Lorn the Barber |

Doomed, the last spoiler is broken and says Lorth, not Lorn
I don't know why that mustache almost copied Lorn's name but it's starting to get annoying, Lorn shall offer to repair his facial hair and maybe do something "funny"...... >)
also: must... resist... jumping... into... portal...

Joboo |

Heads up - I'm going out of town for a few days and internet connection availability is questionable. Feel free to run Joboo if you're having to wait. For now he'll run/ regroup with the others. I should be back by Saturday night.

DM Doomed Hero |

Work is kicking my butt real bad. If everyone's acted by tomorrow night I think I can manage a full update.

DM Doomed Hero |

I'm checking in to say that I'm sorry for the delay in this game. This week has been a nightmare at work and I have not had the free time I usually do. As usual I'll be unable to post over the weekend, but I will do my darnedest to do a round update on monday.

DM Doomed Hero |

I weighed this one for a while. The next round was going to be the last one. All the really important things had happened. You guys-
Held the line against the brown slaad
Survived the fire and all the random events
and spotted the shapeshifter
-which were your win conditions.
So i decided to clean things up with a short cut-away and some exposition.
Sorry it took so long, and I hope that doesn't feel anti-climactic.
Hope you enjoyed your introduction to Door Street and the city of Arch.

DM Doomed Hero |

Here's your Grab Bag. Feel free to trade them or sell them if you don't like what you get.
Potion of Cure Light
Tanglefoot Bag x2
Itching Powder
Anchor Feather Token
Potion of Cure Poison
Alchemical grease
Alchemical Ice
Tar and Feather Token
Potion of Cat's Grace
Potion of Cure Light
Antitoxin x2
Antiplague x2
Tree Feather Token
Potion of Magic Fang
Oil of Magic Stone
Troll Styptic
Lance Feather Token
Potion of Endure Elements
Potion of Enlarge Person
Whip Feather Token x2
Potion of Remove Paralysis
Fuse Grenade x2
Boat Feather Token
Potion of Mage Armor
Potion of Endure Elements
Potion of Cure Light
Vermin Repellant
Potion of Blur
Thunderstone x2
Anchor Feather Token

DM Doomed Hero |

Also, you are now all second level.
There's going to be a "training scene" in a bit which will mark the narrative reason for a significant skill boost, but you can all go ahead and update your mechanics now.

Lorn the Barber |

Great way to end the scene Doomed! To keep things moving in a pbp it's ok to do stuff like that.
And yay for the level up! Will require some time to adjust my character (come to think of it.... this might actually be my first pbp character to level up... how sad!).
Did we get to buy anything we wanted?
hitpoints for 2nd level: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
edit: Cure Poison = Neutralize Poison?
edit2: Alchemical Ice = Liquid Ice?

Joboo |

Great wrap up summary DM Doomed!
and sweet deal on the level up!!
HP = 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 + current 10 + 1 Con + 1 Favored class = 18
gain Ki Pool but I screwed myself with the low Cha so Im guessing this starts at 0 or do I get a minimum of 1? this will directly affect which ninja trick I pick.
+1 - Acrobatics - 9 (4/2/3/0)
+1 - Bluff - 4 (-1/2/3/0)
+1 - Climb - 6 (1/2/3/)
+1 - Disable Device - 9 (4/2/3/0)
+1 - Escape Artist - 9 (4/2/3/0)
+1 - Knowledge/Local - 6 (2/1/3/0)
+1 - Perception - 6 (1/2/3/0)
+0 - Ride - 5 (4/0/4/0)
+1 - Sense Motive - 6 (1/2/3/0)
+1 - Sleight of Hand - 9 (4/2/3/0)
+1 - Stealth - 17 (4/2/3/8)
Swimming - 5 (1/1/3/)

Joboo |

Ryujin Tatsu wrote:[dice=HP Roll]1d4+4+3
Unbalancing Counter (AoO I make render them flat-footed)
Bonus Monk Feat - Deflect Arrows
EvasionJoboo, we should stay near Ryujin for those extra backstabbings. :D
good call Lorn!

DM Doomed Hero |

Don't worry about spellcrafting the items, they're all labeled for easy use.
as for your questions-
Joboo, Sure, let's go minimum 1.
Lorn, correct on both counts with the potions. Also, retraining that trait is fine.

Melashara the Crone |

Mel gains:
1d3 + 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 2 + 1 = 7 Hitpoints (HD + Con + Favored Class)
Can memorize an additional cantrip per day
Can memorize an additional 1st level spell per day
Familiar learns: Unshakable Chill (Patron Spell), Charm Person, Comprehend Languages
+1 Base Attack
+1 Will Save
Slumber Hex
a rank in the following skills:
Knowledge (Arcana)
Knowledge (History)
Knowledge (Nature)
Knowledge (Planes)
Use Magic Device
I will try to "feed" one of my scrolls of Obscuring Mist to my familiar so he can "learn" it.
Spellcraft DC 16 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Also have to level up my familiar

Joboo |

Don't worry about spellcrafting the items, they're all labeled for easy use.
as for your questions-
Joboo, Sure, let's go minimum 1.
Lorn, correct on both counts with the potions. Also, retraining that trait is fine.
Thanks DM!
gonna go with Fast Stealth for my trick.

Lorn the Barber |

@Joboooh yeah you go hide while they kick my ass when Ryujin is down (which he obviously will be, his luck must run out anytime soon)
@Doomed: Ok great, thanks! Potions sound like fun.
edit: just read Joboo's post, lol! Great idea, little goblin that feeds his pet abberation all the stuff even he doesn't want.

Doomed Hero |

By the way folks, I know your shopping got interrupted. You'll be able to continue on as soon as you're done talking to Darian.
This is one of four districts on Door Street. If you'd like to explore them now, we can do that, or we can cut straight to academy training day 1.
Taking votes until Monday night.

Joboo |

Joboo is enjoying his freedom in the city but is all about learning how to be more sneaky and such first. Onward to training!
adding an iron pot w/lid and some string to tie it shut to my shopping list
pot - 8 sp
string - 1 cp

Karlov 'Muscle Wizard' Britol |