Ryujin Tatsu |

I decided to post before the next round starts in case there is an issue with missed Fort saves with either of us, the AoO should be before the next save happens.
With the AC penalty with him being prone and with the negative to Dex from the cold, I think that may just hit

DM Doomed Hero |

Lorth, bummer. You had one hell of a run. Does that put you lower than your Con mod in negatives? If so, I think you are the first actual KO so far.
Zib Go for it, great idea.
Gwrr and Ryujin, I'm pretty sure a combat maneuver counts as an attack for the purposes of Redirect, which means that before Gwrr's bull rush, Ryujin can choose to make a trip or reposition attempt. Any objections on that ruling before we start making rolls?
Everyone but Gwrr and Ryujin, go ahead and post

Ryujin Tatsu |

Lorth, bummer. You had one hell of a run. Does that put you lower than your Con mod in negatives? If so, I think you are the first actual KO so far.
Zib Go for it, great idea.
Gwrr and Ryujin, I'm pretty sure a combat maneuver counts as an attack for the purposes of Redirect, which means that before Gwrr's bull rush, Ryujin can choose to make a trip or reposition attempt. Any objections on that ruling before we start making rolls?
Everyone but Gwrr and Ryujin, go ahead and post
That is why I delayed, can he be repositioned off the sled? Im thinking not, but thought I would ask

Doomed Hero |

That is why I delayed, can he be repositioned off the sled? Im thinking not, but thought I would ask
I don't see why not. Half the point of reposition is to move people into danger.
I'd give him a save to catch the sled or something though.

Melashara the Crone |

Is chess's cannon loaded? I'm posting from my phone right now, I'll have some thing more offical later, though my intent will be to return fire at muscle wizard, assuming we have something to fire.
I believe we have another healing shot, so you should probably shoot yourself. :-)

DM Doomed Hero |

Reposition is a specific APG maneuver. His power says reposition, not bull rush.
Redirect lest you make a Reposition or Trip as an immediate action to being attacked. I'm pretty sure a combat maneuver counts as an attack.
That means that when you bull rush him, he can try to reposition you, which would put you in an adjacent square of his choice (including one of the ones to the sides, which are off the sled).

Doomed Hero |

Is chess's cannon loaded? I'm posting from my phone right now, I'll have some thing more offical later, though my intent will be to return fire at muscle wizard, assuming we have something to fire.
You do have another shot. It's an Ice bomb

Melashara the Crone |

Chessna'ra wrote:Is chess's cannon loaded? I'm posting from my phone right now, I'll have some thing more offical later, though my intent will be to return fire at muscle wizard, assuming we have something to fire.You do have another shot. It's an Ice bomb
On second thought, you might not want to shoot yourself, Chess, hehe.

Aoth Anskuld |
GWRRR'RRR wrote:Reposition is a specific APG maneuver. His power says reposition, not bull rush.Redirect lest you make a Reposition or Trip as an immediate action to being attacked. I'm pretty sure a combat maneuver counts as an attack.
That means that when you bull rush him, he can try to reposition you, which would put you in an adjacent square of his choice (including one of the ones to the sides, which are off the sled).
Agreed, I read that pretty fast before I left the house this morning, and I was reading the power completely backwards.
What order should we resolve stuff in?

Karlov 'Muscle Wizard' Britol |

Karlov is going to take this time to play up to the crowd. As they have just completed their first lap, he feels this is as good time as any to pander to the crowd. Shouldn't need too much of a review, but I figured I should follow format and post intent here first.

Doomed Hero |

I'm checking in to let everyone know what's going on with the game.
I post and update at work during down time (I'm a dispatcher). It's storm season right now, and it's particularly bad. (that's why I've been slower to post lately) Heavy winds and rain are setting alarms off all over the place, but work won't bring in extra help, so I rarely get more than a minute between alarms. Definitely not enough time to do a full update.
I will get the update done as soon as I can. The weather report says we should have a break between storms within the next day or two. As soon as I get a slow night I'll update.
(To give you an idea of how bad it's been, I was interrupted by alarms and calls 7 times in the time it took me to type this.)

DM Doomed Hero |

Zar'zan Your hit knocked it to zero, and it hit back and passed out. You take 7 points of damage and got flung ten feet.
Joboo because you aren't really dragging much weight your jump was very effective. You gained nearly an extra twenty feet. Good job. Crowd loved it. Get a +1
Ryujin, first legitimate KO of the match. Gain a +2. Also, you're in the air at the start of the round. You won't hit ground until you travel another 15 feet or so. Give me a balance check for when you land.
Gwrr The first half of the round you'll be airborn. The second half you'll hit ground. Give me a climb check to stay holding on when you land.
Zib, sure I'll give you a +2 on this round's save. At the end of Chess's action, your Levitate ends. You'll end up being dragged by the monkey sheep. I need a concentration check to avoid losing the spell, and a climb check to hold on.
Everyone, I've been rolling randomly for what special ammo pops up. I rolled for Lorn when he was trying to choose between two types. I shouldn't have done that. (we'll call him lucky that round). The icons change every once in a while. When you hit them, I roll to see what activates. If you could hit more than one icon with a move, I'll roll twice and let you pick.
I think I got all the important actions written out. Did I miss anything?

Lorn the Barber |

Preposed action for round 15
Lorn will steer the sleigh straight across the ramp (with normal movement taking it to W32 but hoping to get further and at least hop over the rough patch of ice). With several people on foot on the track he'll draw his dagger from his sleeve to stab anyone trying to get too close.
@Doomed Hero: I thought I had already marked an x behind my name for round 14 but it wasn't here so I put it there.

Melashara the Crone |

I'm going to go straight south 45 ft and take 10. I think Chess wanted to shoot the cannon last round but forgot to take his turn. Can he count as grandstanding last turn and get a +2 and just shoot this turn? I'll send him a PM to remind him the game is rolling again.