
bigrig107's page

Organized Play Member. 2,319 posts (7,876 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 31 aliases.


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Hate to do this after all the work DeathQuaker put in for me, but I’m just not feeling the theme and I don’t have the time to learn the system to the full confidence I feel I need.

I’m gonna sit this one out, work on my understanding of the game and come back for the more Avenger style one you mentioned.

Thanks for all the help and the opportunity!

GM SuperTumbler wrote:

Thursday and Friday I'm not going to have much time to attend to evaluating builds, so feel free to take the weekend. I'll spend Sunday and Monday figuring out how to proceed. Whether to do a big group, two tables, or have to cut a couple folks, which I don't want to do.

If you want my unrequested opinion, I’d aim for two smaller tables over one large group. I find large groups to be worse for both sides (GM and players) in character development and combat terms.

Of course I’m not sure how this system handles the combat side quite yet, so that may be irrelevant.

pauljathome wrote:
Lóngshēng wrote:
If someone could take a look at the roar specifically and make sure I did it right, I'd appreciate it!
I'm a little surprised that it is a Fort save as opposed to a Will save to resist but it looks fine to me

Is that a choice you can make? I might have messed that up, lemme double check.

Yeah basically a base to alter and customize with my own ideas. I think I’m sorta getting the hang of it, so I’ll work on getting a few of the basics done and what powers are the most critical and combine that with the base Deathquaker is working on for me.

I talked to them a bit about what’s important to the character idea so I’ll see what they come up with.

What sources are we allowed to use? I'm seeing there's the core book, then a few others I might want to use: Power Profiles, Gadget Guides, and Supernatural Handbook.

Coming back to work on my character, an ancient Chinese sorceress (Tomb of the Dragon Emperor) cursed with immortality to guard some artifacts that are the source of both her magical powers and immortality.

Some control over the five Chinese elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water), some other magical powers TBD, the ability to adopt draconic aspects for protection and offense, and eventually work up into taking the form of a full dragon but I am not sure I'll be able to get that done with the points yet or not.

Will hopefully have something up by tonight!

DeathQuaker wrote:
bigrig107 wrote:
I have been sitting on the edge of the recruitment struggling to figure things out, mind if I PM you some details on what I want to do with my character idea and see what's possible?
Please do!

Sent, thanks!

DeathQuaker wrote:
Andostre wrote:

So, while I absolutely have the free time to post in a PbP, it seems that I don't have the free time to sit down and learn a new system, especially one designed to take abstract concepts and turn them into numbers. In other words, I just can't get a handle on the rules. I've been reading the SRD in bits and pieces over the past week, but I don't feel like I could make a viable character. (And I tried!) I'm dropping out of consideration. I have to travel for work for a couple days, and I don't think I could bridge this knowledge gap before recruitment closes.

GM SuperTumbler, I'm glad to see you back, and thanks for running what looks to be a game with a fun premise.

As you are an awesome person, Andostre -- I hate to see you go. So please consider the following (same goes for to all the lovely folks who dropped out or who is hesitating to enter because they're not sure what to do):

I am very happy to try to help build out your or anyone else's character if you are struggling with just getting the framework of the character together. I can do this in Ski's CharGen, which is a custom-built Excel Sheet, so I can put it together, email it to you, and you can make any additional tweaks you want to yourself for free. I am not a perfect character builder by any means, but if you tell me the gist of what you want the character to do, I can make a character that can do those things.

The hardest part of M&M is character creation. It just takes some getting used to, especially learning to break down your concept into power effect components. There is no shame in taking a pregenerated build and going from there (and if you don't want me to build a character, there are loads of pregens out there too seek out).

Once you have your character together, M&M is easy. It's the d20 system. That's it. Roll d20, add a thing. While there's stuff like caps to bonuses and stuff, all of that is usually precalculated into your sheet, so once you have your sheet, you're golden. Damage is...

I have been sitting on the edge of the recruitment struggling to figure things out, mind if I PM you some details on what I want to do with my character idea and see what's possible?

Finishing the final touches on my flame oracle, will have a post form her alias shortly.

Do you have adaptations for the Kingmaker campaign traits? Cause they're all campaign/Stolen Lands specific.

Working on the details for my lizard Oracle of the Flame, with a focus on spells I can find an in-universe flavor for (burning hands is me blowing on a torch or a handful of sparks etc).

Just curious, are there any pre-selected characters? If so, what are their planned races and builds?

You’ve mentioned the discussion thread (I’ve read along a bit) and I want to be sure I’m not inadvertently stepping on their toes and lowering my chances of making a cohesive group.

Orthos wrote:
bigrig107 wrote:

Would you be open to allowing the oracle? There's a super thematic curse I'd like to use (cold-blooded), and certainly fits why she'd not be a normal 'villain' of her species.

I understand that it'd likely be limited to 6th level spells, would there be any other changes?

You know what, Oracle's flavor does work in (this game's version of) this world, kinda the same way Witch does, so I'll allow it. Use the Inquisitor charts for spells known and spells per day, but otherwise you should be able to run it as written.

Missed this at first, gonna go back to Oracle I think. Looking into mysteries now.

I know some of the mysteries add SLA eventually that may be above 6th or stuff like animal companions, I'll just avoid those options.

So Redwall, by default, is a completely magic-less setting

Ah, I did not know that. So you're looking for more natural-feeling spellcasters if any at all, got it.

In that case I might be switching to bloodrager, will mess around a bit.

Not feeling the inspiration, best of luck to you all!

Would you be open to allowing the oracle? There's a super thematic curse I'd like to use (cold-blooded), and certainly fits why she'd not be a normal 'villain' of her species.

I understand that it'd likely be limited to 6th level spells, would there be any other changes?

Oh completely missed that, sounds good! Thanks, will use that one and have something together soon.

Is there a lizardfolk race you prefer I use? The base rules don't actually have an option for the player race, but there are a few 3PP ones for PCs.

Lizardfolk 1
Lizardfolk 2

Do you have stats on what they'd use? Presumably grippli and nagaji, or maybe vishkanya?

This looks super interesting, getting some similar vibes as Bloomburrow, a recent Magic: the Gathering set that basically has the same premise of "everyone is anthropomorphic". Will likely browse some cards and get an idea of what I want to play.

As far as races go, are the reptiles and amphibians allowed? Like frogs, lizards, etc.

GM SuperTumbler wrote:
bigrig107 wrote:

I’m taking a look into the core rulebook, as it were, and the idea that pops out above all else is a gorgon, one of Medusa’s sisters that wasn’t killed and survived from the Ancient Greek days to the modern age.

Claws, snake hair limbs, poison bite, the classic paralyzing stare, maybe a snake tail if that can happen (still looking into that), some climbing and fighting skills, the like. Possibly with some stone controlling magic for some battlefield control, maybe a few other thematic spell powers she’s learned from different Greek gods over the many centuries she’s been around.

Will have some form of something together by the end of tomorrow, hopefully!

Take a look at the first post. I know on the surface this looks like just monsters as heroes in the style of BPRD or similar. But PCs in this campaign have to be specifically powered by the Universal Monsters series from Universal Studios. There is a link there to sources.

I might use other monsters as opponents (maybe even allies), but our protagonists should be related to the Universal Monsters.

Ah! I will take a look and see what that's all about.

I’m taking a look into the core rulebook, as it were, and the idea that pops out above all else is a gorgon, one of Medusa’s sisters that wasn’t killed and survived from the Ancient Greek days to the modern age.

Claws, snake hair limbs, poison bite, the classic paralyzing stare, maybe a snake tail if that can happen (still looking into that), some climbing and fighting skills, the like. Possibly with some stone controlling magic for some battlefield control, maybe a few other thematic spell powers she’s learned from different Greek gods over the many centuries she’s been around.

Will have some form of something together by the end of tomorrow, hopefully!

Always been pretty interested in super hero TTRPGs but have absolutely zero experience with Mutants and Masterminds. If you don't mind having a complete noob I'd love to give this a shot, as I have a few ideas floating around already.

Is there perhaps a starting point for learning the system?


Working on a Cartomancer/Hedge Witch that worships Pulura the Shimmering Maiden, the North Star and patron of those travellers that become homesick, lost, or injured in the snowy wastes of the far north. Likely heading into her Stargazer Prestige class at a certain point, though I’m still planning out the build. Definitely aiming more towards a supportive role that can throw some cards for either nasty debuff spells or ranged healing/buffing for her allies.

Will either be Rescued by Koya for the healing boost, or a Friend of the Family, still deciding on that. Either way, Koya will be her NPC of choice (though not romantically, closer to a mother).

Koya and her mother taught me all about the stars and the fortune telling powers of the Harrow, I just combined them and discovered the North Star on my own.

Certainly interested, build ideas pending rules changes. Likely something to do with the shifter, should Spheres still be available. Could certainly find something else should they not, so I'll hold off n planning until the rules are finalized.

Apologies, thought I had posted this earlier. She's not coming together as a character so I'll be pulling myself out. Good luck all, and have a great game!

Finishing up my sylph draconic/storm druid, rolling HP.

HP: 4d8 ⇒ (8, 6, 2, 3) = 19
Reroll: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9

So that makes 8, 6, 6, and 3. Not too bad.

@GM: undertabaly missed my question, but can we take an archetype (trading things out as normal) for our class or is the free archetype the only one we get?

That’s what I thought it’ll end up being, but I wanted to clarify!

Extremely interested, thinking of some flavor of Draconic Druid. Few questions though.

1. With the free archetype thing, the archetype replaces the domain/companion choice (and a few other things) completely and gives you a Drake companion. Would I be allowed to choose a domain anyway? Don’t worry, I wouldn’t select another companion, I just think Drake companions kinda suck.

2. It alters my wild shape, giving me a lesser form (kinda bad) in exchange for losing every wild shape form until 10th level, when I can turn into a medium dragon. Would I keep the base wild shape ability for beast shape?

3. Is this free archetype the only archetype we can take? Or can we trade the abilities out normally as well?

And of course, the rolls.
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2, 2) + 6 = 11 10
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6) + 6 = 22 18
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2) + 6 = 12 11
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4) + 6 = 20 16
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3) + 6 = 19 16
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1) + 6 = 17 16

Actually not as bad as I expected. Plenty suitable!

4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 1, 6) = 13 = 12
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 6) = 18 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 3) = 15 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 1) = 14 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 1, 2) = 12 = 11
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 6) = 14 = 13

Not the most flashy exciting, but I can work with it I think. 19 point buy is close enough.

Jumping in with a dot, just so the campaign pops up in my tab. Thanks for the invite! Will work on her build over the next day or so.

Another question, how does ABP work with natural weapons, especially if we have multiple? (Two claws and a bite in my example)

Seems very interesting, brewing up a Dragonheir Scion/Draconic Druid.

Basic story is village attacked by red dragon, she was horribly burned and hated dragons for a long time until she discovered her Drake companion at Janderhoff somehow and now admires their strength (but still hates evil dragons and wants to kill the one that attacked her village).

Two questions about Dragonheir Scion:
1. The archetype itself doesn’t replace the feats at the correct levels, but the PFS Campaign Correction has had a ruling on this. Is it okay to use these correct levels?

PFS wrote:
Page 12—The dragonheir scion gains fearful might at 2nd level. She gains draconic strike and draconic presence at 4th level and 6th level, respectively, replacing the fighter bonus feats she would normally gain at these levels.

2. The archetype grants Arcane Strike as a bonus feat, but doesn’t actually give an effective caster level. I’ve seen people rule both ways: that it was intended to give you the CL to have it scale, and the other side being that it doesn’t. Which way would you rule?

Might have spell permission questions once I get to the druid half, but that’ll be in a bit.

TheLastGhost wrote:
BigRig107 Continue working on your character. Please review the Character Creation guidelines for this game (on the Campaign page). You get a couple more aptitudes, which will be beneficial. I thought you had mentioned going towards Heavy Weapons, but now you are listing yourself a duelist - are you planning to go more melee instead?

I plan on focusing on heavy weapons, but don't plan on being a slouch in melee combat either. Just a bit of her background.

I am also extremely sick and have been having problems focusing, so I think I'll take a bit off to think and get started again in a day or two. Thanks for extending the deadline!

On second thought it's probably not a good idea to dump that much XP into an elite advance. I'll stick with a novitiate and work my way to getting the iconic power armor later.

The Lion Cleric wrote:

From my loose-ish memory, I had to check the Lexicanum and after a quick check, Adepta Sororitas and the Sisters of Battle aren't exactly one and the same. Sororitas have different orders, Militant and Non-Militant, and only the former is called Sister of Battle.

A Sororita can be a Sister Famulous (Jane Austen meets Machiavelli), Dialogus (Arrival meets The Imitation Game) or a Hospitalier (Hacksaw Ridge meets House M.D.), or a member of the most important of all orders, the Order Fenestrus.

I think the inquisitorial retinue gathers influence as it wins friends and influences enemies, so the Sister of Battle is probably meant to denote a full-blown Sister (the Rank, which is one above Novitiate, which is apparently when Adeptas get more independence and get assigned to the Ordo Hereticus).

As to why a Sister (the whole organisation) is different from a Sister (a colloquial name for the Sisters of Battle) is different from a Sister (the fifth out of eleven ranks in the Sisters of Battle), I blame the Administratum.

Yeah I know about the Non-Militant Ordos, I am wanting to make a Militant Ordo Sister, and take the elite advancement found on page 38 of Enemies Within in order to gain access to the Sororitas power armor and talents the advancement gives.

If I can't skip the Influence requirement, that's fine, just need to know which way to go cause it influences my build and XP spending.

Edit: novitiates are frequently picked up by Inquisitors out of the ranks of the more capable prospects. I was planning on having her have a record of serving with Inquisitor Bouchon and having earned her power armor while on campaign in his service.

Nearly have my backstory/personality done, just need to see if I can handwave/fix the influence requirements for the Soroitas. Seeing as how we're supposed to be seasoned agents and all.

Is there not a way to raise your Influence score? Need 50 for the Sororitas Elite Advance, which is impossible with the rolling rules I think?

Any word on elite advancements, if we meet the criteria? Thinking of making her an actual Sister of Battle, power armor and bolter included.

You could have always felt free to make a SoB! Didn't mean to take away inspiration or claim the Sister.

Also, notably I did have a bit of inspiration myself so I'm going to finish the work I started and see how I feel about her. Sorry for being so indecisive!

On second thought, not really feeling the connection to the character. Gonna withdraw, happy gaming to the rest of you!

Alright, will do! Appreciate it. Should have her done tonight or tomorrow, just in time!

Coming back to this after being sick for the past few days, I know a handful of inquisitors are known for holding alien races such as Eldar among their agents. Is that something that would fit here, or would I be better served sticking to the Sister idea I had earlier?

I don’t even know if Dark Heresy has rules for non-humans, actually. Figured I should at least ask!

Or was I thinking of Rogue Traders, hmm.

Still workin on my Sororitas Crusader! Should have her done by tomorrow evening, if all goes to plan.

Emperor's Blessing?: 1d10 ⇒ 8 Success! +1 Fate
Wounds: 1d5 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14 Max wounds!
Divination: 1d100 ⇒ 62

"Ignorance is a wisdom of its own": Reduce this character's Perception characteristic by 3. The first time he would gain 1 or more Insanity points each session, he reduces that amount by 1 (to a minimum of 0) instead.

Perfect for a Sister! No need to question Him on Terra.

Oh right, can reroll 3 d10s.

Toughness: 2d10 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7
Int: 1d10 ⇒ 9

Makes Toughness 29 and Intelligence 33 for a final:
WS: 41
BS: 33
S: 39
T: 29
AG: 36
INT: 33
PERC: 37
WILL: 38
INF: 29

WS: 3d10 + 25 - 5 ⇒ (6, 10, 5) + 25 - 5 = 41
BS: 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (6, 2) + 25 = 33
S: 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (7, 7) + 25 = 39
T: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (3, 1) + 20 = 24
Ag: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (8, 8) + 20 = 36
Int: 3d10 + 20 - 7 ⇒ (7, 5, 2) + 20 - 7 = 27
Perc: 3d10 + 20 - 8 ⇒ (9, 8, 8) + 20 - 8 = 37
Will: 2d10 + 25 ⇒ (6, 7) + 25 = 38
Fellow: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (7, 6) + 20 = 33
Inf: 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (2, 7) + 20 = 29

Feudal - Sororitas - Crusader

Seems good enough for a Sororitas. Will probably be looking to focus on heavy weapons and eventually get her full power armor, if it goes on long enough.

Looking at Crusader for now. I'm not 100% solid on all of the rules system quite yet, but I have a basic idea and am reading to learn.

I did have a question about backgrounds, is there a set system this is taking place in? Looking at a third or fourth daughter of a feudal world's ruling family essentially 'donated' to the Soritas and eventually being picked up by Inquisitor Bouchon.

Do I pick an existing world or make one up for her?

Nah, it's okay! I'm looking into Soritas and it seems way more my style. Feudal world, Novitiate Duelist, melee focused build.

Now to figure out how to actually make a character!

Ah, beaten by a few seconds. How much overlap is there in between builds? If I made a mechanicus character as well, will it be overlapped a lot by another Tech Priest?

Might go with a Soritas, if that's the case.

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