Species Human
Class Scoundrel 3
Languages Basic, Huttese
Background You have experience in the military and spent time in the disciplined world of professional soldiers. Choose one skill between Ride, Treat Injury, and Endurance: the skill becomes a class skill, and you receive +2 bonus on untrained checks with all of the three.
Hit Points 29/29
Force Points 6
Fortitude 10 + 3 (Level or Armor) + 0 (Class) + 1 (CON) + 0 (Misc) = 14
Reflex 10 + 3 (Level or Armor) + 2 (Class) + 4 (DEX) + 0 (Misc) = 19
Will 10 + 3 (Level or Armor) + 1 (Class) + 0 (WIS) + 0 (Misc) = 14
Damage Threshold 14 (Fortitude) + 0 (Misc) = 14
Speed 6
BAB +2
Melee 2 (BAB) + 0 (STR) = +2
Ranged 2 (BAB) + 4 (DEX) = +6
Grapple +2
Strength 11
Dexterity 16 + 2 (Species) = 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 11
Charisma 13
*Acrobatics (DEX) +5
Climb (STR) +1
*Deception (CHA) +7
*Endurance (CON) + 4
*Gather Information (CHA) +7
*Initiative (DEX) +10
Jump (STR) +1
*Knowledge Bureaucracy (INT) +3
*Knowledge Galactic Lore (INT) +3
*Knowledge Life Sciences (INT) +3
*Knowledge Physical Sciences (INT) +3
*Knowledge Social Sciences (INT) 3
*Knowledge Tactics (INT) +3
*Knowledge Technology (INT) +3
*Mechanics (INT) +8
*Perception (WIS) +6
*Persuasion (CHA) +1
*Pilot (DEX) +10
Ride (DEX) +7
*Stealth (DEX) +5
Survival (WIS) +1
Swim (STR) +3
Treat Injury (WIS) +3
*Use Computer (INT) +8
Use the Force (CHA) +0
A Few Maneuvers You can weave, juke, and roll to avoid enemy fire in the thick of combat.
Dodge Gain a +1 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense against a selected target.
Point Blank Shot You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within Point-Blank Range.
Weapon Proficiency (Pistols) Choose one Weapon Group. You are proficient with all weapons of the selected group.
Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons) Choose one Weapon Group. You are proficient with all weapons of the selected group.
Vehicular Combat Negate one attack per round against the Vehicle you're piloting.
Running attack Move before and after making an attack.
Rebel Military Training Whenever you use the Running Attack Feat to move both before and after making an attack, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your Reflex Defense until the start of your next turn.
Find Openings Whenever you are missed by an attack, you gain a +2 morale bonus to your next attack roll before the end of your next turn.
Fool's Luck As a Standard Action, you can spend a Force Point to gain one of the following benefits for the rest of the encounter:
+1 competence bonus to attack rolls
+5 competence bonus on Skill Checks
+1 competence bonus to all your Defenses
If you use this Talent to grant yourself a luck bonus to your Defenses, this bonus also applies to the Defenses of any Vehicle you are on (Even if you are not the Pilot).
Defense Bonuses At 1st level, a Scoundrel gains a +2 bonus to their Reflex Defense and a +1 bonus to their Will Defense.
2,941 credits
Heavy Blaster Pistol, 3d8, single shot, 1.3 kg, military, inaccurate (no long range)
Flight suit, 3 kg
Helmet and Blast vest, 3 kg
civvies, 1 kg
Datapad, Basic
Utility Belt, 5.5 kg
*3 day supply of food capsules,
*a medpac,
*a toolkit,
--electroshock probe [can do 1d8 ion]
__fusion cutter [can do 2d6 energy]
--laser welder [can do 1d8 energy]
--power calibrator
--power prybar [can do 1d8 bludgeoning]
--probe sensors
--sonic welder [can do 1d8 energy (no fire)]
--various circuits and connector wires
--vibro cutters
--welding goggles
*a spare power pack,
*a spare energy cell,
*a glow rod,
*a short range comlink
*a liquid cable dispenser with a small grappling hook,
*a roll of Mesh tape (30m tape, 5cm wide, 15 str and can support up to 90kg, 20 str when used to bind a character)
*a empty pouch
Holster (hip), 0.5 kg
1 medpack
Spacer chest
D6 Stats:
Name: Rufus Griller
Template: Brash Pilot
Species/Gender: Human - Male
Age: 23
Height: 1.8 m
Weight: 65 kg
Physical Description:
A Quote:
Racial Ability: None
Name: Rufus Griller
Race: Human
Age: 23
Height: 1.8 m
Weight: 65 kg
Physical Description:
A Quote:
Dexterity 3D
Blaster 4D+1
Brawling Parry
Dodge 4D+2
Heavy Weapon
Melee Parry
Melee Weapon
Sleight of Hand
Knowledge 2D+1
Alien Species
Planetary Systems
Perception 3D+1
Gambling 4D+1
Strength 3D
Technical 2D+1
Comp. Prog/Repair
Droid Prog/Repair
First Aid
Repulsorlift Repair
Starship Repair
Former Imperial (+1D)
Although to be honest, I'd opt for something similar to that, but more of a "Screw-up," or reputation for being unreliable.
Move 10
Force Points 1
Force Sensitive? No
Character Points 5
Dark Side Points 0
Human male
Equipment: Vacuum suit, medpac, Rebellion uniform, 1,000 credits, Blastech DL-18 blaster pistol (4D, 3-10/30/120, ammo 100), comlink.
Rufus Griller grew up on Corriad VIII, a pleasant planet with a varied biosphere located in the Tangrene sector. His father, Royald Griller, was the construction foreman for a company specializing in duraplast buildings, causing him to move around a lot.
Rufus' prized possession was a T-16 Skyhopper, one he used while exploring the various terrains of Corriad. His younger siblings, Tash and Yeena, also got T-16s when they got older.
Rufus turned his T-16 joyriding into a business, ferrying messages and small packages across oceans, deserts, and grasslands. He also joined a Skyhopper racing troupe, which did aerial stunts and racing shows across the planet. His best friend and fierce rival was J.T. Keehax. Unfortunately, J.T. was involved in a midair collision with another troupe member during a show, losing his right arm and eye in the crash that cost the other pilot his life. J.T. retired, embittered, and Rufus quit the troupe, unable to shake the images of the fiery crash.
Returning to the courier service, he scraped by for a while. His first encounter with the Rebellion was during this time, ferrying a white-haired woman from one secret meeting point to another. They talked about the state of the Galaxy, and she sowed the first seeds of Rebellion in him. But he was stubborn, and they didn't take root for a long time.
The courier service dried up, however, so Rufus answered the call to service at 20 years of age. He entered the Imperial Navy as a cadet, hoping to be a TIE pilot. He was far from the top of his class, but he pulled through when it counted, and joined the 285th fighter group under Cmdr. Dayne Kresko.
The 285th was stationed at Freelanx Port in the Coolenth Sector, and saw little action. Dealing mostly with smugglers and spaceport infractors, Rufus was in a total of two combat missions where opponents shot back, and had no kills.
Despite that, it was a great time for Rufus. He goofed off, stole combat vehicles with his squad members to go on joyrides and hit nightspots, and played practical jokes on his superior officers. Rufus and his squad mates Manny Fomo, Turrip Ellogis, Kal Narin, and Lon Brenx lived the life of the hot shot pilot. Rufus had a long relationship with Lt. Trysti Perrins of Docking Control.
Frustrated by the "transparisteel ceiling," Trysti resigned her commission and left a broken heart in Rufus. His last word about her whereabouts is that she's working at a commercial dock in Hrglic space.
Rufus hid his sorrow in his practical jokes, and made a very serious enemies in Cmdr. Ivan Corresk and Major Ratrel Porgoficus. Corresk no longer presses his lips against any comlink, and Pofgoficus now knows without any doubt that an AT-AT cannot run on bantha dung. (There are still bootleg holos circulating of an Imperial walker actually "excreting.)"
When Rufus' tour of duty as a TIE pilot ended with very unglamorous marks, his application to officers' training was "misfiled," and he was out on his ear. Rufus found himself blacklisted in Imperial-controlled space. No local defense forces would hire him, but he did find some work flying cloud cars on Bespin. He hated it, and wasn't too sore that he lost his pilot's uniform in a game of sabacc. Arriving to work in civvies got him fired.
Then, while nursing his last drink bought by his last credit, an elegant white-haired woman sat down beside him. He accepted her offer and despite his lackluster record in the Empire's service, the Rebellion offered to keep him flying.