Sheriff Belor Hemolock

Evesk's page

291 posts. Alias of DeJoker.


Aasimar (Native Outsider)


Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 10



About Evesk

Gndr: Male
... d8 Agility
... d4 Smarts
... d8 Spirit ...... (Max 1d12+1)
... d6 Strength
... d6 Vigor

Size: 1
Pace: 6
Parry: 8 (2 from Shield)
Toughness: 9 (3 from Armor)


Chainmail Torso ............ Wgt: 22 .... Cost: 100gp
Chainmail Legs .............. Wgt: 10 .... Cost: 100gp
Helm Scale ..................... Wgt:.. 3 .... Cost:.. 50gp
Medium Shield .............. Wgt:.. 8 .... Cost:.... 9gp
Long Sword .................... Wgt:.. 4 .... Cost:.. 15gp
Warhammer .................. Wgt:.. 5 .... Cost:.. 12gp
Wooden Holy Symbol ... Wgt:.. 0 .... Cost:.... 1sp
Belt Pouch ...................... Wgt:.. 0 .... Cost:.... 1gp
Backpack ........................ Wgt:.. 2 .... Cost:.... 2gp
... Bedroll ........................ Wgt: 2.5 ... Cost:.... 1sp
... Blanket ....................... Wgt: 1.5 ... Cost:.... 5sp
... Flint-n-Steel ................ Wgt:.. 0 .... Cost:.... 1gp
... Waterskin .................... Wgt: 2 ...... Cost:.... 1gp
Total Weight: 60 lbs ..... Max 60 lbs
Remaining Coin: 8gp 3sp
** Academics(Smarts)
d8 Athletics(Agility)
** Battle(Smarts)
** Boating(Agility)
d4 Common Knowledge(Smarts)
** Driving(Agility)
d8 Faith(Spirit)
d8 Fighting(Agility)
** Gambling(Smarts)
d4 Healing(Smarts)
** Intimidation(Spirit)
d4 Notice(Smarts)
d4 Occult(Smarts)
** Performance(Spirit)
d8 Persuasion(Spirit)
** Piloting(Agility)
** Repair(Smarts)
** Riding(Agility)
** Science(Smarts)
** Shooting(Agility)
** Spell Casting(Smarts)
d4 Stealth(Agility)
d4 Survival(Smarts)
** Taunt(Smarts)
** Thievery(Agility)
Langauges: Common, Celestial, Gnome
Race: Aasimar
... Age: 24 ..... Height: 6'0" ..... Weight: 175 lbs
... Dark Vision
... Diplomatic
... Daylight
... Native Outsider
... Spirited
Race Details:
Dark Vision
An Aasimar eyes are able to pierce the darkness. They ignore penalties for Illumination up to 10" (20 yards).

Aasmirs start with a d6 in Persuasion instead of d4. This increases maximum Persuasion to d12+1.

Summoning Celestial light, an Aasimar can illuminate an area. Once per day, as a Limited Free Action, the Aasimar can cast minor Light as an Innate Power which they can maintain up to 2 additional times.

.... Range: Smarts
.... Duration: 10 minutes
.... Trappings: Sunlight
.... Light creates bright illumination in a Large Blast Template. If Light and Darkness overlap, they create a patch of Dim Light (-2)

Native Outsider
An Aasimir's Type is Outsider that is native to the Material Plane rather than Humanoid.

Aasamirs are strong willed and insightful. They start with a d6 in Spirit instead of a d4. This increases maximum Spirit to d12+1.

Paladin Class
Class Details:
Requirements: Strength d6+, Spirit d6+, Code of Honor(Major), Vow (Minor or Major to a deity or an order)

Aura of Courage
As long as the character is conscious, all allies within 10" (20 yards) add +1 Bonus to their Fear checks.

Detect Evil
As an Action, the character can concentrate on any one object or creature within Smarts(d6) range to determine whether it is Evil in nature.

Smite Evil
As a Free Action, the character can choose an enemy. If that enemy is evil, they get a Free Reroll on any failed Athletics(Throwing), Fighting, or Shooting rolls against that target for the remainder of the encounter. They may use this ability once per Rank per encounter.

... TBD
Complex Cantrips
... Mage Hand-0
... Stabalize-0
... Prestidigitation-0
... Boost Trait [Limited]-1
... Burst-2
... Healing-3
... Long Sword Smite [Limited]-1
... Relief-1
Power Points: 10/10
Power Details:

The character may cast a cantrip by making their Arcane(Faith) skill roll. The minor effect must be based in some way upon one of their existing powers. Success means the desired minor effect occurs without a cost in Power Points. A Raise has an additional narrative impact of some kind. Failure means it fails without effect. A Critical Failure causes the caster to lose 1 Power Point (or suffer Fatigue if they have no Power Points) and it also causes an embarrassment or minor mishap of some kind. The duration is the same as the power it was based on and may be maintained by spending Power Points as usual.

Mage Hand
Rank: Novice .. Power Points: 0 .. Range: Smarts .. Duration: 1 minute
The character points their finger at an object and can lift it and move it at will from a distance. As a limited Free Action, they can propel the object as far as 3" (6 yards) in any direction, though the spell ends if the distance between the caster and the object ever exceeds the spell’s range.

Rank: Novice .. Power Points: 0 .. Range: Smarts .. Duration: Instant
Upon casting this spell, the character targets a living creature that is Bleeding Out. That creature gains a +2 bonus to their next Vigor roll to stop Bleeding Out.

Rank: Novice .. Power Points: 3 .. Range: Touch .. Duration: Instant
This power removes Wounds less than an hour old. A Success removes one Wound, and a Raise removes two. The power may be cast additional times to remove additional Wounds within that one hour window as long as the caster has enough Power Points.
Greater Healing (+10) can restore any Wound, including those more than an hour old
Mass Healing(+2/+3) The power affects all allies witin a Medium Blast Template (+2) or Large Blast Template (+3) centered on the caster.
Neutralize Poison/Disease: A successful Healing skill roll negates any poison or disease. If the poison or disease has a bonus or penalty associated with it, the modifier applies to the arcane skill roll as well.

Rank: Novice .. Power Points: 1 .. Range: Smarts .. Duration: Instant/1 Hour
This power allows the caster to recover a negative condition or reduce the effects of Wounds and Fatigue.
Recover: The caster can instantly remove one of the following negative conditions: Shaken, Distracted, or Vulnerable. A Raise removes two conditions. The condition(s) removed is chosen by the caster or each recipient separately.
Reduce: The caster reduces the total penalties from Wounds and Fatigue upon the recipient by one with Success, or two with a Raise. This effect lasts for up to one hour. It does not remove the Wounds or Fatigue just reduces the penalty suffered by them, however, if the target were Incapacitated by Wounds or Fatigue, they are still Incapacitated as usual.

Rank: Novice .. Power Points: 2 .. Range: Cone/Stream .. Duration: Instant
This power produces a large fan of energy that baths its targets in red-hot fire, cone of freezing cold, or some other form of damaging matter or energy. Success creates a Cone or Stream Template starting at the caster and extending outwards. Everything within suffers 2d6 damage (or 3d6 with a Raise).
Extra Damage: The power causes 3d6 damage, or 4d6 with a Raise.
Greater Burst (+4): The power causes 4d6 damage (or 5d6 with a Raise) and is considered to be a Heavy Weapon.

... Vow to Iomedae (Major)
... Code of Honor (Major)
... Driven-Heroic (Minor)
... Loyal (Minor)
... Driven-Emnity for Goblins (Minor)
Hinderance Details:
I will learn the true weight of my sword by weighing it with my heart.
If I lose my sword, I have lost a tool. If I lose my heart, I have lost everything.

Vow to Serve Iomedae(Major)
1) I will strive to emulate Iomedae’s perfection and I will channel her strength through my body.
2) I will have faith in the Inheritor and I will not tarnish her glory through base actions.
3) I will right wrongs and eliminate evil at its root.
4) I will eliminate the sources of corruption and oppression, rather than merely their symptoms
5) I will not be taken prisoner by my free will.
6) I will not surrender those under my command.
7) I will suffer death before dishonor.

Code of Honor(Major)
1) I live for the joy of righteous battle.
2) I am the first into battle, and the last to leave it.
3) I will never refuse a challenge from an equal.
4) I will give honor to worthy enemies, and contempt to the rest.
5) When in doubt, I may force my enemies to surrender, but I am responsible for their lives.
6) I will strive to always keep my word.
7) I will be temperate in my actions and moderate in my behavior.

1) I will protect the weak and the innocent.
2) I will stand by those that are capable of aiding themselves.
3) I will stand in their place for those who are truly incapable of aiding themselves.
4) I will gauge may actions against my commitment to help the most people that I can.

1) I will never abandon a friend, if at all possible.
2) I will respect and honor a friends sacrifice if freely given.
3) I will guard the honor of my friends, both in thought and deed.
4) I will have faith in my friends.

Driven-Emnity for Goblins(Minor)
The character has a major dislike, boardering on hatred towards Goblins, their inclination towards Goblins is usually one of hostility and takes great restraint to contain this hostility. In combat they will seek to kill rather than capture Goblins which may conflict somewhat with their Code of Honor depending upon the particular circumstances.

... Free Edge (Paladin Class)
... Arcane Background (Miracles)(Domain: Glory-Protection-Good)
... Brawny
Domain Details:
Deity: Iomedae
Domain: Glory-Protection-Good
Aspects: Caregiving, Healing, Protection, Peace, Shelter
Minor Sins: Allowing the innocent to be mistreated, denying provisions or shelter to the needy, refusing to heal a decent person in need, or promoting cruelty through word, action, or inaction.
Major Sins: Purposefully committing murder, purposefully causing or spreading sickness or disease, abusing the innocent, or breaking convenants or vows.
Mortal Sins: Willfully taking the life of a defenseless creature or willfully refusing to protect the innocent.
1st-Level: New Powers(Boost Trait [Limited], Smite)(Prestidigitation)
Edge Details:
Free Edge
Every character starts with an Edge for free. This Edge is usually a Class Edge (Paladin) but may be a Background or Professional Edge instead. They must qualify for the Edge they are taking per usual.

Arcane Background (Miracles)
... Requirements: Novice, Vow (Major to a deity)
The character uses Faith as their arcane skill and must choose a Domain (Glory/Good). They gain 10 Power Points, any three Powers listed under Cleric's Powers List or their Domain Powers List. They gain access to Cantrips and in additiona can choose any two Complex Cantrips.

... Requirements: Novice, Strength d6+, Vigor d6+
The character is very fit and their Size increases by +1 (and therefore their Toughness increases by 1) and they treat their Strength as one Die Type higher when determining Encumbrance and Minimum Strength to use armor, weapons, and equipment without a penalty. This cannot increase a character's Size above +3, and it has no effect on Armor Interference nor Armor Restriction.

Interlude Clubs Backstory:
A tale of misfortune from their past, perhaps revealing something of their Hindrances or a dark secret.

Evesk grew up in a medium sized family, with an older brother and sister and a younger brother. His parents were both warriors his father a Chelish originally from Magnimar and a staunch follower of Iomedae and his mother a Shadde-Quah from the Calphiak Mountains and a staunch follower of Sarenae. The story of how his parents met was never something that was ever discussed, and if asked they would look at one another and smile and simply say, "You can say we just stumbled into one another." Which then, after a short delay as if they could not contain themselves, they would laugh at their private joke. The family lived in Riddleport, which is where his parents served the local Overlord Gaston Cromarcky as part of his law keeping and defensive forces. As they grew up, it was mandatory that they learn their parents' trade and by the time they were in their teens they were all capable fighters. Now while life was rather rough and rugged and frought with the occassional danger, the family was fairly happy as things went. However, that dramatically changed one day.

The family was on mission in the eastern rural lands a good distance from the city, to put an end to some raiding that had been taking place there recently. The belief was another group of bandits had entered the region and needed to be persuaded to permanently leave. However, that did not end up being the case and the small force one night has set upon by a larger force of Goblins. The ensuing battle was utter chaos and lasted until shortly after daybreak when the few remaining Goblins quickly fled deeper into the surrounding wilderness.

The process of checking for survivors was perhaps even worse than the fight itself. For while the group and given more than they had got, they did not get away without casualties. Their casualties hit hard, as not only was they youngest dead, but so was mom and that seemed to just kill the spirit of the remaining family, and they slowly slid into a emotionally dead state as mom had been pretty much the fire that had fueled them all. While everyone had been close to mom, Evesk, due to his being touched by the gods, was her favored child. She had even made him a special necklace, reminiscent of her tribe and gifted it to him on his seventh birthday. A necklace that had special meaning then and had even more now.

It did not take long for the family to basically fall apart, his older bother was the first to depart. Where he went was unknown, but their speculation was he joined a pirate ship and set sail to the seas. His older sister was next, she gave up the warrior ways and married a merchant to settle down and raise kids of her own. Which just left Evesk and his father, who was not what he once had been since that fateful day. In fact he had become much colder, much more business like than a father. Still Evesk was a ship lost at sea, and his father's rigidity actually helped to give him an anchor to some semblance of normalcy. This eventually led Evesk to seek out a temple of Iomedae, for while his mother had followed Sarenae he felt that Sarenae had let her down when it counted the most. Further the rigidness of Iomedae seemed to further help him to anchor himself.

This initially led him to Magnimar where he became a gifted Paladin of Iomedae. He had of course been been keeping an ear out for his older brother and when a ship that might have him aboard was said to be heading to Sandpoint he petitioned his superior to make a trip to Sandpoint. This was most fortuidous for his superior, for they were in need of someone to escort a golden altar for the Abadar shrine in Sandpoint due to a favor they owed the proponent of Abadar within Sandpoint. As such, the trip was arranged, with the caveat that his superior also wanted him to check in with the emerging temple of Iomedae within Sandpoint. Further Evesk was given the resources with strict orders that these resources were to be used to help complete the temple and for no other purpose.

Second Interlude:
How did the character spend the festival before everything blew up?

Having arrived well in advance of the festival, Evesk made sure his charge was moved safely from the ship to the cathedral and put into place before dealing with anything else he had been sent there for or was requested to do upon arriving.

Once the altar was in place, he checked in with the temple of Iomedae which was a house undergoing conversion that sat on the southeast corner of Net Street and Prickleback Lane. There he met Brother Kyle an Acolyte of Imoedae. However, the previous priest had recently died and a new one had not yet arrived as such construction had stopped due to lack of proper guidance.

Needing a source of income until a self-sustaining temple to Iomedae could be fully established, Evesk gained employment with the city guard, something he good do well and represent Iomedae in the process. Come the time of the festival, being the low man on the totem pole, he was assigned to crowd control and watching for theives who were bound to try to work the crowds of folks celebrating. It started out as he had expected fairly droll but then it quickly exploded into a dire circumstance. He was soon protecting regular civilians from rabid Goblins. Showing these Goblins the mercy they had shown is mother and younger brother, a quick death as that was the best that they deserved. Having been assigned to the northern quarter he made his way towards the northgate to help shore up its defenses while doing his best to protect the civilians behind him, whom he had directed to go to the cathedral.