Lucio Lotheed |

Here's Lucio done out full. Went with the Dandy. Hangman vigilante would have been cool and very giallo, but changing back and forth is kind of a pain for the rest of the party.
He likes using his family's conniving ways against them. They never accepted him for being gay, otherwise he might have become just like them. But he's good out of spite, and would love nothing more than to see his family brought low and someone decent given say for once.

Imara Novoron |

Here is Esha's submission. I am hoping to play an unchained rogue. The 'spy' archetype is for the original rogue and the new class features are supposed to replace trapfinding and trap sense - I figured they could replace trapfinding and danger sense instead. Does that work?
I also made Aeron a servant in one of the major noble houses. This was because I had information on those houses and I thought it would make RP easier. However, if you would prefer him to be a servant in a more minor noble house, that's fine too.
Finally, I wanted to point out that I picked halfling for RP reasons (because I wanted him to be a servant and the player's guide says that they are often servants). I completely forgot how optimized they are for playing a rogue. I am only mentioning this to clarify that I made character choices based on story/RP, rather than min-maxing - it just happened to kind of work out that way!
Aeron's parents were farmers, but when his mother was injured in a farming accident and needed additional help, his parents moved into Oppara. His father was a skilled herbalist and opened a business selling and administering herbal medicines. Aeron began working at quite a young age to help support his family. He eventually worked his way up to become a page for the Vernisant family. His position allowed him to sometimes overhear conversations related to Imperialist politics and the more he learned, the more he opposed the current system. Then, one of his sisters, Nylin, went missing and in the process of trying to find her, he learned of an underground group of reformers that she had been a part of. They opposed Oppara's traditional ways and hoped to replace them with a better, more equal and just, system. Unfortunately, he has found no information on his sister's disappearance. However, the reformers were eager to accept his help (and offer what help they could to find Nylin), particularly when they learned of his position in the Vernisant house. Aeron was happy to oblige - both because he shares the values and goals of the reformers and because he knows this cause meant a lot to Nylin.
To his great terror, he was asked to spy on the Vernisant family. He initially refused - more out of fear of being caught than any kind of loyalty to the family, who treated him like his only value was his ability to make their life easier. His disgust with their attitudes and commitment to the cause eventually wore him down and he began to eavesdrop on conversations and surreptitiously read some of the messages he was asked to deliver. He soon learned he was actually pretty good at spying, and he began to enjoy himself. It was certainly a lot better than the prospect of spending his life waiting hand and foot on some rich, bigoted, and out of touch noble family!
Aeron believes that the current instability is the perfect opportunity to fight for more equality and hopes to bring a better future for his family and others like them.
Halfling spy rogue (unchained), neutral good, young reformer trait
My preference is to leave the specifics of character development wide open and allow the experiences he has in the game to determine his story. I do my best have a strong sense of who the character is from the beginning and use that as a basis for his responses to the world around him. Having said that, I do want my characters to grow and change, rather than being a stagnant personality who is essentially untouched by the events around him and continues to react the same to everything throughout the entire story.
I would love to have his missing sister worked into the story somehow (I deliberately left that situation open as a story hook). I understand that this is an adventure path which grants limited flexibility in that regard, but I have seen other GMs to this to great effect with each of the PCs and feel that it really adds to the story. I don't expect anything game-changing, I'm thinking of it more as a minor side story. However, I am 100% fine if that doesn't happen and have no expectations in that regard. In fact, if he never learns what happens to her, that too is an excellent platform for character development as he comes to grips with the reality that he may never see her again and may never have any idea of what happened to her.
From a technical standpoint, I'm really interested in playing a character that relies on his own skills, having a wide range of (both magical and mundane) "tools" at his disposal and creative problem solving to achieve his goals. I played a character like this many, many years ago and it was one of my favorite characters ever. Unfortunately, that game fizzled out early on and this game seems perfect for a similar concept.
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 2) = 14 140 gold it is! I will get equipment added soon.

Redblade8 |

Here is Esha's submission. I am hoping to play an unchained rogue. The 'spy' archetype is for the original rogue and the new class features are supposed to replace trapfinding and trap sense - I figured they could replace trapfinding and danger sense instead. Does that work?
The UnRogue explicitly allows for that. You're good. :)
This ability counts as trap sense for the purpose of any feat or class prerequisite, and can be replaced by any archetype class feature that replaces trap sense.

Raesilia Talbot |

@Thelobster: Thanks for pointing that out! Maybe I'll go back to the fashion crafting optimization, though +10 at level 1 is technically already enough to make 'intricate' fashion items and is probably enough for the Rising Star and fluff considerations.
Getting close to the deadline. Good luck, everyone!

Randal Tullmoor |

Randal awakens in the Manor where he was employed as a bodyguard to one of the lesser nobles of Taldor. The Hounds were barking. he quickly slipped out of bed, where he slept alone...as usual. He Didnt want to be alone, but relationships hadnt work out for the Ex Arena Fighter turned bouncer turned bodyguard...Something about his dedication to his patrons, and his work ethic clashed with those who wanted his attention on them.
he sighed once...loneliness being fought back by duty and quickly slipped on his pants and shoes. Grabbing a vest and cloak, he was dressed in seconds and grabbing up his weapons belt he slipped it on while he was heading out the door. Everything about the man was duty. simple. no nonsense. No frills. He cracked his knuckles in the fists that were more like small hams than the hands of a human and a wry grin came upon his face...
Whoever was coming, theyd regret their choice if hostilities came from it.
The sounds of a horse outside neighing reached his ears, and he met a courier in the foyer, where the night watchman was letting him in. A letter with royal seal stamped on it was handed to the watchman who in turn handed it to Randal. Such was his position in the hierarchy of the Manor. Only The Major Domo and the noble family had more authority. He turned the letter over in his hands trying to ascertain its contents...
he watched the courier ride away...and thought...Tomorrow. Its not every night, well past normal hours, that a royal letter would arrive...Tomorrow Everything would change.

![]() |

Theodus Pardus, agent of the Soverign Court
To show their support for their allies the Sovereign Court has sent one of their spies to aid Princess Eutropia in her bid to claim the throne of Taldor. In order to sound out the nobles Theodus Pardus, a Pathfinder Agent, was dispatched under the guise of a minor noble running for senate.
NG Human(Ulfen)
Theodus will start as an Unchained Rogue(Spy) for four levels then multi-class to Investigator(mastermind).
During combat Theodus will use stealth and guile to disorient and flank enemies stabbing them in the back. Out of combat will lie and cheat to get the information he needs. Once he takes levels in Investigator he will lend his skills to whoever needs it.
"So, are you ready for your mission?"
Theodus Pardus looked up from his book at the question to see a red furred kitsune wearing a very fashionable, expensive and tight looking dress. "Ready and eager to start Fuji! Excuse me, Senator Fujitani Yogo." he replies with a grin and a bow at the newly made senator as he stands up from his seat. "I've just been brushing up on the noble houses." He continues, raising his book and showing the title to Fujitani.
"Good. The Sovereign Court is putting a lot on your shoulders, sending you to swim with those sharks but I am sure you are up to the challenge. Let's go over your cover again." the rogue says as she begins tapping a fan against her hand while walking around the Ulfen. Where she got it from Theodus had no idea, she wasn't holding it a moment ago.
"I am Theodus Pardus, son of Maximinus and Ingrid Pardus. The Pardus are a minor noble family in Ridonport with interests in a trading caravan. Aside from trying to broker deals for the family I am here to try and elevate the family fortune by becoming a senator." Most of what he just said were lies though there were some kernel of truth. His father's name was Thorvald and their family name became Pardus only when they set foot in Cassomir. The rogue has no idea what the real family name was but he was sure they were never nobles. The elder Pardus mentioned once that they had to leave due to an old feud starting to heat up again and refused to say any more. The youngest Pardus' eyes moved to watch the kitsune, now fanning herself in her human guise. The trading caravan was entirely the kitsune's. It would be how his "family" would be supplying him during his stay. His real goal was to help the mingle with the nobles and ferret out their secrets, getting rid of any threats to the Princess and her plan.
Snapping her fan shut Fujitani brought Theodus' wandering mind back to the present. "I am sure you won't have any troubles with socializing with the nobles. You are pretty charming when you want to be, easy on the eyes too." The kitsune said as she gave Theodus a once over. Good looking, tall and fit though not large and bulky, the blue-eyed blonde haired Ulfen looked just the kind of minor noble who would try to use his looks and his charm his way to the top. With a nod to herself Fujitani looked the younger man in the eyes. "This will be a pretty dangerous mission. The king is not the most stable person and he is becoming increasingly paranoid. He also surrounds himself with lapdogs and sycophants. Who know what he or those who surround him might do. You will be the only agent we have there. Be careful."
"I've got this!" Theodus said with a grin and a thumbs up presenting a confident face to the kitsune. "The next time we meet the princess will be on the throne and I'll have a title of my own. Well, I'm off. Better check my things again and make sure I haven't left anything behind." With that the spy gives Fujitani a salute before turning around and whistling as he leaves.

GM Catullus |

Is this not going to be pbp? If not, what's the schedule?
Also, will this be credited for society?
It will be PbP.
With regards to PFS credit, I am going to modify the scenarios quite a bit and I won't ask players to submit PFS-legal characters, so I don't think it will be eligible for society credit, unfortunately.

Hawthwile |

For the AP, you can change however much you want if you’re running it in Campaign Mode and still pass out Chronicle Sheets after each book. The prelude scenarios, on the other hand, would indeed have to be run unmodified and played with PFS-legal characters to be reported for credit.
tl;dr - AP credit good, Scenario credit no go.

Redblade8 |

All very true, but unless I misread, the little bit GM is sitting in is CEST, where it's still mid-afternoon Tuesday. Much as I'd love to speed time a little, don't think that'll do it.
True story: one time after college, my roommate caught me caught me standing in front of the microwave, glaring at the burrito and muttering, "Why can't this damn thing go any faster?" Patience is not a strength of mine. :D

GM Catullus |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi everyone, thank you again for your interest in this recruitment, and for all your excellent submissions!
I spent many hours poring over your writings and I have the final selection below. I wish I could take on two tables, because there is at least one more party worth of great characters!
The following are invited to make their way to the Discussion thread, and to finalize their aliases/crunch:
- Raesilia Tablot (Trevor86)
- Lotti Qebs (Hawthile)
- Adriel Moonflower (inara14)
- Mirann Zalar (The Lobster)
- Marius Erallan (CrusaderWolf)
- Konstiantina Mokei (electricjokecascade)

GM Catullus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey everyone!
With a couple of our players on hiatus for RL reasons, we are opening the recruitment again for this campaign. The party is about two thirds of the way through the second book. Things have slowed down a bit over the last couple of months, but we are still committed to this campaign and aim to pick up the pace again.
We are looking for one, maximum two players to add to the group.
Active characters:
- Lotti Qeb, gnome arcanist
- Marius Erallan, human inquisitor of Kelinahat
- Rose Talbot/Valery Arlandt, human vigilante
Characters on hiatus:
- Konstiantina Mokei, aasimar paladin of Iomedae
- Lisa Lombardi, human oracle
Please read the first post of this thread for full details about the game and the character creation
New characters:
- Starting at level 5
- Max WBL
- Elephant in the Room rules
- Feel free to swap out the campaign trait for something else if you want
IMPORTANT NOTE: So far, this group has been very focused on roleplaying and collaborative story-telling, as well as favouring non-violent solutions to problems. We are looking for players who can fit that dynamic, as well as feel confident in the quality of their writing and RP. Bonus if you have already played through the first book and are familiar with the premise of the AP.
When submitting your character, please include their connection to Martella Lotheed, and why they would be sent to assist the group in the county of Meratt. Extra bonus for tie-ins with existing PCs and/or NPCs other than Martella!
Timeline: The recruitment will run for 2 weeks, extension possible, to give people time to read up on the game thread and come up with a submission they like.

Ouachitonian |

The character I always want to play in this AP is a wannabe Ulfen Guard, who’s trying to make enough of a name for himself to get his chance, presumably currently working for Martella or an associate of hers. Now, he’d probably be a Barbarian or Bloodrager, and his idea of “nonviolent solutions” might be menacing someone with a great axe until they give him his way, so maybe not the best fit in that way. (Then again, bribery is also a valid negotiation tactic. The Ulfen are usually the ones getting paid to go away, but he understands that using money to solve a problem is an acceptable solution.) Is that a concept that y’all could work with?

Marius Erallan |

I think that sort of brute-force tactic as a first resort would clash with the party's style in a significant way; we can and do fight but so far it's mostly been against monsters and assassins who've already pulled steel on us. For everyone else it's been a more meticulous approach of diplomacy, working angles, doing favors to get favors, etc.
An aspiring Ulfen Guard whose not afraid of playing politics and recognizes that obvious violence & intimidation makes too many enemies you're not allowed to kill would fit right in though.

Raesilia Talbot |

Hey everyone, and thanks for showing interest in our campaign!
I think most of the important things have been put forth by Marius and Kittenmancer. I've been in quite a few pbp's over the last few years and this is by far one of the highest quality ones, excellently managed with a very high overall level of writing. It is true though that the group tends to favor diplomacy and creative solutions over combat so if your character is heavily focused on that, you might feel left out.
I'm fine with collaborating backstories, of course! Raesilia's/Rose's backstory has a number of aspects, most of which can be read under my profile. At this point, working off of the persona system from the adventure path, all PC's presumably also have a fairly adequate network of agents working for them and it should be easy to tie any new pc to any of those or the princess.