
2ndGenerationCleric's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. * Starfinder Society GM. 644 posts (2,290 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters. 14 aliases.


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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Congrats to those who made it-have fun!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I've been GMing a lot of starfinder in an effort to get access to a particular regional race boon (4 games away!) And that has been such an incentive that I've almost taken over running for the whole group to the point where our previous starfinder GM asked if he minded me running, which blew my mind a bit lol. It's certainly been fun running and I'll likely continue to do so after I get my uplifted bear, but I am very curious as to what other boons they will offer, as if the next is also a race boon but the race isnt very appealing, I doubt ill be as gung-ho to run (though i still hacve Skittermanders to work towards)

also, I am a one nova GM, any idea why I dont have my little symbol next to my name?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, ran it as the same with armor. You keep it, but not use it

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

the worry is with allies who can move 75ft and blow themselves up, healing a group gets a lot harder. Though maybe its incentive to stay near the healer lol

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

My primary concern when it comes to Clerics is that they dont seem to have a way to move into position and use a massive healing channel in the same turn. Bit worried for them when it comes to that.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Polymorphic pouch is exactly what i needed-thanks!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Or take eschew materials. What's the Polymorph chart?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

so then I could still cast spells, yes?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So as a Cleric of Sarenrae with the fire domain, I'm trying to figure out this spell, and I am a little confused. Do I full on turn into elementals with all their stats, or do I just gain the benefits listed while my body becomes fiery and larger? Like do I have 20 fire resistance, or am I immune? Do I just add those +6, +4, and +4 to my stats, or do I use the stats of the elemental, or do I use the elemental stats+the newly mentioned ones? I have no idea how this spell works lol

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like there's something missing from the line up of classes, and it's a melee character. I know they keep making the comparison with a barbarian vs a soldier, but I think we're missing that kind of character. Specifically Drax and Groot, from Guardians of the Galaxy. While Groot is obviously a special case, you can't really make a competent Drax-style character from what we've seen, unless there's a Soldier archetype, but Drax doesnt feel like a soldier.

Same for Thanos. I know he's the badguy, but I'm not really sure there's a way to make a similar kind of character. Warlord class or something, that would work for either of those character types. I know it's still early, but does anyone else feel like that?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I think the doctoral role will be a theme instead of a class. So if you wanted to be a mystic who can heal, you can. Combat Medic for a soldier or an operative. Something along those lines. Mechanic who also fixes people could be a thing. If you wanted a doctor specifically, an Envoy with a medical theme would probably do the closest thing to a 'doctor' you could make.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So if the male of the species is the father, and the female is the mother, what does that make the host? Just parent? Huther/hither/hether? Or simply hostess?I like the latter, despite the traditional meaning being for a woman

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It's also possible that KAC and EAC can switch between whichever is higher. You may run into someone with a high KAC or a high EAC. Like Raia looks like she'd have a high EAC thanks to her tech, but her outfit probably gives her a lower KAC. Obizaya would have the KAC from the armor, but perhaps have a lower EAC. Solarion naturally having both. You can adjust them with tech, of course. but yeah.

Then, your weaponry also factors in. Using something that shoots a laser is less effective against a technomancer, and bullets at a soldier is a bad idea. Not perfect, of course, but that may be on a track. Perhaps.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Someone could probably also have pilot ranks who uses aid often to pull off tricky moves

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

I like our answers. I hope most of you do, too. I don't think anyone has guessed exactly what we are doing, though I have seen some of our ideas been closely described in these threads... and also people dismiss our final solutions as obviously not the case.

I'm really excited to see what every thinks, once you all have the book in your hands.

That one line gives me pause-usually if someone says something is obviously not the course of action being taken, it usually means its because its obviously a bad idea, not because its obviously too good to be the right answer. I hope its the latter, as opposed to the former ^_^;

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
CKent83 wrote:
As far as magic only going up to level 6 spells, and this being a new take on the Pathfinder system, has anyone thought/heard that all 0-9th level spells may have just been "mushed" into 0-6th? I think they were playing 2nd level characters in the playtest video, and the technomancer was casting magic missile with 2 missiles. So unless I'm missing something, it seems like instead of chopping off 7-9th levels spells, they just spread out the rate at which you get new higher level spells and only put out 6 levels of them. As far as a chapter on backwards compatibility goes, the Advanced Class Guide (my favorite supplement) has a chapter on designing classes and prestige classes, but the whole thing takes up only 10 pages. Also, it's been said that we're supposed to be able to use the Pathfinder Bestiaries for Starfinder antagonists with minimal conversion work, so the conversion chapter in the Starfinder book is probably similar.

Except they said they may add 1-9 casters later if there's an actual need for it, and I believe during the playtest the spell only shot extra magic missiles because they did it as a full attack action. Like how some of them got 2 attacks during a full attack action.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Listen to the interview with Sutter in one of the posts on this board. He pronounces everything

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So recently, a bunch of my magic items took damage. Specifically my Handy Haversack, as well as a custom staff the game provided (Staff of Earthquakes). So they both took 14 pts of damage. I was told by a fellow player to roll a fortitude save, and because I failed, my staff was destroyed.

Despite my efforts, I cannot find the hit points of a handy Haversack, nor where a fortitude save helps my staff. Help?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Ace Pilot and Scholar are definitely news to me! i like the idea of themes, curious to see which one comes across the most like a medic, ala Star Trek

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Off-target. I believe that was the condition

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Shisumo wrote:

I was just running over here to make a post myself. Love them! Can't wait for the intro blogs to start!

Please note that the lashunta technomancer is sporting a complete set of clothes.

EDIT: I wish we could see Keskodai better...

Is she though? Is the green on her legs skin or leggings?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Ferengi are gnomish...ish...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Oh wow, looking back at those slides from the other day, I just realized the Mystic iconic is, in fact, the Shirren. I cannot begin to say how much I love that, and find it fascinating :D

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Well waddya know. Very cool-and I guessed partially right that there would be a trope fulfilled-specifically the freed Borg units :)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Oh wow, a close look at the Shirren in red reveals you can see at least one pair of those mating arms. They're like praying mantis limbs, or tiny scythes. Cool detail

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Can anyone know get a link to the Shirren? They sound fascinating

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

My guess is the first AP will cover what's new in the main solar system and visit a few neighboring system's planets, and then each of the other APs will expand further into those systems and beyond.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So with the Vesk reveal, i think we all started wondering what the last race will be. We were told the last 2 wouldn't be humanoid, and the Vesk, while bipedal, is definitely not human. It does fill a classic scifi trope though, and got me wondering-since ask the races kind of fill various archetypes of characters, are there any super obvious classics we've yet to see? I know we have warrior races, animal races, big, small, too many arms, even robots. A race that looks almost like us but with a physical difference and psychic powers.

Are there any obvious tropes not yet represented? The only ones I can think of are either too human or too obscure.the only one I can really see as missing is the race that is vastly superior in terms of technology and come with a pompous attitude to match, but I'm not sure what physical race that would manifest as...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

You'd probably need to create specific classes (or adjustments to the solarion) for jedi and sith. After that, just need to deal with the magic-ness of everything. But otherwise, I don't see why it wouldn't work

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So then retrain a mundane feat.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The problem they'll have with doing mechs is damage. They mentioned ships are in their own category for damage, which is why there are certain monsters you just need a ship to fight. But mech sits are used to fight creatures big and small. So if you Don a mech suit and need to take out humans and a ship, as well as another mech, how do you make this balanced with, say, the envoy in the party

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I personally think all the class names from Core, APG, and ACG sound great as ship names, often with a number or the word "The" in front of it.

Paladin 1
The Rogue
The Barbarian
The Alchemist
The Gunslinger
Bard Three
The Cavalier
The Druid
the Magus
The Samurai
The bloodrager
The investigator
The Skald
The Warpriest
The Swashbuckler

Hell, even all the Prestige Classes work on their own. Stalwart Defender, Arcane Archer, Holy Vindcator, Horizon Walker. You name it. it works.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Well I think they already kind of exist, though I don't remember where I remember that from (distant worlds or iron gods). That said, I think it was just in Golarion, didn't lead outside the solar system

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm just wondering what class the Kasatha is. I'd guess Soldier, but there's no huge weaponry. Maybe solarion...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I haven't added class levels to a creature in a while-if I add 10 levels of Antipaladin to a medusa, is that a CR16 creature?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So since they mentioned in the playtest Q&A that archetypes would transcend the class barrier, with "outlaw" being the one they mentioned, what archetypes would you hope to see?

Personally, aside from the outlaw, I'm going they do:

Medic: for players who like being a healer but don't want to play a mystic. Field Medic for soldiers or operatives could be cool.

Droid buddy: since there are plenty of non-mechanics who have Droid companions in fiction, an archetype giving you a Droid would be neat.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

After they announced that archetypes are no longer class specific, but replace different things in different classes, I would hope one would be medic.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It's funny, I almost asked last night, but found that info then. Totally forgot today lol. Thanks guys

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So normally when swinging a 2 handed weapon, you get an extra 50% of your strength as damage. If I have an agile scimitar and I setting it with 2 hands, do I get half my strength added? Or does it switch to Dex? Or is bonus half lost entirely?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Any chance you can let us know when we'll be seeing another interview/playtest? This month, next, etc. I'm so hooked on new info the wait is driving me mad!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm more curious about the other 13 gods marks. I mean, we know one is newish and is an AI. I would assume before that one there is a god for tech. So that's 11 other new gods. I assume the lashunta have a god or two they add, kasatha probably bring one on the mix. Maybe once for exploration? Those are the ones I'm curious about, both new and minor who have stepped up

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

When did they say they were getting rid of intelligence to skills?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:

I am too much of a fan of different kinds of magic, I like having arcane, divine, and psychic magic. I don't like the sound of them making magic the "force".

As much as i like the different types of magic, I have gotten myself to think of it this way:

Arcane users figure out his to do magic via learning the long way, or by having magic already within then. Basically through learning and practice.

Divine users are given this ability as a gift. They get sone different stuff as a result.

Psychic magic users get access through natural ability,by using the power of their minds.

But ultimately, they're all just using different methods to get to the same (or similar) results.

So now time goes on. People learn, and grow. Eventually, they figure out how to get access to certain, but not necessarily all, spells. Specifically, access to the most useful of spells in the current setting.

And then Golarion disappeared. Most access to the books for arcane likely went with it. Same for many psychic users, and the gods have changed, from what we've been told. So what's left? That's what we have in starfinder.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Which class/race will you reveal more information about next?

Much in the same way that goblins have become the caricature mascots of pathfinder, are you going to have something like that for Starfinder? And if so, what are the odds that they'll be gremlins?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
2ndGenerationCleric wrote:
Oh duh. Gremlins! Gremlins should be the mascot. They're small, annoying, and already have a history of messing with flying technology. Perfect modernized goblins
YES! ♥︎♥︎♥︎ I like you. ♥︎♥︎♥︎

*Bows* always nice to meet a fan! Or ratherñ have a fan :P

BUT yeah, I could even picture them in swarms if they go unchecked for too long. All hidden in panels of the ship till you find one-then here they come.

Oh god. Goblins+tribbles. That's what gives you the gremlins!

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Oh duh. Gremlins! Gremlins should be the mascot. They're small, annoying, and already have a history of messing with flying technology. Perfect modernized goblins

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Intensified would go to 7d6,not 10. But across all orbs

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

For some reason i was under the impression that the reason we're getting less classes is also because they come with archetypes

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What did we see of Liavara?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Matthew Shelton wrote:
Slightly more civilized = "Does it have anything I want?" and "Can I trade something for it?"

More like "can I take this without any negative consequences to myself?" Then "can I trade something for it?"

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