Star Wars Saga Dawn of Defiance


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Female Human Brawler 1 / Spiritualist 1

I am Arue. - the soldier replies, shaking his hand with a smile - Glad we're finally taking off. Who cares about naming ships!

She leans down.

At the end of the day, it's just a machine... Means to an end. And right now, it's getting out of here!

Human Scoundrel - Pilot 1 | HP 19/19 | Defense R16 / F12 / W13

pilot: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Use computer: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Maya responds to the designation query This ship has no designation. We don't need the Empire able to track us.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

As you clear the shuttle bay the coordinates indicate that your destination will require jumping to hyperspace when you are far enough from the shuttle.

The dug and Robbidon are able to ensure that the ship will arrive to the coordinates in 2 days.

Feel Free to RP a bit.

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

Lak stretches once they get underway. Glancing around he notes the location of the other travelers.

in dug:
I wonder where you all are going. Probably don't understand real language so I'll be delegated to speaking common. aagh.

Turning to Lem Tin tip, why don't you have a restraining bolt?

not waiting for an answer, Robb where'd you learn to pilot tin cans like this one? I started on airspeeders about the time I could walk. Ships have been an upgrade that's for sure.
Hutt's don't take kindly to you ruining their stuff though. Or atleast not without consequences.

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3

"Taim & Bak MS-2B twin lasers... nice..." Rufus tears himself away from the specs of the freighter's weapons to meet this strange collection of beings he ended up with.

He gives Robbidon a grin, sharing an appreciation for ships and the means with which to blow them up.

When Arue mentions that starships are mere machines, he scoffs and gets serious for a rare moment. "Just machines? Are you kidding? They're works of art, engineering, and technology combined to make something... greater than just their component parts. You're relying on them to get you where you're going, and to keep you alive in the most inhospitable conditions in the Galaxy. You'd better treat your ship like more than just a machine; your life depends on it."

Ninja'd by Rufus, will alter

Nodding toward their host, "Thank you mistress Maya,."

Lemm turns it's cycloptic lens towards the scruffy man carrying the chest going past it toward the gunnery station, "Designation ;Impounded?" The robot cocks it's head. "Normally ships are given a name that is a noun, though I have heard of a ship named 'muddlin' through' so ships named verbs is not unheard of."

Turning towards the dark haired woman carrying the blaster rifle, Lemm raises both hands in the air."Oh, Humans have a storied tradition of naming ships. As I was explaining to our gunner it is quite common to use a noun naming it after someone or something.." It gestures towards itself. "They even tend to give non-ship mechanisms names. For instance my designation is LE-M-07d but I am called Lemm by my shipmates."

Turning towards the dug, Lemm pauses for a moment. 'As my designation infers I am a Modified LE-Series Repair droid. I have seven factory modifications, several of those required licenses, thus the 'd' designation. One of those modifications is Locked Access so my shutdown switch is located internally." The droid taps it's off white armor, "You may also notice that I have the 1050 Duravlex Shell droid armor. instead of the Durasteel Shell Droid Armor"

Hearing Rufus, interject about ships, Lemm pauses turning its cycloptic eye back towards the gunner, nodding in agreement.

Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5

Christon smiles at the concept of "more than machines". His hand goes to his belt, and he gently touches his saber hilt. Glad that he hasn't had the need to use it, he focuses on bracing himself for the taking off.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Relaxing now that the ship is moving and the dark side source is going further and further away dreams looks around to the others.

Anyone up for a tour, I have never been on one of these classes before.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

Finally relaxing after the squeeze of g-forces at launch, Kol breathed a sigh of relief. Clicking free of his restraining belt, he stretched and went back into the ships passageways.

Dreamchaser wrote:
Anyone up for a tour, I have never been on one of these classes before.

"Yeah, we better check the food, fuel, and other consumables. Don't want to have to come back to that station." Kol said.

He'll go back and poke about getting a tour/familiarization with the new ship.
Use Computer: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Mechanics: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

Pretty basic ship. Easily modified and decent hauler. Used to run one as a patrol ship once we armed her up a bit. THat was until.....anyways that's the past. I do want one of these again though. Might just jury rig it a bit. Lak muses to himself as he joins Kol to check t he supplies.

Human Scoundrel - Pilot 1 | HP 19/19 | Defense R16 / F12 / W13
Lakoneous wrote:

Robb where'd you learn to pilot tin cans like this one? I started on airspeeders about the time I could walk. Ships have been an upgrade that's for sure.

Hutt's don't take kindly to you ruining their stuff though. Or atleast not without consequences.

Robbidon chuckles, giving a knowning nod, "No Hutts for me. Never actually met one, to be honest. I grew up on Kuat, practially in the Shipyards. My father was a hell of a pilot and an even better engineer. Ship-builder. Had me sitting in a cockpit by the time I was ten, and I could fly a Neimoidian Shuttle before I turned twelve. Great childhood..."

The Kuat native trails off, a momentarily distant look in his eyes that the dark-haired pilot visibly shakes off before he looks back down at the controls and flips on the auto-pilot function.

Removing his headset, Robb heads back to the common area, running his fingers through his hair and saying, "Ok. Howsaobut some answers now, huh? Where's Maya? We really need to know what the hell is going on here, now that we've officially pissed of some Imperial types..."

Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5
Robbidon Jaas wrote:
" that we've officially pissed of some Imperial types..."

"Heh, story of my life..."

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3

Rufus follows along on the tour/exploration of the ship, familiarizing himself with the various specs.

"Won't be a very long story you keep that up," Rufus adds to Christon's statement about pissing off the Imperials.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

I will be moving us forward tomorrow

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

I whole heartedly agree that pissing off the imperials is bad.
After all, thats how I got these scars.
They gunned me down when I was a kid

He points at the scars on his chest

Realizing the dug was ignoring it, Lemm turns it's attention to Robb as he headed to talk to Maya. Following along, Lemm looked over his shoulder at the Dug then back to Robb. "Pardon me for asking Master Robb, but did Laoneous infer that he worked for Hutts?" Lowering the volumn on it's speech processer. "Aren't the Hutts all mobsters and criminals?"

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

Hearing Lem's comment, Lak realizes he must have missed its first comment to him. Yes the Hutts are all criminals and mobsters. DOn't ask it was a venture that was good while it lasted that's for sure. It just left me skeedling out of there on the nearest ship when things went bad.

Lakoneous wrote:
Hearing Lem's comment, Lak realizes he must have missed its first comment to him. Yes the Hutts are all criminals and mobsters. DOn't ask it was a venture that was good while it lasted that's for sure. It just left me skeedling out of there on the nearest ship when things went bad.
lol, you said:
Lakoneous wrote:
Turning to Lem Tin tip, why don't you have a restraining bolt?not waiting for an answer...

So Lemm just blathered on, as droids are want to do :)

Hearing Lakoneous speaking behind them, Lemm turns it's cycloptic eye towards the dug. "How very interesting Master lakoneous." It shifts it's lens from Lak to Robb, "If you don't mind me asking, won't 'leaving in a hurry' upset them?"

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

A hearty laugh is the response to this question. It has left them upset with me and they have set a bounty of several hundred creds on my head but they really want me to come back alive for "judgement." If I decide to repay what they accuse me of losing then the bounty will be removed in theory. again the laughter peals out from the small humanoid. How about you copper bottom, what's your line?

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

As the group finishes their conversations their ship comes out of hyperspace and in front of it is a larger ship. A voice on the broadcast system informs the crew that they are cleared for landing.

Maya looks up, weary yet happy. We are here. You best be on your best behavior.


I will add more tomorrow, long day at school today

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3

A completely normal (and not mischievous at all) grin touches Rufus' face. "Oh, absolutely. I'm the very model of discretion."

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

Hearing the hyperdrive tone spooling down, and the thump of returning to normal space, Kol took a look outside a viewport.
"What the frakk..." He started to say as the shadow of a much larger ship started occluding the stars ahead.

Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5

Fearing the worse, Christon goes and has a look, wondering if he's going to find an Imperial Destroyer.

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Looking out the viewport, Dreams cannot make out the design of the ship they are headed to.

What make of ship is that he asks.

Human Scoundrel - Pilot 1 | HP 19/19 | Defense R16 / F12 / W13

Knowledge:Galactic Lore: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

"Whoa. She's a beauty, that's what she is..." Robbidon says, eyes widening as he looks out through the cockpit windows.

What kind of ship is it?

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

It looks like a non descript freighter. Once everyone is on board, it too enters hyperspace, in a way that is going to confuse those who might be following, if anyone is.

A day later you arrive at a beautiful planet. The planet is vibrant and green. A small shuttle takes you and Maya down to the surface.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

Kol looked around curiously.
"This is a nice place lady; what's it called?" He asked aloud.
Does it look familiar? Like famous?

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3

"I love your recruitment technique: piss off some stormtroopers in a bar, and whoever decides to hightail it out of there with you is invited to your planet. Where are we, exactly?" he asks Maya.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Angalactic lore check can help identify.

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3

Galactic Lore: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

feeling about as comfortable as a cat on a hot tin roof. . . :)

Earlier with Lak
Pausing for a moment the droid, repeats Lakoneous' question. "What is my line." Lemm paused for a moment the lense on his cycloptic optics tightening. It lifts a hand in half a shrug. "I provide mechanical, computer and emergency co-pilot responsibilities to enhance master Robbs employment options."

Keeping it's magnetic servos powered on Leff follows Robb off of the first ship onto the second, making sure to recharge at the nearest opportunity. The following day Lemm is near an observation portal as the planet comes into view. It searches it's programing attempting to identify the vibrant green planet as it follows Robb to the shuttle.

editing :)
Taking hold of it's masters sleeve, Lemm says aloud, "Master Robb, that planet is Alderaan."

galactic lore: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

Lem recognizes the planet as Alderaan.

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3

Rufus folds his arms, frowning. He'd not heard of Alderaan, most likely because there hadn't been any starcraft he was aware of that had been manufactured there. The planet looked pretty from a distance, though.

Once on the planet, the place seemed even nicer. Big mountains, diverse biosphere.

"So, you brought us here. What next?" he asks.

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

Out of one fire into another flame. Guess I can hurt myself for jumping from my ego to my intelligence level on this one. Lak thinks as they board the freighter.

Later, when they disembark to the planet, Lak looks around the area to see what kinds of ships are there and what are the most common races seen. If i know the humanoids kinds and the ships I may be able to figure out where we are likely to be. He thinks

perc on humanoids: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11

Pilot to identify kinds of ships around hangar: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

galactic lore to see what I can tell about where we are: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Upon landing, Dreams relaxes and starts to play tourist, while they look around the place.
Glad that we were able to shake the bucketheads, hopefully we don't draw their attention again.

Female Human Brawler 1 / Spiritualist 1

Alderaan. - Arue says, unimpressed as she looks around - Looks busy. What are we doing here?

The soldier speaks with an almost monotone rhythm. Her weapons are visible, but stowed, and the way she dresses and speaks sound as if she's fully licensed and trained to use them.

Male Half Elf HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]

The group is quickly taken to a land transport. The shuttle bay being busy with ships and races of all kinds busily about their business.

In short order the group is taken to a large palace and told to make themselves comfortable.

Shortly,. The doors to the Grand Hall open, and in strides a middle-aged man
who has a well-kept goatee and is wearing Senatorial robes. Easily
recognizable as Bail Organa, he smiles and nods to the servants
before turning to you. “Welcome to Alderaan,” he says. “I had hoped we might meet under more pleasant circumstances, but
unfortunately the Empire makes almost everything unpleasant. Still,
I am glad to see that the . . . difficulties at the spaceport above
Brentaal didn’t impede you too much.

I’ve asked you to join me today because the agents of mine that
you rescued seem to think you can be trusted. Since you worked
hard to help them, I believe I can put my faith in you as well. I have
a task that needs to be completed, but unfortunately my status as a
Senator prevents me from taking care of it myself, or even from
sending someone directly associated with the Royal Family.
“The planet Felucia was ravaged during the Clone Wars, but once
the fighting was over, the Empire set up a permanent facility on the
world. Nothing large—just a small garrison where they could keep
prisoners out of the way. Some months ago, I was contacted by an
Imperial Admiral who was disillusioned with the way the Empire had
twisted the once-great Republic, and he began feeding me sensitive
information. A little over a week ago, that communication stopped.
My agents tell me that the Admiral has been taken to Felucia, where
he is being held against his will. I’d like you to learn what has
become of him, and rescue him if you can.”

M Catharese Jedi 6 (HP 55/66 Threshold 15);Fort 17, Reflex 22, Will 18; Init +10; Force 3/4; Percept +10

Muttering quietly in catharese


Damn, we got to go sneak into an buckethead site and get out. This will not end well

Sir, I understand what you are asking, but what kind of support would we have if we agreed.

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

in dug:
That'll cost some weighted cred to get me on it. Nothing to benefit me from doing it other than rubbing the bucketheads noses in their own crap.

in common I'm sure you'll cover costs but what is our gain?

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3
Bail Organa wrote:
I’ve asked you to join me today because the agents of mine that you rescued seem to think you can be trusted.

Rufus stifles a laugh.

Bail Organa wrote:
Since you worked hard to help them, I believe I can put my faith in you as well.

Rufus covers his laugh with a cough.

Still, he listens to the job offered by the senator and considers it. He was out of work, and pretty much blacklisted by the Empire for any sort of pilot work. But being an outright outlaw? He wasn't sure he was ready for that.

Though if they could be sneaky enough, maybe the Empire wouldn't find out.

[b]"I love a good rescue. What's it pay, and more importantly, what starship will we be using?"

Following along with the other refugees from the spaceport Lemm enters the land transport, curious as they enter the grand hall of the large palace. Surprised by the introduction to Bail Organa, and even more surprised by the requests. Hearing several of the refugees murmuring, Lemm looks towards Robb wondering what his master will say.

Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5

"Felucia..." Christon tries to recall where the planet is located.

Galactic Lore: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

He stays silent, listening to what the Senator has to say. He will need more than money to accept the mission, but surely Senator Organa has the means to provide that as well. Christon only needs to speak in private with him.

Male Human Scoundrel L5 | hp 36/36 | Defense R20F17W17 | Perc +8 | Status: OK

Kol's lips twisted, about to burst out with some cutting comment; but he resisted. This was an opportunity; maybe he could change his luck. Couldn't get worse could it?
He nodded slowly.
"Yeah, I'm in."

Hit Points=18/21 Fort=14 (19 vs force) Ref=18 Will=12(17 vs force) Initiative +9 Perception +0
Dug Scoundrel 1

After listening to Kol replies he's in, Lak reiterates his earlier comment I'm sure you'll cover costs but what is our gain?Snubbing the empire is fun but it doesn't put food in my belly or creds in my pocket.

Female Human Brawler 1 / Spiritualist 1

It could also very well be a trap. This admiral could be some sort of... Triple agent? Trying to attract to their den people which could lead them to you? Not that we'd have any useful intel.

HP 29/29 | Force 5 | F 14 R 19* W 14 Human Brash Pilot/Scoundrel 3

Rufus glances at Arue. "That's why he's sending us, then."

Human Jedi 1 | Conditions: Ok
Fort 14 Ref 14 Will 15 | Initiative +7 Perc +8 UTF +8
HP 32/32 | Force 5/5

Any Lore to know something about Senator Organa: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Sense: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Manny questions without an answer, Christon has to agree.

Human Scoundrel - Pilot 1 | HP 19/19 | Defense R16 / F12 / W13

Galactic Lore: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

"Felucia, huh?" Robbidon leans against the wall and strokes his chin in a classic 'I'm considering it' posture. He glances over at Lemm, shrugging then asks, "S' KNOW that we aren't a military unit, right? We barely even know each other..."

He nods at Rufus' question about the ship, adding his voice to the request, "Yeah. What about that? What are we flying in there...and what's in it for us?"

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