intel right now, maybe we could try a scouting once there. You know, the usual 'we're the laundry guys' plan."

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

Maybe we release everyone that they have prisoner so that they take longer to figure out whom is missing. Buys us time.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Quiet in, and mass release, has both the things I like. Less noticeable going in, and less likely to know that we were there.

Dreams also concedes the point to Lemm about a shock unit for him.

Since there is a storied tradition of getting in then getting the map...

NOdding to the Catharese, Lemm it's cycloptic eye from Dreamchaser to Kol, interjecting. "Masters, once we enter a portion of the facilities I could interact with the computer and find the prison plan. Possibly using the computer to release any electric locks."

Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5

"That would be great, Lem. I guess we'll need all the diversions that we can create."

He thinks for a couple of seconds.

"If we could intercept a patrol..."

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

How are you? lol

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

If we don't intend on killing the patrol I will have to be very close to be useful.Lak pats his blaster, THis little toy's be modded to only kill. As for a baton, Lem could use mine if we need the money else where.

Female Human Brawler 1 / Spiritualist 1

Arue looks at her own weaponry as well. Her weapon of preference was her rifle, and she was more used to work as a sort of sniper.

I am more useful far, far from the targets, but at least I might be able to set my weapons to stun. Not that it wouldn't hurt as hell... Neither I would be able to guarantee they'd be lethal even in such setting. - she spoke, in her usual bland, emotionless manner.

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