Variel's WotR

Game Master Neltji

From Level 1 to Level 20. Good luck heroes you might need it.

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The last few months were a grueling ordeal fraught with danger, blood, and sweat. It was a time filled with training and testing of both the mind and body for those new members willing to join the crusade against the demons of the Worldwound. Today was the last day of your training and on the morrow you all are to be instilled in the ranks of those willing to fight the holy fight and protect Kenabras, Mendelev, and the world, for if the first should fall, then the next would follow soon after and then the last eventually. To this end each of you have dedicated yourselves in some part to doing what you can to aid in the effort. The final tests passed, whether in sword, sorcery, or skill craft leave you all feeling drained and ready for a night of relaxation, as much relaxation as can be given in the military state that is Kenabras. The best place to enjoy a mug of ale, hear a bard, or talk with veterans is at the Defender’s Heart. By an unspoken agreement you all arrive there.

However it can’t last forever as you must arrive at Clydwell Plaza at noon ready to be presented to Lord Hulrun, ruler of Kenabras, himself for the ceremony. Not only is the ceremony for the new recruits, but tomorrow is the 16th of Arodus, Armasse Day. After the acceptance of new recruits in to the war, the day is filled with jousting tournaments, food, drink, fables, battle reenactments, and other festival activities. Indeed it is a day to celebrate and one of which lifts the spirits of its people for the rest of the year, for people will talk about the past festival for 6 months only to turn around and speculate on the upcoming festival in 6 months’ time. It is also a chance to see the elite of the city present and interact with them on an individual basis. Rumor has it that Terendelev, the ancient silver dragon and guardian of the city, was to make an appearance even. All this and more you hear as you arrive at the Defender’s Heart.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar strides into the Defender's Heart, surrounded by good friends and companions all.

"I know it would be unseemly to drink too heavily too early or to arrive at the ceremony drunk, but a single drink, or maybe two, shouldn't ruin anyone, eh?"

He seats himself at a table large enough to accomodate the entire group and orders a pitcher of ale and mugs all around. He pours himself a half mug of the golden liquid and sips it slowly. Moderation seems the order of the day and accedes to that rule.

When all have helped themselves, he raises his mug and flashes a smile at the others. "To the defense of Kenabras!"

Kimroth Otai, proprietor and owner of the inn, brings the pitcher and mugs around with a flourish despite having lost most of one arm to a demon years before while being a crusader himself. Oh ho, a fresh group of recruits joining up tomorrow I take it. Well then let me buy your first round then as a thank you for services yet to be rendered. If you make it long, by the gods, you'll have paid me back 50 times with the trips in here you will. Until then enjoy the drink. Know this though tht I won't tolerate drunkeness on my premises. We got more to worry about the someone being killed in a drunken stupor. You can each get your three drinks, but no more.

Kimroth Otai is a man that was used to the front lines and longs to be back there again. He knows though that it will never happen with most of his arm missing. As such he loves to hear the stories of those that have been in the trenches so to speak. After a few such stories he invariably will tell his own tale to those that will listen.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Pakak takes a seat near Maelchar. The dwarf's expression is as solemn as ever.

"I know it would be unseemly to drink too heavily too early or to arrive at the ceremony drunk, but a single drink, or maybe two, shouldn't ruin anyone, eh?"

"As you say," Pakak's deep voice rumbles in reluctant agreement, "I can handle ceremony. I'm far less comfortable with celebration."

He gets his own his own mug and sips.

When all have helped themselves, he raises his mug and flashes a smile at the others. "To the defense of Kenabras!"

Pakak raises his own anyway, despite his dour commentary about celebrations, he is loyal to the cause.

. Oh ho, a fresh group of recruits joining up tomorrow I take it. Well then let me buy your first round then as a thank you for services yet to be rendered. If you make it long, by the gods, you'll have paid me back 50 times with the trips in here you will. Until then enjoy the drink. Know this though tht I won't tolerate drunkeness on my premises. We got more to worry about the someone being killed in a drunken stupor. You can each get your three drinks, but no more.

"No fear, Master Otai. And our thanks for the purchase of the first round. I hope we can do honor to those who have served before us, such as yourself."

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Oriana walked in with her brothers, Maelchar on one side, So'rien on the other, as was their way since childhood. She would always be considered the youngest and one to be protected. Oriana did not mind such attentive brothers for she knew the value of their hearts and valor.

Maelchar spoke first and Oriana listened silently, surveying the room and people inside the Defender's Heart. She agreed with the eldest, only a drink or two this night.

After her brothers had filled their mugs, Oriana filled her own with the ale and held her mug aloft in ready toast. In a voice that was neither soft nor loud, she joined in Maelchar's pledge, "To the defense of Kenabras, in Iomedae's name I pledge my hand and heart", she added the last as was her way.

your welcome. Just do me the favor and the rest of Kenabras and don't get yourselves killed on your first mission. Too many recruits think they are the new Yaniel come to save us and lead us into the worldwound itself. They die quick enough, that they do.

know local DC13:

Yaniel was a paladin who saw corruption in the hierarchy. When she voiced her suspicions they were ignored. Furious she entered the Worldwound to wreak vengeance on the demons she could find there. Or two years she was gone and assumed dead. During that time though she found pockets of resistance and survivors. Gathering them together she lead the force of nearly 1000 strong back to Kenabras. She was declared a hero. One week later she went out again but was assassinated before she got too far. Her body was never recovered however and some still are unsure as to her exact fate.

Male Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) sorcerer 9 CG Medium outsider (native, azata-blooded) Init +4, Senses darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +10 AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, ) hp 63 F +7, R +7, W +7 Resist acid/cold/elect 5, concent +17
HP 63/63 || Mythic 7/7 || Spells: 4th 6/6 3rd 8/8 2nd 7/8 1st 8/8

So'rien claps Pakak on the back and says Oh don't be so gloomy Pakak. We are about to join the battle of our lives, a little bit of levity is warranted I'd say. After all if life can't be enjoyed, what are we fighting for eh? He sits down and throws his leg comfortably over the chair arm, sipping his drink. As much as So'rien keeps his countenance bright and cheerful, he has a soul of steel when it comes to battle and the fight against the demonic hordes.

When the innkeeper offers the round of drinks So'rien bows and says You good sir...are a gentleman. I will remember you when I am closing the Worldwound for good. Winking to show he is jesting and poking a bit of fun at himself, he turns back to his companions. Mum and Da were pleased that Ori and I were gonna be asigned to the same unit. We been together forever and I don't know how effective I'd be without her. When Ori looks at him in surprise at the praise he continues I'm dead useless with getting this shirt this snowy white. I mean without her I might have to fight in... he covers his mouth in mock horror ...something stained.

Kimroth nods along with Oriana when he heras her oath at the end but not voice it aloud himself. It was too solemn a vow to undertake with his condition but he could appreciate the sentiment.

Turning to the white haired man at the table, Careful with talk like that young man. That type of talk is what can get you into trouble before you realize it. You may jest now in the light here, but it is a different thing all together when you are crossing swords with demons. Clearly he know you are in jest but couldn't help say something in caution lest you end up in his position.

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

You are really going to call Oriana 'Ori'? LOL

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)
So'rien Zeru wrote:

So'rien claps Pakak on the back and says Oh don't be so gloomy Pakak. We are about to join the battle of our lives, a little bit of levity is warranted I'd say. After all if life can't be enjoyed, what are we fighting for eh? He sits down and throws his leg comfortably over the chair arm, sipping his drink. As much as So'rien keeps his countenance bright and cheerful, he has a soul of steel when it comes to battle and the fight against the demonic hordes.

"mmmph" Pakak replies eloquently. "I suppose there's some merit in what you say, but my own mind goes to more serious matters of questions of if we are truly prepared enough or not. There are still so many spells I do not know."


When the innkeeper offers the round of drinks So'rien bows and says You good sir...are a gentleman. I will remember you when I am closing the Worldwound for good. Winking to show he is jesting and poking a bit of fun at himself, he turns back to his companions. Mum and Da were pleased that Ori and I were gonna be asigned to the same unit. We been together forever and I don't know how effective I'd be without her. When Ori looks at him in surprise at the praise he continues I'm dead useless with getting this shirt this snowy white. I mean without her I might have to fight in... he covers his mouth in mock horror ...something stained.

"If I could reach the back of your head to smack it, I probably would." Pakak mutters, but there's a fondness to his tone.

your welcome. Just do me the favor and the rest of Kenabras and don't get yourselves killed on your first mission. Too many recruits think they are the new Yaniel come to save us and lead us into the worldwound itself. They die quick enough, that they do.

"No worries on my account. I swear. I know Yaniel was taller, sir." Pakak's expression does not change from the straight one it has on now. Not a whit.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar smiles at Oriana and nods, "Hand and heart. As you say." The slightly troubled look in his eyes only belies that he feels like he might have let the other down a little by not including Iomedae in his initial toast. The slight scowl leaves his face quickly though, letting the niggling thought go. It didn't do to dwell on such things.

The free first drink was a welcome gift and he turned to Kimroth after the toast. "Thank you for your gift of a free drink. As you say, I'm sure we will be eager customers whenever we have leave in the future."

"I feel like we are long overdue this chance to serve. Two generations of those we schooled with have served already, and here we are, just starting out." Though the last was directed mostly at Oriana and So'rien, it applies to Pakak as well in a way, being also of a long-lived race.

Male Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) sorcerer 9 CG Medium outsider (native, azata-blooded) Init +4, Senses darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +10 AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, ) hp 63 F +7, R +7, W +7 Resist acid/cold/elect 5, concent +17
HP 63/63 || Mythic 7/7 || Spells: 4th 6/6 3rd 8/8 2nd 7/8 1st 8/8

It could be "Or" lol

Turning to the man, all look of jest vanishes as he looks at the man squarely I will do my duty sir. You need have no fear of that.

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Oriana noted the troubled look in her eldest brother Maelchar's eyes and wondered at it, but held her tongue before the others. She would ask him when they were alone, just the three of them.

She lifted her mug toward Kimroth Otai in gratitude, "Thank you for the drink, Master Otai, and we will heed your counsel on the battlefield."

At her twin's mocking jest regarding his snow-white shirt possibly stained, Oriana scowled and then rolled her eyes. She was used to such statements from So'rien and did not engage him in witty repartee for she was not his equal in such things. She was however surprised at the swiftness of So'rien's contrition upon Kimroth Otai's reprimand. It was good he heeded the elder.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

yes, really going to call you two Ori and Sori, can't help myself, but after so many years, he's gotta have nicknames for you, lol...

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Actually, it will be okay. :) Oriana adores both her brothers and she would do and forgive them anything. Having pet names makes sense since they grew up together. So no worries. lol

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

in more formal situations, he'll call them by their full names of course, but in casual company, the nicknames come more naturally. feel free to call Maelchar Mael or something like that (name's pronounced 'Mel-char' btw, so his nickname could be 'Mel' lol)

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

I like 'Mael' for short. Thanks. :)

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

Entering the Tavern somewhat later than the rest is a stocky man in with a shield slung over his back. "Hail cousins," he says in his quiet voice. "and Master Pakak. How fare thee all?" Garith Mordrand, a very distant cousin of Oriana and So'rien, met the Zeru in training as he had heard his cousins. Not as excited as his relations for combat, he is honor-bound to use his martial prowess for the crusade more than anything. Yet even as he lacks such zeal for the crusade, he is full of warmth and smiles at his mates, glad to be in their unit as well.

He takes the drink waiting for him at the table with a wave to Kimroth, "Master Otai" Then to his companions he says, "Thank you for getting one for me. Don't know when out next chance for such revelry shall be, and i'd have to wait even longer to begin,"

He drinks deeply before joking with Pakak, "This strong enough for you my friend, meet your standards? Sadly I can't tell a good ail from what most dwarves call frosted piss, so i never know the quality of a brew."

As they talk, Garith suggests, "How about a song! I think a sombre tune, yet one full of hope is most appropriate, eh?"

Taking a moment to clear his throat he begins, in a soft tenor that carries well he begins to sing a personal favorite of his, All Shall Fade
Perform: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Home is behind,
The world ahead.
And there are many paths to tread...

Through shadow,
To the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight.

Mist and Shadow,
Cloud and Shade,
All shall Fade.

All shall…

… fade.
I almost imagine the bar quieting down somewhat and sounding like the recording with that roll =P

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

"Greetings, Garith." Pakak nods

He drinks deeply before joking with Pakak, "This strong enough for you my friend, meet your standards? Sadly I can't tell a good ail from what most dwarves call frosted piss, so i never know the quality of a brew."

The dwarf snorts, "I'll not insult our host by commenting on how most human ales are as weak as rainwater, and have less flavor than dew from a leaf compared to that of Dwarven make. At least this house has some good choices though."

Then Garith listens to the song and is caught up in it for a moment. He stars at the fire for a bit, eyes seemingly lost in the waver of the flame. When the song ends, he nods, "You're in fine voice tonight."

The crowd grows quieter as the soft strains flow from Garith's voice. At first some are taken off guard by the lyrics but the melody stirs them all the same. As the song continues there isn't a soul that isn't listening. At the end, there is a few seconds pause as those that have been enamored with the song wait for another verse. When none is forthcoming, all raise their glasses high in tribute and thanks. A few of them even even toss a few coins your way as is the custom among bards and minstrel.

Earn 3d10 ⇒ (1, 10, 8) = 19 sp for your performance Garith.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar listens to the tune, smiling up until the somber ending, when his mien turns serious along with the song. He peers at Garith appraisingly. The lad had shown promise on the practice fields for sure and had more than proven himself, but this was the first time Mael had heard him sing with such quiet passion and power in the song. He was impressed.

He turns to Pakak. "I'm sorry if the drink I ordered isn't to your tastes. I'd rather forgotten we had a connoisseur among our ranks when I placed the order. I'm sure Mister Otai has brews more to your taste. How about you order the next pitcher, and I will pay for it, eh?" He smiles warmly at Pakak, sure the dwarf will have a good knowledge of what makes a proper ale.

Sovereign Court

Angelkin Aasimar - (Status: Normal) SS 12/G 5 | HP:30/136 (-1wis drain) | AC: 32(33) [39] | CMD: 31 | F:16/R:13/W:13 MP:8/13 (RadMP:2/2) Aura 20ft DC:19 to Teleport

"Thank you Pakak. Thank you everyone. It bring me gladness to know you enjoyed my song. he says to the patrons. "Well i guess i'll get out third round then,"

He leans in to Maelchar, and says quietly, "Smile my friend. While serious, it is a song of hope. For while our path is a dangerous one, even the darkest shadows and thickest fogs of war shall fade in the light. At least that is what it means to me." with a smile so full of warmth, that even his sad eyes twinkle with hope.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)
He turns to Pakak. "I'm sorry if the drink I ordered isn't to your tastes. I'd rather forgotten we had a connoisseur among our ranks when I placed the order. I'm sure Mister Otai has brews more to your taste. How about you order the next pitcher, and I will pay for it, eh?" He smiles warmly at Pakak, sure the dwarf will have a good knowledge of what makes a proper ale.

"No, it's alright. I won't be drinking that much tonight anyway."

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"The ending seemed fatalistic is all, and got me to thinking such thoughts. Pay no heed to my mood, I'm fine," he says to Garith with the warm smile returned.

He turns to Pakak. "I don't think any of us are drinking that much tonight, even the innkeep said he'd limit us to three drinks each, but I was only planning on two myself, just to be sure I am on my game. If you don't want any more tonight though, take my offer as a promise for the future - next time we gather, I will buy the first round of an ale of your choosing." Mael sips slowly from his drink, which was only a half mug to begin with.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

"Maybe after our first victory then, that will be a good time," the dwarf says if it comes

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"Fair enough. To our first victory, then," he says, raising his mug again in a salute toward Pakak's suggestion.

And victory it shall be, as I have no intention of failing in my first mission, whatever that might be. Especially not with such valiant companions at my side.

Time to get started...good luck

Armasse officially began at noon, with the blessing of the festival by Lord Hulrun himself, ruler of Kenabres. The crowd gathered in Clydwell Plaza quieted as the aged inquisitor took the stage, clad in shining, resplendent armor. The newest recruits looking resplendent in their gear arraigned before him on the field. He cleared his throat, but just as he was about to speak, a bright light shone from the west, as if the sun were rising from the wrong direction. Hulrun's shadow fell huge and distorted across the cathedral's facade. A moment later, the sound of a thunderous explosion ripped through the air and earth, along with a violent tremor.

To the west, the fortress known as the Kite-the location of Kenabras's wardstone-had vanished. In its place, a brilliant plume of red fire, lightning, and smoke erupted into the heavens.

A moment later, a powerful roar accompanied a welcome sight rising from the crowd-Kenabras's greatest guardian, the ancient silver dragon Terendelev, who had until that moment been attending the opening ceremony disguised as a human. Above, another form appeared, as nightmarish as the dragon was breathtaking. A humanoid shape three times the size of any man, with skin coated in fire and lightning, gripped a flaming sword and whip. The creature's identity was immediately obvious: Khorramzadeh, the Storm King of the Worldwound, had come to Kenabras!

As the ground continued to shake and disgorge demons into the streets, the dragon and the balor lord clashed above. The fight was over in a few harrowing moments, as the balor cut deep into Terendelev's body, swooping down to strike the dragon and arresting her charge. A few more blows, and the titanic duo spiraled downward toward the crowd. The sight of the dragon smashing into the facade of the Cathedral of St. Clydwell is one no witness would ever forget. At that moment, a titanic demon erupted at the far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to ruins as it smashed into this world. The rift it created shot across the plaza, and this time there was no escape-it opened below your feet, angling away into darkness.

Even as you fell, the dragon noticed your plight. Though she saw death standing over her, she seized this final chance to save a few more souls. After she uttered a few arcane words and stretched out a bleeding talon, you felt her magic take hold of you, slowing your plummet into the darkness as if you were feathers falling into a pit. Go and fulfill your destiny.

Yet the fall remained as inexorable, and as you drifted downward into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword lashing out and cleaving full through her neck. As her severed head fell, the rift above you slammed shut, and the light of the world above was gone.


Blinking rapidly a few of you continue to open your eyes but to no avail. Rubbing your eyes to clear them has no effect as the pitch black space before you has not a shred of light in it. All of you can hear the sounds of rocks continuing to clatter to the ground around you. The sounds are muffled but you can hear the sounds of at least three others nearby although you can't see them. One is screaming for help crying out in pain, somewhere to the south of you. Someone, anyone, I am trapped under some rocks. Please help!

Moving gingerly you all feel sore and bruised but nothing too damaging for your fall through the underground of Kenabras.

Those with darkvision:
Those with darkvision can see that you have fallen into a large cavern easily over a hundred feet wide if not more. The west end is covered and blocked from floor to ceiling with large boulders from the cave in. In addition to the six of you you can all see the shapes of three other people down here. One of which has been caught by the falling debris.

Just to the south and west you see a large spider also sitting amongst the large boulders. Map above.

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Using her darkvision, and shaking off her sore body which was hit by the falling rock and debris, Oriana gave prayer for the fallen dragon who saved their lives and attempted to determine who the person trapped under the rock was.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

In a low voice so as to not draw the spider's attention, "Brothers, do you see it? Sitting atop the boulders?"

Male Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) sorcerer 9 CG Medium outsider (native, azata-blooded) Init +4, Senses darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +10 AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, ) hp 63 F +7, R +7, W +7 Resist acid/cold/elect 5, concent +17
HP 63/63 || Mythic 7/7 || Spells: 4th 6/6 3rd 8/8 2nd 7/8 1st 8/8

So'rien looks around in dismay when he lands. The Ancient One, I cannot believe he is gone. Breaking from his melancholy, So'rien begins to try and organize his companions. Maelchar, Gorik, try and free those trapped to the north. Pakak, Oriana, try and free the one to the south. Mr. Shin and I will try and keep the spider busy while you free them.

All of a sudden, the spider begins to glow with whispy purple fire, giving illumination in the dark but also outlining it for all to see.

Mr. Shin meanwhile, begins to hop about in front of the spider, tempting it with a target.

Cast Faerie Fire as a spell like ability on the squares the spider is in. Mr. Shin moves to Q15 and goes into full defense.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar walks the 10 feet to the nearest person and bends down by his side... "Are you alright? Can you move?" He tries to assess the fellow's condition.

heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

He keeps a wary eye on the spider during all of this, ready to create a weapon and fight if necessary.

Wary but did too much to actually have a readied action... but hopefully not flatfooted to the spider if it does come after him

To the voice from the south, he calls out, "SOmeone will be with you in a moment, try not to move around too much. You might cause further cave-in. We will help you."

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)
To the west, the fortress known as the Kite-the location of Kenabras's wardstone-had vanished. In its place, a brilliant plume of red fire, lightning, and smoke erupted into the heavens.

"The wardstone, it's all that's holding back the..." But Pakak's comment is lost in the sound of a powerful roar as Terendelev rises! The Silver Dragon gives him hope, but that hope is soon dashed.

Khorramzadeh descends as Terendelev rises, and they clash. Demons pour through the streets, and Pakak gives a soft prayer to Torag and readies his cold iron weapon.
"I'm sorry we won't be having that victory drink, Maelchar but we shall make a mark before this is over..." The pit opens and they start to fall...

And then, the great silver saves them. At least for now, even as the noble wyrm dies.


Blinking rapidly a few of you continue to open your eyes but to no avail. Rubbing your eyes to clear them has no effect as the pitch black space before you has not a shred of light in it. All of you can hear the sounds of rocks continuing to clatter to the ground around you. The sounds are muffled but you can hear the sounds of at least three others nearby although you can't see them. One is screaming for help crying out in pain, somewhere to the south of you. " Someone, anyone, I am trapped under some rocks. Please help!"

"Stay calm!" Pakak bellows. Then nods and makes his way as directed. "Me without a light spell for the others... "

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

"On the way, brother. Come, Patak."

Oriana cautiously moves the 30 feet to the one trapped to the south of the spider. I had her take the longer route down to not be too close to the spider.

Oriana is at U:12 now.

With an eye on the spider, she bends down, "Can you manage to slide out from under the rock?" and begins assessing the male's condition.

Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Pakak being slower, follows Oriana, not covering as much ground, though his feel for the stone makes him more certain than others might be.

The sudden glow of light illuminates the spider allowing those without darkvision to see the monstrosity. The abdomen of the spider wriggles violently as it looks like it is trying to free itself.

Oriana and Maelchar or DC:12 perception:
You two can see that the spider is dead but it is something within the abdomen that is causing the movement.

map updated above

Maelchar the man before you is bleeding profusely and has a horrendous wound slashed across his face ruining both of his eyes. Beyond that you can't tell what other condition he is in. As you speak to him he responds tersely Yes, I can walk. Now who are you? Tell me quick so I may figure out how to get us out of here.

sense motive DC:20 all that can hear him:

Even though he sounds like a man used to being in charge, you detect a slight tremble in the voice. Clearly he is in a bit of shock but is trying to maintain his strong demeanor and leadership role.

male human Ranger 4

Oriana, your ministrations have revealed that the man is hardly damaged at all. Only minor cuts and bruises ail him. As for being trapped, it is only his long cloak that is pinned under some of the rocks. With some help he should easily be freed. With the slight light from fairie fire he shouts out at you. Come now, hurry and free me. Don't you know who I am. Are you a healer? If so, then good as I am in terrible agony from the fall. If not, then once you free me, find one.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

"And who might you be?" An aside, "Something in the spider's abdomen is moving, my friends."

male human Ranger 4

None of your concern until I get freed and my wounds taken care of. Besides who are you, you little runt. Now are you going to get me out of here or just stand there gawking?

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer)-9 (Mythic Archmage 2)(Current HP 54/62)

The dwarf snorts. There's some truth to what the man says about his size, Pakak IS short and scrawny by dwarven standards. "I am Pakak Ironwall. And if you do not wish to share you name, do not ask surprised when folks don't know your identity." Suspicious, Pakak casts detect magic on the man and the area bout him.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Knowledge skills galore if any would fit :)

Male Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) sorcerer 9 CG Medium outsider (native, azata-blooded) Init +4, Senses darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +10 AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, ) hp 63 F +7, R +7, W +7 Resist acid/cold/elect 5, concent +17
HP 63/63 || Mythic 7/7 || Spells: 4th 6/6 3rd 8/8 2nd 7/8 1st 8/8

Mr. Shin moves over and begins to inspect the wriggling abdomen. So'rien moves over to help.

So'rien perception: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Mr. Shin Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

Hey guys; sorry for the delay – I had some personal issues come up.

I’m not sure how this is going to play out; either way – I’m here.

The dust swirled slowly from the ground around the booted feet of the man who moved over the dirt and dust.

The sounds of noise startled him, and he turned his attention to the sound of the commotion.

Moving over the ground he spies several people gathered around a fallen man.

Not certain what is going on, he moves to them and looks at the fallen man.

Turning to the most likely of the crew Assuming that’s Sir Garith he bows before him.

”Greetings,” he says simply.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

"My name is Maelchar Zeru, and I am an Oracle of Iomedae. Let me help you. I don't think I can restore your sight, but I can heal your wounds." My friends and I will try to guide you out of here.

He casts a cure light spell on the man.

cure light wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

"What is your name, good sir?" he asks after casting the heal spell. He gives him just enough time to answer before continuing on.

"There is another here, also injured by the fall, I need to help her as well... Please wait here while I see to her. I will be back for you in a moment."

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

Horgus N Gwerm wrote:
Oriana, your ministrations have revealed that the man is hardly damaged at all. Only minor cuts and bruises ail him. As for being trapped, it is only his long cloak that is pinned under some of the rocks. With some help he should easily be freed. With the slight light from fairie fire he shouts out at you. Come now, hurry and free me. Don't you know who I am. Are you a healer? If so, then good as I am in terrible agony from the fall. If not, then once you free me, find one.

"I have checked your person and you have no great, bleeding wounds, therefore you do not require healing for some minor cuts and bruises. Our fall was lessened by the magic of the ancient one who lost her life for us." Oriana gave the cloak a good tug and it was released from the rocks.

"You are freed. It was naught but your cloak caught in the rock. Do you require assistance to stand? And please do not call your rescuer here a runt. Patak deserves better consideration. I ask you, most politely, what is your name, sir?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 Haha. Sounds about right ...


Clearly appeased somewhat by you helping him and mending his wounds, the man answers. While still crisp, his voice does not have the edge it may have had before. I am Aravashinal and thank you for your assistance. Once you are done yonder, come back here so we may formulate a plan on how to adequately escape from this place. Once you are back then we must take a roll call so we know who we have and their abilities. We must plan effectively and to do so I must know what I have to work with.

Taking a few steps once freed, the man answers you Oriana. Indeed, you probably shredded my cloak with such force. Now if you would get a better light then we can leave this place. He completely ignores Papak and his behavior has turned ice cold against you.

Papak, you reveal nothing on the man but behind him you see 6 spots light up like the sun under your magical detection. However you are unable to make out what the objects are or their abilities. It will take you 5 minutes to dig them out.

As Mr. Shin and So'rien near the spider the wriggling gets more violent until with a mighty tear the abdomen burst open spewing forth 2 giant maggots. Even though they have been feeding on the corpse for a few days a fresh meal is too inviting to pass up as they hurry forward to dine on your flesh.

good guy's init:

Ryu 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Maelchar [dcie]d20[/dice]
Pakak 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
So'rien 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Oriana 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Sir Garith 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

bad guys init:

maggots 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12

Bad guys win...

Each of the maggots attack the creature directly in front of them not caring about anything other than blood and food.

GM only:

2d20 ⇒ (5, 7) = 12
2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5

Maggot 1 lunges forward and lasses it maw onto So'rien dealing 4 points of damage.
Maggot 2 misses horribly as Mr. Shin nimbly side steps away.

Your guys turn. Will see you tomorrow.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Maelchar smiles indulgently, though the man cannot see him. "Of course we will all introduce ourselves when it is safe to do so...Please stay here... do not move, as there is a giant spider not far from here, and you don't want to attract its attention. I will be right back."

He moves over to the lady and checks her for wounds. "Hello, Ma'am. I am Maelchar and I am here to help you. Can you tell me what, if anything, is injured?"

Even while asking, he is examining her for wounds and to make sure she is free of the rockfall.

hp 99/101, AC 24 12 23 (21 T12 FF20) , bab +6/+1, melee +9, missile +7, cmb 9, cmd 21, F 12, R 11, W 14 +3 vs mind affect, init +3, MP 8/9 weapon 7/7 angel blooded Aasimar oracle metal 7/mystery cultist 2/mythic 3
Acrobatics -2 bluff 7 craft: weapons 5 diplomacy 16+2 disable 5, heal 5, intimidate 15, know history 6, know planes 9, know religion 11, linguistics 7, perception 13+1 sense motive 9, spellcraft 5, stealth -2, swim 0

Seeing the giant maggots spew forth from the form of the now-known-to-be-dead spider, Maelchar scowls, unsure if the others need his help or not. He finishes examining the woman before making such a decision.

heal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

gah, my d20 die rolls suck

He calls out to So'rien, "Do you need help, brother?

DM Variel wrote:
Your guys turn. Will see you tomorrow.

Not entirely sure if I'm formally there at this time. I'll take my actions if you'd like; just let me know what's up.

hp 75/75, AC 21, T11, FF20, bab +6/+1, melee +9, ranged +7, cmb 9, cmd 20, F +8, R +4, W +9, Init +4, Perc +14 Aasimar (Angelkin) Female Inquisitor/9

DM Variel wrote:
Taking a few steps once freed, the man answers you Oriana. Indeed, you probably shredded my cloak with such force. Now if you would get a better light then we can leave this place. He completely ignores Papak and his behavior has turned ice cold against you.

Oriana was not blind to the cold stare or deaf to the icy tone. It is a cloak and he takes umbrage? The man has no sense. If it had been So'rien instead of her attending this ungrateful man, then he would have had just the right words to charm and succeed to gain the man's name. I do not have time for this nonsense.

"I have no light spell to assist you at this time. If Patak is willing, he can guide you to safer ground over the rock with the available magical light in this underground chamber. Patak, protect this one. I will aid the others."

Turning her golden gaze back to her brothers, she notices the two maggot creatures, one on So'rien and the other by Mr Shin. It seemed the first had take a bite out of her twin. "So'rien!"

Oriana, with longsword in hand, attempted to move as swiftly as possible over the rock and debris to get to her brother's side and aid him against the maggot. She is currently about 50-60 ft from So'rien (so she can see him with her darkvision), so double move to get to him? Is it considered difficult terrain at present due to the rock and debris?

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