Aldern Foxglove

Quen Pah's page

2,768 posts. Alias of JASON RODARTE.

Full Name

Quen Pah


Half Elf


HP 10 | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +0; Dex: +1; Con: +2; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Initiative: +1 | Spell Slots: 0 (2) | Inspiration: [ ]







About Quen Pah

Quen Pah CL 8Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 1 25 pt build
Force 13, Strong in the Force
Init +9; Senses Perception +12
Languages Basic
Defenses Ref 20 (20 flat-footed), Fort 20, Will 23; 0
hp 67; Threshold 20
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +8 (2d8+4)
Ranged by weapon +8
Base Atk +8; Grp +8
Atk Options Unstoppable Force
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 17
Special Qualities Bonus Trained Skill, Bonus Feat , Build Lightsaber
Talents Adept Negotiator, Force Persuasion, Adversary Lore, Dampen Presence, Force Treatment
Feats Force Boon, Force Sensitivity, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Strong in the Force, Unstoppable Force, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (simple)
Skills Initiative +9, Knowledge (Life Sciences) +9, Perception +12, Persuasion (Use the Force) +17, Treat Injury +7, Use the Force +17
Possessions lightsaber
// Farseeing (full; one creature you know or have met before) <BR>+17 vs. Will, cannot reuse for 24 hours, can get a sense of target, whether the target is alive or dead and gain a vague sense of its immediate surroundings, what it's currently doing, and any strong emotions it is presently feeling
Spend a Force Point for a clear image of surrounding 6 squares of target<BR>
// Force Slam (standard; all targets within a 6 square cone) •Telekinetic<BR>+17 vs. Will, deal 4d6 damage and targets are knocked prone; half damage on a miss
Spend a Force Point to deal +2d6 damage<BR>
// Inspire (swift; allies) •Light Side<BR>DC 20: allies gain +2 bonus to Will against mind-affecting and fear effects until the end of your next turn
DC 25: as DC 20 except +5 bonus
DC 30: as DC 20 except +10 bonus
DC 35: as DC 20 except immunity instead of bonus
Maintain as a swift action
Spend a Force Point to grant +2d6 temporary hit points when the power is first activated<BR>
// Malacia (standard; 1) •Light Side<BR>+17 vs. Fortitude, target moves -1 step down the condition track takes a -5 penalty to damage threshold
Spend Force Point to increase the penalty to damage threshold to -10<BR>
// Mind Trick (standard; one creature of intelligence 3 or higher within 12 squares and line of sight) •Mind-Affecting<BR>+17 vs. Will to:
1. create an hallucination to use Stealth even if target is aware
2. perform a feint so that target loses Dexterity bonus to Reflex on your next attack against them
3. make an unpalatable suggestion
4. fill target with terror to flee at top speed 1 minute, stops fleeing if wounded, not if higher level
Spend a Force Point to improve attitude one step, + one step per every 5 points the check exceeds Will<BR>
// Move Object (standard; one character or object within 12 squares and line of sight) •Telekinetic<BR>+17 vs Will if target resists, hurl or drop object vs. target's Reflex, both take damage according to DC below
DC 15: Move up to medium object, 2d6 damage
DC 20: Move up to large object, 4d6 damage
DC 25: Move up to huge object, 6d6 damage
DC 30: Move up to gargantuan object, 8d6 damage
DC 35: Move up to colossal object, 10d6 damage
Moving or hovering target opposes Use the Force with a grapple check
Spend a Force Point to increase max size of object one category and +2d6 damage (max 12d6)
Spend a Destiny Point to increase max size three categories and +6d6 damage (max 16d6)<BR>
// Negate Energy (reaction; one attack that deals energy damage) <BR>+17 vs. damage to negate, failure take damage as normal, must be aware of attack
Spend a Force Point to regain hit points equal to the damage negated<BR>
// Rebuke (reaction; one Force power directed at you) <BR>+17 vs. check of Force power to negate, beat check of Force power by 5 or more and redirect against creator; if the creator in turn rebukes, both of you suffer the effects of the power
Spend a Force Point for no effect on 2nd rebuke<BR>
// Resist Force (standard; you) <BR>DC 15: +1 to one defence vs. Force powers until your next turn
DC 20: +2 to one defence vs. Force powers until your next turn
DC 25: +5 to one defence vs. Force powers until your next turn
Spend a Force Point to increase two defences<BR>
// Sever Force (standard; one dark side Force user within 12 squares and line of sight) •Light Side<BR>+17 vs. Will; no effect if Dark Side score is 0
DC 25: target cannot spend Force Points for a number of hours equal to its Dark Side score
DC 30: as DC 25 except the target also moves -1 step down the condition track if it uses Force powers within duration""
DC 35: as DC 30 except the target moves -2 steps down the condition track
Spend a Force Point to double the duration
Spend a Destiny Point to increase to days instead of hours""<BR>
// Vital Transfer x2(standard; one ally touched) •Light Side<BR>DC 15: heals 16 hit points
DC 20: heals 24 hit points
DC25: heals 32 hit points
Take half of the damage you heal; spend Force Point to avoid taking damage; spend Destiny Point to move target +5 steps up the condition track<BR>

Quen Pah CL 5
"Medium Human jedi 5
Init +8; Senses Perception +10
Languages Basic, High Galactic
Defenses Ref 17 (16 flat-footed), Fort 17, Will 19
hp 51; Threshold 17
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +5 (2d8+2)
Ranged by weapon +6
Base Atk +5; Grp +6
Force Training Regimens Known Telekinetic Practice, Training Remote
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16
Special Qualities Bonus Trained Skill, Bonus Feat
Talents Dampen Presence, Surge of Light
Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Skill Focus (Use the Force), Strong in the Force, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (simple)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Initiative +8, Perception +10, Pilot +8, Use the Force +15
Possessions lightsaber

Even as a youngling, Master Yoda and other members of the Council liked talking with him and watched him grow and develop in the force because he was a truly good person. Many on the Council looked forward to the time when Quen would join them.

There was no guile in him and nothing that could attract the attention of the dark side. When it was time to become a padawan learner he was apprenticed to a Miraluke Jedi Master named Thon Razel. She was much more combat oriented, a guardian, and the Council hoped that she would help this fledgling counselor to strike a balance within himself. Sadly, the Clone Wars struck before this could truly be handled and his Master was cut down very early in the fighting.

He was then apprenticed to a newly named Master, Jediorum Rex. Master Rex had a gift for healing and the Council and Jediorum recognized this talent with Quen. He happily took on this training, his first apprentice, and they went on a few adventures and participate in a battle or two but they focused on healing and developing this talent in the young padawan. He grew in his connection to the light side under the tutelage of Master Rex.

It was in one of these battles, in the hospitals, that he and his Master met and befriended Ren Corrian, a healer who used his medicine rather than the Force to heal. As the battles grew longer and more and more Jedi and padawans and clones died in the fighting, it began to take a toll on the young padawan but his Master always took the the time to comfort the young man and help him to deal with the grief.

Master Rex was in the beginning stages in their training, of showing Quen how to use the force to hide, almost as a preminition of things to come. When Order 66 was issued, Master Rex was able to take the clones out who attacked him in the hospital. As they fled, knowing that they would soon be over run, he placed the padwan in a force trance, making him seem as if he was dead and his Master fled. It was a gamble that paid off.

Quen awoke to find Ren Carrian over him. In desperation he felt in the force for his Master to no avail. It was reported that Master Rex had been killed on another planet a day or two after Quen woke up. Quen was devastated by this news but did not feel his Master die through the Force.


Quen Pah is from the planet Naboo. He was a very out going and friendly youngling and had many friends. Being from Naboo he was proud that the Supreme Chancellor and Padme Amidala, very high ranking people in the Republic, were from his planet. As the Clone Wars broke out he was proud of the contributions they made to help fight the Seperatists.

Even as a youngling, Master Yoda and other members of the Council liked talking with him and watched him grow and develop in the force because he was a truly good person. Many on the Council looked forward to the time when Quen would join them.

There was no guile in him and nothing that could attract the attention of the dark side. When it was time to become a padawan learner he was apprenticed to a Miraluke Jedi Master named Thon Razel. She was much more combat oriented, a guardian, and the Council hoped that she would help this fledgling counselor to strike a balance within himself. Sadly, the Clone Wars struck before this could truly be handled and his Master was cut down very early in the fighting.

He was then apprenticed to a newly named Master, Jediorum Rex. Master Rex had a gift for healing and the Council and Jediorum recognized this talent with Quen. He happily took on this training, his first apprentice, and they went on a few adventures and participate in a battle or two but they focused on healing and developing this talent in the young padawan. He grew in his connection to the light side under the tutelage of Master Rex.

It was in one of these battles, in the hospitals, that he and his Master met and befriended Ren Corrian, a healer who used his medicine rather than the Force to heal. As the battles grew longer and more and more Jedi and padawans and clones died in the fighting, it began to take a toll on the young padawan but his Master always took the the time to comfort the young man and help him to deal with the grief.

Master Rex was in the beginning stages in their training, of showing Quen how to use the force to hide, almost as a preminition of things to come. When Order 66 was issued, Master Rex was able to take the clones out who attacked him in the hospital. As they fled, knowing that they would soon be over run, he placed the padwan in a force trance, making him seem as if he was dead and his Master fled. It was a gamble that paid off.

Quen awoke to find Ren Carrian over him. In desperation he felt in the force for his Master to no avail. It was reported that Master Rex had been killed on another planet a day or two after Quen woke up. Quen was devastated by this news but did not feel his Master die through the Force.

Without his Master and due to all of the horrible things he has seen in his life he has withdrawn into himself. He had not dispaired or even come close to hate that would be an easy way for the Dark Side to creep him but he is having trouble making lasting friendships. Right now the only person he trusts is Ren since he has worked with him before and has helped to keep this young beacon of light alive in a galaxy that is quickly darkening.