About Sykes VorkannaVitals:
HP 13 Fort +4
MAB +4
Heal (Wis) +5
Knowledge (geography) (Int) +4
Favored Enemy: Human +2
Greatsword 50g Chainmail Composite Longbow (+3) Arrow x20 Throwing Axe x3 24g
Feats and Traits:
Combat Vigor (Combat) (Source Healer's Handbook pg. 14)
Prerequisites: Con 13. Benefit: You gain a vigor pool with a maximum number of points equal to your Constitution bonus. As a standard action, you can spend up to 1 vigor point per 3 Hit Dice you have (minimum 1) to regain 1d6 hit points per vigor point spent (maximum 7d6). Each time you spend vigor points, you become fatigued for 1 minute. You cannot spend vigor points while fatigued or exhausted. Spending vigor points doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. The points in your vigor pool are replenished to their maximum after you rest for 8 hours. Darkest Before Dawn (Source Divine Anthology pg. 11)
Plague Survivor (Source Inner Sea Races pg. 194)
Love Lost (campaign) Someone you loved was knifed to death in a dark alley one night. You were called to the scene by the Korvosan Guard to identify the body, and as rough as that was for you, you also noticed a ring was missing from your loved one's finger. Whoever murdered your loved one stole that ring—you're convinced of it. You've done some investigation on your own and recently found the ring for sale at a local merchant's shop. To your great frustration, you can't yet afford the 500 gp to buy it back, but the merchant did tell you from whom he purchased the ring: a man named Gaedren Lamm. It seems likely this criminal killed your loved one, or at the very least, he knows who did. The only problem is finding him.
All Alone: The murder victim was a lover. With your lover's death, a part of you died as well, leaving you haunted, grim, and prone to dark musings. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is a class skill for you. Warded Against Nature (Source Champions of Corruption pg. 29)
Ranger (Flamewarden) Favored Enemy (Ex)
Track (Ex)
Wild Empathy (Ex)
To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.
+2 to One Ability Score
Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. Medium
Normal Speed
Focused Study (Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 72)
Dimdweller (Source Blood of Shadows pg. 4)
Dwarves can take this trait in place of the greed and stonecunning traits. Elves, gnomes, halflings, and half-orcs can take this trait in place of weapon familiarity. Half-elves can take this trait in place of adaptability. Humans can take this trait in place of the skilled trait, also gaining darkvision to a range of 60 feet. Appearance:
Tall, lean, and pale, Sykes dons a dark horse leather duster and wide brim traveler's hat that he hates but nonetheless has to deal with when venturing into the brighter world, for the sun isn't kind to his pale Nidalese skin and pale eyes. His long inky dark hair hasn't even lightened in the slightest since its exposure to the sun.
His personality is the opposite, as having gotten to experience the world outside Nidal's twilit forests has improved his low spirits, lending him an air of aloof friendliness rather than the severe stoicness more common of the folks beyond the dark woods. Backstory:
Being born into a well to do family would normally be enviable, unless that family was well to do in a place such as Nidal. Growing up Sykes learned to deal with all manner of pain, the acceptance of it, and the inflection of it on others in the name of art and faith. While he could appreciate the skill and precision in all the various ways to open and main, and most importantly prolong, both the pain and the life, to allow for more pain, as a means of a sacred offering unto the Midnight Lord just never really stirred within him. His heart was never really in the pain, but as the only options available to him and from his family he did as expected, not finding out until much later that taking joy in suffering was not something everyone was supposed to be okay with.
As he grew he took solace in wandering the woods nearest his home, despite the warnings and punishments that resulted when his parents would find out. Still he wandered, he preferred the hidden horrors of the woods than the horrors of the city and people. Civilized people taught him how to hurt and maim, while the woods taught him awe. And how to see and be quiet. Very quiet. Unlike the cuts and scars he received from priests the wounds he received from the various beasts from time to time in his outings didn't bother him in the slightest. The opposite even as he finally felt something that didn't make his heart feel cold and dead. Those days came to an end when he ended up contracting some foul plague from the corpses of shadowtouched animals he had noticed more and more of in the area. The fever dreams that followed were a blessing, in all honestly, for they ended up leading him to the two bright lights in his life. The first was during the height of his fever, fumbling through the weird and twisted dreamscape he would soon come across a blood trail on the cobblestone which he would follow until he came across a flower, a rose as red as the blood. It comforted him in the nightmare, no matter how dark it got, and his dreaming mind soon sought it out every chance it turned lucid. While the Midnight Lord could never rest within his bleeding heart (by Nidal standards), hope could, and thus the Everbloom took root. The second was Svetlana. She was a physician, in the universal sense, not just Nidal, and had been enjoying testing out various medicines and blood ministrations on the curiously ill guinea pig. Once Sykes awoke she insisted on observing him as he recovered. Sykes was equal parts disturbed and humored as the mirthful doctor followed him about constantly. He came to enjoy her company, effervescent was not what you would normally expect from someone from Nidal. They both grew close, having numerous meetings that had nothing to do with his condition throughout the days and nights, but that too came to an end, as Svetlana landed a residency with a circuit doctor who would travel Avistan to collect and study new techniques and medicines, for weal and woe in Nidal. Before she left he gifted her an heirloom out of happy whimsy and she, delighted, promised to write to him so he wouldn't get lonely all by himself. And she did, constantly going over all the wonderful new sights and experiences, and grisly practices she was learning. Till the residency headed for Korvosa, and the letters didn't continue. Sykes originally chalked it up to her being busy, or simply no longer interested in continuing this long distance relationship, but as the days went by it did begin to eat at him, right up till it all came crashing down as the authorities showed up at his home to question him, just after having delivered Svetlana's body back to her family. After a thorough and intense questioning they released Sykes and let him retain his letters, finding he had no acquaintances of any sort in Korvosa. From what he was able to piece together she had been robbed, and, being from Nidal, the locals weren't very cooperative, and neither were the Kovosan authorities. He returned home, but only momentarily to collect what he needed. She had been in Korvosa, and whoever had killed her had taken that ring, a fancy ring, probably worth a lot. Things like that get sold, and turn up sooner or later in questionable shops. And Korvosa wasn't going to do anything about it, so he would. And so he set out from Nidal, following the blood on the cobblestone and the roses only he could see. |