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![]() This first writing sample is from the Strange Aeons game I've just started running, which suggests a campaign I wouldn't be pulling for if I was selected. I'm proud of doing a spooky bit good in it. The bolded words are the names of the PCs, and it's who is seeing / experiencing the text below it (as they've split up, always the best idea). Sample One:
Cole and Vano The fire of Cole briefly brings clarity for the two in the fog, revealing the lurking shape that they start to flee from to an extent. It is tall (at least twelve feet), looming over them. Its mouth is lipless, and filled with rows of curved, razor sharp teeth. Either its eyes are covered, or it has no eyes. Its skin is lacerated, possibly burnt, and it is covered in rags. No. Not rags. Rags don’t move like that. The torn and layered fabric of ragged strips whips and curls around the lanky giant, each strip of cloth moving and swaying like a hungry serpent, tasting the air, searching for prey. Dozens of the strips key off the fiery blast, and come about to face the duo which dared venture the fog. And they strike. Allera, Demrakas, Erebus, and Simza
From the fog comes hurtling a shape, which hits the cobblestones in the fogless clearing with such force that it spatters the grimy walls with streaks of blood. It is the body of Cole. He’s covered in hideous cutting wounds, and he lies motionless, unmoving and obviously dead. Perhaps it is just a trick of the light, or the shock of the sudden death, but the spattered blood on the wall seems to form an uncanny similarity to the word ME daubed in a hasty, shaking hand. Another shape comes hurtling, and another body hits the surface of the alleyway, skipping twice, again splattering blood on the alleyway walls. This body is Vano’s, just as mauled, just as dead. And just as Cole’s blood spelled out one word, Vano’s blood seems to spell out the word HELP. Cole and Vano
You are dead. … and yet, you remain very much in your bodies. Your souls do not fly to any afterlife, glorious or grave. You don’t even have the satisfaction of being ectoplasmic vapors, drifting out of your slack, lifeless mouths. Your consciousnesses remain, locked inside prisons of dead, unresponsive meat.
This second sample is from a chat-based L5R game I was part of years ago; in it, the character I was playing was about to get involved in a duel on the battlefield, and he's uh, pretty proud of his heritage. It's mostly here because it's a demonstration of my ability to commit to a bit (which is vital), and because I only ever got to use the character's lineage spiel a couple of times, and I'll be blasted if I don't take this chance to copy/paste it. Sample Two: Tadakatsu has been buoyed on the surface of the battle, vaster than anything he could have imagined from his only taste of real conflict at the small village of Biei the week before. Looking up from the ashigaru at the challenger, the Koritome youth flourishes his three-pointed magari-yari at the impudent Crane and responds in a resonate baritone, “ I am Koritome Tadakatsu, spearman of the Matsu, student of the Lion Elite Spearman School, son of Koritome Tadakatsu, son of Koritome Murashige, son of Koritome Ujiyuki, son of Koritome Tokuhime, daughter of Koritome Yoshiaki, son of Koritome Tadaoki, son of Koritome Katsuie…” “ … son of Koritome Hidetada, son of Koritome Tadakatsu, son of Koritome Takatora, son of Koritome Tametoki, son of Koritome Toshiie who distinguished himself at the Battle of Golden Fields with great valor, son of Koritome Noritaka, son of Koritome Moritoshi, son of Koritome Chizuki, daughter of Koritome Tadakatsu, son of Koritome Toshimitsu, son of Koritome Furihime, daughter of Koritome Yorifusa…” “ … son of Koritome Tadakatsu, son of Koritome Tadatsune, son of Koritome Hidetada, son of Koritome Sarumaru, son of Koritome Kamanosuke, son of Koritome Rokurō who wielded the famed spear Eikogiri, son of Koritome Nobushige, the youngest brother of Koritome of the noble Matsu, he who saved the Son of Heaven Hantei Muhaki from the Gaijin at White Stag. May you honor your lord with your excellence, Mirumoto-san.“
![]() I'm currently (trying) to make my first Pathfinder Society character, and I'm interested in building a Wizard towards the Magaambyan Attendant and then the Halcyon Speaker. As Uncommon Feats that are neither Limited Or Restricted, "Your character has access to this option if they have selected an available option that grants them access to it (for example, many classes grant access to focus spells, which are uncommon). Alternatively, your character can gain access through a boon. Does having the Magaambya Academic Background tick the box for Attendant? Would the Secondary Initiation boon meet the requirements for these feats? Are there specific adventures / modules that grant them that I'll need to keep my eyes out for when they're run? I'm trying to avoid the mistake of creating a character aimed at an unachievable path. ![]()
![]() Philo Pharynx wrote:
When I saw that "I'm not angry with you, I'm just disappointed " was somehow now a Paladin ability, I couldn't not take it. I'm also learning about archetypes now. It's a really fascinating difference from 1e, how it handles them as a concept. ![]()
![]() I've put together a Champion to apply to this game. I'm planning on leaving the precise noble family that his family owed fealty to as unfilled for now, to fill in later if it makes (fun) sense to have it be the same family as a PC noble. This is also the first 2e character I've made, so if I've messed anything up, let me know. I used Pathbuilder to help assemble him. The Stats:
Rosticek "Rusty" Mundbee Human Champion (Pharasma) 1 NG, Medium, Human, Humanoid Heritage: Skilled (Performance) Background: Rostlander Perception +3 Languages Common, Elven, Goblin Skills Acrobatics +0, Athletics +7, Deception +6, Diplomacy +6, Intimidation +6, Lore: Farming +4, Medicine +3, Performance +6, Religion +3 Str 18 (+4), Dex 10 (+0), Con 12 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 16 (+3) Items Chain Mail, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Tent (Pup), Signal Whistle, Tool (Long)(Spade), Wooden Shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6) -------------------- AC 17 (19 with Shield Raise); Fort +6; Ref +3; Will +5 HP 20 Shield Block Glimpse of Redemption -------------------- Speed 25 feet Melee Bastard Sword +7 (Two-Hand d12), Damage 1d8+4 (S) Focus Spells (1 points) Lay on Hands Additional Feats: Hefty Hauler, Skilled Heritage (Performance), Toughness, Weight of Guilt
The Story: Growing up in a small speck of a village as a farmer shaped Rusty's whole outlook on life. An accident with the family's post-holer is how Rosticek (rost-ee-SEK) came by the nickname which has all but supplanted his real name. He grew up tall and strong, the hard physical labor of farm work agreeing with him, season after season filled with plowing and planting, harvesting and threshing. Outside of working the farm, Rusty spent time singing in the choir for the small church to Pharasma in the village. Rusty came to the calling of Champion without any official training. The inevitable bandit attack on his family's farm didn't result in a stereotypical orphaning of the teen, but rather, the bandits getting walloped with a shovel and a whole new career path opening up in front of the young man. When the call went out for adventurers to explore and settle the Stolen Lands, his local church took up a collection to outfit him with the gear he needed and sent him on his way to honor and glory. Rusty is a patriotic Brevan, and believes in the strength that comes from different peoples working together. He doesn't have much use for nobles, though, since they're busy trying to rip the country apart; in particular, he doesn't care for NOBLE FAMILY NAME HERE. The fact that they're the folk who're supposed to be keeping his family safe (and not doing a great job of it) is probably a coincidence. ![]()
![]() I'm writing up a Paladin of Sarenrae, so the Sun Squad seems to be out in force. Rolling the starting gold, seeing if I get better than average. 5d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 6, 1) = 12 x 10 = 120 So the answer is no, I'm going with average starting gold. New here, but boy howdy, the dice roller doesn't seem to be very fond of me. ![]()
![]() Who's rolling some dice? I am. 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 4) = 10 8
Wow, that's... amazingly bad. A net modifier of -1. Point buy, that's a zero. The dice, they're trying to tell me something. |