Star Wars Saga Dawn of Defiance


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Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Do you have to sell the old equipment or is it like getting a new chip?

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

I suppose we could haggle to sell the old parts, or just have the junk dealer haul them off so that we can install the replacements.

Shields: Our shield DR goes from 15 to 25.

Medium laser cannon: Replaces our old 3d10x2 light laser cannon with a 4d10x2 medium laser cannon.

Combat thrusters: Lets us engage in dogfighting like a starfighter, and penalizes capital ship attacks against us like a starfighter (so big ships with turbolasers take penalties to hit us because we are too fast and maneuverable).

OCC: Well if Ardan does not want to sell the parts, Prox would do it and/or haggle the price of the new Medium Laser Cannons for the old Light Laser Cannons. They should give us some kind of kick back on the Light Laser Cannons they are getting in trade. It is not like those are cheap and any easier to find and I am sure they will polish them up a little and sell them as if they were brand new.

I mean augmenting the Shields and adding Combat Thrusters is just pure cost as nothing gets replaced (aka removed)

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

Notably, the prices that I paid are for upgrading, paying the difference between the existing price and the new price (in the case of the shields and the laser cannon—the combat thrusters were a new install so they were full price with nothing to replace). So there's not really anything to resell. If I have to buy the medium laser cannon whole hog, that's 20kcr instead of 12.5kcr, and then the light laser cannon has a "new" price of 7.5kcr and we'd get back some fraction of that for selling it used.

OCC: Ah okay misunderstood from the conversation as it made it sound like we had stuff left over but you did it the smart way ;-) rather than the really rich wasteful way.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]
Ardan Kwinn wrote:
Notably, the prices that I paid are for upgrading, paying the difference between the existing price and the new price (in the case of the shields and the laser cannon—the combat thrusters were a new install so they were full price with nothing to replace). So there's not really anything to resell. If I have to buy the medium laser cannon whole hog, that's 20kcr instead of 12.5kcr, and then the light laser cannon has a "new" price of 7.5kcr and we'd get back some fraction of that for selling it used.

Upgrade makes a lot more sense.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Well, all I can do during this time, is grunt work, recover, and rest.

Skills N-Z:
Perception (T) [Wis] +9 Persuasion [Cha] +15 Pilot (c) [Dex] +5 Ride [Dex] +5, Stealth [Dex] +5, Survival [Wis] +4, Swim [Str] +3, Treat Injury [Wis] +4, Use Computer [Int] +3, Use the Force (c/T) [Cha] +15
Skills A-M:
Acrobatics (c) [Dex] +5 Climb [Str] +4 Deception [Cha] +5 Endurance (c) [Con] +4 Gather Information [Cha] +5 Initiative (c) [Dex] +5 Jump (c) [Str] +3 Knowledge (c) [Int] +3 Mechanics (c/T) [Int] +8
Jedi 6; Init +5; Fort 18; Ref 19; Will 18; Force points 4/4 ; HP 67/67

Waylon assists with removing and then reinstalling the parts. In between work he trains with his new Master.

I am pretty good as a mechanic so I will assist with the work.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Make your mechanics checks.

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9

While the crew and the mechanics hired to do their work upgrade the Banshee, Phineas heads to a local watering hole to find the best place to get into the holonet in an attempt to find out more about the foes that the group faces as well as the capability of their ship, if possible.

DM, let me know what the appropriate rolls would be to do this type of research. I'll start with Use Computer and Knowledge (Galactic Lore).

Galactic Lore 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Use Computer 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

OCC: Nice rolls Phineas hopefully it will turn up so good quality positive information. The Force knows we could use some.

Skills N-Z:
Perception (T) [Wis] +9 Persuasion [Cha] +15 Pilot (c) [Dex] +5 Ride [Dex] +5, Stealth [Dex] +5, Survival [Wis] +4, Swim [Str] +3, Treat Injury [Wis] +4, Use Computer [Int] +3, Use the Force (c/T) [Cha] +15
Skills A-M:
Acrobatics (c) [Dex] +5 Climb [Str] +4 Deception [Cha] +5 Endurance (c) [Con] +4 Gather Information [Cha] +5 Initiative (c) [Dex] +5 Jump (c) [Str] +3 Knowledge (c) [Int] +3 Mechanics (c/T) [Int] +8
Jedi 6; Init +5; Fort 18; Ref 19; Will 18; Force points 4/4 ; HP 67/67

I am just rolling to assist. I assume Prox is leading.

Waylon gets dirty and helps with the repairs and upgrades.

Mechanics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

OCC:Okay I can put down the main roll but our pilot is pretty good mechanic as well
McChanic: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

It makes sense that you would need to use mechanics or engineering to install and Computer Use to make sure everything is connected/

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Is Kol around yet?

OCC: So who is our computer expert, Prox can help but I distinctly got the feeling that there was someone better at this than she is.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

I think it is Kol isn't it?

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

I think Kol was our main slicer.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Dreams spends the time resting, and recovering after the psychic shock from his last attempt to contact Donavaan.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

I am going to give another 24 hours for rolls to be made. We need to move on.

Artee Use Computer: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19
Prox Aid Use Computer: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Prox and Artee work on the computer to produce the information desired.

OCC: Do not recall what the Use Computer was needed for and I believe we have another Aid Use Computer in the wings.

So current total = 21 with a potential of 23

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9

Assuming Phineas is back, he will also assist. If needed - Use Computer 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

You are able to piece together what is needed in order to upgrade your ship.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

No word from Kol correct?

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

Correct. Player seems to be defunct since early September.

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9

Any useful information gathered by Phineas when he hit the planet for research?

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

What was he looking for again?

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9
Private Phineas - Piston wrote:

While the crew and the mechanics hired to do their work upgrade the Banshee, Phineas heads to a local watering hole to find the best place to get into the holonet in an attempt to find out more about the foes that the group faces as well as the capability of their ship, if possible.

DM, let me know what the appropriate rolls would be to do this type of research. I'll start with Use Computer and Knowledge (Galactic Lore).

Galactic Lore 1d20+8 = 24
Use Computer 1d20+8 = 24

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

The Clone trooper is able to find out that the group they have encountered are slavers. Some of the most effective ones in the Empire. The Empire tends to leave them to their business as they hunt down those deemed as criminals by the Empire. Their slaves are sent to different places to serve the Empire and are among the most happy to serve the Empire and seem to totally regret their past mistakes.

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9

Phineas relays the information he discovered to the Team, "Looks like we have extra incentive to bring then down, hard.

With Artee's assistance and the upgrades, I am thinking that Dreams' idea of blasting in from hyperspace and hitting them hard is our best bet, out of a not a lot of goods options".

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

"Hmm. Well, either we attack them and force a boarding action, or else we trick them into trying to connect to our ship so that we can board and then rescue the prisoners," muses Ardan.

"Of course, they'll be hostile to us and wary for a trick... but if we appear to be disabled maybe they'll try to board and capture us?"

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Boarding action seems like the best approach.
Either they board us, or we board them.

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

Ardan stands and paces while folding his hands and tapping his index fingers together. "Old trick, but what if we run the bluff that after fighting a bit we appear to lose main power and make it look like it'll be easy for them to come aboard? We might be worth more to them boarded than destroyed, if they're after our Jedi friends. The problem is that they're the ones attacking, so we lose the initiative—we need some way to make the boarding action work in our favor..."

He glances back at Phineas. "Any notions, soldier?" Then he turns to Prox. "Tactical assessment?"

The group does have the benefit of having a bounty hunter among it, who seems to be unknown to the slavers the Master says.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Kol speaks up. I didn't sign up to get blown up in space or to be taken out and made a slave. While I appreciate what this group is done, I think I am out of here.

Prox responds to Kol, "Like where are you going to go?" as she contemplates Ardan's question.

To Ardan she replies, "Well they do not seem to know about about half our group, which means they might over look us. Then again we did retreat and return, so they might expect reinforcements. Personally, I think we move to take their queen thus weakening their response. Which means, surprise attack as much as possible and do our best to board them. It would be nice if we had some extra contingency or extra firepower but we can only put so much into this bird and have it still fly compentently."

OCC: This plan basically requires a high quality pilot that can drop us out of hyperspace as close to the planet as possible. Which I do not think, Prox would qualify for. Be nice if we could borrow Kol's flying expertise for this but I understand the player is gone and the GM does not wish to NPC them.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Can the mech pilot?

OCC: Yes Artee has a Pilot of +9 and Prox is one point less with a Pilot of +8 so they are both comparable in that arena and Artee is one point shy of Kol who had a Pilot +10. So we do not seem to have anyone that is an exceptional pilot. Now I thought Kol was the focussed pilot which is why I did not focus on that myself but they turned out to be an exceptional mechanic instead which I was a bit suprised about.

However if allowed I could shift my Perception Skill Focus to Pilot Skill Focus and step in as the primary pilot. If you want. As that would not go against their current backstory or character concept. It would even, to some degree, segue nicely into one of the aspects not throughly focussed upon as I did not want to over shadow the primary pilot when creating the character. So ultimately its the GM's call, as I can do either without issue.

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9

Phineas shrugs at Ardan's question, "My original training was as a scout so tactical was not part of my skill set if you will.

I agree that a surprise attack and boarding them would be ideal to take the initiative. They will probably have the numbers. I'm not sure how many of you Jedi are willing to fight but from what I understand, a well trained Jedi is worth a battalion of regular soldiers much less slavers who are used to picking fights with foes who don't fight back.

Though if they have a force user... I'm not sure how that changes the equation".

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9
Prox Simmoss wrote:
OCC: Now I thought Kol was the focussed pilot which is why I did not focus on that myself but they turned out to be an exceptional mechanic instead which I was a bit surprised about.

I get the sense the original group maybe had a dedicated pilot, I believe the adventure started with an NPC pilot as well.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

The adventure was supposed to have an NPC pilot.
But with the party size, one of the PC's became the pilot.
I know I can pilot, but not as well as others with only a +6

Skills N-Z:
Perception (T) [Wis] +9 Persuasion [Cha] +15 Pilot (c) [Dex] +5 Ride [Dex] +5, Stealth [Dex] +5, Survival [Wis] +4, Swim [Str] +3, Treat Injury [Wis] +4, Use Computer [Int] +3, Use the Force (c/T) [Cha] +15
Skills A-M:
Acrobatics (c) [Dex] +5 Climb [Str] +4 Deception [Cha] +5 Endurance (c) [Con] +4 Gather Information [Cha] +5 Initiative (c) [Dex] +5 Jump (c) [Str] +3 Knowledge (c) [Int] +3 Mechanics (c/T) [Int] +8
Jedi 6; Init +5; Fort 18; Ref 19; Will 18; Force points 4/4 ; HP 67/67

Waylon nods at Kol and says, "I am sorry to see you go, but spending time around Force Users currently can be quite dangerous. May the Force be with you."

Back to the planning discussion.

"I think a direct assault is unlikely to work well. They obviously have good enough sensors to see any ships in the area. I think instead we should set a trap. They seemed to want to capture us. If we fly in straight at them they will realize we plan to fight. On the other hand, if we try to run their blockade, I believe they will move to intercept again. At that point, either they try to dock with us and we can board them without having to deal with their stronger armaments. Or they start firing at us and we hope our upgrades prove strong enough that we can force a docking instead." Waylon says.

Waylon is not a pilot.

Male Human (Onderonian) Noble 6 | 46/46 HP | Fort 18 Ref 20 Will 21 | Damage Threshold 18 | Initiative +10 | Perception +10 | Force Power Suite: Cloak, Mind Trick, Move Object, Negate Energy, Rebuke, Vital Transfer

Ardan nods at the assembled suggestions.

"That seems like the bones of a workable plan. We make it look like we are trying to avoid combat, we fight as needed in space battle, and then we allow them to dock or, if we're winning the fight, we force a dock, and then we all charge in and try to make a rescue."

Ardan sighs. "Ah, war is full of uncertainty. I don't know that we're going to be able to refine this much more."

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9

Phineas responds to Waylon, "Correct, I believe that's why Dream suggested a hyperspace attack, it's certainly risky. Perhaps without Kol, too risky.

Sirs, whatever you decide is fine by me. I'll fight whether we're the aggressor or the defender".

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Ok, so bare bones it is. Try to make it look like we are dodging, but let them force a boarding action.
Or we engage them, and force the boarding action.

Dreams walks over and taps the ships internal bulkhead.

Lets hope the modifications that we did, work, and that we are on time.

Dreams stares down at his sabre as he concentrates.

Let us be on time, and get to Donavaan before he is moved further into imperial control.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Anything from the Mando?

Quen Pah What about my suggestion to make that one minor adjustment and make my character a more competent pilot? As that would at least allow us to try the hyperspace attack.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

That is fine.

Soldier 3/Scout 1/Scoundrel 2; Init +9; Fort 23; Ref 20; Will 18; Force points 8/8 (4/4 Daily)( ; HP 83/83; Perception +9
Quen Pah wrote:
Anything from the Mando?

He is here, he posted OOC a few days ago.

OCC: Okay thanks Quen Pah that means Prox has a Pilot skill of oooo wait miscalculation..... a Pilot skill of +16 and can take over pilot duties for the team. Now I just hope one of you is rather Perceptive ;)

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