DM Doomed Hero |

Heh. Keep posting. Mel, I'm going to update tomorrow night. Please post before then.
Everyone that's left, thanks for your patience and diligence.

Doomed Hero |

@Lorth: oh hehe yeah sorry about that, glad you're still with us!
Who needs teammates if there's no other teams? You could probably still win by finishing first all alone if there's no other (complete) teams. ;)
I honestly hadn't considered that. I'd say yeah, that would have to be the case.

Joshua Hirtz |

Lorn the Barber wrote:I honestly hadn't considered that. I'd say yeah, that would have to be the case.@Lorth: oh hehe yeah sorry about that, glad you're still with us!
Who needs teammates if there's no other teams? You could probably still win by finishing first all alone if there's no other (complete) teams. ;)
I just see people running around with their unconscious, or perhaps dead, companions.

DM Doomed Hero |

I want to take a poll of the remaining players-
The number of gladiators left combined with the distance between the sleds has minimized a lot of options. Everyone is mostly taking ten and trying not to freeze to death.
Frankly, I'm running out of ideas to keep this interesting and I really don't want to lose more people to the attrition of boredom.
We have 8 active posters left, and I have an idea for a game set in the same city that the arena is in.
How many of you would be interested in a game playing your gladiator in a non-gladitorial story?

Lorn the Barber |

I'm up for switching things up, whether it's the game you're mentioning or just DM fiating the race ending and moving us on to the next gladiator matchup.
This is my view too.
Of course Karlov and Lorn will have won the race in either case.
Lorth Blood-Seer |

To be brutally honest to Lorth... he probably would be better off out of the arena than in...
Ie - no problems if you'd like to switch things up Doomed.
Though depending on the actual specifics of the game I might like to switch up one or two things.
Lorth will remain Lorthy just a slightly different idea building for a proper game vs an arena gladiator spectacular.

DM Doomed Hero |

In that case, I'm going to call this match now and start setting up the idea for the next thing.
In the mean time, I'd like to take votes for "winner of the match" (it'll happen off camera, but I still want to know how things go.
As such, I'd like to hear your description of the end of the match. Keep it short-ish and spoiler it here in the discussion thread. Then Private Message me your vote for match MVP and MVP runner up. (no voting for yourself)
I'll take my favorite ideas from everyone and write up a end of match recap to segue into the scene setting up the next thing.

Melashara the Crone |

HeeYa! she yelled, spurring the mount ever faster. As she closed the distance she gathered the moisture around her from the cold, condensing it into focused blasts of arcane frost at the other drivers. She seemed to revel in the sight of the shivering competitors. [ooc] When my Fast healing was done, I finally could take standard actions again, so my plan was to spur on the speed, hit the ramps, try to get close enough to blast rays of frost, and spam them until all the other riders were unconscious. I think I had a fairly decent chance, I guess. 1d3 + 1d4 cold damage is nothing to sneeze at :-)

Lorn the Barber |

Shivering like a madman, Lorn stands in front of Bandy Spyglass as he tries to talk coherently.
"Th..th..th..th.. the last round was horrible!" he says to the hovering gnome with the crystal ball. Karlov slaps Lorn on the back and gives Lorn some kind of victory-powerhug while shouting things about magic and how Lorn listened well to what he was saying all the time. Lorn scowles shortly before managing a slight smile and returning a pat or two on the Muscle Wizard's back.
"We finally overtook Ruyin just before getting into the last round and Karlov dealt with him easily I must say. That finally put us at the head of the race physically. That's when the remaining few opponents realised they had to stop us. That ment turning around for most of them."
Lorn falls silent for a second as he stares in the crystal ball recalling the events.
"They were crazy! I mean, I don't mind fighting dirty but running them all over like that... well, they had it coming I guess. I must say the sound of the orc's ribs cracking under our sleigh didn't sound too bad and I think Karlov still has a handful of Melashara's writhing hair stuffed behind his belt. I feel a bit sorry for Lorth though, that spinning kick from Karlov when he just regained consciousness was a bit too much. It almost turned out to be a real one-man show, didn't it? Ah well, at least I got to slice of an ear too in that final round. Although I'm surprised the crowd didn't cheer at that. But hey, we made it! Now I'm going to find a fire see which parts of me aren't permanently hurt by that frostbite."

Joboo |

The evil little gobbo was having the time of his life. Despite the fact that he scared his fun parts had either shriveled up to nothing or frozen completely solid by now. He couldnt feel much of anything except the thundering of his heart as he hit ramp after ramp on the track. At one point he climbed up onto the monkey sheep itself and tried to cut the rest of the cart free right into the path of the other racers. He didnt see if it had any effect or not though. Between the cold and the crowd he was loosing focus and he was pretty sure by the end that he going the wrong way! This didnt stop him from pumping his long sinewy arms in the air in victory when he crossed the finish line either.

Ryujin Tatsu |


Karlov 'Muscle Wizard' Britol |

The wizard would continue firing the cannon whenever he could at anyone trying to gain on them. He did it with such a gleeful look on his face. Anyone chance he got, he would grab, pin, or punch any of the other competitors, all while yelling more about how magical he was. However, as the laps went on, he found himself slowing down, as he became more and more chilled. As tough as he was, the wizard couldn't stand the cold for much longer in his shirtless state and ended the last parts of the race just holding on and trying to stay warm.

DM Doomed Hero |

the winners of the player MVP vote (disqualifying Karlov and Lorn because they won) are Mel and Ryujin.
Good job.
Rewards will be dished out soon.

Doomed Hero |

To clarify, the robes are white. The snowflake runes are black/grey/silver/gold.
Think of them like the robes boxers wear. Yours are mostly unadorned now, but fighters track matches and performance with the patches. More highly ranked fighters tend to decorate their robes in more personalized styles.

DM Doomed Hero |

Duroja, absolutely, though the focus of the game is about to become more cooperative than PVP, at least for the most part. If you'd still like a spot, you're in. We'll introduce you as a fighter from last season who was on hiatus.
Lorth, you went down after the first lap, which seems to be where they divided things. Yours is grey.