Friendly Fighter

Velrek Savage PF's page

317 posts. Alias of Joseph Martin 681.

Full Name



Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

About Velrek Savage PF


Languages: Common,Hallit, Dwarven

Ag d8 Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6

Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Healing d4, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Riding d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d4. Survival d4

Pace 6
Parry 6 (+2 with shield, +1 with 2H sword)
NOTE: Shield can provide -2 cover
Size 1
Toughness 9 (3)

Curious (major)
Death wish (minor)
Suspicious (minor)

Sweep (free)
Trademark weapon (2 hand sword)

Fighter special ability: Martial flexibility. Once per encounter as a limited free action gain benefit of one combat edge. Must meet the requirements.

Gear (Remaining wealth 119 GP, 3 SP, 5 CP))
Scale armor shirt +3 armor (100)
Medium shield (+2 parry). (9)
Great sword (Str+d10, AP2, 2 hands). (50)
Composite Bow (12/24/48 2d6)
Arrows x20 (1)
Heavy mace (Str+d8 AP1) (12)
Hand axe (Str+d6 3/6/12) (6)
Dagger x2 (Str+d4 3/6/12) (4)

Backpack (2)
Bedroll (0.1)
Chalk (0.01)
Flint + Steel (1)
Hooded lantern (2)
Oil, 1 pint (0.01)
Silk rope (10)
Sack (0.01)
Torch x2 (0.02)
Waterskin (1)
Whetstone (0.02)
Traveler’s outfit (1)
Trail rations 3 days (1.5)

attribute rolls:

[dice=Agility] 1d8 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=Smarts] 1d4 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=Spirit] 1d6 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=Strength] 1d10 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=Vigor] 1d6 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

combat rolls:

[dice=2H sword] 1d8+1 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d10+1d10 [/dice]

[dice=Composite Bow bow] 1d8 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d6+1d10 [/dice]

[dice=heavy mace] 1d8 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d8+1d10 [/dice]

[dice=hand axe] 1d8 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d10+1d6 [/dice]

[dice=dagger] 1d8 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d10+1d4 [/dice]

skill rolls:

[dice=athletics] 1d6 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=common knowledge] 1d4 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=healing] 1d4 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=intimidation] 1d4 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=notice] 1d6 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=persuasion] 1d4 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=riding] 1d4 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=stealth] 1d4 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

[dice=survival] 1d4 [/dice]
[dice=wild] 1d6 [/dice]

A large male human, standing over 6’ 7”. Wide shouldered, big chest. His facial features appear Ulfen. Light brown hair falls to his shoulders, mustache and beard trimmed two inches below his chin. Eyes of a greenish brown. He wears a scale shirt, hardy but plain traveling clothes and carries a giant sword along with a bow and several other weapons. A shield is across his back.

GM background::

Born in a small Mendevan village far enough from the worldwound to be relatively safe, Velrek grew up with his mother and stories of his father, an Ulfen warrior who fell in love and planned to come back to the village to retire, settle down and raise his son when his assignment to the current crusade was up in two months’ time. He didn’t make it. His sword was delivered back to his mother with a letter of gratitude for his service and a note that he died saving innocents.

He grew to be much larger than the rest of the village children. He was too curious for his own good. Both his parents were not the smartest beings in Golarion but he never let that slow him down. He started work in the farms but soon took training and became the village guard. The latest crusade brought many new faces into the lands and some of them were very different from them the righteous souls in previous crusades. Instead of concentrating on the stalemate in the war with the infernals they looked to mostly non-existent corruption and taint in the local populations. Easy targets to satiate their hate and zealotry. Dire news was heard of these things, but the village kept to itself.

One day, when Velrek was 19 a group of crusaders found the village. They were drunk when they arrived and beat several people. After they left the village elder sent a letter to the crusader leadership with a description of the men. A month later a large group of crusaders came in. Foul, dirty men. Scoundrels of the worst kind. The terror had come. They busted into the village elder’s home, pulled him out and set him to the pyre. The rest of the village was warned to stay quiet and be fearful. The group committed many atrocities and thefts on their way out but his mother forbid Velrek from attacking them. There were too many.

After the villagers recovered, they began to talk about leaving, finding better and safer lands. Many did not want to leave their home and land, but in the end, most decided to go. As he, his mother and a few others were headed out of town a group of three of the horrible beings from before came down the road. Once again, his mother begged him not to fight. They made fun of him, slapped him around and finally one of them pulled a dagger and stabbed his mother in the heart. Velrek did not pull his sword. He pulled his dagger and returned the favor to that man and soon after, the other two. After ridding themselves of the bodies and burying his mother they headed out of town. At one point they split away, and another group caught sight of Velrek. He ran deeper into the woods and, as he was turning to make a final stand, a soft voice from the bushes rang out. “Come, live.” He followed the voice and came upon one of the woodland people, the druids. This druid hid him, taught him some essential skills, and then walked him to the edge of the forest and out of Mendev.

Velrek know that there is a possibility the evil crusaders might be looking for him. IF they found the bodies. IF they got a good enough look at him. IF they even care after the time that has passed. He plans to never visit his homeland again.

He has wanderer westward across the lands and is now approaching th e Mganimar area.