Bronze Dragon

Redblade8's page

Organized Play Member. 1,295 posts (5,931 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 15 aliases.


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Quick question I've got about formatting of the Remastered guide. In listing the class features, you rate Furious Footfalls as 3 stars, but blue rating. I'd figure it either wants a fourth star, or to keep three stars and get green text (forced to guess, I'd say the latter).

Still absolutely love the guide, I'm helping my kid reconfigure his Barb and it's invaluable. Thanks again for doing this, and have a great day.

Someone please jump in if I'm off base here, but using Bloodrager Instinct and eschewing all attack rolls feels like you'll be spitting up a rope.

(Also, you have to have at least one cantrip with an attack roll, even if you take nothing else.)

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The only thing I can think of is the Barbarian feat, Terrifying Howl (level 10, I think). AFAIK, no skill feats enable that.

Hi there,

I could use a little advice, I'm a total novice GM and I need a little guidance (really probably a lot).

(ALSO: is this the place for questions like this? In all the time I've been here, I don't really recall seeing a lot of "GM advice" here, except for Tarondor last week, which is what emboldened me to ask.)

So after I ran the BB adventure for my kids, I kind of stalled. I knew the Remaster was coming, and knew it would change some stuff (including each of their characters (a barb and a champion)), so I basically punted. But now it's time to get over my anxiety and start working on this.

I have a basic idea of what I want to do with the boys post-Beginners-Box. I was figuring a few cultists of the Whispering Way would be looking to soften up the Island in anticipation of Tar-Baphon coming back for round two. They decided they'd start with the stupid little fishing and lumber town just down the coast. Unfortunately for them, this plan puts them right in the path of the PCs.

So my basic idea for the first adventure was to use the fishing lodge from TIO, with the additional wrinkle of, after they've spent the night, the cabin gets attacked by a few stinkweed shamblers. (I've been figuring they might have started growing in the spot the cultists are using as their "breeding ground/staging area".) The fight with the shanblers then releases a spore cloud or something that lures in the skeletons and zombies, and the boys will have to survive a seige on the house, akin to the "barricaded in for the night" part of the adventure from Book of the Dead.

Reading through the fishing lodge part of Trouble In Otari, the piece with Finley just feels out of place with what I've got planned. I'm 95% ready to just ditch that entire encounter, but I'm not sure what to replace it with (if anything). The remaining 5% is me wondering if there's a way to tie Finley in later. Maybe they weren't lost at sea, but they died somewhere inland, that gives a clue to where the cultists are holed up.

Anyone who's willing to help me beat this into shape, I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks. TTYL

Later on,

That's about what I thought, thanks a ton for the response!

Really simple, is that designation a "game designation," for lack of a better term, for benefit of us the players, or is it actually a distinction made by the people of Golarion?

I'm curious, if anyone has played an Avenger, does Zealous Inevitability play as well as I want it to as a setup tool for a divine-casting teammate (I refer to the target's doomed value being applied as a status penalty to saves vs divine spells)?

On a scale from 1 to "Redblade go home, you're drunk," how much of this guide's advice would you say is also applicable to witches? My gut says, probably somewhere in the middle of that range.

That's wonderful news from both of you. Gortle, I think I got thrown off by the fact that your guide's date is still listed as Sep '22.

Have a good day, both of you and anyone else reading this! :)

If anyone is feeling ambitious, by my estimation the Player Core classes listed below have not had class guides (new or revisions) since their classes got Remastered:


Go on folks, make your mark! :)

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Witch of Miracles wrote:

I always like the pixar get-unstuck advice: asking yourself "What wouldn't happen?" or "What didn't happen?" usually makes it easier to get to where you want to go.

The first suggestion that comes to mind?

** spoiler omitted **

Piggybacking this response, how "high-profile" is this White Queen? Is her true nature known (I'm assuming not)? If she's got to spend a significant effort to cover up her true nature, that might not leave a lot of "budget" for helping the players against the BBEGs.

A bunch of the orc deities were basically killed by their replacements in a process I believe is called the Crucible (someone fact check me?).

Dr. Frank Funkelstein wrote:

...I would like to break a lance for the Monk dedication...

Thank you for introducing me to that turn of phrase. I'd never heard it before and I love it.

Have a great day.

So far, I'm loving this as much as I've loved your other guides!

In section 6.5, maybe mention the Confabulator feat? I strongly suspect you know its value here (given that I saw it in three of your example builds), but the readers might not.

Either way, have a great day and thanks again!

zergtitan wrote:
Also quick question for the devs if spoilers allow, will Exemplars be proficient in medium armor at least at 1st level or as a later class feat option?

I had a similar question about the Avenger, given that if you're deity's FW isn't finesse, you would probably not be Dex-based, no?

Dubious Scholar wrote:
Thankfully, the magic to clean the bag is much, much lower level.

Yeah, so long as it gets done!

I was considering one of the B&W e-ink ones, not the Kindle Fire, if that matters.

In the name of Sarenrae's mercy, promise us you'll have the bag cleaned after!

Hey folks,

Pretty much the subject line. I might be picking up a Kindle soon. I used to have one years ago, and I used to use it to read PDFs. I assume that's still a thing, and if so, how do the various Pathfinder books do on it? Are they readable?



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Bluemagetim wrote:
Finoan wrote:

Probably not alone, but personally I have no emotional attachment to the idea yet. The use case for quick draw is different than for swap.

As a side note, lighting swap sounds like a very interesting cantrip or focus spell. Very feng shui.

Sometimes you need to change the mood of the room.

Change out the rug. It ties the whole room together.

Tarondor wrote:
Heck, half the page length is just all the ancestries. Phew, that took awhile.

Let me open with the fact that this guide, like all the others of yours I've read (Rogue/Fighter/Bard) is dynamite, and I appreciate the work you've put into it.

I feel like a lot of 2e class guides end up getting bogged down in the Ancestries part. There's so much more that goes into an ancestry from a mechanical standpoint now; each has what, 4-6 Heritages, and well over a dozen Ancestry feats, and it all needs evaluation.

That being said, I'm still about 80% likely to just play an orc anyway (for better or worse, at least I know what I want), so I end up flying past the whole thing, which if I'm scrolling on my phone, I'm gonna be a while.

Is there a way to mitigate the War-and-Peace length of the Ancestry section, and before that, is that even a problem worth solving (for all I know this really is just a "me problem," but I wanted to at least open the question to consideration)?

Either way, all the time you've put in pays off, and this reader appreciates it.

Maybe someone could help me understand, given a big pile of loot, some of which might be magical, what's the "intended" workflow for detecting and identifying things?

I'd have thought it's something like, "Use Detect Magic, moving stuff in and out of range until you've seen what 'pings' vs what doesn't, then take the Identify Magic action on all items that pinged." I figured using Read Aura at that point just makes the identification easier (+2 circ bonus). Is there a piece I'm missing?

Captain Morgan wrote:
Someone in your party needs to have Detect Magic and/or Read Aura. But there's little point in having multiple people with it.

If you were strapped for cantrip choices, you could get by with just Detect Magic, right? Read Aura seems like it's just going to get bonuses to an action you're able to otherwise do without it.

Hey there, thanks a ton for responding.

Yeah, as I started digging into this I found that out. I'm thinking I might pick up that adventure and poke around it.

Are you familiar with that adventure? If so, 1) Would the location be transferable? I'd like to move it to something inland from Otari. 2) Should I be worried about a total lack of spellcasting?

Either way, thanks for your time.

Having read the adventure some, the first thing I'm realizing is I'll probably need to "bridge" to this adventure with something else, to get them up to 4th or so.

(Dives back in.)

Hi there,

So last year, I ran the BB for my kids and it went pretty well. I'm now in the position of having to work on a follow up adventure.

The boys have a barbarian (was silver dragon instinct, will be changing to animal instinct tyrannosaurus when Howl drops tomorrow, because dinosaur), and a Liberator Champion. I had an Inventor tag along as a DMPC, to provide a little extra muscle, and by the end of Menace Under Otari, they were all level 3.

For the follow-up, I wanted to give them an undead stomping adventure (mainly because of the sheer glee with which the son playing the barbarian went on a nat-20-fueled rampage in the crypt room), and I found the old 1e adventure, Revenge of the Kobold King. I figured there's kobolds, it's situated near a lumber camp, it'd probably translate pretty well. I was figuring instead of random shadows reanimating the kobolds, I'd make it a few acolytes of the Whispering Way coming into the area and making them their "muscle" to help depopulate the area around Absalom.

Has anyone done a 2e conversion of this adventure, and if so, 1) are the boys still to low level to ride this ride, and 2) any spots in it that will particularly mess up a party with no spellcaster? If point #1 is true, any recommendations on how to proceed?

Thanks so much for your time. Have a great day.

Later on,
Ghorrin Redblade

Hey there,

So I'm about to try running this AP as an intro to PF2 for my kids (side note: wish me luck, I haven't GMed anything in like, 25 years!).

I know that this is supposed to be a more primitive part of the world, and that makes some items tough to justify, moreso for a small group like the Broken Tusks. Like, a steel sword isn't something you can get just any darn place (side note #2: it seems a bit mean to give the Tusks Sarenrae as a patron deity, neener-neener-no-scimitars-for-you-Cleric!). But I wanted some sort of mechanism in place to let the boys have a chance to hunt up the things they might need to make stuff like a composite bow, or a suit of hide armor, or what have you. I started getting an idea in my head, and I was hoping to run it by you fine folks, see if it's worth refining.

What I came to was the idea of, I guess a Downtime activity, whose name I haven't yet decided on. It would basically be like an Earn Income check, probably using Survival (or Hunting Lore if you've got it), and because money isn't really a thing that has a ton of use to the Kellids, you'd take your Income in an abstraction I'm currently calling "Scrounge." The players can then use their stash of "Scrounge GPs" to pay the costs associated with Crafting region-appropriate items.

Is something like this feasible? Is it worth doing? Is there even time in the AP to allow for this? (Like, if there's not time to allow for this AND Crafting, maybe allow these checks to be made incidentally alongside other stuff?) Has someone already come up with a better way and I'm needlessly trying to reinvent the wheel? Am I even making a lick of sense?

Look, if you made it this far, I appreciate your time and patience. Thanks, and if you've got any constructive criticism, I'm all ears.

Have a great day.


Yeah guys, sorry! Last week was just a combo plate of suck (work stress, pre-holiday nonsense, and a contact-tracing scare for my kid, the one unvaccinated member of my family). I'm digging out now, and very very sorry for being incommunicado like that!

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I don't see a lot of workplace law expertise in the above post about that firm, but I see a whole lot of litigators.

This read like a lot of, "Circle the wagons around the fox that was caught in the henhouse." (Sorry, the metaphor got really tangled up there.)

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Yhrrilka wrote:
That Proficient practitioner progression...

(re-reads post)

Huh, funny the things one types without thinking about how they'd sound spoken out loud. /shrug

Sully was a That Guy that played The F***ing Weasel in several other films. Without having gone to IMDB over it, I think he was also the weasel in The Warriors, some AWFUL mid-80s thing about guys using their psychic abilities to enter peoples' dreams, and maybe The Crow, too?

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"What'd you do with Sully?"

"I let him go."

GM Tarondor wrote:
Welp, it's a megadungeon. You'll get your chance to try a new character at some point. Just ask Wymond!

NGL, Lukas was a little distressed at that comment, but everyone else in the "green room of my mind" was all like, "WHOOOOOO!"

As a player that often struggles with a good name, these four all seem to have got it going on.

I'll get an alias up tonight, and incorporate the elements discussed above. (Didn't have a chance to work on it today, was over my BIL's house helping him deal with his basement, which got 6" of water in Ida.)

Leothar wrote:
Ooh, like a descendant of Terendelev (or a related dragon

That's exactly what I'm aiming for. Anton's family are descended from Terendelev, and her death sparked his power-up.

That's not bad! Maybe his "awakening" (or whatever it's called when one Mythics Up) is what gave Anton the opportunity to overpower his captors.

As I said, I'm very unfamiliar with the AP and its environs, so until I get my feet under me I'll take all the assists I can get. ;)

On a related note, I had forgotten that divine bond is a "pick once and it's done" affair. I'll probably take armor as my choice, chiefly because it's the option that's unique to the archetype.

So if I'm sticking to reach weapons in the CRB, that's glaive, guisarme, or ranseur. I'll probably go guisarme or glaive, probably come down to coin toss in the end.

Now on to the important stuff: namely, where was this guy the day Terendelev fell? He had to have been out of Kenabres, right? No way he'd have not been there for the action otherwise. Any suggestions?

Good morning!

OK, mis-read on my part, I got it in my head that just the pick of Race had to be from Core Races. As far as the weapon goes, I can swap out to whatever reach weapons are in the CRB easily enough.

I kind of see the EH draconic bloodline as a mixed bag, that yes, skews offensive, but also has defense and move/utility options. I can walk away from EH if I have to, but if anything is up for consideration, I'd ask it to be the racial trait (again, all it does on its own is 10-ft Darkvision & LLV).

As I said before, that understanding of reach meshes with how I understood it, so no real conflict there.

Hi Leo,

Your points in order:

1) If GM thinks I should leave that one on the table, that's perfectly fine with me.

2) About Draconic Heritage and the claws...

You wrote:
I think the intent was that you would have to choose one or the other each round.

It's already my understanding that's how it works. If you take a hand off a 2H to free up a claw like that, that by itself is a free action, but you can't then "rehand" until your next turn. Exactly like you said, you can't use that to simultaneously threaten adjacent with the claw, and at reach with the weapon.

3) Sure, having that flexibility will be huge (Grumbaki and I are both hungrily eyeing fortification armor in another game we're in). I just had my fingers crossed that I didn't lose the option to shift to offense when the additional defense isn't needed.

Have a good one!

aka Redblade

Oh, and he's got the archetype Divine Defender, figured that fit the idea.

EDIT to ask: Looking at the wording of the archetype, I'm a little unclear about it's Divine Bond. Does the modification of Divine Bond add a third option, to modify armor, or is that the only option they can use? If Hero Lab is accurate, it's the former, but I just want to make sure.

Well thank you!

I'll show a little ankle on what I've got so far.

Anton Delevanus
Male human paladin (divine defender) 6/Guardian 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 116)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 10 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5
Aura courage (10 ft.), shared defense (10 ft.)
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+10 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 63 (6d10+23)
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +7
Defensive Abilities hard to kill; Immune disease, fear
Speed 0 ft.
Melee +1 bardiche +9/+4 (1d10+16/19-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with +1 bardiche)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 2/day (DC 15, 3d6), claws (2, 1d4, 5 rounds/day), guardian's call (sudden block), mythic power (5/day, surge +1d6), smite evil 2/day (+2 attack and AC, +6 damage)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +8)
. . At will—detect evil
Paladin (Divine Defender) Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
. . 1st—divine favor, linebreaker[ARG]
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 21
Feats Combat Reflexes[M], Eldritch Heritage[UM], Power Attack[M], Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Diplomacy +7, Heal +4, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (history) +2, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Knowledge (planes) +2, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +3, Perception +5, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +4
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Hallit
SQ divine bond (weapon +1, 1/day), draconic heritage, extra mythic feat[MA], lay on hands 5/day (3d6)
Other Gear +1 full plate, +1 bardiche[APG], 12,337 gp
Special Abilities
Aura of Courage +4 (10 ft.) (Su) Allies in aura gain a morale bonus to saves vs. fear.
Claws (5 rounds/day) (Su) 2 Claw atacks deal 1d4 damage
Combat Reflexes [Mythic] As a swift action, use 1 power for movement AoO vs. foes who already provoked one for moving.
Darkvision (10 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Divine Bond (Weapon +1, 6 mins, 1/day) (Sp) Weapon shines with light and gains enhancement bonuses or chosen properties.
Draconic Heritage (Ex) Ignore Cha pre-reqs of Eldritch heritage chain of feats.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Fear (Ex) You are immune to all fear effects.
Lay on Hands (3d6 hit points, 5/day) (Su) As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy and applies mercies.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Paladin Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (2/day, DC 15) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Power Attack [Mythic] Use 1 power to eliminate attack penalties of Power attack for 1 min.
Shared Defense (2 rounds, 10 ft., +1 AC, stabilize) (Su) Lay on hands use: Aura provides AC and other bonuses to allies.
Smite Evil (2/day) (Su) +2 to hit, +6 to damage, +2 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Sudden Block (Su) As an imm action, use 1 power to add +1 to own/adj ally AC vs. a melee att & foe must rolls 2x (take low). Make return att (bypass all DR).
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.

So he's a human with the Draconic Heritage racial option (which for most purposes means I trade out Skilled for 10' Darkvision and LLV). His feats are Power Attack, Combat Reflexes (both of these I have the Mythic versions of as well), Skill Focus (Per) and Eldritch Heritage. Planned future pickups include Lunge, Vital Strike, and maaaaybe Shield Focus/Shield Brace.

(I still have to throw a few BG skill points around, and gear him up, natch.)

LMK if that all passes the smell test. Have a great evening!

Oh, you...!

I hope it's not too forward of me to post and say hi, but I figured I'd at least introduce myself while power's still on (I'm in NJ and getting hit by the storm).

So Grumbaki asked me if I'm interested, and yes, I am. I have some starting ideas for both crunch and fluff of the character laid down. Mechanically, I understand I'll be a Guardian, and I figured I'd do that by wailing on guys with a reach weapon (I'm thinking a bardiche). Fluff-wise, the idea I had working in my noggin is that Anton's family are very minor nobility, with a secret that they are in fact scions of Terendelev, so now he's like "the last of the line". I was gonna go human with the Draconic Heritage alternate racial (and eventually pick up Eldritch Heritage to boot).

I've never played this AP or Mythic stuff, so I'm still getting my feet under me. If anything there sounds good bad or otherwise, please feel free to let me know.

Have a great evening!

PJP wrote:
How do you feel about Tengu? For some reason, I just keep picturing my bard as a hardened version of the singing rooster from the animated Robin Hood movie. I am certainly not tied to it, though.

Thirty-ish years ago, I was running a supers RPG in which I had a "black ops chicken" who was basically Foghorn Leghorn pulling the Punisher's schtick, so this is me not throwing stones! :D

Ah, okay. But now that's got me thinking whether I should gussy up my build with anything from the APG... :)

Januaryfrost1971 wrote:
please see the character creation tab for available resources for this campaign. thank you.

If that was to me, sure, but everything on the guy in question is CRB, so it shouldn't be an issue.

I'm intrigued. I was playing a dragon barb in a Fall of Plaguestone game that I'd like to give another spin. I'll gin up some backstory explaining how he got to Otari and make it happen.

I haven't had a chance to work on this yet, and it's iffy that I'd get something together under the wire. Not saying I'm out, just don't be surprised if I don't have something by tonight.

Okay, I can gather the ability scores parts from other posts. Let's see where this takes me...

5d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 4, 5, 2) = 21 = 15
5d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 2, 5) = 19 = 14
5d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 2, 6) = 16 = 14
5d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 5, 4) = 17 = 13
5d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 3, 3) = 9 = 7
5d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 5, 3) = 24 = 16
5d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 6, 5) = 17 = 14

Okay, that is pretty usable. As I said I'm away, but we'll be getting home tomorrow. I'll try and get things in shape for a Sniper Rogue by Sunday.

I'm away for a few days, but a Scout/Sniper rogue sounds like it might be a fit here, no? How long do I have to get something together?

EDIT to add: also, what are the build parameters?

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