Erilene Finch

Lotti Qeb's page

375 posts. Alias of Hawthwile.


| HP 32 | AC 14 T 13 FF 12 | CMB +0, CMD 12 | F: +3, R: +4, W: +5 (+2 vs illusions) | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +0, (Low-Light Vision)


| Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 | Reservoir 7/9 | Charlatan 3/3 | Active conditions: None


F CG Gnome Blood Arcanist 6

About Lotti Qeb

They say that revolution is a young man’s game, but they also say that the sky is blue, so who are you going to believe?

Familiar: His Grace Sir Jeffrey Wobblekins III

Female Gnome Blood Arcanist 6
CG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +2; Senses Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Low-Light vision
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +2 dex, +1 size)
hp 32
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5 (+2 vs illusions)
Speed 20 ft.

Dagger +3 (1d3-2 slashing, piercing)

Ranged Touch +6
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB 1; CMD 12
Traits Charlatan, Unwelcome Business, Young Reformer, Overprotective
Feats Casual Illusionist, Conceal Spell, Extra Exploit
Skills (54 points; 12 class, 24 INT, 12 background, 6 headband)
ACP -0
(1) Appraise +9
(6) Bluff +16 (+2 to mimic sounds)
(0) Diplomacy +3
(1) Disguise +9
(0) *Fly +4
(6) Knowledge (arcana) +14
(1) Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9
(1) Knowledge (engineering) +9
(1) Knowledge (geography) +9
(1) Knowledge (history) +9
(6) Knowledge (local) +17
(1) Knowledge (nature) +9
(1) Knowledge (nobility) +9
(3) Knowledge (planes) +11
(1) Knowledge (religion) +9
(6) Linguistics +14
(0) Perception +2
(1) Profession (servant) +4
(5) Sleight of Hand +9
(6) Spellcraft +14
(0) *Stealth +6
(6) Use Magic Device +11
*ACP applies to these skills

Non-Standard Skill Bonuses
+4 Bluff to mimic sounds (racial)
+4 Stealth (size)
+3 Bluff (familiar)
+2 Bluff, Disguise, Sleight of Hand (racial)
+2 Fly (size)
+2 Knowledge (local) (racial)
+2 Perception (racial)
+1 Bluff, Diplomacy (racial)
+1 Disable Device, Knowledge (local) (trait)
+1 Disguise (trait)

Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common (Taldane), Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Kelish, Sign Language, Sylvan, Tien, Undercommon, *Varisian
*From Headband

Special Abilities:
Academician: Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on any single Knowledge skill (Local). This racial trait replaces the obsessive racial trait.

Gift of Tongues: Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks, and they learn one additional language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill. This racial trait replaces defensive training and hatred.

Gnome Magic: Gnomes add 1 to the DCs of any saving throws to resist illusion spells that they cast. Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities once per day:
- Dancing Lights
- Ghost Sound Will 13
- Prestidigitation
- Speak with Animals

The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome’s character level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the gnome’s Charisma modifier.

Illusion Resistance: Gnomes get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusion spells or effects.

Keen Senses: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Sound Mimicry: Gnomes with this racial trait are skilled at imitating sounds and voices. Doing so requires a Bluff check opposed by the listener’s Sense Motive check, and the gnome gains a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to mimic sounds (including accents and speech patterns) she has listened to for at least 10 minutes. Listeners unfamiliar with a particular sound take a –4 penalty on the Sense Motive check. This replaces weapon familiarity.

Arcane Reservoir: An arcanist has an innate pool of magical energy that she can draw upon to fuel her arcanist exploits and enhance her spells. Lotti’s arcane reservoir can hold a maximum amount of magical energy equal to 3 + her level. Each day, when preparing spells, Lotti’s arcane reservoir fills with raw magical energy, gaining a number of points equal to 3 + 1/2 her arcanist level. Any points she had from the previous day are lost. She can also regain these points through the consume spells class feature and some arcanist exploits. The arcane reservoir can never hold more points than the maximum amount noted above; points gained in excess of this total are lost.

Points from Lotti reservoir are used to fuel many of her powers. In addition, Lotti can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a free action whenever she casts an arcanist spell. If she does, she can choose to increase the caster level by 1 or increase the spell’s DC by 1. She can expend no more than 1 point from her reservoir on a given spell in this way.

Consume Spells: At 1st level, an arcanist can expend an available arcanist spell slot as a move action, making it unavailable for the rest of the day, just as if she had used it to cast a spell. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Doing this adds a number of points to her arcane reservoir equal to the level of the spell slot consumed. She cannot consume cantrips (0 level spells) in this way. Points gained in excess of the reservoir’s maximum are lost.

Bloodline: A blood arcanist selects one bloodline from those available through the sorcerer bloodline class feature. The blood arcanist gains the bloodline arcana and bloodline powers of that bloodline, treating her arcanist level as her sorcerer level. The blood arcanist does not gain the class skill, bonus feats, or bonus spells from her bloodline.

This ability replaces the arcanist exploits gained at 1st, 3rd, 9th, and 15th levels, as well as magical supremacy. A blood arcanist cannot select the bloodline development arcanist exploit.

Lotti has the Arcane bloodline.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you apply a metamagic feat to a spell that increases the slot used by at least one level, increase the spell's DC by +1. This bonus does not stack with itself and does not apply to spells modified by the Heighten Spell feat.

Arcane Bond: At 1st level, you gain an arcane bond, as a wizard equal to your sorcerer level. Your sorcerer levels stack with any wizard levels you possess when determining the powers of your familiar or bonded object. This ability does not allow you to have both a familiar and a bonded item.

Lotti has a margay cat (rescued from one of her previous “places of employment”) named His Grace Sir Jeffrey Wobblekins III - or “Wobblekins” for short.

Metamagic Adept: At 3rd level, you can apply any one metamagic feat you know to a spell you are about to cast without increasing the casting time. You must still expend a higher-level spell slot to cast this spell. You can use this ability once per day at 3rd level and one additional time per day for every four sorcerer levels you possess beyond 3rd, up to five times per day at 19th level.

Arcanist Exploits: By bending and sometimes even breaking the rules of magic, Lotti learns to exploit gaps and exceptions in the laws of magic. Some of these exploits allow her to break down various forms of magic, adding their essence to her arcane reservoir. At 1st level and every 2 levels thereafter, Lotti learns a new arcane exploit selected from the following list. An arcanist exploit cannot be selected more than once. Once an arcanist exploit has been selected, it cannot be changed. Most arcanist exploits require Lotti to expend points from her arcane reservoir to function. Unless otherwise noted, the saving throw DC for an arcanist exploit is equal to 10 + 1/2 her level + her Charisma modifier.

Potent Magic: Whenever Lotti expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase the caster level of a spell, the caster level increases by 2 instead of 1. Whenever she expends 1 point from her arcane reservoir to increase the spell’s DC, it increases by 2 instead of 1.

Quick Study: Lotti can prepare a spell in place of an existing spell by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. Using this ability is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. She must be able to reference her spellbook when using this ability. The spell prepared must be of the same level as the spell being replaced.

Cantrips (Prepare 7/day)
( ) Acid Splash
( ) Arcane Mark
( ) Bleed Fortitude 15
( ) Dancing Lights
(*) Daze Will 15
(*) Detect Magic
( ) Detect Poison
( ) Disrupt Undead
( ) Flare Fortitude 15
(*) Ghost Sound Will 16
( ) Grasp
( ) Haunted Fey Aspect
( ) Light
(*) Mage Hand
( ) Mending (Will 15)
(*) Message
( ) Open/Close (Will 15)
(*) Prestidigitation
( ) Ray of Frost
(*) Read Magic
( ) Resistance (Will 15)
( ) Scrivener’s Chant (Will 15)
( ) Spark (Fortitude 15)
( ) Touch of Fatigue Fortitude 15
( ) Vacuous Vessel Will 16

1st (Prepare 4/day, Cast 6/day)
( ) Animate Rope
( ) Charm Person Will 16
(*) Color Spray Will 17
( ) Comprehend Languages
( ) Feather Fall
(*) Grease Reflex 16
( ) Heightened Awareness
( ) Hypnotism Will 16
( ) Identify
( ) Mage Armor
( ) Magic Missile
( ) Mount
( ) Reduce Person (Fortitude 16)
( ) Shield
(*) Silent Image Will 17
( ) Skim
(*) Vanish
( ) Unseen Servant

2nd (Prepare 2/day, Cast 5/day)
( ) Acid Arrow
( ) Blur
( ) Flaming Sphere Reflex 17
( ) Glitterdust Will 17
(*) Invisibility
(*) Minor Image Will 18
( ) Mirror Image
( ) Pilfering Hand CMB +10
( ) See Invisibility
( ) Web Reflex 17

3rd (Prepare 1/day, Cast 3/day)
( ) Dispel Magic
(*) Major Image Will 19
( ) Nondetection


Obscuring Mist
True Skill

Charlatan: Your talent for illusion goes beyond a mere knack for figments and phantasms. You can actually channel spell energy into simple illusions that augment your attempts at deception. As a swift action, you may expend one prepared spell or spell slot to gain a bonus on the next Bluff check you make, provided the check takes place before the beginning of your next turn. The bonus on this check is equal to the level of the spell consumed. You may use this ability 3 times per day. Only gnomes of non-lawful alignment may take this trait.

Overprotective: If one of your allies should fall unconscious from hit point damage, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks as long as you are farther than 10 feet away from your fallen ally.

Unwelcome Merchant: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disguise or Sleight of Hand checks, and that skill becomes a class skill for you. In addition, choose one humanoid species (halfling); you ignore the –2 penalty on Disguise checks to disguise yourself as a member of that species.

Young Reformer: Perhaps you were born at the bottom of Taldan society and you’re tired of seeing your friends and family toil endlessly with no hope of a better life, or maybe your privileged outlook was shattered by empathy or tragedy. Either way, you know the system is broken, and you’ve dedicated your life to fixing it. But tradition rules Taldor as much as any Grand Prince, and change requires more influence than you have… so far. You’ve got a few friends and allies, and plenty of determination, but while you work toward the power you need to change the nation, you’ll have to resort to more discrete ways of righting wrongs and curbing the abuses of the upper class. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (local) checks, and one of these skills is always a class skill for you. Once per day, you can call upon your coconspirators to have “made arrangements” on your behalf, allowing you to attempt a Knowledge (local) check in place of a single Bluff, Disable Device, Intimidate, or Sleight of Hand check. The DC of this Knowledge (local) check is equal to the DC of the skill check it replaces. Whatever arrangements you make - for doors left unlocked, guards strong-armed out of your way, stolen keys left for you to find - must be reasonable to have anticipated and achieved beforehand; you could arrange to have a noble convinced you’re a very important diplomat traveling in disguise, for example, but if a fight breaks out you could not rely on your network of contacts to feint for you in combat. You don’t have to use this ability in advance; you can announce its use as you encounter a challenge, implying you foresaw this challenge and made arrangements prior to your arrival.

Casual Illusionist: As long as you have at least one spell-like ability unused from your gnome magic racial trait, you gain a +2 racial bonus on all Bluff, Disguise, and Sleight of Hand checks you make. At 10th level, these bonuses increase to +4.

Conceal Spell: When you cast a spell or use a spell-like ability, you can attempt to conceal verbal and somatic components among other speech and gestures, and to conceal the manifestation of casting the spell, so others don’t realize you’re casting a spell or using a spell-like ability until it is too late. The attempt to hide the spell slows your casting slightly, such that spells that normally take a standard action to cast now take a full-round action, and spells that normally take longer than a standard action take twice as long. (Swift action spells still take a swift action.) To discover your ruse, a creature must succeed at a Perception, Sense Motive, or Spellcraft check (the creature receives an automatic check with whichever of those skills has the highest bonus) against a DC equal to 15 + your number of ranks in Bluff or Disguise (whichever is higher) + your Charisma modifier; the creature gains a bonus on its check equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability you are concealing.

If your spell has a somatic component, any creature that can see you receives a Perception or Spellcraft check (whichever has the highest bonus) against a DC equal to 15 + your number of ranks in Sleight of Hand + your Dexterity modifier; the creature gains a bonus on its check equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability you are concealing. Since you are concealing the spell’s manifestation through other actions, others observing you realize you’re doing something, even if they don’t realize you’re casting a spell. If there is a verbal component, they still hear your loud, clear voice but don’t notice the spell woven within. If an opponent fails its check, your casting also does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and an opponent that fails its check can’t use readied actions that depend on realizing that you’re casting a spell or using a spell-like ability, or readied actions such as counterspelling that require identifying the spell you’re casting. Spells such as fireball that create an additional obvious effect (aside from the manifestation of casting that all spells and spell-like abilities share) still create that effect, though it might not be obvious who cast the spell unless it emanates from you.

If a character interacts with you long enough to attempt a Sense Motive check without realizing you have been casting spells, that character can use Sense Motive to gain a hunch that you’re behaving unusually.

Extra Arcanist Exploit: You gain one additional arcanist exploit. You must meet the prerequisites for this arcanist exploit.

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-20 lb. Medium 21-40 lb. Heavy 41-60 lb.
Current Load Carried 18 lb.
Wealth 17 gp
Headband of Intelligence +2 (4000 gp)
Dagger (2 gp) (0.5 lb)
Haramaki (3 gp) (0.5 lb)
Spell Component Pouch (5 gp) (2 lb)
Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath (5 gp) (1 lb)
Artisan’s Outfit (1 gp) (2 lb)
Backpack (2 gp) (1 lb)
*Acid Flask (10 gp) (1 lb)
*Glue Paper x4 (0.4 gp) (0 lb)
*Grooming Kit (1 gp) (2 lb)
*Hollow Book (15 gp) (3 lb)
*Ink (0.8 gp) (0 lb)
*Inkpen (0.1 gp) (0 lb)
*Oil (0.1 gp) (1 lb)
*Paper x8 (3.2 gp) (0 lb)
*Parchment x10 (2 gp) (0 lb)
*Sealing Wax (1 gp) (1 lb)
*Sewing Needle (0.5 gp) (0 lb)
*Silent Whistle (0.9 gp) (0 lb)
*Spellbook (- gp) (3 lb)
+*Scroll: Blur
+*Scroll: Dispel Magic
+*Scroll: Flaming Sphere
+*Scroll: Invisibility
+*Scroll: Mirror Image
+*Scroll: Mount
+*Scroll: Web
+*Unguent of Timelessness
+*Universal Solvent

*Stored in Backpack
+Party Loot

Bot Me!:

They say that revolution is a young man’s game.

Lotti tuts softly as she pours the tea and passes the cup to Lady Emisel, ignoring the countess’s laughter at her guest’s witty comment that echoes off the polished stone floor and dances amid the crystal chandeliers. She wheels her trolley over to another guest, placing a steaming cup on the gilded table before bowing meekly and pushing a few stray hairs back out of her face. “Would the madame like cream and sugar?” Her voice trembles with the weight of decades, her frail old hands rubbing each other nervously before clutching the cart for support.

She pours the wine, not a single red drop falling on her simple grey skirt and blouse nor on the white bear skin that decorates the floor of the Count’s office. “May I bring the monsieur a fresh napkin?” He ignores her, face as red as the liquid in his glass, but after all these years it does not seem to bother the gnome anymore. “I’ll let the kitchen know to prepare more of those candied fruits - those always cheer you up.” He does not respond as she closes the door behind her.

“Shall I see if the cooks have any fresh pastries for the young mistress?”

“Would the young master like his bath drawn now?”

“May I bring the madame her nightcap before she retires for the evening?”

They say that the appearance of victory is a battle half won.

At last, she closes the last door of the night and sits down on her tiny bed - taking care not to disturb the spotted cat already asleep there. With a heavy sigh, she relaxes. A few red splotches appear on her blouse as if by magic as she hangs it up next to the tiny window that only the youngest servants could squeeze out of. She hums softly, and a soft breeze carries what looks like glowing bubbles from her hand to pop delicately against the stains. The elderly gnome pets the cat as she watches the show, eyes twinkling with delight. With her uniform clean, she nods in satisfaction and pulls out a small serving tray carrying an envelope, a sheet of the household’s stationary, and an inkpen.

She has written many letters like this before - one for the nurse, another for the stableboy, two for that poor witless cook that always managed to burn something whenever she worked in the kitchen - but never one for herself. Until now. She’s done all she can for the small folks in this household, and now she was the only one left. Best to move on before the nobility got too suspicious, before they noticed how their son’s spellbook replaced with a tome on proper dining etiquette (just goes to show how he never studied either of them), how the sheets she cleaned always seemed to become dirty again after a few hours, how things just never looked as nice when Lotti wasn’t there to oversee them.

She looks down at the letter again, trying to imagine reading the words written there as if for the first time. What this noblewoman wants with her, she doesn’t know. But Bikki wouldn’t have risked getting caught back at his old place of employment to give her a note if it wasn’t important. She recites the words out loud, testing their tone for any awkward hiccups that would reveal her deception, or the hidden message written between the lines.

“It is with great regret that we must inform the Lady Martella Lotheed that we can no longer afford the services of one Lotti Qebs, and hope that she might find employment in your household. May she serve you as faithfully and skillfully as she has served us.”

They say people see what they wish to see - show them that, and they’ll believe anything you tell them.

Appearance and Personality:
It’s very easy to simply not notice this eldery woman who barely comes up to the beltline on most nobility in Oppara. Short white hair is tucked up behind pointed ears, wrinkled hands sit folded in front of a servant’s apron, a small smile rests easily on familiar creases.

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