Map of Korvosa
The Harrowing
Harrow Points
The PCs can spend Harrow Points as a free action. As long as a PC has enough points, there is no limit to how many points she can spend in a round. As soon as a chapter’s harrowing ends, inform the players of how they can spend their Harrow Points for the remainder of that chapter.
Also, the specific cards from the Choosing play additional roles in each chapter. The extra boon granted by each of these cards automatically activates for the PC whose player drew it once the indicated encounter begins and lasts for the duration of that encounter.
Edge of Anarchy
In “Edge of Anarchy,” the PCs are faced with numerous situations where they need to be quick on their feet or skilled with their hands. During this chapter, a character can spend his Harrow Points in the following ways.
Dexterity Rerolls: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to reroll an initiative check, Reflex save, attack roll modified by Dexterity, or Dexterity-based check. The PC must abide by the new result (although if he has additional Harrow Points, he can use them for additional rerolls).
Dodge Bonus: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to gain a +1 dodge bonus to his Armor Class for one encounter. He can spend up to 3 Harrow Points per encounter to increase his Armor Class in this manner.
Speed Increase: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to increase his base speed by 10 feet for one encounter