Time Bandits

Game Master Monkeygod

Current Characters


Male Human Expert 3
(1,441 posts)

M Human
(337 posts)

Male Electrified-Ice Elemental Crossblooded Sorcerer (impossible/Vestige) 2 (23 posts)
Danse Macabre

(1,208 posts)

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster
(7,161 posts)
Loris Raknian

Male Advanced Human Mageknight (Martial) 10 / Barbarian (Berserker) 10 / Unchained Rogue (Bruiser) 10
(38 posts)

M Humanborn
(4,554 posts)
Flying Blade

Male Drow Swashbuckler/Nightblade (40 posts)
Trinia Sabor
Animoira Valanaestra

played by 2ndGenerationCleric (26 posts)

CE Huge Augmented Human | HP 154/228 | AC 15 (T 7) (FF 14) | DR 9/- | Fort +16, Ref +7, Will +9 | Init +0 | Perception +13 | 75% chance to negate crits and snk attk | CMD 25 (29 vs grapple)

played by Saashaa (12 posts)
Queen Ileosa Arabasti
The Crimson Countess

Female Advanced Human Zealot 10 // Rajah 10 // Antipaladin (Insinuator) 2 / Incantor 7 / Oracle 1 HP:209/209 AC 39, t 30, ff 27 Perception +17, Init +19, F+18, R+17, W+20, +2 vs death, roll twice vs mind-effecting

played by Kigvan (27 posts)
Dr Lucky
Douglas Everheart

Male Human Monk10/Fighter9/Barbarian10

played by Yaksha91 (12 posts)
Miacknian Mun
Dr. Craven

NE Male Human | HP 134/208 | AC 12 (FF 10) | DR 6/- | Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +7 | Init +2 | Perception +13 | 75% chance to negate crits and snk attk |

played by Saashaa (42 posts)
Gabriel, The Black Hole

played by Jereru (14 posts)

Male Shapeshifting Griffon RoW maps Technomancer 20 | LP Maps

played by Almonihah (2,832 posts)
Villamar Koth
Hercules "Ruler of the Amazons"

played by Ashe (9 posts)
The Fifth Archdaemon
Grand Lodge Jin Yu

Arcanist|HP: 5/5| AC:5 T:5 FF:5| F:-4 R:-4 W:9 | Init:+11 | Perception:+10 | Arcane Resevoir 8/8
played by loganic (16 posts)
Jonah Hyme

male undead Gunslinger(pistolero)/Inquisitor(sanctified slayer, preacher)/Sorcerer

played by JankInTheTank (5 posts)
Karzoug the Claimer
Karnak the Controller

Male Elan (sort of) Highlord 10 | Psion 10 | Insinuator 9/Monk 1 tristalt

played by WarDragon (4 posts)
Dawn Piper

played by Saashaa (2 posts)
Duke Arvanoff
Dark Archive Koro Jigen, the Page Blade

Male Human Aegis / Daevic / Soulknife

played by Kaouse (95 posts)

Neutral Evil Half-Moroi (Wyvaran) Antipaladin/Monk/Sorcerer | Perception +16; Init +7

played by DeviousDevious (120 posts)

Mr. Rattlebones

played by Rattlebones (49 posts)
Cultist of Areshkagal
Nephre, Sekhmet's Wrath

F Maftet Striker 11/Incanter 11/Unchained Rogue 11 | HP 192/192 | AC: 30 T: 20 Fl: 23 | CMB: +20 CMD: 40 | F +14 R +14 W +6 | Init +4 | Perc: +14 | Spell Points 6/17 | WRATH OF SEKHMET 0/11 | Tension 0/7 | Current Effects: Divine Favor

played by Almonihah (118 posts)

Male Judow (Living Experiment) | Legendary Fighter 9 and Warder 1 / Hedgewitch 10 / Cryptic 10

played by River of Sticks (42 posts)
Ephemeral Echo
Noctia "Untoten" Monsuta

Female Endless Dead Oracle (Juju, PAP39/PZO9039) 5/Agent of the Grave 5, Magus 10 (Eldritch Scion, Verdant), Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 10

played by Icestormshadow (4 posts)
Ironfang Grenadier
Dark Archive Ozzie Eighteen

Conscript//Scholar//Witch(sphere) 11 | HP 132/132 Temp HP 156 minus 79 | AC 27 Tch 26 FF 14 | Fort 17 Ref 17 Will 18 *Best of 2 | Init +9 | Perc +21 | SR 21, ER 30 (A, C, E, F, S), Spell Disruption 50%, Concealment 50%

played by loganic (110 posts)
Alchemical Golem

AC & Saves:
  • base|[in suit]|{suit itself}
  • AC 29/t20/ff25
  • [AC 37/t20/ff33]
  • {AC 29/t11/ff26}
  • Saves |F:16|R:17[24]|W:19
  • (all saves +1 vs traps)
  • Contemplative Incanter/Scholar/Technician 10
    HP & SR:
  • HP 110/110
  • {suit HP 160/160 hardness 20}
  • SR 25

  • played by Tenro (50 posts)
    Fadil Ibn-Kazar
    Shedinn Delmirev

    played by Ellioti (39 posts)
    Spell Sovereign

    played by Saashaa (135 posts)
    Sio Tonti

    Female Kumiho Conscript/Nocturnal Predator/Incanter Tristalt 10

    played by cloakable (18 posts)
    Goblin Stickylord

    HP99 | AC25, T19, FF19 | F13, R17, W11; +4 and one size larger vs Wind | CMB +12 (+2 vs grapple), CMD 26 (+2 vs grapple) | Init +18 | Senses See In Darkness; Senses Perception +17 (+23 in dim light or darkness) Speed 40 ft. (70 ft. with at-will Expeditious Retreat), climb 20 ft. ----Melee rapier +14/+9 (1d4+5/18-20 plus 4d6 sneak attack) or unarmed strike +14/+9 (1d2+5 plus 4d6 sneak attack) ----Ranged +2 bomb 40' +18/+13 (6d6+14 fire plus 4d6 sneak attack); 20/day; Bomb discoveries: Explosive, Glitter, Laughing Gas, Smoke, Immolation, Thorny [+18/+13 (6d6+11 piercing plus 4d6 sneak attack)]

    played by GrinningJest3r (103 posts)
    Voice of Awesomeness

    Male Archangel of Awesome Paladin of Badassery 20

    played by Monkeygod (2,136 posts)
    娇风 Jiao Feng

    AC 41/39/39 hp 187/187 F +22, R +26, W +19 (+9 vs. mind-affecting effects); Init +14; Senses blindsense 30 ft., greensight 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, see in darkness; Perc +43 (+47 to hear conversation or find concealed object) DR 5/cold iron; Immune charm, cold, sleep; Resist electricity 10, fire 10
    played by Hayato Ken (164 posts)

    Previous Characters

    Iko Ilue

    played by gyrfalcon (118 posts)

    Sir Morien, The Black Knight

    played by Amergin the Wise (9 posts)