Katanas lose their +1 to damage and the Two-handed tag. They gain the following note. "May be used in two hands and gains +1 damage if so used."
Shatner's rule: Any single handed weapon that does not otherwise gain a benefit from being used in two hands will gain +1AP when used in two hands.
Falchions use the Bastard Sword's stats including cost and weight.
Scimitars use the Short Sword's stats including cost and weight.
Innocent Bystander mod : like a Critical Failure, if you roll a 1 on your Trait die, you can't re-roll it.
Merely moving past an enemy (thru a square next to him) does *not* invoke a free Withdraw attack as you move away.
If you are in Near Total Cover, you cannot see what’s going on on the other side of your Cover.
Wild Cards roll once per day for Natural Healing.
Getting first initiative and Holding is a great tactical advantage that has a built-in disadvantage (you might not even act at all in a Turn), that having to make opposed Agility rolls to interrupt someone else’s action possibly negates (and slows down melee). Whoever’s Holding goes first.
If you buy an "Adventurer's Kit", you get :
- Backpack : 2 lb, 20 SP
- Bedroll : 5 lb, 1 SP
- Blanket : 3 lb, 5 SP
- Hemp Rope 30ft : 5 lb, 5 SP
- 3 torches : 3 lb, 3 CP
- Trail Rations (5 days) : 5 lb, 25 SP
Encumbrance : 12 pounds
Cost : 6 GP
For any other miscellaneous items you want to have, you don't have to list them on your inventory, because...
If you can think of something particular thing that would come in handy in a given situation :
1. If it's small and simple and cheap, and it seems likely you'd have packed it, I'll say you have it (but ask first).
2. If I'm not sure, I'll ask you to roll a related Skill or Attribute (probably Smarts) to see if you thought to purchase and pack it.
3. If the answers to the first two options are no, and you really want it, spend a Benny.
This does *not* apply (even the spending a Benny part) to specialized, expensive, or very heavy items, like lockpicks, crowbars, grappling hooks, shovels, spikes, hatchets, silk rope, etc. - those you have to explicitly put in your inventory (but, putting them in the backpack halves their weight).