A more Savage Sandpoint. A new look at an old friend.

Game Master ZenFox42

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Jzero reaches high, and punches one of the creatures squarely in the face (where else?), which sends it flying into the wall, after which it falls to the floor, dead.

I gotta say, across multiple games, Jzero's player has been having extraordinary luck with the dicebot, getting many many 6's on his d6 rolls lately...

The remaining creature shrieks a high-pitched, very loud scream, which threatens to bring everyone to their knees.

Everyone make a Vigor roll or be Stunned. Everyone who ends up Stunned please see Discusson.

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

Vigor & Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 11d6 ⇒ 1

Ceri falls to her knees, hands over her ears, screaming.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Vigor: 1d6 ⇒ 6
vigor xplode: 1d6 ⇒ 5
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 3, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Jzero's many hours of meditation help him keep control of his emotions as he hears the unnatural scream.

Vigor: 1d10 ⇒ 7
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 10

OCC: Ouch a critical failure on a Vigor check versus being Stunned that is gonna hurt.

Vigor: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Vigor Ace: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Total: 10

Halfling Male Halfling Ranger Ranks 1, Card: TBD Bennies: 4, Convictions: 0, Pace: 5 (running die d4), Parry: 7, Toughness: 7(2), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0

Vigor: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Johhann (pronounced Yo-Hahn) would not mind having the shocking stick...if no one else wanted it...while he is mostly a ranged fighter, having something for up close and personal combat would be grand!!

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

Vigor: 1d8 ⇒ 4

Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 4

So, *everyone* made their Vigor roll, except *my* NPC? Sheesh! ;)

Everyone but Jzero can act, in any order!

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

Ceri tries to recover from the ringing in her ears :

Vigor&Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 1

And slowly gets to her feet...

Female Half-elf Sorcerer; Parry 5(7 w/spell), RATN 4(6 w/spell), Toughness 8(3); Bennies : 3

Oops, sorry, the first roll to recover from Stunned is at -2, so Ceri remains curled up on the floor, screaming.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Seeing Ceri in agony angers Velrek, yet he remember s his training. He channels that anger to mercilessly attack the evil face.

Using martial flexibility to gain First strike. had to read up on the rules, it's a true free attack but does not use any other edges or special abilities, so his Trademark weapon won't help. But, it's a free attack so... :)

Free attack:
2H sword: 1d8 ⇒ 7
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
wild xplode: 1d6 ⇒ 4
damage: 1d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (6) + (3) = 9
raise damage?: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Standard attack:
2H sword: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 3
damage: 1d10 + 1d10 ⇒ (2) + (9) = 11

WOW that's a powerful ability because of its flexibility!

Velrek's sword slices thru the creature, cutting it in half.

Combat's over!

Dang, I thought this dungeon would provide at least a little bit of challenge to the group...

There's no traps and no sound coming from the far door.

Opening it, you all see a very short set of stairs leading to an upward spiral staircase. But there's a huge pile of large rocks going from the floor up into the staircase who knows how far.

Dungeon's done (map updated)! Are you heading back to town, or doing something / heading somewhere else?

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

I keep forgetting about that ability. It is quite useful! Plus.. decent rolls help. THAT is what's been helping us. :)

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

"It appears we have cleared the dungeon out, well, except for those undead in the pits. back to town?"

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

"We have not found the ancient evil. There is a stairwell that leads down. I think we need to go and follow that path." Crastor says.

I think we need to go down at B10.

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 10

"I concur and I also think there were still some caves that we had not finished examining."

OCC: I am pretty sure the section of the map with the unexplored caves contains nothing but Evesk does not know that and when it comes to erradicating evil, he likes to be rather thorough.

Oh and GM feel free to add another level to this dungeon if you like ;-) it does not necessarily lead to no where -- which I am assuming is the case based on your statement about us being done here.

The stairwell that leads down is filled with large boulders, who knows how far down (spoiler - they will be unblocked in the future, at the appropriate time).

The far-left side of the map hadn't been explored, but when you go there you just find some cave tunnels leading to the jail and an alternate entrance to B3.

What do you all do?

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 3, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

"We must report to the leaders of Sandpoint and sheriff. They will want to send representatives to see this place for themselves and to learn what may have happened here," Jzero says.

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 10

"Yes, and we must get them to set about destroying that pool of evil."

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

"It seems like we have completed as much as we can for now. Lets head out and see if anyone has seen these strange creatures before." Crastor says.

You all make your way out of the caves, up thru the Glassworks, and in no particular order :

Notify the Sheriff of what you've found. He says he'll investigate with some deputies, and post some guards at the entrance to the cave.

Notify Father Zantus of the evil pool and the zombies in the cave. He says that this is beyond his abilities, he will contact his higher-ups to send some people who know how to deal with these sorts of things.

Anything else you want to do in town regarding the caves?

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

When things settle down:
"Well, can you two magical types figure out what the rest of these items are?"

Will have to read back through later. I feel like we're missing something important we need to remember. :)

Ceri sets about to identify the magical items. I won't roll, assuming she'll eventually get it. You'll also eventually figure out the value of the various items.

The touch-lighting wand has 14 charges.
Scroll of Blast/Fire/Selective.
Scroll of Burst/Fire.
The bottle of wine is above average in quality, 1 GP.
There was a three-pronged stabbing weapon in a statue's hands, it's worth 400 GP for its craftsmanship.

The small flying demon in the 2-pool room had :
Cold iron dagger (Range 3/6/12, Damage Str+d4 AP 1, Returning) : usable by Size-2 creatures
Tiara worth 50 gp
Obsidian medallion with an odd symbol on it, worth 10 gp

An Occult roll will identify the symbol, or Father Zantus might know it.

I think that's it!

Story recap so far : monsters dwelled below the city, and the goblin raid on the town was but the first of many the monsters have planned. An unnamed woman seems to be behind it all, who worships someone named Lamashtu.

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 3, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Jzero will check on Ameiko. He narrates the story about their discovery and what was there. He also asks her if she knows anything about a place called Thistletop, apparently (from the journal found) a place of interest to those planning the raids. He also brings her a flower and a few sweet rolls as gifts. As he leaves, he asks her if she needs anything he can get for her as she recovers. If she is perceptive, she can probably tell he has a bit of a crush on her.

He will also ask her about this woman named Nualia. If she doesn't know anything about her, Jzero will ask around to see if anyone in town knows a woman by that name.

Jzero makes sure the authorities know that there may be a demon called a succabus and also a quasit involved. He also asks around about a bugbear named Bruthasmus, and tries to identify the name Malfeshnekor and Ripnugget. Finally he asks people who know about local religions about Lamashtu.

Persuasion, networking: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Benny Spent to reroll.

Persuasion, networking: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild, ace: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wild, ace^2: 1d6 ⇒ 3
Result = 6 + 6 + 3 = 15

This is getting weird how many times I have gotten double aces on a d6 roll in this and other SW campaigns recently. Does this benny come from the ones we had during the dungeon crawl or from the reset numbers after that?

Ameiko says that Thistletop is a small island about a few hour's journey to the east from here. It's rumored to be overrun with goblins. She reminds you that her brother Tsuto had asked her to join "his group" at Thistletop while he held her captive.

She graciously accepts the gifts, but you can't tell if she's embarrassed or interested.

She tells you that Nualia was a Sandpoint girl who became pregnant out of wedlock about a decade ago, whose boyfriend left her when she found out. Her adopted father was the previous cleric of the local church, and he treated her harshly when he found out about her condition. Then she miscarried, and the baby was a mis-shapen abomination. Their house burned down shortly after, and it was thought that both she and her father died, altho it is now obvious that she probably set the fire and left.

No one you ask knows the name Malfeshnekor or Ripnugget. A wandering Dwarf Fighter female adventurer you meet in a tavern tells you that Bruthazmus is a bugbear Ranger who roams the goblins' territories, and is friends with all five tribes. The last she heard, he was spending a lot of time with the Thistletop goblins. The Sheriff suggests that Shalelu Andosana (the Elf Ranger who you met a while ago) might know those names, but it's unknown when she'll visit next, and she sometimes disappears for a month or more at a time.

Father Zantus knows the name Lamashtu, she's a demon lord and a Chaotic Evil god or demi-god, and delights in deformity. She is worshipped by several monstrous humanoids such as goblins, ogres, bugbears, minotaurs, etc.

I was going to comment the *second* time you got a bunch of Aces on some d6's (in another game), but this is just getting ridiculous. You must have somehow appeased the Dice Gods recently...
Bennies reset at the end of a combat or the end of a "dungeon", so you were at 3 before the re-roll.

So, what do you all want to do next? I want more consensus than "Rule of 2" here...

Halfling Male Halfling Ranger Ranks 1, Card: TBD Bennies: 4, Convictions: 0, Pace: 5 (running die d4), Parry: 7, Toughness: 7(2), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0

"A bugbear ranger eh!! Sound just like my type of quarry.", the halfling ranger says as he goes over his equipment and supplies.

"SO off to this Thistletop place I take it then! Would be nice to speak to Shalelu before we leave, but I can understand if she is unavailable."

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

"Thistletop sounds like a logical next step. However, should we check out this local story of love and loss first? Or does it sound more like idle gossip?

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

"Checking out something local first seems to make the most sense to me. If her baby had anything to do with those strange creatures below, I would like to find that out." Crastor says.

You ask around town, and eventually find the midwife that took care of Nualia during her pregnancy, and who also took away the miscarried dead baby. She confirms that the story it true.

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 10

"What was done with the child's body?" Evesk asks knowing that sometime improperly disposed of bodies can have evil repercussions.

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

"Did they rebuild over the house or are the remains still there?" Crastor asks.

The midwife tells you that the body was consecrated, and buried on holy grounds, despite its deformations.

It's been a decade, another house was built on the site long ago.

Everyone got 77 GP from the sellable treasure.

If there are no more questions, and nobody wants to spend a day or two in town resting up or shopping, etc., shall I start moving you to Thistletop?

Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Pwr Pts 10 / 10

OCC: Toot Toot all aboard the train next stop Thistletop ;-)
Does Evesk still have the flaming long sword?
Also I thought the backstory was she burnt down the old church killing the priest in doing so and the new cathedral was built atop it? Church vs House makes no difference to me mind you, just curious is all. I mean yeah she could be hiding some of the facts as well.
Other than that, ready board.

Ag d8. Sm d4. Sp d6 Str d10 Vi. d6 | Pace 6 Parry 6 (+2w/ shield, +1 w/ 2H Sword) Size 1 Toughness 9 (3)

Next top, Thistletop! Be aware of all humanoid threats and thanks for traveling Amtrax!

Male Human Monk Ranks 0, Card: TBD Bennies: 3, Convictions: 0, Pace: 6 (running die d8), Parry: 7, Toughness: 8, Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0 | Map

Jzero agrees that this Thistletop place likely holds important clues as to this whole trouble.

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