We Who Are About To Die... (Inactive)

Game Master Doomed Hero

Gladiators Wanted! Come one, come all, risk your life for wealth, glory and the entertainment of the masses. Newcomers always welcome!

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This is the discussion thread for We Who Are About To Die.

All out OOC chatter and mechanics questions go here, in this game blah blah blah...

Nevermind. You know how this works, and if you don't here's the place to ask.

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Game thread up for RP. Think of this like a sports interview with the new batch of rookies.

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

I have never done a PBP before so i may be a bit iffy on how combat works on here. I will do my best to pick it up quickly

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I'll try to spell things out as well as I can before the combat really starts. How about if I grab one of the other newbie-types and we do a training fight before throwing you in with a whole bunch of people?

Also, check recruitment. There's some character notes for you.

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Joboo checking in the ooc.

Male Half-Orc Paladin 1

I am not absolutely new to PBP but could use a refresher, I'm down for a training fight.

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

Training fight sounds good

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

If you need a volunteer, I'm more than happy to help work out a practice combat.

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3

"Gwrrr'rrr fight now?"

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Gwrrr, Chess, Zib, Samson, the four of you are our practice dummies.

Please report to the Gameplay thread.

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For this fight you are gearless, except for a basic practice weapon. Your choices are quarterstaff, longstaff, club and greatclub. They function as the normal weapons but deal non-lethal damage.

I'm handling initiative rolling. For this combat I'm going to assume you all rolled a 10, so we're effectively going in order of Dex mod.

Initiative is going to be handled loosely, which means you do not have to post in order. The rule of thumb is, do not attack someone with a higher initiative than you before they have acted in the round.

Any questions?

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Ninja'd, off to edit my last post. I'm assuming that Chess will not be able to use his dervish dancing feat as it only applies to scimitars. Hmmmm...

Male Changeling Fighter 1, Monk 1, Rogue 1, Ranger 1, Actor 5

I'm going to use Chess's post for an example of how I'd like to see things formatted-

Chess, your post should look like this:

HP 10/10
AC 15 (because you aren't wearing your armor right now)
Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +1
Effects: none
Ammo (net): 1/1

Moving 30 feet, picking up a club along the way.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Chess gracefully stoops to grab a curved stick to match his fighting style, and gives it a couple of swings. He folds his net about in his other hand and moves away from the rest of the group before they get a chance to be stuck in a chaotic melee.

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If anyone needs the code for that spoiler/stat block, here it is. Just put the back brackets on the /spoiler tag, the two /ooc tags and the /dice tag at the bottom and replace Chess' numbers with your own.

I'm copying this into my GM avatar info so you can all easily find it later.

[spoiler][ooc]HP 10/10
AC 15 (because you aren't wearing your armor right now)
Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +1
Effects: none
Ammo (net): 1/1
Moving 30 feet, picking up a club along the way.
Initiative[/ooc [dice]1d20+7[/dice [/spoiler

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I'm going to harp on this a bit, so bear with me.

As a general rule, I prefer to keep the numbers hidden. Put everything that isn't IC description in spoiler please.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

I'm using the longstaff like it's a long spear. Could you give me it's stats real quick? I can't seem to find it online.

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Use the longspear stats, just non-lethal. Sorry i didn't mention that.

HP 14/20, AC 17 T 17 FF 10, CMD 23, Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5,
DM Doomed Hero wrote:
Use the longspear stats, just non-lethal. Sorry i didn't mention that.

Ryujin, new recruit.

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3
DM Doomed Hero wrote:

I'm going to harp on this a bit, so bear with me.

As a general rule, I prefer to keep the numbers hidden. Put everything that isn't IC description in spoiler please.

Sorry, saw it too late to ninja my post. Will do from now on. :)

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

The DC of a 5 foot vertical running jump is DC 20 or 40 for a standing jump. Are we starting round 2 now?

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3
Chessna'ra wrote:
The DC of a 5 foot vertical running jump is DC 20 or 40 for a standing jump. Are we starting round 2 now?

Ahhh. I think I misread DM's post on how our actions should resolve. My post should only contain reaction to your attack but not my next action I believe. I'll note that in but leave the action there for reference of what I was attempting on the wrong round.

Male Changeling Fighter 1, Monk 1, Rogue 1, Ranger 1, Actor 5

I'll do round headings later, and once the map is up it'll be a lot easier to keep track of what round it is and who has and hasn't acted. All that information is included in the Google Doc I've put together. For now we're just getting a feel of how things flow mechanically and they style of writing I'm asking from everyone.

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GWRRR'RRR wrote:

My post should only contain reaction to your attack but not my next action I believe.

That's correct. Reactions are (generally speaking) purely descriptive. A few people (like Ryujin) have Immediate actions they can perform as part of reaction posts, but for the most part it's just a resolution of your opponent's attempt.

Think of it like a receipt/acknowledgement of the action aimed at you.

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Chessna'ra wrote:

The dark elf whistled as the orc leaped toward him in a wide arc, and delivered a mighty blow-- to the air beneath his feet. Chess whirled the staff about, swaying back and forth slightly, and smiled broadly.

great example of a reaction post, Chess. Unfortunately because Gwrrr originally posted his action early, you've responded to something that hasn't happened yet.

This is great guys. It's showing me what I need to point out to new folks as important things to keep track of, such as the difference between Action posts and Reaction posts.

Ideally, once this fight is done, everyone will have an idea of what I'm looking for. Numbers will be hidden, blue text will be rare (or taken to Discussion) and it will read like a novel.

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3
DM Doomed Hero wrote:
GWRRR'RRR wrote:
My post should only contain reaction to your attack but not my next action I believe.

That's correct. Reactions are (generally speaking) purely descriptive. A few people (like Ryujin) have Immediate actions they can perform as part of reaction posts, but for the most part it's just a resolution of your opponent's attempt.

Think of it like a receipt/acknowledgement of the action aimed at you.

Got it now...I had read your response to Ryujin but forgot the reason why it was required. :)

If nobody else changes the situation before my turn comes up in round 2, I'll use the action I posted in the wrong round, and waste my turn swinging at a target I couldn't never hit without a running start. If the situation changes in any significant way, I will come up with a more reasonable action for the situation (if allowed). I moved the bogus action to a spoiler.

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Keep the action. It's been posted and reacted to, and it's pretty amusing.

Right now we're waiting on Samson's action this round before moving to the next one.

Sam, I'm going to give you until tomorrow morning and then assume that you were so surprised by the sudden command to fight that you didn't act (essentially, you failed your surprise check)

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Does anyone know if jumping in a threatened square provokes an attack of opportunity?

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It does, so long as his jump is high enough to carry him into another square. He would be moving into a threatened square (which doesn't provoke) and then back out when he fell (which does because he's moving out of it). Doesn't matter that he's not moving toward you when he exits the square you're threatening.

Because he only got two feet off the ground, he didn't leave the square he was in, so you don't get the AoO this time.

This is one of those rare moments where failing the check by more is actually better.

(HP 16/16, AC 12 CMD 12, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +5)

Melashara checking in. After this practice fight is over, I wouldn't mind doing one too. I think it's a good idea for everyone to work on the posting format before the actual games begin, so things will run smoothly.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Actually, I'm threatening the square that he's beginning the jump in, since I'm using a reach weapon, and not the square below me. I was wondering if the action of jumping itself provoked an attack of opportunity or had any other special modifiers, like there are for running or climbing?

It's more of a general question than an applicable one. I usually consider myself pretty well versed in the 3.5 and pathfinder rule-set, and I'm always interested in learning something new about mechanics.

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3

Jumping is the same as any other movement when it comes to AoO, I think.

Even if I made the jump, there wouldn't be an AoO if I'm starting it from your threatened space...the jump would be a 5 foot step, attack happens, then I can't see any reason the 5' fall back into your threatened space would provoke. Now, if I fell prone, there would be some AoO potential in the future...

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

You normally can't jump as a five foot step, last I checked. That being said, there's at least one feat that allows you to do so, part of the monkey style chain.

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Chess is right about not being able to jump as part of a 5' adjust. Gwrr is right about not provoking when starting in a threatened space.

Basically, Gwrr just didn't jump high enough to fully provoke.

As an interesting not, thinking about the 3D combat issues that Levitate and Reach weapons bring up, Chess effectively has a "threat sphere". Since he's stated that he's staying out of reach 10' above the ground, that means he's actually only threatening the square directly below him. If he was 5' off the ground he'd get an elevation bonus to hit, but still be in range of a counter attack. It's a little odd to think about, but what it means is that while he's out of reach he threatens a lot less area and will only get AoOs against people moving directly below him.. I think that's a fair trade.

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Melashara the Crone wrote:
Melashara checking in. After this practice fight is over, I wouldn't mind doing one too. I think it's a good idea for everyone to work on the posting format before the actual games begin, so things will run smoothly.

That's fine with me. I can run training fights all week until the 21st. We just need one or two new recruits to show up here ready to be pitted against you and Ryujin.

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3

Looks like I'd lean towards you being right there, since the rules say "You may not take a 5-foot step using a form of movement for which you do not have a listed speed." It's funny, I think I've had to search the rules more in these 2 rounds of action than I do in most entire fights. :)

If I had successfully jumped it would be a normal move action out of your threatened space and I would have to use acrobatics to avoid AoO. It would be a GM call whether it was the jump check roll or a 2nd roll I guess? In situations like this it really all comes down to GM decisions since vertical movement in combat is never really addressed fully.

Moot point this time since I failed to leave my area.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
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GWRRR'RRR wrote:
In situations like this it really all comes down to GM decisions since vertical movement in combat is never really addressed fully.

leave it to the Drow to turn a simple training fight into a clusterf%#~ of rarely used rules...

HP 14/20, AC 17 T 17 FF 10, CMD 23, Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5,

Better now than later!

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Mesa ready for training fight! Mesa gonna make big show for mucho mula...hahaha...hehehe... you'll see...

Valk Kilat could do with a bit of a warmup.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Did I hear something about a map? I'm not sure where we stand, or float, in my case for round 2.

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3
Chessna'ra wrote:
Did I hear something about a map? I'm not sure where we stand, or float, in my case for round 2.

Agreed, that would be good to see. :)

I'm not even sure who's in this fight or where we are in the timeline.

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

That would be good. Also I should have asked this earlier, but with no regular gear I am assuming i dont have nay of my extracts, bombs or mutagens? I am going on the assumption that I dont but wanted to ask in any case.

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Map Here

Everyone should be able to edit it. If you can't let me know.

If you look on the right side of the map you'll see the combat tracker. After you act, put an x in the round counter. This will let everyone easily keep track of who has and hasn't acted and what round it is.

Initiative-wise, you are free to act out of turn, but do not attack someone higher up the initiative stack than you until they have acted.

I'd like everyone to be able to post daily. I understand that this won't always be possible, but that's the general goal. If we end up waiting on you for longer than a day, I will take your action for you. I will generally have you deal directly with the most serious threat you are facing, or spend the round grandstanding, which is basically sacrificing your action for a bonus the following round.

The colored areas denote starting locations and doors.

Any questions?

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

I can't access with out the map with out permission. Is that intentional?

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That sould be fixed now. try again.

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Valk, Joboo, Melisandra, Ryujin and Cedrica, you are group 2. You are effectively joining the fight at the top of round 2, engaging each other, not group 1. Basically, there are two separate fights happening at once. (of course, if you really want to take a shot at someone in the other group, nothing's really stopping you.)

Weapons are within 10 feet of you. You may pick from Club, Quarterstaff, Longstaff (functions as a longspear) or a greatclub.

Please pay attention to posting format and read over what's already happened so you understand Action post and Reaction posts.

(HP 16/16, AC 12 CMD 12, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +5)

Am I allowed to cast spells?

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Nobody said you couldn't ;)

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3

OK, so with Chess starting battle dance as a move action and then readying to attack anybody who enters a threatened square, is this the point where I make my failed attempt to jump and reach him? If so I can summarize the action again without the dierolls for the game thread.

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

Can I throw bombs?

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