![]() ![]()
![]() I like the idea of morestalt, but the higher the level, the more of a mess it seems. I mean, just look at high level spells ... so much book-keeping if someone has to juggle 3-4 high-level spell lists. I tend to like the 6-12 range, personally, no matter how many parallel classes. I dont know campaign settings very well, so I can only speak to play styles and general ideas. I like the hidden faction idea as one possibility. A group dedicated to infiltrating and subverting factions and their leaders, people who are too strong for the group to take on directly. Perhaps magic is banned, except for government agents, similar to rogue psykers corrupting Imperium plans. Players can have plenty of abilities, but have to hide them, and play discretely. Alternatively, have a campaign the encourages a number of duels. I mean, the only competition who might be a 1v1 match, would be other archmages, so perhaps a demiplane hopping group? Like the previous suggestion, moderate on the intrigue, but when the knives out, the player being called out better be on their A-game. ![]()
![]() Thanks to this FAQ, that's generally not possible. For example, if you get Dex to CMB, and Dex to trip, Dex still only applies once when you try to trip someone even if they're applying differently. The same untyped ability bonus can only apply once to any given roll. I think the exception to that is only when the ability score is applied as a specific type bonus, like this wording, 'Apply Wis as a sacred bonus to saves' or something. Paladin's Divine Grace, Oracle's Lore Mystery, and Undead type, all apply charisma untyped, so they wouldn't apply doubly. (if Voice wants to ignore the FAQ though ... then go for it) ![]()
![]() Jereru wrote:
Someone mentioned the way to overcome fire immunity. Winter witch PrC does something similar for cold damage, it changes half of the cold damage dealt to untyped ![]()
![]() Hmm,
So after the 12 drops to an 8, [18, 17, 15, 14, 08, 16]
![]() I've seen a lot of melee characters and felt like making something with a bit of range. I've fallen in love with a Green Goblin theme, a build that's focused on bomb throwing. GrinningJest3r and I might become bomb throwing buddies. Alchemist(Alchemist Sapper)//Magus(Eldritch Archer)//U.Rogue(Underground Alchemist) 4/Bloodrager 6 (Urban) A flying goblin that can throw bombs, and plant trip mines. ![]()
![]() The spreading Wildfire is interesting. 40% chance to do nothing. 40% to increase the area geometrically , up to x3. 20% chance to increase the area exponentially up to x81. I'm looking forward to when you implement area denial akin to Battle Royale. "Tomorrow areas A3, B2, and D1 will be restricted henceforth. Remaining in said areas will cause your collar explosives to detonate." ![]()
![]() I've gotten contradicting answers to this, so I'm hoping someone can help me hammer this out. If a character starts stealthed, behind cover. They are willing to break stealth (full movement), and don't care if they're seen, and then they renter foilage/cover and want to hide again (2nd movement action, half speed). Do they incur any penalties? Actions:
RAW: Breaking Stealth When you start your turn using Stealth, you can leave cover or concealment and remain unobserved as long as you succeed at a Stealth check and end your turn in cover or concealment. ^ implies if you want to remain unobserved for your entire turn, you are making a single stealth check with any movement penalties they incur. The character doesn't care whether they are seen the first half of their turn, that they should be treated the same as if they didn't start while stealthed. References are welcome.
![]() Thanks. Nope, I'm the one failing my linguistics. Thanks for also providing a ready hook. I applied liberal proofreading to it too. I hope it reads better.
Backstory 2.0: Sansu’s first memory is of crouching in a dark room, surrounded by bodies and the gentle hand of her Sergeant Ling reaching out to save her. He rescued her from the dark dungeon, and took her home to be raised in his village, along with some other men who had been ready to retire. They were good people, all of them, and she was happy there. All seemed good in the world. Then her great grandfather came for her. Her great grandfather was an old devil. He had apparently orchestrated her birth to the cult and the rituals to empower her with immense arcane abilities. And he was ready to reap his investment, so he sent Mjkal, another infernal devil to possess her, to bring her in line with his plans. Sansu doesn’t remember much from her possession, but she has occasional dreams about it. The next part she remembers is the blinding screaming in her head when she awoke. A cleric had managed to partially exorcise Mjkal. Because he had been bound by blood, thanks to her grandfather, he was instead driven to a small corner of her mind. That was enough, though. Her new powers helped her overpower her now pet demon and keep him locked away. She was subsequently detained by the clerics of Desna. Over several months, despite everything, they came to trust that she was free of any infernal influence. She even helped them with a few missions. In the process, she discovered that she could coerce some of Mjkal’s abilities and knowledge. Sometimes Mjkal would share interesting tidbits of knowledge. Confident in her new abilities, she set out on her own, to have a bit of fun. Just shy of a year of travel since, things went a bit weird. Mjkal been extra quiet for a few days. She also hadn't been sleeping well. She kept waking up to dark dreams, but with little memory if them. After a few days, she thought it might've been some sort of attack from her grandfather, and laid some arcane pressure on her inner prisoner. Instead, Mjkal already seemed to be in pretty bad shape. All she got, was something about protecting her, before he just temporarily vanished. That night was bad. She kept seeing this giant phallic structure rising from deep with the earth. Its walls were covered with a cobweb of cracks that seemed to glow and then go dark. Sansu didn't remember getting up the next morning or making camp. She finally kicked her haze when the sun was already at midday. She was sooo going to get roaring drunk at the next town, and just try to forget about all this.
![]() After these updates, Sansu, is done
Updates: BaB +1; CMB:+1 CMD 14 Equipment: Longbow, Travelers Suit, Urea x 40, Bandolier x2, Alchemist Fire x2, Repellent, Vermin x2, Alkali Flask x2, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Impact Foam, Anti-Toxin, Thunderstone, Defoliant, Grease, Alchemical, Liquid Ice, Nushadir, Anti-Plague, Spell Component Pouch , Sorcerer kit, 20 gp
![]() I'm pretty curious. For anyone interested, I'll link this
Some awesome people have taken the various errata and updated the rulebook with it, since paizo is a bit behind, last I checked ![]()
![]() I didn't realize that there was another fiendish marauder, so I made a blaster instead. I’m actually really excited by the blaster now, but I’m willing to play whichever is a better fit. Sansu is now a Arcanist//Wizard/Crossblooded sorcerer Reference:
Sansu Hexbringer Female Tiefling Tiefling Daemon-Spawn (variant) Arcanist 2//Crossblooded Sorcerer 1/Wizard 1 TN Medium outsider (native) Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 mage armor, +3 Dex, +1 natural;) hp 22 (2d8) Fort +2 , Ref +3, Will +2 Resist fire 5 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30’ Ranged Longbow +6 (1d8) Spells (Arcanist) . . [0] Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Light, Daze, Open-Close, . . [1] Lingering Burning Hands[cold], Mage Armor Spells (Sorcerer) . . [0] Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound: Mending, Message . . [1] Protection from Evil, Silent Image Spells (Wizard) . . [0] Mage Hand, Spark . . [1] Lingering Burning Hands[cold], Obscuring mist --------------------
Image In most public areas, you’ll see very little of Sansu, besides her hood and assorted bags. Even her hands are gloved. Sometimes you’ll catch the fidget of a long thin tail fidgeting under her cloak. Her face is clearly not human, Her skin is light grey color that resembles marble but her eyes draw more attention. They seem to glow from an inner light. Until you’re next to her, you don’t notice quite how big she is. She stands a head taller than most around her, when she’s not slouched or sitting. Backstory:
Sansu’s first memory is of crouching in a dark room, surrounded by bodies and a the gentle hand of her Sergeant Ling reaching out to save her. He took from a profane temple and raised her along with some men from his company. They were good people, all of them, and she was quite happy there. Sansu was able to grow up there in the small village where they had eventually retired, until her teens. Then her grandfather came for her. Her grandfather had apparently orchestrated her birth to the cult and the rituals to empower her with immense arcane abilities. And he was ready to reap his investment, so he sent Mjkal, an infernal devil to possess her, to bring her in line with his plans. Sansu doesn’t remember much of that time, except for the occasional dream, but she does remember the blinding screaming in her head when she awoke. A cleric had managed to partially exorcise Mjkal. Because he had been bound by blood, thanks to her grandfather, he was instead driven to a small corner of her mind. That was enough, though. Her new powers helped her overpower her now pet demon and keep him locked away.. She was subsequently detained by the clerics of Desna. Over several months, despite everything, they came trust that she was free of any infernal influence. She even helped them with a few missions. In the process, she discovered that she could coerce some of Mjkal’s abilities and knowledge. Sometimes Mjkal would share interesting tidbits of knowledge. Confident in her new abilities, she set out on her own, to have a bit of fun.
Tiefling variant has you roll on a table. I went ahead and just picked the stat bonus. Wildblooded and Crossblooded are a vague area whether they are legally stackable. Archetypes list which features are considered changed or replaced. Wildblooded doesn't. If you look at the table under sorcoror d20pfsrd, it shows wildblooded as not changing/replacing anything. That's probably because it's intended to be similar to bloodline mutations, which aren't an archetype, they're just additional options. I took the additional traits feat anyways, so i can retrain magical lineage & spellhunter to benefit fireball later.
Old Character (finished): [spoiler=character] Sansu Darkbringer Female Tiefling Tiefling Daemon-Spawn (variant) Warder(Fiendbound Marauder) // Psychic 2 TN Medium outsider (native) Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +4 Dex,+2 shield +1 natural; (-1 depending on stance ) hp 26 (2d12) Fort +2 , Ref +6, Will +1; (+1 vs spell, spell-like, poison) Resist fire 5 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30’ (20’ in Pugilist Stance) Melee Fiend’s Grip +6 (1d8+4) 5’-10’ range (Able to attack adjacent and reach) Ranged Longbow +6 (1d8) Warder Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 2nd, 4 readied) . . [maneuvers] Pummel Strike, Strength of Hell, Flurry Strike, Fear Eating Technique . . [stances] Pugilist Stance, Iron Pikeman’s Attitude Spells (Psychic) . . [0] Daze, Stabilize . . [1] Magic Missle, Painful Goad, Sleep --------------------
Fiendish Grip: move action, summon weapons in place of spiked shield gauntlets, Increase range, and damage, and benefits from all enhancements from Spiked Shield Guantlets
![]() Here's my own rough draft
char: Sansu
Female Tiefling Daemon-Spawn (Grimspawn) Warder(Fiendbound Marauder) // Psionic 2 TN Medium outsider (native) Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 23, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +4 Dex,+2 shield +1 natural; (-1 stance ) hp 26 (2d12+2) Fort +3 , Ref +6, Will +0; (+1 vs spell, spell-like, poison) Resist fire 5, -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30’ (20’ in Pugilist Stance) Melee Fiend’s Grip +6 (1d8+4) 5’-10’ range (Able to attack adjacent and reach) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd)
Spells (Psychic)
![]() People tend to look for games in the medium they also want to play in. There're pretty big Pathfinder/D&D Discord servers. I've found my longest running game through there. I also see ads on the forums/Discords of the dedicated platforms (ie FG forums, or Roll20 discord) Send me a private message if you'd like me to share any invites to. ![]()
![]() Half Orc Brawler (Brawler ended up looking more fun than fighter) *crosses my fingers I got the feats right* ![]()
![]() Let me check the feat progression option
I'm guessing non linear feats like Viscous Stomp (assuming I have the Improved unarmed) doesn't come for free. ![]()
![]() All I could hear was the sound of my own voice repeating some cockamame story in case someone figured out I wasn’t supposed to be here. And why did every other room have to be hermetically sealed? I had been expecting next gen, probably VR helmet, but this place was waaay beyond that. Surprisingly, no one did stop me. After I came back from the bathroom for the fourth time, I got to put the gear, and the rest of the world just disappeared behind endless lists of options. “H-hello?” Not much of the orientation made it through, but I think I remembered some sort of built in helper. “Do you need assistance?” A vaguely female autonomous voice spoke up. “Yeah, I didn’t mind the dwarves and this look, but all these other options seem … kind of boring or don’t really fit. It’s supposed to be a dangerous world in there. I don’t want to die on the first day. Who else do you have that carries a big shield?” The reply seemed to take a few moments “We have an experimental build, a warrior of the church, with special abilities, primarily support.” ”The church!? Really? That seems so boring. Then again, having a lightning throwing big guy at my back might not be so bad. Let me have it.” Looking over the next options, I wanted something more. “What are some of the non-standard options?” " … Accessing " Scrolling through until something catches my eye. ”I think I could use this one. … an orphan twice over, … worships a dragon god, … generally the odd duck. Do me a favor, read me the summary out loud.” ”Nilas, practically grew up running in and out of the dragon tomb at the edge of town. No one paid him any mind, he was just another weird kid running around, adopted, a dwarf to boot, in an aboveground town. He loved the stories his adoptive father told him about it, before he passed himself of consumption. Instead of going back to the orphanage, Nilas opted to enroll at the monastery. He kept his own faith, and the book learning never quite stuck. The physical lessons were a bit more promising, but as soon as he could get away he did. Nilas always had this fantasy that some of the legends he heard about had to still be out there, and by the gods, he was going to try to find them.” I was done messing around, " Go ahead and just fill in some thematic options for the rest of this and let me in!” “Access granted. Enjoy your stay with us at Diamondtech” ![]()
![]() This sounds like a lot of fun. I'd love to give it a shot.
One important question. Do you expect much downtime or travel? Virtual days and weeks are typically faster than IRL. Would we have enough time to craft, or to use Master of the Ledger?
![]() I actually got this answered privately, that I can, in fact, use the Quick Draw feat to reclasp my Heavy shield. Otherwise, without reclasping I wouldn't be able to melee with my shield.
![]() Hey, I'm quite new to Pathfinder, so thank you for all of your help. I'm making a 6th level Dwarf Brawler, and I'm trying to make sure I've thought through the Shield combat
If I'm understanding the Throwing Shield modification accurately, I can unclasp and throw my shield as a free action/attack. Thanks to Returning Shield, I presumably get that back immediately.
Now, in order to get my AC bonus back (within my turn), I should use a quickdraw shield to don it as a swift action, and recover my +3 AC
Does that work described? Am I missing options to simplify my Captain America throwing shield build?
![]() I've been putting together monster ideas myself, and since creating a fail combination is actually not easy, I ended up just doing it thematically.
![]() Coming from 3.5, it feels a little odd, not being able to have a character that's first level of 20 different classes, or heavy optimization theorycraft discussion.
![]() My mistake, this should've been in advice, not beginner box. Put it here because I'm fairly new. I looked at bard, but silent spell specifically doesnt work with bard magic. Bard Magic is listed as the exception. I just started trying to go through the list of cantrips that only have verbal or somatic components
Flare and Spark are the only ones that seem to be of any use in combat, and that I could potentially continue to conceal myself as being a caster. I fully expect to be nearly useless early on. What other options are available higher up. Do any of those conceal my casting from other casters, while in combat? Do you still think sorcerer is best, or maybe druid? Haven't looked at druid seriously yet. Wizards and clerics are out of the question with their clearly obvious tomes and holy symbols. ![]()
![]() I want to put together a caster character that ideally isn't noticeable/detectable to be so. Silent/still metamagic should keep non casters from noticing I'm anything, but distracted.
Sorcerer for eschew materials? Any good tips or ideas? I know the character is not going to be *strong* in the least, but I'm trying to make it work as well as possible. Class is optional so long as it works. |