Time Bandits

Game Master Monkeygod

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Okay, I've never used the 'spheres' or made a gestalt character. So i had a couple question, to to clarify on what I think its saying.

1) For gestalt characters, they way it looks to be written, each level you can choose new classes for both (or in this case all three) aspects. So its almost like regular multi classing, right?

2) Classes don't have to be modified the 'spheres' options, but can be if we want?

3) 'Sphere' casting completely replaces regular spell use?

The concept I was kicking around was Arcanist / Summoner / Gunslinger, or something like that combination.

1) each level you get all three classes. it's the opposite of multiclassing, where you have to choose one class each level.
2) yes
3) only if you want to choose the sphere system. You don't have to. I won't do it either.

The Crimson Countess wrote:

Here is a proposed artifact for The Crimson Countess:

** spoiler omitted **

I like it. How about mine:

Engineer's Vest:

Aura strong conjuration; CL 20st; Slot chest; Weight 5 lbs.

This well-made leather vest bears numerous shiny metal buttons, which stud ten bulging pockets. Each pocket is similar to a miniature bag of holding, able to contain up to 5 cubic foot of material weighing as much as 50 pounds. In addition any living creature of suitable size placed within a pocket has enough air for 1 minute, after which it starts suffocating. Anything stored in the vests's pockets is effectively weightless and doesn't affect the wearer's carrying capacity so long as the vest is worn appropriately.
While worn, the vest responds to its wearer's desire. Retrieving a specific item is a move action.
Once per day, as a standard action, the wearer can speak the vest’s command word and order it to bring forth all the standard tools required to make checks for any one Craft or Profession skill. These tools are considered masterwork tools and appear in the countless pockets of the vest or, if too heavy, on the floor, on a nearby shelf, on a workbench, or in a toolbox or cupboard that appears nearby. Once summoned, they remain for 24 hours or until another creature touches them, whichever comes first. These tools do not have to be stored in the extradimensional pockets, of course. They are summoned from an unknown plane.
The vest also protects the wearer from many work-related accidents. Once per day the wearer may reroll a failed skill check or saving throw. In addition, once per day as an immediate action, the vest automatically casts Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease or Remove Paralysis should such a condition be imposed on the wearer.

The vest is destroyed if someone untrained in any Craft skill vanadalizes a major piece of art or engineering worth at least 5.000 gp while wearing it. In this case the vest implodes and does 20d6 damage to the wearer.

spacefurry wrote:

Okay, I've never used the 'spheres' or made a gestalt character. So i had a couple question, to to clarify on what I think its saying.

1) For gestalt characters, they way it looks to be written, each level you can choose new classes for both (or in this case all three) aspects. So its almost like regular multi classing, right?

2) Classes don't have to be modified the 'spheres' options, but can be if we want?

3) 'Sphere' casting completely replaces regular spell use?

The concept I was kicking around was Arcanist / Summoner / Gunslinger, or something like that combination.

Note: he’s using a specific rule where you have to choose one of the three classes to be your ‘base class’, the one you get hit points and base saves and skill points from.

You don’t get to take the best of all three like normal gestalt.

Also I’m having some issues thinking of my artifact, but I have a few ideas I’ll try to piece together.

Ellioti wrote:

@voice are we doing fame and reputation? Do we start with level+CHA?

I'd like to know this as well

Okay, here's more or less how the background would end up being:

Gabriel, the Black Hole:


1-Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character.
-Gabriel is native to Molthune. Being a bastard son, he had few chances other than joining a militant cult.
-Once in the cult, he opened his eyes to what his country’s goals really were, and withdrew from the military.
-During his wandering through Nirmathas, Varisia and other countries, he met a middle aged woman, Nioku, who he thought was the personification of might and power. He decided to follow her and learn from her, and in the end they both became very close.
-Gabriel has always felt a strong link with the sun. He has always enjoyed being under its light, and has felt uncomfortable underground. After Nioku’s death, Gabriel suffered an apotheosis and transformed into a half-shaped angel, growing wings and acquiring some new powers related to his ancestry.
-Gabriel started researching, and he finally came to some conclusions. When he finally discovered some bits of truth about Hyraeatan, he was addressed by some inhabitants of the city and offered a visit and later a citizenship and membership into the Lightbringers.
-Gabriel had a hard time accepting that balance was a requirement, and that he would have to work together with the Dark Parities. That didn’t last much, though, as all of a sudden Hyandil soon order all the Lawbringers to withdraw the city. Hyandil’s powerful personality and influence got Gabriel and many others enthralled, making them follow their leader without question and actually empathise with her.
-Gabriel was a profound devout of Iomedae in her Sun aspect, and later widened his mind to revere a more general concept of the Sun adopting other Gods like Sarenrae, Amaterasu, Pelor, Lathander or Apollo. Under Hyandil’s influence and the Lawbringers Exodus, though, he experimented profound changes. He believed everything he had fought for was a lie, and that the Sun had abandoned him, so he adopted a new aspect of the Sun - its absence. Gabriel, Sol Invictus became known as Gabriel, the Black Hole.
-After the defeat of the Lawbringers, Gabriel was taken prisoner. He, together with other specimens, was the object of deep studies, with most of Hyraeatan scholars and scientists fascinated by the changes experimented. Gabriel had undergone mental, physical and emotional changes, and it was clear that these changes were not finished, once Hyandil’s influence was no longer affecting him. Believing there was a chance of recovering him, he was offered a second chance.

2-List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
-Character Goal: Gabriel wants to know what’s of his past and his future. He doesn’t know who his father was, he doesn’t know why he has experienced so much changes along his life and how many more is he going to undergo. He doesn’t know why does he feel linked to the Sun, for better or for worse, and what does all of these mean. He longs for a place to belong, and that place seems to be Hyraeatan, but through his act he’s not getting any closer to it, and that unsettles him.
-I’d like Gabriel to do something important. More than just ascending in the hierarchy, I mean starring a deed that immortalises him, so his name is remembered, be it for leading an army to an important victory, infiltrating and rescuing an important character or bringing the opportunity for an important breakthrough due to the study of his strange changing condition.

3-List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet.
-Gabriel was never much attached to his mother and her relatives, and has always thought of old Nioku as his only family. However, one night in Hyraeatan, when he was being held prisoner after Hyandil’s defeat,, he was thinking about the past with nostalgy when a vision assaulted his mind. He saw a scene which he recognised as Nioku’s funeral. The old lady’s funeral pyre was burning, but he caught a glimpse of something which could only be her soul ascending to Heaven, a figure resembling her but with powerful wings and a fiery sword in her hand, flying from his burning corpse and getting lost beyond the clouds. He never talked to anyone about that sudden insight, thinking it had only been a side effect of his own mind surrendering to fatigue and captivity.
-Gabriel doesn’t suspect that Nioku was indeed his father impersonated. The being was actually a powerful Solar, and he wanted to direct his descendant’s path to Hyraeatan, where he knew that Gabriel would play an important role in the future of the city, but had his own reasons to stay anonymous. He faked his Nioku persona’s death and sowed the seed in young Gabriel to investigate further. Whether he has anything to do with the most recent events in Gabriel’s life, it remains to be seen.

4-Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile.
-Nioku, a warrior woman near retirement who took Gabriel under tutelage when he left Molthune. Nioku died in battle, and her dying words were for Gabriel, telling him to “search for Hyraeatan”.
-Hyandil, the leader of the Lightbringers. The Blossoming Queen held much influence over Gabriel, making him follow her into exile and later into a fratricidal war. Gabriel has no idea if the Queen is still alive, much less of where she could be, but he wouldn’t mind having a word or two with her.
-Zachiel, a low ranked officer in the Eternal Dawning’s army, responsible for capturing Gabriel and, later on, sparing him. Gabriel’s feelings towards Zachiel are mixed, for he knows he owes him his life but is also aware that was not a hundred percent altruistic act. Still, there’s a spark of respect there, as Gabriel senses that Zachiel is also in the lower base of the pyramid and struggles to find his place while fulfilling orders, just like he was not so long ago.

5-Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has.
-Due to his “shiny” nature, Gabriel was useless when it came to subterfuge. Actively and directly lying was beyond his capabilities, and stealthy moves were something he thought he’d never be good at. After his exile and imprisonment, though, Gabriel feels a deep attraction for the dark, and some of these restrains have completely dissappeared or turned into just the opposite feelings.
-Gabriel remembers how he spent quite some time figuring out about Nioku’s last words, and how at the beginning he thought Hyraeatan was a person he had to talk to.
-Back in Molthune, life was hard. As a child, he drilled constantly, for it was mandatory, and was constantly subject to a brainwashing discipline. It amuses him how life has changed, but not as much for himself - he was still under constant drilling here in Hyraeatan and was also a victim of brainwash in more than one sense.
-Gabriel has never been with a girl. During his teens in Molthune he had no time between drilling and attending religious matters, and his life hasn’t improved afterwards. He felt something for Nioku for a while, but quickly realised she had been more a cool aunt than anything else. Sometimes he thinks what could it be like, though he knows that, given his situation, it’s not something that’s likely to happen.

Gabriel doesn’t look too outlandish, but his eyes reflect the fire of his soul, specially when he’s fighting the good fight.They used to shine in fiery orange tones, but now these have turned into a deep dark blue, even black. His fiery red hair was usually tied in a ponytail, but it’s now pitch black and usually left loose. Only those who know, though, might use these features to put together what’s otherwise evident by the pair of angelic - though black - wings sprouting from Gabriel’s back. Other than that, he looks like a human in steroids - strong and agile, smart and cool, you know, almost an angel.

Same as the Sun, Gabriel was warm and cosy, but could quickly turn into a relentless destructive force. Luckily, he reserved the latter for his true enemies, those who threatened the wellbeing of his peers. Nowadays, Gabriel looks more like a cold, tempered warrior who knows he’s been into too much. Jaded and scarred, his past laughter is now only a small and ironic half smile, and what was solar wrath in battle is now the emptiness of the void taking down enemies relentlessly.

I'll be doing my ten-minute background sometime tomorrow, with any luck. About the only thing I have left is my artifact, which I've been waiting to see a few other people propose their plans for first, so I can see what I'm comparing myself to.

I -know- I want it to involve draining life force from others, in some manner or another. Douglas is a very old human, and he very much dislikes being reminded of the fact.

Ah, yes, the artifact... I honestly can't think of something other than a bow. In his Sol Invictus incarnation, Gabriel had a Legendary bow called Solar Wind. I guess the weapon could have turned "black" together with the owner, reversing powers and aspect as well and changing its name.

All of this Sun/Black Hole, Light/Dark and Fire/Gravity thing reminds me of the Starfinder Solarian, maybe Gabriel is a Solarian without even knowing about them... sounds cool.

Also, I know barely nothing about Astronomy, so bare with me if I mess things up.

So, I'm trying to make Doctor Facilier's shadow, essentially. I'm looking at a Figment Improved Smokeshade familiar with the Shadow Form evolution, but it doesn't quite work; Shadow Form lets a corporeal creature affect incorporeal creatures. Would it be reasonable to assume it lets an incorporeal creature interact with the material world?

Alrighty, here's an idea for a custom race. Well really it's just a beefed up race. I took the Kitsune and tried to make it more magical and trickier. What do you think?

Kistune, Greater

Abilitiy score modifiers: Advanced 4rp
+2 Int, +2 Wis, +2Cha, +4 Dex, -2 Str
Size: Medium
Type: Humaniod (shapechanger)
Base Speed: 30’
Languages: Standard
Common & Sylvan, high Int can choose from any human language, Aklo, Celestial, Elven, Gnome, and Tengu

Defense Racial Traits:
Illusion Resistance 1rp
Spell Resistance, Greater 3rp
Lucky, Greater 4rp

Feat & Skill Racial Traits:
Beguiling Liar 2rp
Gift of Tongues 2rp
Greed 1rp
Quick Reactions 2rp

Magical Racial Traits:
Change Shape, Lesser 3rp
Enclave Protector 2rp

Movement Racial Traits:
Agile 1rp
Fleet-footed 3rp
Fast 1rp

Offense Racial Traits:
Bite 1rp
Claws 2rp

Senses Racial Traits:
See in Darkness 4rp
Low-light Vision 1rp
Scent 4rp

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I was humming and hawing, wondering if I would submit a character 'cause these builds take a massive amount of time... And then I realized that Voice of Awesomeness = Monkeygod!

I'll get to work!

I've seen a lot of melee characters and felt like making something with a bit of range.

I've fallen in love with a Green Goblin theme, a build that's focused on bomb throwing. GrinningJest3r and I might become bomb throwing buddies.

Alchemist(Alchemist Sapper)//Magus(Eldritch Archer)//U.Rogue(Underground Alchemist) 4/Bloodrager 6 (Urban)

A flying goblin that can throw bombs, and plant trip mines.

Jereru wrote:

Ah, yes, the artifact... I honestly can't think of something other than a bow. In his Sol Invictus incarnation, Gabriel had a Legendary bow called Solar Wind. I guess the weapon could have turned "black" together with the owner, reversing powers and aspect as well and changing its name.

All of this Sun/Black Hole, Light/Dark and Fire/Gravity thing reminds me of the Starfinder Solarian, maybe Gabriel is a Solarian without even knowing about them... sounds cool.

Also, I know barely nothing about Astronomy, so bare with me if I mess things up.

Given his parentage, you could just copy the solar ability and have every arrow loosed from his bow become a slaying arrow of the appropriate type.

I'll check over the artifacts, races, etc later, but regarding reputation,

Firstly, you do not have to belong to a Parity. It's totally cool and okay if you do decide to join one, but it's not a necessity for this game.

As far as how to calculate rep, I think I'll handle each PC who belongs to a Parity individually. That might make things little more complicated for me, but I feel it's best to decide how much rep you get based on your character's personal history and how much they've done for the Parity.

Belltrap wrote:
Given his parentage, you could just copy the solar ability and have every arrow loosed from his bow become a slaying arrow of the appropriate type.

That sounds a bit too much, doesn't it? I was thinking something along the lines of "casts is own fiery/shadowy bolts so doesn't need ammo, like the old D&D cartoons one". Am I being too conservative?

Regarding Parities, yes, I was thinking maybe the character could join one in the future when he's forgiven, but for now he's an ex-Lawbringer and thus Parity-less.

Belltrap wrote:
TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
Oh man oh man oh man do I want to make the flash by combining monk, kineticist, and either fighter or alchemist to get the science in there lol. Decisions decisions...
It may be worthwhile to consider the Voyager class from Dreamscarred Press, a movement-oriented psionics class.

As cool as it is, I've never used psionics before and it seems fairly complex even before adding 2 classes to it. Thanks though for the idea!

Voice, do casters who use a spellbook start with any extra spells or just the base ones from leveling up?

Jereru wrote:
Belltrap wrote:
Given his parentage, you could just copy the solar ability and have every arrow loosed from his bow become a slaying arrow of the appropriate type.

That sounds a bit too much, doesn't it? I was thinking something along the lines of "casts is own fiery/shadowy bolts so doesn't need ammo, like the old D&D cartoons one". Am I being too conservative?

Regarding Parities, yes, I was thinking maybe the character could join one in the future when he's forgiven, but for now he's an ex-Lawbringer and thus Parity-less.

The DM has said we effectively have endless mundane ammo already.

Not really happy with the race I posted, the more I think about it. Probably going to redo it as some type of super-human, or something more interesting.

Hmm, just came across this and it looks really interesting. If there's still time, I think I'll whip together some sort of assassin.

Oh, and for the stat block, do you want it with or without essence invested in veils?

Here's a bit of background for Nikolsi:


Background: Nikolsi was born a kyton slave, and was trained from birth to serve as a soldier. He stands tall and proud; he was an excellent soldier. While fighting for the kytons, he was selected by a kyton experimenter, a wizard named Andrelon. What followed next was years of torment as Andrelon experimented and tinkered with genetics, magic, and the idea of the soul, attempting to turn a judow into something closer to a judrai but without the weaknesses. Nikolsi was not the only being that Andrelon was trying to "improve"; individuals from many other races came into the wizard's tower, and frequently left just quickly - though with a distinct lack of life on their way out. Most cannot survive long; Nikolsi is not sure if his personal stubbornness or his heritage is to thank for his hardy nature, but he has survived more - and longer - than anyone else. Nikolsi is not sure what exactly happened to end things. All that he knows is that the wizard's tower seemed to stutter for several seconds, and then every door and lock opened. He didn't have time to look around too much; once the doors opened, the building started to shake in a "get as far away as possible" kind of way. As he was leaving he saw one of the more recent - and still living - captures duck out another door - he had heard a guard mutter about the elven nobility, and the woman leaving the cell had to be here. He gave her a nod as they went their seperate ways, but did not try to pursue her. Once outside, he quickly disappeared into the countryside, making his way through the barren landscape until he could find a portal to a more populous plane; the City of Seven Seraphs. To Nikolsi' great surprise, the wars he had fought in were distant memories and time had moved on; the world was much changed, and it was difficult for a lone, semi-mad soldier to fit in. Nikolsi decided that the stutter of time in the tower must have thrown it forward in time, and accepting that there was nothing in his past to recover he set about making a future where he would never have his choices stolen from him again.

Goals: Nikolsi has a singular goal; to never be taken as a slave again, and his method of achieving that is to be entirely self sufficient and not relay on anyone for anything - and to be able to force the issue if someone thinks he should bow down to them. His motivation for working with officials is purely a matter of expediency; he gets to exercise his skills without having needless time consuming interactions with bounty hunters or government operatives trying to track him down. As a player, I want Nikolsi to find a valuable partnership/relationship that would give him a reason to stay around a group.

Secrets: Nikolsi keeps the true extent of his abilities and his resources hidden. No one knows that he has access to extradimensional storage areas, or what he puts there. When he wants to be hidden, no one sees him - just the way he likes it. Nikolsi does not know that elven woman who escaped the tower at the same time as he did is trying to gather protectors and warriors in a bid to take an elven kingdom, and she has put out bounty hunters to bring her information on his whereabouts - unlike most, she actually has a general idea of what was done to him, and what he can do.

Acquaintances: Nikolsi assumes Andrelon was destroyed with his tower, as do most who knew he existed. In fact, Andrelon escaped and set himself up with a patron, another lord of Hell. Andrelon knows that Nikolsi escaped; he had a blood-tied status spell on his arm for each of his "successes", and while it does not tell him where Nikolsi is, he knows that he is still living and is determined to bring him back to the chains of his tower. Desmond is a member of the Descendants of Thunder, and though he does not always agree with Nikolsi' actions, he understands the deep motivation behind it. Desmond was one of the first beings Nikolsi ran into in the City of Seven Seraphs, and recognizing his militant bearing had offered him a job among the low level members of the Descendants of Thunder. Nikolsi no longer works exclusively with the Descendants, but they were the first willing to take him in and trust him with work. Vestele is the name of the elven noblewoman, though Nikolsi does not know it. They can hardly be said to have bond, having seen each other for only moments when fleeing Andrelon's tower; that shared experience did create a lasting impression, however, and either would recognize the other again.

Quirks: Nikolsi always moves silently, even when there is no reason to sneak or be stealthy. This habit ends up causing most of those who interact with him to comment that he needs bells around his ankles. He is also stubborn; when told he cannot do something, especially something he feasibly could, he will almost always set out to complete that goal. The rare exceptions are where it would put himself into too much danger or be needlessly stupd; he is stubborn, not suicidal. Finally, Nikolsi likes to collect things that he likes. His collection is esotaric, and includes items ranging from silverware with a particular design he favored to a golden statue made by a master jeweler of a horse running through sand. Depending on the owner, his efforts to obtain an item he likes generally follows these lines: Offer to purchase it at a reasonable price, offer to purchase it at an outrageous price, offer to do some task or chore for it, threaten to do bodily harm, and finally steal it. He's never failed to steal it, but woudn't entirely object to the idea of arranging for someone to have an "accident" and then purchase his desired item from an estate sale.

Most of the crunch is done too, but I'm still finalizing a few feat / talent selections and need to do equipment. He is chaotic evil, though more from a lack of empathy/caring of the rest of the world - it hasn't cared about him much - than from a directed goal of watching the world burn.

@Voice of Awesomeness, two questions:
1) The character build rules invite out-of-the-box characters, and I am going down the rabbit hole that is an undead character. Would that work in this campaign, keeping in mind that my plan is not to build a CE hero?
2) In fact, my plan is to build a LG undead character who has been brought back and is torn by his own existence. Do you have anything against a LG undead paladin? Think the Frankenstein monster at the beginning and end of the novel: he is self-aware and is trying to make peace with his own nature, for better or for worse...
3) If the above works for you, would it be acceptable to revise the prerequisites of Vampiric Companion to allow it to be taken by a good character who is undead, but not a Vampire or Dhampir?

EDIT: Deathtouched would also work...

I should ask, since I'm planning to be a Soulknife, is High Psionics in play?

It basically gives the Soulknife the same manifesting abilities as a Gifted Blade, only without costing them their psychic strike class feature. Effectively, it turns them into a 4th level caster akin to the Paladin or Bloodrager, only using Psionics.

I'm also planning on utilizing Psibertech, as well as material from the City of 7 Seraphs book (the Knowledge Passion for the Daevic and the Ascendant archetype for the Aegis). Considering the setting, I'm sure that these are already allowed, but it's always nice to ask and receive confirmation just to be sure.

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How would you feel, if I submitted a character "The Monkey King"?

He's his own race with good stats, a tail, climb speed, etc.
His artifact is the Staff of the Monkey King, following the rules for staves.
His classes are Warder (Dervish Defender) 10// Staff Magus 10// Rogue 1, Wizard 3, Arcane Trickster 6.
He will use trickery and speed to do two-weapon fighting with his staff using the martial disciplines of Thrashing Dragon and Veiled Moon as well as Spell Combat.
The backstory would be rather short, because everybody knows of the monkey king, but the stories vary from culture to culture. There's no fixed backstory, they're all true. He's a demi-god usually, but currently sentenced to mortality by the real gods, because of some tricks that went too far in the recent past.

Monkey King Race:

4 Ability Score Modifiers: Advanced
4 Advanced Dexterity
3 Type: The Monkey King is a Monstrous Humanoid
0 Size: Medium
0 Base Speed: normal
1 Languages: Linguist. Common, may choose any language
2 Prehensile Tail: Members of this race have a long, flexible tail that can be used to carry objects. They cannot wield weapons with their tails, but they can retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action.
2 Climb: Members of this race have a climb speed of 20 feet, and gain the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks that a climb speed normally grants.
4 Expert Climber: Members of this race can cling to cave walls and even ceilings as long as the surface has hand- and footholds. In effect, members of this race are treated as being constantly under the effects of a non-magical spider climb spell, save that members of this race cannot cling to smooth surfaces. This trait doubles the normal +8 racial bonus on Climb checks normally granted to creatures with a climb speed (to a total +16 bonus).
1 Immortal: Monkey King does not age naturally and cannot die of old age. Spells and effects that cause aging affect him as normal.
2 Healthy: Members of this race gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases.
2 Beguiling Liar: Members of this race gain a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to convince an opponent that what they are saying is true when they tell a lie.
6 Change Shape, Greater: Members of this race gain the following supernatural ability: a member of this race can assume the appearance of a Small or Medium humanoid as the alter self spell, save that it does not adjust its ability scores.

I was trying to fine tune a ‘sphere’ caster to basicly be a master with a single substance, but not one of the elements. I wanted to combine it with a martial class for some one who could mix it up with range and melee as needed. Keep the enemy guessing.
I’m not sure who would know what I’m talking about but I was hoping to simulate a Paper Master from R.o.D.
I’m open to some feedback or ideas.

Yeah you can do creation and use sphere specific drawbacks to make it only 1 substance.

Telekinesis for that substance only

Then enhancement and make paper as hard as steel or whatever. Just what I can think off the top of my head

I'll be answering questions in a separate post, but I have an important one for all my prospective players:

Who is currently ready enough to join in some pre-game RP?

As I plan on keeping rolling to a bare minimum(hopefully none) you do *not* need a complete or even semi complete character sheet.

Just a mostly complete personality/background.

1) Regarding Leadership:

If you're of the mind set that your PC would totally have a sidekick, minion, servant, slave, etc, you may take the feat.

However your cohort, nor your followers will be able to come with you on any officially assigned missions.

They can stay behind, and perform tasks for you within the city. Alternatively, when you are not on an assigned mission, they may go on any side quests you take part in.

2) @Crimson Countess. Your minor artifact is very cool, but don't be afraid to boost it's power a bit more. You don't need to be too conservative(not saying you were), but don't go overboard.

3) For Shadow Form, it says the eidolon's melee attacks deal only half damage to corporeal creatures.

I see no reason why this would prevent it from interacting with the normal world, as the eidolon doesn't actually become incorporeal itself.

I suppose you could give it a 1pt special evolution to allow it switch between fully affecting incorporeal creatures/objects and normal, real world corporeal ones. Say as a standard action, with no limits to how many times it can be used?

4) Greater Kitsune seems fine :)

5) Prepared casters(those who have a book, familiar, etc) gain 5 extra spells per character level. Ie, 50 bonus spells to start. These may be of any level you can cast.

6) For stat block of those who rely a fair amount on buffs(veilcasters, ragers, shapechangers, etc) feel free to create a second stat block that includes just your increased stats.

Regular casters, or others who have a lot of buff abilities, you don't need to worry about this, but if you wanna create a second statblock that includes bonuses based on typically cast spells/used abilities, feel free.

7) I would need to see what sort of undead you are rolling with before answers all of those questions, sorry!

8) High Psionics is in play.

9) *Looks at my main alias. Looks at the request to play a version of Monkey King*. This concept is wholeheartedly approved!!

Finally, a reminder:

To be consider for the first mission, you have till June 8th.

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Voice of Awesomeness wrote:

I'll be answering questions in a separate post, but I have an important one for all my prospective players:

Who is currently ready enough to join in some pre-game RP?

As I plan on keeping rolling to a bare minimum(hopefully none) you do *not* need a complete or even semi complete character sheet.

Just a mostly complete personality/background.

I can. Havent put the details to paper yet but I have them in my head

Tenro wrote:
Voice of Awesomeness wrote:

I'll be answering questions in a separate post, but I have an important one for all my prospective players:

Who is currently ready enough to join in some pre-game RP?

As I plan on keeping rolling to a bare minimum(hopefully none) you do *not* need a complete or even semi complete character sheet.

Just a mostly complete personality/background.

I can. Havent put the details to paper yet but I have them in my head

This is good enough!

Yup, ready to RP. I even have an alias.

Ellioti wrote:
What is our motivation to even do these missions? How are we 'forced'? We're supposed to build some criminal-type characters, so why would we not just run away into freedom at the first chance?

RP depends strongly on the answer to this question fron page 4

I think I'm obviously ready. :D

I'm interested, and since evil characters are allowed........

Ellioti wrote:
Ellioti wrote:
What is our motivation to even do these missions? How are we 'forced'? We're supposed to build some criminal-type characters, so why would we not just run away into freedom at the first chance?
RP depends strongly on the answer to this question fron page 4

Perhaps you'll find out in game?

Icestormshadow wrote:
I'm interested, and since evil characters are allowed........

We prefer ‘alternate system of morality’.

I would -adore- a chance to rp some with this guy.

And perhaps finally knock out a damn artifact for him. I'm just not sure how best to go about it.


Yeah, I may have an idea.

You know, I can't find any reference to it...are we playing with hero points? If so, I'd probably sack mine for another feat.

I have a couple of traits i need to DM ro assign RP costs for, but other than that i'm ready to start the real crunch

Type: Monstrous Humanoid (3 RP)
ASM: +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Int, -6 Cha (Advanced + -4 to Cha) (0 RP)
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Base Speed: 40 Feet (1 RP)
Languages: Orekas start out speaking Common and Orc, Orekas with high intelligence scores can choose any language (expect secret languages) (1 RP)
Regeneration 1: Sonic can disable it (?? RP)
Master Tinkerer (2 RP)
Bonus Feat: Toughness (2 RP)
Technological Paradox: Orekas are known for their tech and how it functions, or rather, it shouldn’t, but when made in their hands, it works, Any Craft Skill can be made untrained and take half the normal amount of time to craft it, but the item has a 25% of blowing up when first used, another 25% that it works only in the Oreka’s Hands, 25% that it works in any Oreka’s Hands, and 25% that it works as intended and other races can use it. In addition they are automatically considered proficient with the item they crafted, (?? RP)
Ferocity (4 RP)
Swarming (2 RP)
Scent (4 RP)

I'm good with some initial RPing.

Had a thought for the artifact: Gloves of the Distant Thief. Gives a couple of talents from the Telekinesis Sphere, for non-combat purposes only. I'm thinking Finesse + Flair (and maybe Call to Hand, Increased Range, or Idle Concentration if there's still "room" for the artifact to be more powerful.)

This would give ranged craft checks, Disable Device checks, and a more powerful Mage Hand / Far Hand ability (I have an unhealthy obsession with getting Mage Hand or Far hand as an at will cantrip, power, SLA, etc on every character I create...)

Struggled to come up with an artifact for a streamlined character like a speedster until I remembered the Flash Ring and came up with some things. Have never made a minor artifact before but I think it's less crazy than some I looked up, and I added extra stuff

Traveller's Ring (or Smuggler's Ring)
A) Donning any clothing stored in this ring is a swift action
B) This ring acts as a handy haversack the size of a bag of holding III
C) Can project/hide a portable hole as a standard action.
D) Stores 3 portable holes
E) can cast Mage's Magnificent Mansion once/day.

And if that's too tame:
F) has 10 charges that can be used to cast Resilient Sphere or Emergency force shield

And if I still need more
G) can once/week cast Lesser Create Demiplane

Just let me know which letters work and if I need to come up with H lol

So I'm curious, anyone think we will need wizard spell casting? Right now the character I am working on is a Nexus/Vizier/Theurge and the crunch is mostly done, but tbh, mainly taking Theurge simply because no one else seems to have arcane casting. I'd really like to take a third veilweaving class (the Rajah) and spread the veil love around to the party that way.

Any thoughts?

wizard casting is the most important and versatile set of skills in the game

Tenro wrote:
wizard casting is the most important and versatile set of skills in the game

Yeah, I know. That is what prompted my question. I know some folks were talking about Sphere casters but that still isn't a wizard (or in my case arcane and divine casting both). I guess I can always take advantage of Voice's generous offer to let us redo our character later if someone else takes wizard spell casting.

Well, here he is. I can't say I'm entirely happy with him, I still want to replace Theurge with Rajah. Hopefully someone decided to play a wizard/witch/something so I can ditch Theurge.

Thygrox the Damned, Statblock No Veils:

Male Enhanced Semoxa Veryx Nexus 10/Vizier 10/Theurge 10
N Medium humanoid (aberrant, magical beast, verminoid)
Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +16
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+2 armor, +4 dex, +2 deflection, +2 natural)
HP 179 (11d8+50+31+10)
Fort +15, Ref +12 Will +13, +2 save vs fear and despair effects, +2 to save vs spells and spell like abilities
DR 2/bludgeoning or piercing; Resist acid 20, cold 30, electricity 30, fire 20
Defensive Abilities Dual-Minded, Never Alone
Speed 30 ft, Climb 20 ft,
Melee +14/+9 +2 cestus (attuned) (1d4+9 19-20/x2)
Ranged planar detonation +11 (5d6)
Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +17)
At will-Divine Favor
1/day-enlarge person, mirror image
Arcane Spells Prepared (CL 10th; concentration +20)
5th-greater grease, teleport, wall of force
4th-acid pit, dimension door (2)
3rd-displacement, haste (2)
2nd-fog cloud, gust of wind, mirror image (2), rope trick
1st-enlarge person, long arm (2), obscuring mist, shield
0-read magic, prestidigitation
Divine Spells Prepared (CL 10th; concentration +14)
5th-righteous might, true seeing
4th-blessing of fervor, greater shield of fortification (2)
3rd-black sword of war, dispel magic, prayer
2nd-lesser restoration, weapon of awe (2)
1st-bane (2), bless (2)
0-create water, light
Str 9, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 30, Wis 13, Cha 20
Base Atk +7; CMB +11; CMD 20
Feats Becoming-Major, Becoming-Nascent, Combat Reflexes, Craft Wonderous Item, Deadly Agility, Essence of the Immortal, Extra Essence x3, Forge Ring, Improved Initiative, My Master's Favor, Quicken Spell, Shape Veil (Courtesan's Cloak), Spell Penetration, Twin Veil (Shoulder), Twin Veil (Wrist)
Martial Tradition Custom Critical Genius (Glaive), Pikeman Training, Polearm Mastery, Spear Dancer
Traits Dealmaker, Flexible Forms (Reaper's Scythe), Magical Wit (Theurge, Wis), Merchant Family, Reactionary, Semoxa Mindvoice
Skills Appraise +22, Bluff +18, Climb +7, Diplomacy +18, Disguise +18, Fly +5, Intimidate +18, Knowledge (Arcana) +23, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +23, Knowledge (History) +23, Knowledge (Local) +23, Knowledge (Planes) +23, Knowledge (Religion (+23), Linguistics +23, Perception +16, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +23, Use Magic Device +18
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Fade, Giant, Goblin, Gnoll, Ignan, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon, Veryx
SQ Ancestral Memory (Sense Motive), Combined Spells (3rd), Convergance (Abyss), Convergance (Elemental), Convergance (Heavens), Curiously Aware, Eldritch Insight, Focused Caster, Improved Essence Capacity +2, Mystic Attunement (Crafter), Spell Synthesis (1/day), Teleprojective (50 ft), Veilshifting (2/day 2 veils), Verminoid
Veils and Binds (Essence 31)-Robe of the Forgotten Diety, Shaitan's Earthen Armor, Boatman's Ferry (B), Unicorn's Feathering (B),Djinn's Turban (B), Five Rivers Amulet, Ring of the Abjurer (B), Courtesian's Cloak (B), Ferryman's Cloak (B), Reaper's Scythe (B), Shackles of Perdition (B)
Gear heavyload belt, Thygrox's Robe (combine's a robe of components with two handy haversacks) lenses of detection, cloak of the hedwizard (divination), sleeves of many garmets, travelers any tool (2), ring of sustenance, least akashic catalyst, lesser akashic catalyst, dusty rose ioun stone, wand of lesser restoration (50 charges), scroll of plane shift (2), scroll of comprehend languages (3), scroll of planar adaptation (2), oil of align weapon (good), silversheen, scroll of magic circle against evil, bandoleer, bedroll, belt pouch (2), blanket, book of letters (Hyraeatan), canteen (2), chain (10 ft, 2 lengths), coffee pot, compass, cooking kit, crowbar, everburning torch, flint and steel, grappling hook, hammer, hip flask (old law whiskey), holy symbol tattoo (500 gp, on left hand and forearm), ink, black (2), ink, red (2), journal, mess kit, scriveners kit, silk rope 50 ft (2), linguists codex (expanded), elemental explorers kit (magic items listed with magic items), fiendslayers kit (magic items listed with magic items), underground survival kit, explorers outfit (2), cold weather outfit, courtiers outfit (with 50gp of jewelry), hot weather outfit, 3 days each of dwarven, elven, gnome, and halfling trail rations, imperial conquest (game), cestus 6,308 gp
Favored Class Bonuses Nexus 1/5 essence/level, Vizier 1/5 essence/level, Theurge +1 spell from secondary source/level
Spells Known
0-All Sorcerer/Wizard, summon instrument
1st-arcane pocket, burning disarm, charm person, disguise self, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, hold portal, hydraulic push, identify, long arm, mage armor, obscuring mist, shield
2nd-augury, create treasure map, darkness, fog cloud, full pouch, gust of wind, hideous laughter, invisibility, knock, mirror image, rope trick
3rd-burning entanglement, dispel magic, displacement, greater magic weapon, haste, heroism, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, magic circle againt good, magic circle against law, sleet storm, slow, suggestion
4th-acid pit, agonize, arcane eye, black tentacles, crushing despair, dimension door, dimensional anchor, greater invisibility, thaumaturgic circle, wall of fire
5th-cloudkill, greater grease, hold monster, hungry pit, planar adaptation, lesser planar binding, teleport, wall of force, wall of stone, wreath of blades
0-All Cleric, chameleon scales
1st-bane, bless, bless water, entangle, hedging weapons, murderous crow, pass without trace, sanctuary, shield of faith, summon monster 1, true appraisal
2nd-align weapon, dragon turtle shell, lesser restoration, shield of fortification, sickening entanglement, weapon of awe, wild instinct
3rd-animate dead, bestow curse, black sword of war, call lightning, deeper darkness, dispel magic, magic vestment, prayer, shield of darkness, speak with dead, stone shape
4th-aspect of the stag, aura of doom, blessing of fervor, divine power, greater shield of fortification, grove of respite, restoration, thristing entanglement, vermin shape II
5th-aspect of the wolf, break enchantment, call lightning storm, commune, fey form II, plane shift, righteous might, summon monster 5, summon nature's ally 5, true seeing

Thygrox the Damned, Statblock With Veils:

Male Enhanced Semoxa Veryx Nexus 10/Vizier 10/Theurge 10
N Medium humanoid (aberrant, magical beast, verminoid)
Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +16
AC 37, touch 25, flat-footed 33 (+9 armor, +4 dex, +5 shield, +2 deflection, +7 natural) +5 insight vs ranged attacks
HP 179 (11d8+50+31+10)
Fort +18, Ref +15 Will +16, +2 save vs fear and despair effects
DR 6/bludgeoning or piercing; Resist acid 30, cold 30, electricity 20, fire 20
Defensive Abilities Dual-Minded, Evasion, Never Alone, Robe of the Forgotten Diety (30% miss chance)
Speed 70 ft, Climb 20 ft, Fly 60 ft perfect
Melee +20/+15 +5 keen Reaper's Scythe (1d10+6d8+12)
Ranged planar detonation +11 (5d6)
Space 5 ft, Reach 10 ft
Essence Investment Robe of the Forgotten Diety (4), Ring of the Abjurer (4, 5 with least akashic catalyst), Courtesian's Cloak (4), Reaper's Scythe (4, 6 with lesser akashic catalyst), Shackles of Perdition (4), Boatman's Ferry (4), Djinn's Turban (3)


Transcendent Akashic Catalyst
Aura strong transmutation CL 20
Slot none Price - Weight-
A Transcendent Akashic Catalyst is a very long strip of an unknown material about half an inch wide. When a veilweaver wraps it about themselves, they find it is long enough to wind around all of their limbs and their torso without any problems. Once it is being worn, glowing mandalas form all along it. Unlike most catalysts, it isn't not worn on a single chakra. It provides the benefits of a least, lesser, and greater akashic catalyst to three of the wearers chakras. Each chakra is assigned when essence is assigned, and can be changed when a veilweaver alters their essence commitments.

It also enhances a veilweavers ability to bind chakras, allowing them to bind chakras as if they were 4 levels higher in whatever veilweaving classes they possess. The wearer also gets the benefits of the Twin Veil feat, although they must choose one chakra to gain this benefit when they shape their veils for the day.

A Transcendent Akashic Catalyst can be work with other akashic catalysts, however no chakra may receive the benefit of more than one catalyst at a time.

Enhanced Semoxa Veryx:

+2 str, +2 dex, +2 con, +8 int, wis, +4 cha
Quick Reactions
Static Bonus Feat (combat reflexes)[/i]

11 RP base semoxa
4 RP advanced stats
9 RP advanced intelligence x2
4 RP advanced wisdom
9 RP advanced charisma
2 RP static bonus feat
2 RP quick reactions
41 RP total

Thygrox is the result of an unusual combination for a veryx. Thyranous was an inquisitive semxi, always curious about what else there was. Even so, growing up in the Warrenweave kept him safe, with plenty of opportunities to learn about almost anything he desired. For the most part, his childhood was a happy one, especially considering that he was rather outgoing, for a semxi anyway. When he reached adulthood, and decided to take him and his veilweaving talents out to find adventure, he wasn't sure exactly where to go or what to do. After all, Hyraeatan is a big place, with portals to virtually everywhere. Eventually he fell in with some members of the Chrysalis Covenant, and journeyed the planes with them. It didn't take long for him to decide to join the Covenant, the whole concept of becoming something else was an ability every semxi was born with. Thyranous hadn't found anyone he felt like bonding to yet, but he alse knew he was young. It wasn't long before he met a being that would change things for him.

Rangrox came from an unremarkable Prime world. Well, mostly unremarkable. The sheer amount of warfare on Rangox's homeworld was enough to sate even a demons bloodthirst. His world had existed in a constant state of warfare for almost 2,000 years. Getting in or out of the plane was a bit difficult, as apparently whatever divinities held sway there wanted as little interference as possible. Rangrox was a determined fellow though. By the time he had reached adulthood, he had shed more blood than he cared to think about most nights. He had heard the stories of people who left, the ones who traveled to other places that were not in a constant state of war. While he had never experienced peace, he certainly wanted it. It took him a few years, but he finally managed to find one of the mysterious portals to another place. He wasn't sure where it would lead him, but he knew staying was just going to end up with him dead. No one died of old age on his world, once you couldn't carry on the war, or aid the war in some useful way, nothing was left for you. Traveling through the portal was a difficult thing for him, but he did it anyway, walking away from everything he knew for the hope of a better tomorrow.

Fortunately for the both of them, Thyranous and his friends were the first people from the city to find Rangrox. The semxi didn't know why, but he took an instant liking to the newly arrived traveler. Rangrox wasn't sure what to make of a talking spider, but he kept up a brave face while he slowly got used to the semxi. It didn't take long for the two to become friends, although Rangrox found the Covenants desire for change a little odd. He eventually fell in with the Sanguine Sovereignty, although that didn't dimish the friendship between the two. Indeed, after a year of knowing each other, the semxi began to feel out his companions thoughts on the bond. Thyranous had a feeling that the bond would be good for him, and for Rangrox. It took a while, but after six months, they had come to an agreement on the subject. While neither lived in the Warrenweave, they both felt it approriate to become a semoxa surrounded by others who had undergone the process. While the process didn't take any extra time, nor did anything untoward happen during it, the semoxa that resulted was different from normal. The best Thygrox, as the being stated its new name to be, could figure out is that it had something to do with Rangrox's plane of origin.

Regardless, Thygrox took up life as a semoxa as normally as he could. It was a little difficult at first to get the two's Parities to come to terms with it, but eventually things got sorted out. The Sanguine Sovereinty took it mostly in stride, the Chrysalis Covenant was less happy but eventually they respected the right for semoxa to belong to two Parities. Thygrox split's his time between the two as best he can, although lately due to his more recent goals he has been investing a little extra time with the Sanguine Sovereignty.

Ten Minute Background:
Write five things about your character’s concept and background, five things that you think are the most essential parts of your character.
1. Thygrox' semoxa bond is a bit odd, while both Thyranous and Rangrox are somewhat aware of things, the gestalt conciousness that makes them a semoxa is a unique conciousness, resulting in the three of them having some lively (mental) discussions at times.
2. Thygrox is an explorer at heart. While he currently is making his way as a mercenary, and a bit of a brutal one at that, what excites him the most is the opportunity to explore someplace he hasn't been yet.
3. Since becoming a semoxa, Thygrox has tried to take care of unfinished business from his previous lives. However most of that is from people he calls friends, he always pays his debts.
4. Thygrox is willing to do quite a bit for a being he calls friend. While he has many aquaintances, he can count the number of people he calls friend on one hand with fingers left over. Doesn't mean he is against making them, he just needs to make sure they are worth it.
5. While warfare isn't an unknown to Thygrox, he doesn't default to killing an enemy as the first option. He has enough blood on his hands already. This doesn't make him a pacifist, or particularly nice to enemies. It just means he won't outright kill someone just for crossing his path.

List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
1. Thygrox has the goal of becoming something more. Transformation by way of the Covenant, or becoming a vampire thru the Sovereignty, or both.
2. I would really like to see Thygrox find a reason to settle down, put down roots in a part of the city, build something that he can call his instead of being the eternal wanderer.

List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet.
1. Thygrox' biggest secret is that he knows why and how the process to become a semoxa worked on him the way it did. It mostly has to do with Thyranous experimenting with various chemicals that can induce a change. He doesn't want veryx society at large to know he experimented on the bond like that, as he feels they might be more than a little upset about it.
2. What he doesn't know is that the plane Rangrox comes from doesn't allow people to escape all that easily. The powers that be usually get around to doing something to either bring their recalatrant charge back, or kill them.

Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile.
1. Jioshin is one of Thygrox's oldest friends. A xodai, they both met when they were new to the Covenant and became friendly rivals. Over time that blossomed into a friendship that still holds today. He doesn't adventure as much any more, but he does run a shop in the Pact district, catering to explorers of the planes.
2. Sioban Glineva is a more recent friend. A dhampir, they are both members of the Sovereignty. While Thyrgox isn't sure of her intentions, he does know they get along well, and she has useful information for him fairly often. She works as an information broker for the Sovereignty.
3. Soosup is a ceptu who has known Thyranous for a while. The first being to introduce him to the Covenant, he is less than happy about Thygrox's ties to the Sovereignty. While he hasn't tried to get him kicked out of the Covenant, he does what he can to make the semoxa's life difficult.

Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1. The memory of the rush he gets from seeing something or someplace new for the first time is always with him. Finding ways to recreate it is part of what gets him out of bed in the morning.
2. While he can be charmingly social when meeting someone new, it also means he tends to act very differently to what he is thinking. Occasionally this shows through in his body language.
3. As much as he can, he dresses in bright colors with eye catching patterns, usually in shades of blue, with gold and black trim, in honor of how he looked as a semxi.

I hope that artifact will work. Considering Thygrox is a veilweaver first and a spell caster second, I want an artifact that highlights that.

I have actually been reconsidering my character for something Int-based using wizard levels...

Monkeygod, would you allow the Kung Fu Genius feat? It is from v3.5.

On second thought, let me do a different race

Mr. Rattlebones wrote:

I have actually been reconsidering my character for something Int-based using wizard levels...

Monkeygod, would you allow the Kung Fu Genius feat? It is from v3.5.

That would be awesome if you do that. I really like the idea of taking all three classes being veilweaving classes.

Plus Rajah does some really good party support.

Mr. Rattlebones wrote:

I have actually been reconsidering my character for something Int-based using wizard levels...

Monkeygod, would you allow the Kung Fu Genius feat? It is from v3.5.

Never mind! I found a suitable replacement. :)

Krigare wrote:
simply because no one else seems to have arcane casting.

My monkey King has Magus AND wizard. I hope that's enough arcane casting;)

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