Rufus Griller |

Rufus rejoins the group after some time, his clothes rumpled and a little makeup smeared on his collar. He claps his hands together. "So, what'd I miss? I figure the choices are going in guns a-blazing or trying to sneak our way in. What did you decide?"

Dreamchaser Plainstalker |

Well, we were just hashing out a list of things that might come in useful while we are there.
Dreams takes the list.
Anyone want to accompany me to bring this gear back?
He heads out for the shopping area with the list and handful of credits.

LE-M-07d |
Turning it's cycloptic eye from Dreams to Robb, Lemm gives a human like shrug. "Master Robb, with your permission I will stay here and give the Banshee a good once over. To familiarize myself with her systems." It then heads back to the engine room to give the ship a good once over.
Lemm will take 20 (35) mechanics going over the systems in the engine room. To both familiarize itself with the ship and to double check for any possible issues.

Robbidon Jaas |

"Sure, Lemm. Check out her nooks and crannies. See what we can use and what we can do without if need-be. Might have to clear some room for some weapons or maybe some smuggling compartments." Robb grins at Lak as he says this last, then turns to the rest of the group, "Well, then. I guess I'll tag along for the shopping. Who's got the list?"

LE-M-07d |
Nodding its head, Lemm continues familiarizing himself with the ship. "Will do Master Robb." Pondering for a moment, "We could put a false bottom in the swimming pool. Or hide contraband under the beds. I'm sure no one would look their."
When Robb asks who has the shopping list, Lemm points to "Dream" announcing proudly. "Master Dream has agreed to acquire a stun baton with an energy pack for me."

Lakoneous |

Lak goes room to room examining everything in detail and looking for places that could be modified later or jury rigged if the need arises. Taking the bed out of there would leave room for us to port in the nav back up easier....hmmm what else.

Rufus Griller |

Rufus takes whatever chance presents itself to familiarize himself with the controls of the Banshee, but doesn't force himself into the pilot's chair when it comes time for takeoff. He knew he'd get his chance.
The stated plans to rip out all the luxurious finery of the ship is met with a scowl, though Rufus does appreciate the idea of a smuggler's compartment beneath the pool. "Come on. Let's not be too hasty in tearing all this out! What's more suspicious than a space yacht that's stripped down and bare bones?"

LE-M-07d |
The ship is large enough for all of you, correct?
description says 8 passengers with crew, I don't know how many original crew there were but if were driving it ourselves shouldn't matter, Oh and I don't think that Lemm would count as a passenger, not needing anything other than some place to plug in

Dreamchaser Plainstalker |

Dreams ties their meager amount of gear down in the cargo bay and then returns to his room that he claimed.
He then plugs in his recharger, and ensures his cells are all charged.
During the days that they are not actively doing anything, he will be going over his saber training and slowly recalling his peoples martial arts.

Dreamchaser Plainstalker |

Due to the fact that he is extremely wary right now due to being gunned down by clone troopers. When he warms up to the group, he might be more open to training in the open. But right now yes he is hiding it.

Rufus Griller |

Since the others just *gotta* fly the ship, Rufus will take full advantage of the staryacht's luxurious accommodations. He'll make sure he's familiarized himself with the controls in case the shooting starts and he has to take the helm, but during the boring stuff he's happy to let someone else fly.

Rufus Griller |

I thought Rufus was our gunner?
I have the feats Vehicular Combat and A Few Maneuvers. If they're shooting at us, you probably want me in the pilot's seat.

LE-M-07d |
LE-M-07d wrote:I thought Rufus was our gunner?I have the feats Vehicular Combat and A Few Maneuvers. If they're shooting at us, you probably want me in the pilot's seat.
Curious, I did not even realize those feats existed. So combat feats for piloting, nice. Looks like I still don't know what I don't know :)

Lakoneous |

Lak has some skills in piloting so he can help with copiloting until something shoots at us then let rufus show us up or can assist with comp interfacing as needed. No combat feats for me. .... yet!

Quen Pah |

After everyone is ready and has what supplies they believe that they will need for this mission, a servant from the Senator arrives and gives the group the coordinates to Felucia.
The ship is very easily able to enter hyperspace.
As the Banshee emerges from hyperspace you realize thattheir trajectory was perfect and that they are approaching in a
vector that will take them to the Imperial prison facility. Almost
instantaneously, the sensor board lights up with contacts—Imperial
contacts. The massive, dagger-shaped visage of a Victory-class Star
Destroyer looms above the planet, and within seconds the flickering
sensor board indicates that the capital ship has turned to intercept the

Rufus Griller |

Rufus takes the helm without hesitation. He plots a course for one of Felucia's large fungal jungles near the prison and begins the descent. He focuses on flying casually despite the presence of the star destroyer.
"Everyone strap yourselves in. I'm going to try the direct approach first," he says before keying on the comms.
"Hi there," he says in a cheery voice. "May we have permission to land?"

LE-M-07d |
Having kept it's magnetic servos on the entirety of the journey, when Rufus takes the helm and tells everyone to 'strap in' Lemm begins to explain. "Master Rufus, one of my seven factory modifications are magnetic servos they permit me to..." Seeing the glare several of the humanoids give it, Lemm stops talking and begins nervously humming a Corellian opera.

Rufus Griller |

"It never hurts to ask nicely," Rufus says before switching the comms back on. "This is the research vessel Spengler. We're here to collect spores, molds and fungus for the Ithorian Xeno-botanical Institute. Over."
Deception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Christon Rynx |

Christon quickly gets Rufus's attempt. He comments some random trivia on fungi and their possible applications, so whatever Rufus says sounds scientific enough that an expert might believe it's true.
Cooperation, Life Sciences: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
That should be a +2 to Rufus's result, if the GM approves.

Rufus Griller |

Were we given any kind of false codes? If so, I'll transmit them. If not, I'll just use my old Imperial ID code.
"Sure thing," Rufus says, purposefully sounding bored. "Fair warning, we just got the clearance approved the day before back on Chandrila. The I-X-I was so anxious for this expedition that we were sent out right away, even though I told them that you might not have the updates all the way out here on the Rim. So, fingers crossed, huh?"
Deception (if necessary): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Quen Pah |

The voice on the other end thanks you for giving your codes. Thank you for these allow us to run them
Within a few minutes you can tell that the ship is moving. It begins to move in your direction. Your scanners indicate that their weapons begin to charge.
,Spengler, prepare to be boarded

Rufus Griller |

"You don't understand. The great spoor migration is happening now! These xeno-botanists don't want to miss it!"
He turns to everyone. "Plan C?"
Rufus ignites the sublight engines and punches it toward the surface.
Piloting: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Dreamchaser Plainstalker |

Slammed back into the seat by the sudden acceleration, Dreams grunts out an answer.
We would only hold for so long. The victory carries lots of troops, our best chance as much as it pains me, is to run right now.