GM Whiteroses Curse of the Crimson Throne: On A Knife's Edge (Inactive)

Game Master Vanulf Wulfson

Korvosa, a city balanced on the edge of a knife. King Eodred II is in failing health, suffering from an incurable form of leprosy. The entire city-state holds it's breath waiting to see if the king will fall victim to the curse of the crimson throne, an infamous superstitious belief that no monarch to sit upon it will ever live to die of old age or produce an heir to inherit it.

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Hello all,
After taking a couple of years off to focus on some personal issues I've decided to begin running some games again. I've always loved CotCT, going so far as to Pathfinderize some of the books (before the hardcover edition came out and stole my thunder).

I'm going to do something I've never done before and run an AP as it was intended (okay maybe not quite as intended) to be run, so to that end I'm looking for four players (15 point buy) to save Korvosa with me. I'm primarily looking for a well rounded party consisting of the four basic food groups (arcane, divine, melee, and skill) that will play well together.

To that end let me give you some of the ground rules:

Races: All standard races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will be allowed. Any other PC race will be considered on a case by case basis. I admit I have a bias for the standard races and will usually consider them over any of the more exotic ones.

Classes: All classes from any Paizo publication will be allowed as well as any archetype for those classes. Classes may be of the Original or the Unchained version except for the Summoner, which must be the Unchained version of the class.

Alignment: Characters can be of any Good or Neutral alignment. No evil alignments will be allowed.

Abilities: Characters will be based on the Standard Fantasy (15 point) buy, found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 16. No ability can be raised higher than 18 (prior to racial modifiers). Only one ability may be lowered below 10 and that ability cannot be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).

Skills: We will be using the background skills system

Feats: Any feat from any Paizo publication will be acceptable.

Traits: Character's will start with two traits, one of which MUST be from the Crimson Throne’s Player's Guide blog or the Hardcover edition. Player's may take a (meaningful) drawback for a third trait. If you're taking a drawback be prepared to ROLEPLAY that deficiency or I will drop the banhammer on it.

Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level. Thereafter characters will roll for their hit points (or accept the average for their class, rounded down on even levels, rounded up on odd) whichever is greater.

Starting Gold: Characters will roll for their starting gold (or accept the average for their class) whichever is greater.

Character Death: While I will not go out of my way to kill anyone I do fight my creatures intelligently so some times things happen. To that end a character is not considered dead until his hit points reach a negative score equal to or greater than his Constitution score plus his level.

Posting Rate: I know some GM's like a posting rate of at least once a day, fortunately I'm not like most GM's. I understand that RL gets in the way and you can't always post every single day. As long as the story continues to flow I'm good with whatever rate you can muster. That being said any radio silence of more than a week (unless otherwise pre-arranged) will cause me to send a PM to see if everything is okay. Continued silence after that may cause me to boot you from the game and seek a replacement player.

Recruitment will be open until 6:00 p.m. (CDT) on Friday March 13th (dun, dun, dun).

I think I've covered pretty much everything but if you have any questions post them here or PM me and I'll respond as quickly as I can.

Thank you and good luck.

I love the idea of this. I would very much like to play. You mentioned bias towards core races. Do you have similar bias for or against certain classes? I'm considering making a summoner (original version), but I know some people don't like that class. It also doesn't fit neatly into any specific role (part arcane, part melee), but it usually work great at filling in the gaps in most parties... Magus and a lot of the other 6th level casters have similar problems. (Though a magus and a summoner would combined fill the melee and arcane role quite well).

Hey there! I'm new to play by post on these forums but I want to give it a try, so I'm posting my interest n.n

I'd like to play a bard, maybe a dervish of the dawn to go full melee.

Dark Archive

oyzar wrote:
I love the idea of this. I would very much like to play. You mentioned bias towards core races. Do you have similar bias for or against certain classes? I'm considering making a summoner (original version), but I know some people don't like that class. It also doesn't fit neatly into any specific role (part arcane, part melee), but it usually work great at filling in the gaps in most parties... Magus and a lot of the other 6th level casters have similar problems. (Though a magus and a summoner would combined fill the melee and arcane role quite well).

Oops, I suppose I should amend that. The OG summoner was borked, so to that end only the Unchained variety of the Summoner will be allowed. Other classes can be either the original or Unchained version.

Ooooh, dotting for extreme interest. Thinking about a vigilante, and will design one that could fill either the skill or melee groups.

EDIT: She'll be an opera singer by day, avenger by night.

I love this AP, and have run the first two books more than once. Any issues with those familiar applying?

Dark Archive

GMJester wrote:
I love this AP, and have run the first two books more than once. Any issues with those familiar applying?

No, no problem as long as your capable of keeping player knowledge and character knowledge separate.

Shadow Lodge

Put down another for "extreme interest." At the moment I'm thinking more in terms of a profession and a path forward that a class - I'd like my character's day job to be in the Ironworks, and to be able to craft magic items and specifically magic weapons. I believe a Bladebound Magus would be appropriate for this concept, but would be interested in hearing mechanical guidance.

I'm thinking I'm going to be going for a female knife master rogue. I'll see what I can come up with.

Silver Crusade


Interested in a Ranger of some sort. Will think on it.

This is mathpro and this is the alas I will be using I'm going to try to start editing her but I don't think I'll be able to finish her before I need to leave for the night.

Hi, I'm interested. I have an investigator in mind (with a private investigator vibe). But I have a few games going on and wouldn't mind if anyone who doesn't (like Aleister VII) gets the spot instead of me.

After thinking about it I think I got a concept build around a bard worshipper of serenrae, race will ne half elf.

I have no experience or familiarity with the AP but I hope that a diplomacy build is aceptable, after all serenrae teachings has a focus on redemption and goodness.

I'm writing up a Paladin of Sarenrae, so the Sun Squad seems to be out in force.

Rolling the starting gold, seeing if I get better than average.

5d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 6, 1) = 12 x 10 = 120

So the answer is no, I'm going with average starting gold.

New here, but boy howdy, the dice roller doesn't seem to be very fond of me.

I'm interested. Got a couple of ideas, I'll need to think about it.

gold: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 1, 4, 3) = 20x10


This is Rysky's submission, got most of the crunch done and will get started on backstory in a bit :3

Decimus Observet here. Checking if Iocundius Paulum is a viable candidate.

Iocundius Paulum wrote:
Decimus Observet here. Checking if Iocundius Paulum is a viable candidate.

He did say no evil.

Marik Whiterose wrote:
oyzar wrote:
I love the idea of this. I would very much like to play. You mentioned bias towards core races. Do you have similar bias for or against certain classes? I'm considering making a summoner (original version), but I know some people don't like that class. It also doesn't fit neatly into any specific role (part arcane, part melee), but it usually work great at filling in the gaps in most parties... Magus and a lot of the other 6th level casters have similar problems. (Though a magus and a summoner would combined fill the melee and arcane role quite well).
Oops, I suppose I should amend that. The OG summoner was borked, so to that end only the Unchained variety of the Summoner will be allowed. Other classes can be either the original or Unchained version.

Would a unchained summoner with the master summoner archtype be ok? Alternatively I guess I could make an occultist arcanist or some other summoning focused archtype. Maybe a monster tactician inquisitor to fill a bit different role.

oyzar wrote:
Iocundius Paulum wrote:
Decimus Observet here. Checking if Iocundius Paulum is a viable candidate.
He did say no evil.

It's also a 15 point buy. Looks like you used 20.

I'll withdraw Iocundius, missed the no evil bit. Current sheet is from an older recruitment.

I'll mull over options, still interested.

I have an aasimar paladin of Shelyn with an interesting backstory. I'll have to check some stuff on her to make sure the rules and guidelines have been met.

But I hope playing an aasimar is okay.

Hey guys, sorry to bother with a silly question but... Do we use mythweavers, make stat blocks or use something else to make/post the sheet?

I am interested. I'll work on something.

Anthorg wrote:
Hi, I'm interested. I have an investigator in mind (with a private investigator vibe).

Ok, my guy is gaining shape. He's an investigator with the Empiricist archetype. He's a 46 years old man with many regrets and too few gold coins. In his current form, he uses a Sword cane as a weapon.

However, I must ask the GM for some house ruling. Would you accept the feat Fencing Grace to be used with the sword cane? The feat specifically says it's for rapier only, but given the sword cane is just the same concept as the rapier only with worse stats, would you consider having the feat affect it as well?

Anthorg wrote:
Anthorg wrote:
Hi, I'm interested. I have an investigator in mind (with a private investigator vibe).
However, I must ask the GM for some house ruling. Would you accept the feat Fencing Grace to be used with the sword cane? The feat specifically says it's for rapier only, but given the sword cane is just the same concept as the rapier only with worse stats, would you consider having the feat affect it as well?

You can use Slashing grace instead, it works for any slashing weapon if I remember correctly

Aleister VII wrote:
You can use Slashing grace instead, it works for any slashing weapon if I remember correctly

Thanks, but sword cane is exclusively a piercing weapon =(

Aleister VII wrote:
Hey guys, sorry to bother with a silly question but... Do we use mythweavers, make stat blocks or use something else to make/post the sheet?

Not a silly question at all. I'm not the GM, so my input should be taken with a grain of salt.

I usually create my sheet in Mythweavers and then transcribe that information into an alias to use in games here. Unless the GM prefers a specific format, I use a block similar to NPC stat blocks, with elaboration as needed (such as breaking out why my skill bonuses are).

Here's the general template I use, without any formatting like bold, url linkage, etc in place:

General template:
Gender Race Class (Archetype) #
AL Size Type (Subtype)
Init +; Senses Perception +

AC , touch , flat-footed (+ armor, +2)
hp (1d10+1)
Fort +, Ref +, Will +
Spd ft.
Spells Known/Prepared
Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
Base Atk +; CMB +; CMD
Combat Gear ; Other Gear




Here's an example PC, Tatienne Talbot, Chelaxian Occultist

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Thanks for the imput! I'm currently using the pathbuilder app on my phone so I can make a stat block quickly but I think I should wait for the GM opinion.

I'm torn between a paladin and a shoanti barbarian...

This seem like Julio's sort of town.

Let me know if he needs any changes.

I am very interested! I would love to finally be able to play in a CotCT game! I am especially intrigued by the Harrow deck and the Varisian Culture.

If you approve, I would love to submit a Human Female Harrowed Society Student Arcanist. My initial background is starting with the concept of “Unhappy Childhood: Tortured”, character “comes across” (steals) a harrow deck and uses a newly developed connection with the deck to escape Gaedren and enroll in the Twilight Academy.

I am also strongly considering moving on to the Harrower Prestige Class at level six if that seems appropriate.

I’ll roll for Gold now as well!

gold: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5x10 = 50 - I’ll stick with the 70gp average!

Rolling for starting gold

4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 1) = 7

Welcome back Marik!

Dotting, any issue with the archetype Sable Company Marine?

You did say Korvosa :)

starting wealth: 5d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 1, 5) = 16
looks like average it will be:

Grand Lodge

Dotting in. I have a few ideas though I think I will aim for a wizard. I'm seeing a few martial, so support types, a roguish option, so I think a wizard will be good. Now to find something new and interesting.

Lilly's crunch is done, I'll get a background up tomorrow sometime.

I’m thinking I’ll probably go with a Warlock Vigilante. I know Mystic Bolts aren’t the best class feature around, but I’ve always wanted to try them. And besides, I’ll still have six levels of arcane casting to fall back on.

Dark Archive

oyzar wrote:
Would a unchained summoner with the master summoner archtype be ok? Alternatively I guess I could make an occultist arcanist or some other summoning focused archtype. Maybe a monster tactician inquisitor to fill a bit different role.

I'm not a big fan of the Master Summoner archetype. Flooding the battlefield with summoned minions could have a tendency to overwhelm encounters.

Dark Archive

SCKnightHero1 wrote:

I have an aasimar paladin of Shelyn with an interesting backstory. I'll have to check some stuff on her to make sure the rules and guidelines have been met.

But I hope playing an aasimar is okay.

Aasimar's are okay but as I said I'm biased toward core races. If it came down choosing between your Aasimar and another mechanically similar core race I would probably go core.

Dark Archive

Aleister VII wrote:
Hey guys, sorry to bother with a silly question but... Do we use mythweavers, make stat blocks or use something else to make/post the sheet?

You can use Mythweavers if you like ass long as you have a link to the sheet in your profile. I like the Herolab format because that is what I'm used to.

Dark Archive

Anthorg wrote:
Anthorg wrote:
Hi, I'm interested. I have an investigator in mind (with a private investigator vibe).

Ok, my guy is gaining shape. He's an investigator with the Empiricist archetype. He's a 46 years old man with many regrets and too few gold coins. In his current form, he uses a Sword cane as a weapon.

However, I must ask the GM for some house ruling. Would you accept the feat Fencing Grace to be used with the sword cane? The feat specifically says it's for rapier only, but given the sword cane is just the same concept as the rapier only with worse stats, would you consider having the feat affect it as well?

I'm good with that, it seems ridiculous that Slashing Grace works with any slashing weapon but Fencing Grace is limited to just the rapier.

Dark Archive

Magicblast wrote:

I am very interested! I would love to finally be able to play in a CotCT game! I am especially intrigued by the Harrow deck and the Varisian Culture.

If you approve, I would love to submit a Human Female Harrowed Society Student Arcanist. My initial background is starting with the concept of “Unhappy Childhood: Tortured”, character “comes across” (steals) a harrow deck and uses a newly developed connection with the deck to escape Gaedren and enroll in the Twilight Academy.

I am also strongly considering moving on to the Harrower Prestige Class at level six if that seems appropriate.

I’ll roll for Gold now as well!

[dice=gold]2d6x10 = 50 - I’ll stick with the 70gp average!

I'm good with the Harrowed Society archetype

Dark Archive

Robert Henry wrote:

Welcome back Marik!

Dotting, any issue with the archetype Sable Company Marine?

You did say Korvosa :)

[dice=starting wealth]5d6
looks like average it will be:

The only problem with the archetype is I don't really see a Marine as the type that would normally associate with with a freelance soldier of fortune type of party.

Sable Company Marine was made alongside this campaign I believe. The party's theme and motivations will probably greatly depend on who's in it. But you have your ideas for what you want for this campaign. It's great that you're letting us know so we can abandon concepts you do not think will work.

Is the monster tactican inquisitor fine? It'll only be one summon at a time, so it'll probably work out roughly the same in terms of clutter as an animal companion. Could fit in either the divine or the skill role depending on the rest of the party. What deities do you feel like fits best with this campaign? Maybe I can get some ideas from that. Naturally a dwarven inquisitor of Torag would be quite different from a courtesan of Calistra who is willing to do anything to get vengeance on the man who originally forced her into that way of life (incidentally both concepts I'm considering). I'm also considering Shelyn.

Dotting for interest. :)

Starting gold: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4, 5) = 17x10=170gp.

I'm thinking of a Human Cleric (Angelfire Apostle) of Sarenrae with the Unhappy Childhood (Religious) campaign trait.

I'll get working on building her.

Grand Lodge

Wizard Starting Wealth: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 4) = 8

I see nowhere in your posts stating how you are selecting the party. How we write our backstories or tie our characters into the setting? If you've played with us before? Random, party balance, etc? I played COT before on these forums, but never even made it past the first book or even to level 2, the game died out too quickly.

Dark Archive

I can't really say how I'll select the party. It's based partly on backstory and on crunch, who will compliment who, and gut feeling on how everyone will get along. It's not an exact science and I've made some mistakes in the past.

This is the alias for MontCestMoi's human paladin for this game.

I think I've got most of the relevant information in the profile of it, and I have the Mythweaver sheet linked as well.

Definitely let me know if you notice that I'm missing anything.


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