Ansha Saeralyan |

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (16) + 26 = 42
"Erum-Hel, as I recall," Ansha says. "The Lord of the Mohrgs. It's generally counted as the turning point in the Shining Crusade. As for why you think we're worthy of repeating that feat: Is it because we slew the daughter of a demon-lord recently? The Lord of the Minotaurs thinks of us as a thorn in his side, if nothing else."

Arigoder Senari |

Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Arigoder flushes as he finds himself not knowing the answer to the Lady's first question, then smiles at Morgrym's response to the second. He steels himself, and says simply, "I can only hope that you find us worthy based on your ability to see the true measure, and mettle, of each of us -- as evidenced by the actions we have taken to date in defence of the good people of Mendev -- and all of Golarion -- against the incursion of the Worldwound, including the deeds my companions have described... and, personally, the actions that I have taken to honour the legacy and history that I have already been gifted." He taps Radiance, then forces himself to meet the eyes of his goddess, "We have seen pain, we have seen loss, we have seen sacrifice, and we have accomplished deeds that I would have thought impossible even a year ago - and while I do not wish to speak for my companions, we know that the work is not yet finished, and that it is our role to bring this to an end."

Damiel Morgathain |

Damiel shrugs, hands wide, with a disarming smile - for the average serving girl on a side street in Kintargo. Certainly not for a deity. But he smiles and says, ”I don’t know why you might think I’m worth sending,” then he gets serious, ”but if your strike team has to be mortal, these four are the best you’ll find. I intend to back their play, so I’m betting my life on them.”

DM Variel |

Iomedae continues her thoughtful expression as each of you answer her. She seems pleased that at least one of you knew her history even if it wasn’t one of her direct followers. It is an interesting camaraderie that you have and by it I see great things in store for you. There is a mixture of the boldness needed to take the fight to the enemy and surprise them. Yet there is also a humility that keeps you from rushing into a trap and not under estimating your foes. For that I laud your answers and present you with this gift.
Iomedae nods and smiles as a bejeweled chalice
appears in her hand. As she holds the chalice out for Morgrym to claim, she says, Take then this cup to hold the foul
blood of the Father of Worms, for it is said his blood can
melt any lock—this may be your key to the Baphomet’s
prison. This chalice is an artifact called the Chalice of Ozem.
I still have more questions for you…
You have a hero’s bravery. You have proven that you can survive
the horrors of the Abyss, and this marks your courageousness as
surely as any feat. But also you have learned that not all those in
the Abyss are your enemies. Some are creatures whose nature
can be used as a tool to defeat greater evils. So tell me, when
evil assumes a fair form, and when weak villains beg for their
lives, are they due mercy? Or are the wages of their villainy
always death and oblivion?

Nasira Yusra Abujamal |

"Lady, you know that my mistress espouses redemption over wrath. A mere mortal such as I cannot see the truth in the heart of a villain. Given the opportunity to redeem one who has done evil, the Dawnflower would have me make that effort. For she teaches returning a soul to the light is a far greater act than consigning it forever to the darkness."

Arigoder Senari |

Arigdoer says, "Those are two different questions, my Lady. For the first, evil hiding its nature is still evil - one might even say moreso for the fair face allows for betrayal - and evil must be stopped. For the second, however, I will not strike down a surrendered foe - so long as that surrender is true. However, to answer the biggest question -- I believe in redemption. There are tales of fallen angels, then surely this means there may also be... risen... demons. And while I will not stay my hand because someone mouths platitudes, I will also not deny someone a chance to find their path to the Light."

Ansha Saeralyan |

Risen demons…? Ansha muses at Arigoder’s words. Then she recalled that they in fact knew one such being: the succubus Arueshalae, a servant of Desna. How did Ansha herself know her again…? Well, only by reputation, she supposed. They had met once, when Ansha first joined the team.
“Well said,” the elven enchantress says, nodding in agreement with Arigodee and Nasira. She wasn’t entirely sure of her own thoughts on the matter, but surely the possibility of redemption was out there for most beings.

Morgrym Ironfist |

Seriously torn by the question, "I really hate demons. A lot of me wants ta destroy them all, good or not. But," he sighs, "I guess if there are some that want ta be good, I guess I won't kill 'em. But I have a hard time thinkin' a demon can be good. Seems impossible ta me. Plus, I'd probably have a hard time killin' one that's beggin' for mercy. Unless, of course, it's lyin' and I can tell that it's lyin'." Trying to think if he's missed anything, the dwarf comes up with nothing else. "That's all I got." He shrugs.

DM Variel |

Blindly adhering to any rule may be lawful, but is not always good—a truly lawful good person will temper rules with judgment. A paladin should never be so bound to his pursuit of the law that he loses sight of what it is to be good. Your words bring me great relief, for you understand the central conflict before us all. True heroism is neither the sword that strikes nor the blessing of redemption, but the ability to know which
is the proper judgment. Even in the depths of evil, some unlikely souls may yet be saved from their own lives of malice, as some villains may come to be forgiven. Do not forget this, even in the most unlikely places.
She points to each of you as power fills your soul. To help the you in your quest to redeem foes or repair damage to a creature’s morality, I grant each of you the ability to cast atonement as a spell-like ability (CL 20)—this is a one-time boon, and once used it does not recharge. Use this gift for yourselves should you fall to temptation, but resist if you can so that the gift may be given to those who may need it more than you.”
My last question to you is this...Honor is my soul and life, justice is the passion that stirs me to war, and yet the cause of the true and the righteous is beset on all sides by evil. Tell me, how does one outwit and defeat a demon lord in his own domain? For let us not pretend, this is what I will be asking you to do.

Morgrym Ironfist |

Thinking long and hard about such a question, Morgrym finds himself at a loss for an answer. So, he goes with the only way he knows how to defeat a demon... or any creature for that matter. "Smash it and smash it good. It maybe able ta resist some of me damage, but it can't resist all of it. And aim for its head. If I cave in its skull, it'll be outwittin' no one the way I see it."

Nasira Yusra Abujamal |

"As a team. As a squad that supports each other. To try to do so alone would be folly, even for one much more powerful than any of us. With the aid of gods and goddesses, even from afar, we can do much indeed."

Arigoder Senari |

Arigoder pauses, then says, "Ideally, we would turn its allies against it... or find allies to our cause.... However, honestly, Lady, other than keeping faith in ourselves and our companions, as Nasira says, I think it would be folly to make a plan before we get the lay of the land, as it were."

Ansha Saeralyan |

How does one outwit a demon lord in his own domain…? Ansha muses.
“I imagine it involves a lot of luck,” she says. With a wink, she adds, “Good thing I’m fond of Desna. Hopefully she’s just as fond of me.”