The Saga of Chondath

Game Master EltonJ

The PCs are involved with unifying Chondath once again. Starting with Arrabar, and on to convincing the other city states: either through Diplomacy or War. Takes place in 1369 DR.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Here is the gameplay thread for the Saga of Chondath. I'd like everyone to dot here and we can get going once everyone does!

N Human Shifter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 16 (t14, ff12) | CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 | perception +6, sense motive +2 ; initiative +4 | active effects: --


Bladed Brush of Sune 1 | HP 10/10 Nonlethal 0/10 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | CMB +3, CMD 15 | Perception: +6, F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 (+2 vs Death Effects) | Equipped Weapon: Longspear +3 (1d8+4/3 Piercing 10' Reach) | Speed 20/30ft | Active Conditions: *None.* |
0th: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic | 1st (2/2): Bless, CLW

smol dot

Female NG Elf Sun Elf Wizard 1 Female | HP: 13/13 | AC 13/T 13/FF 10 |BAB +0 CMB +0/CMD: 13 |F +0/R +3/W[b] +2|[b] Init +5 | Speed 30 ft.| | Perc +5; Low Light Vision


Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

You know I'm putting my dot down!

Human 1st Warpriest HP11 |F: +4 R:+2 W:+5 | BAB+0|AC: 18|T: 12 |FF: 16|


Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

Ruhk wakes gradually and quite slowly at first, then as he struggles out of the bed, it instead takes a more violent turn.
Not used to the netting, he manages to tangle his foot in it as he exits the bed, and ends up face planting on the floor.

" it going to be one of those days today?
Nah! Tymora will smile on me yet, just wait and see."

As he rises, he favours the mirror ont he wall with a rakish grin, pausing a moment to make sure he gets it just right.

The room is comfortable, but fairly spartan.
There is the bed of course, a side table, a chair and a wardrobe.
The main luxury is the wooden bath tub, which is about to see use in a moment.

Opening the wardrobe, Ruhk lays out his cloths on the bed.
A light robe, of the sort favoured by the beduins of Anarouch, complete with a matching turban.
Nothing spectacular, but comfortable in the heat of the area, and fairly close to the locals style as well.

After a quick and refreshing bath in cold water, Ruhk gets dressed and heads down to seek out breakfast.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Alright lets get started.

It's morning in Arrabar. The Sun is rising. It rained during the night, and it is Spring. Although in a land like Chondath, it's coming to the end of the Rainy Season. The land just got it's drink of water.

You are staying at the Red Lady Inn, and are waking up. Your beds all have mosquito netting, and you've been sleeping soundly through the night. You feel protected at night. At least the mosquitoes haven't been eating you alive. As you wake up, describe your individual rooms and how they are arranged, and your clothing you put on, along with your decisions if you are going to have breakfast in the inn's common room or in your own room.

Remember, you haven't met yet.

Human 1st Warpriest HP11 |F: +4 R:+2 W:+5 | BAB+0|AC: 18|T: 12 |FF: 16|

Anton arose, clad in just his underclothes. He stretches and does his morning prayers. Though not a singer, his cadence and canter was bad, though not horrendous. As he does he does a few push ups and hand stands rolls and kip ups before breaking out his juggling balls and does a few paces.

After he warms up Anton begins to dress, putting on his travelling garb followed by his belt and weapons slowly and painstakingly he puts on his armor followed by his bandoleers full of throwing blades, then even more throwing blades, some on the back of his shield. other on the scabbard of his cutlass. Shuriken's everywhere they can be easily drawn and thrown.

'Now to spread joy and wonder to the masses!" he says as the last item his patchwork cloak is thrown on his shoulders.


In the common room his strides, his gait that of a soft stalking swagger. Skin a rich mahogany the man of Turmic origins and strangely silvery gray hair looks over the room reading the place and wondering who is in need of some cheer!

Female NG Elf Sun Elf Wizard 1 Female | HP: 13/13 | AC 13/T 13/FF 10 |BAB +0 CMB +0/CMD: 13 |F +0/R +3/W[b] +2|[b] Init +5 | Speed 30 ft.| | Perc +5; Low Light Vision

Angoldil closes her spellbook and sighs. With all her spells prepared for the day she dresses in the only clothes she owns. She makes sure her ears are hidden by her cloaks hood knowing the prejudice against elves common to the area. Sinking into the green of the hood gave her the courage to venture out of her room.

Entering the common room she looked around looking for any staff. She hoped they would now where a girl could earn a few gold pieces. Seeing she was not alone she heads to the darkest corner. Without thinking she briefly waves to the stranger before sitting down.

"Hello" she says quietly.

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

As Ruhk enters the common room, he pauses and stretches slowly with a loud groan of pleasure.
It was a calculated move to draw attention to himself.
Because Ruhk just couldn't help himself trying to stand out a bit.

Hearing someone speak he glances over.
The face was hidden, but the voice was clearly female, and that was enough.
Favouring the unseen lady with his best rakish smile (and it was on point, the mirror told him so) he gives her a wink, before heading over to a table of his own.

He knew that most women were less interested in flirting before they had their breakfast and been given a chance to wake up to the day properly.

Ruhk was a gentleman like that.

Bladed Brush of Sune 1 | HP 10/10 Nonlethal 0/10 | AC 18 T 12 FF 16 | CMB +3, CMD 15 | Perception: +6, F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 (+2 vs Death Effects) | Equipped Weapon: Longspear +3 (1d8+4/3 Piercing 10' Reach) | Speed 20/30ft | Active Conditions: *None.* |
0th: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic | 1st (2/2): Bless, CLW

Lady Elizabeth Applestar rises fashionably late.

Her room at the Red Lady inn isn't anything special. A bed and a dresser. It lacks all the luxuries and niceties of her room at the Applestar manor, but then it also lacks the drama. Drama brought on mostly by her cousins. Maybe that's why she decided to stay here.

As part of her daily worship of Sune, she paints a watercolor picture of the street outside her window. She dons a sarashi that shows off her extensive tattoos, light brown linen trousers, and a wide brim straw hat to keep the sun off her skin, then she heads to the common room. Hopefully she's not too late for breakfast.

Human 1st Warpriest HP11 |F: +4 R:+2 W:+5 | BAB+0|AC: 18|T: 12 |FF: 16|

Anton sits down at a table with clear view of the exit as she props his feet up and lounges back to pull out a few small objects. As he does he then whistles a tune as he begins to juggle while looking about.

Perform Comedy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

As he does he awaits the tavern lass or lad who comes forward in hopes to eat. Though he wasn't sure exactly what to get just something before he goes and buskers to spread joy and get coin.

N Human Shifter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 16 (t14, ff12) | CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 | perception +6, sense motive +2 ; initiative +4 | active effects: --

Maia groans as a pounding pain intrudes in her blissful unconsciousness. She forces her eyes open, despite the dazzling sunlight beaming through the crack in the curtains, and grimaces at the slimy feeling of drool-dampened sheets against her cheek. "What did I..." she begins to gripe before realizing that her tongue is far too dry for talking.

gods... how much did I drink last night? Is this a bed? I don't smell anyone else--thankfully--but I hope I didn't waste too much coin last night... I suppose it was my first honest job- that deserves some celebrating... hopefully I at least have enough left for breakfast, and something to stop my head from pounding...

She reaches down, without thinking, to scratch a fresh bug bite on her right ankle, and discovers that she slept with both feet hanging off the bed and out of the net. Luckily, her left foot was protected by the boot it was still wearing and her balled up trousers. By a sheer act of will, she rises from the bed, sighs deeply, and begins putting her pants the rest of the way on, followed by her other boot. She gathers her lightweight leather cuirass and cloak from opposite sides of the small, simple room and pulls them on before grabbing her backpack off the bed and inventorying everything in it. Once she's certain nothing has gone missing (beside the coin she'd wasted), she grabs her pack and heads down to the common room.

When she reaches the public space, she feebly asks a woman with a tray, "can I please get whatever's for breakfast and your weakest bottle of wine?" and then heads for whichever corner is darkest. She scowls at the woman she finds already sitting there, then turns to see which table affords the best view of the door. She scowls at the man sitting there and then returns to the table in the dark corner and plops down without a word in the chair opposite the hooded woman. She groans once more as she turns toward the would-be comedian nearby, then in a labored voice mutters, "hey, c'mon man... it's a bit early for jokes isn't it... some of us are too hungover to laugh right now..."

Human 1st Warpriest HP11 |F: +4 R:+2 W:+5 | BAB+0|AC: 18|T: 12 |FF: 16|

The Comedy roll is for his Juggling as its apparently part of Clowning and Buffoonery. Though I have a good follow up

Anton laughs as he stops his balls and his whistling cease."Why I shall remember that one. I know my face is unflattering, but that is quite the roast. I am Anton Black a follower of the Joybringer, Dancer and juggler with limericks to boost."

N Human Shifter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 16 (t14, ff12) | CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 | perception +6, sense motive +2 ; initiative +4 | active effects: --

lol- sorry, I missed that. nice recovery though!

The wiry young woman sets her arm on the table and lays her head on it like a pillow.

never make an enemy unnecessarily… there’ll be plenty without making more…

With a quiet grumble she sits back up and mutters, “I’m Maia. I didn’t mean to be rude, the whistling was just piercing my brain like… well, like I was super hungover. Don’t mind me. If you need to juggle for change, go ahead.”

Human 1st Warpriest HP11 |F: +4 R:+2 W:+5 | BAB+0|AC: 18|T: 12 |FF: 16|

"Ah I see, reveled a bit to hard. Understandable, Lliira teaches life is full of moments to revel in. Though if you want to know I know a few rememdies for such!" he says as he stands with a flourish of a trained performer.

Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

"Pickles, especially the brine heated will help, as well as the classic Hair of the dog" he says with a warm smile that was genuine and welcoming."Also water, lots of water"

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

At the moment, Ruhk was more than content to observe the other patrons. A follower of the joybringer being present was always pleasant, and the woman he was talking to seemed to not be shy about drinking, which in Ruhk's book was only a plus.

Still, it was best to size people up before wading in, and he didn't want anyone to catch im staring, so he moved his gaze away to observe the rest of the common room.

CG Dwarf Spirit Ranger 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 (t12, ff12) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +6, Sense Motive +4 ; initiative +2 | active effects: --

Igneous wakes up with the moon still in the sky and takes a knee saying prayers to the Moonmaiden for yet another day of freedom. This time, freedom from service. His four years are up and yesterday was Igneous' last day.

Today... today he truly has no idea what to do.

As the sun rises Igneous dresses, he does not don his armor and instead is in his simple explorers outfit. All his worldly possessions packed away and brought with him to the common room. After all, it's not clear if he will even stay for one more night or if he will strike out on the road and stretch his legs. It's been four years since he was free to do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.


Igneous takes a seat closest to the door and orders a breakfast with eggs and pork, he drinks mead, a bit early but why not!? He stares out the door lost in thought. Even though he cannot see it across the water from where he is sitting, he knows it's there, Hlondeth. Though free in body for a decade often in his mind, Igneous is still a prisoner of that place.

The banter of the performer and the female breaks him from his quiet contemplations. He doesn't join in the discussion but he does flip a copper onto the man's table nodding in satisfaction at the entertainment provided.

Igneous is short, just 4' tall but of massive bulk, over 200 lbs it appears to be muscle. His face holds a smile but it seems disingenuous as if pasted on for show since the smile never goes away. His skin is pale but his eyes are a bit sunken and dark. His hair and beard are both short and less blonde and more washed out looking. His travel clothes are a mix of browns and dark greens designed best for fitting in with a forest. Sitting on the table is Lamellar breastplate. On the floor is a backpack stuffed up a few different axe heads and one mace head poking out. Leaning up against the back of his chair is an unstrung longbow probably longer than he is tall.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

A barmaid approaches you all. "One weak cup of wine, actually it's watered down," the barmaid said. "And hash browns and a side of ham. Fully cooked, I assure you. So, do any of you want something for breakfast?"

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

"Dawnfry is you please miss, with a side of dark bread and some heady brew, as black as Cyrics own soul.
That'll do for a start at the very least."

Once again, Ruhk practices his grin, but seeing as a barmaid is probably flirted with quite regularly, he limits himself to a friendly, boyish grin rather than the full on rakish one.

CG Dwarf Spirit Ranger 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 (t12, ff12) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +6, Sense Motive +4 ; initiative +2 | active effects: --

"I suppose I could do with second breakfast, one should never pass up an opportunity for food, you never know when you won't eat for a while.

Hash browns and a side of ham it is. I'll skip watered down wine. Water or beer or maybe both".

Igneous makes a sign to Selune as the name of Cyric is invoked, even for a joke, he turns to Ruhk, "They say the Mad God always listens for whispers of his name, even when not invoked by his followers".

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

Ruhk chuckles, though there is a slight dark tone underneath the mirth.
"Well, too late now, the name is out.
Though perhaps in the future, a less...ah...voyeuristic god might be more suitable.
Like Bane perhaps."

CG Dwarf Spirit Ranger 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 (t12, ff12) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +6, Sense Motive +4 ; initiative +2 | active effects: --

Igneous nods, "Ah the old Tyrant God, indeed what harm can come from the name of a Dead God.

I have found that if one invokes them with enough piety, the Gods do listen and their mercy may shine down upon us. Or their wrath if they have little mercy I suppose".

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

"In at least one, case, you invoke the name to AVOID wrath.
Though I suppose, one could argue that avoiding wrath is to at least TRY to invoke mercy?"

Ruhk laughs and waves a hand dismissively.
"Bah, far too early to get bogged down with theology, don't you agree?
We've not even had breakfast yet.
Well, I haven't at least."

CG Dwarf Spirit Ranger 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 (t12, ff12) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +6, Sense Motive +4 ; initiative +2 | active effects: --

"Ah Umberlee, well I am glad that at least for one night, no such name was invoked.

Perhaps stranger, some say theology and politics should never be spoken in polite company no matter the time of day".

Igneous grins and pats his stomach, "As I said, one never knows when they may find themselves in a precarious position, always wise to eat when the opportunity is presented".

Human 1st Warpriest HP11 |F: +4 R:+2 W:+5 | BAB+0|AC: 18|T: 12 |FF: 16|

" Eggs, Bacon, Bread and cheese please, with please" Anton says as he puts away his balls and goes to sit back down.

" Gods spoken oft listen, or so my teachers told me." Anton speaks up so the others can here.

" So curry not the favor of the dark gods, least you seek the whisphers or dark power. Its better to instead seek out so.ethinf you enjoy. Personally I myself always enjoyed festivals. So here I am a Mummer in the service of Lliira" he proclaims smiling as he leans back once more in hist seat.

Female NG Elf Sun Elf Wizard 1 Female | HP: 13/13 | AC 13/T 13/FF 10 |BAB +0 CMB +0/CMD: 13 |F +0/R +3/W[b] +2|[b] Init +5 | Speed 30 ft.| | Perc +5; Low Light Vision

Angoldil notes each of the strangers as they enter the room. One man smiled her way causing her to check her hood to make sure it was still in place. One man brought out some juggling balls and was quite amusing with them.

She held her breath for a moment as a dwarf entered the room. She remembered being told that some dwarves disliked elves. Having never met one she didn't know if it was true.

When the barmaid asked if anyone wanted anything she felt her nearly empty purse and pulled out the copper pieces. She sighed and made the decision. Pulling off her hood and held her hand open to the girl and she asked "What can I get for this?"

She has 5 copper pieces

CG Dwarf Spirit Ranger 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 (t12, ff12) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +6, Sense Motive +4 ; initiative +2 | active effects: --

The dwarf peers at the elf less surprised by her appearance versus what is in her hands, several copper only. He waits to see what the barmaid's response is before saying anything further.

N Human Shifter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 16 (t14, ff12) | CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 | perception +6, sense motive +2 ; initiative +4 | active effects: --

“I don’t care what gods you talk about,” Maia offers as she picks up the cup of watered down wine, “but could you please talk quieter?”

She chugs the liquid and then stares apathetically at the hash browns and ham on the plate in front of her for a moment. “Here,” she adds, pushing the plate across the table to the broke girl she’d sat with, “on me.”

gods know I wasted enough coin last night, no sense being stingy now… and didn’t I ask for a bottle…

“Another, miss, please,” she calls after the waitress, holding up her empty glass, “and some bread… fresh baked if you have it… please…”

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Angoldil Luithoriel wrote:

Angoldil notes each of the strangers as they enter the room. One man smiled her way causing her to check her hood to make sure it was still in place. One man brought out some juggling balls and was quite amusing with them.

She held her breath for a moment as a dwarf entered the room. She remembered being told that some dwarves disliked elves. Having never met one she didn't know if it was true.

When the barmaid asked if anyone wanted anything she felt her nearly empty purse and pulled out the copper pieces. She sighed and made the decision. Pulling off her hood and held her hand open to the girl and she asked "What can I get for this?"

She has 5 copper pieces

"I can get you three pancakes for those copper pieces," says the girl.

Maia Blackwing wrote:
“Another, miss, please,” she calls after the waitress, holding up her empty glass, “and some bread… fresh baked if you have it… please…”

"As you wish, hon," says the waitress. She wrote that down and returned to the kitchens.

CG Dwarf Spirit Ranger 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 (t12, ff12) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +6, Sense Motive +4 ; initiative +2 | active effects: --

Igneous chuckles at the hungover woman, thinking it would probably be better to nurse her headache in her rom than in a common room but he does not bother to retort. He does not act further on the elf maiden's situation once the hung over female offers her food up and the waitress does indeed verify that the elf will eat.

Instead he sits back and once more stares blankly at the door, pondering how far he has come while not being very far at all from where he started...

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

Ruhk chuckles at Maia and gives her a grin.
"Now, you suffering the after effects of a hard night is not really a problem that I'd describe as "mine", but...I feel the conversation was more or less over either way, so I'll good."

"Besides, nothing quiets the mouth like a good meal.
dig in, I know I will."

Female NG Elf Sun Elf Wizard 1 Female | HP: 13/13 | AC 13/T 13/FF 10 |BAB +0 CMB +0/CMD: 13 |F +0/R +3/W[b] +2|[b] Init +5 | Speed 30 ft.| | Perc +5; Low Light Vision

"I'll take those pancakes miss" placing the coins on the table before her.

Turning to the woman who sat down next to her and smiling sweetly "Thank you. But I prefer to pay my own way at the moment. Perhaps if I knew you name? I'm called Rowan by most."

N Human Shifter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 16 (t14, ff12) | CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 | perception +6, sense motive +2 ; initiative +4 | active effects: --

"I thought I..." the girl begins before trailing off. She gives a little shrug and answers, "I'm Maia. I'd take your coppers for the ham and potatoes, though it seems you've already spent them. Oh well. Maybe I'll try the ham with the fresh bread if they have some- it just looks kind of greasy on its own, for the state my stomach's in right now..."

Female NG Elf Sun Elf Wizard 1 Female | HP: 13/13 | AC 13/T 13/FF 10 |BAB +0 CMB +0/CMD: 13 |F +0/R +3/W[b] +2|[b] Init +5 | Speed 30 ft.| | Perc +5; Low Light Vision

"Sorry. I'm a little nervous you did say your name before. I just forgot until you said it again." She looks around and leans forward to whisper "My kind aren't loved around here"

N Human Shifter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 16 (t14, ff12) | CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 | perception +6, sense motive +2 ; initiative +4 | active effects: --

”Don’t worry,” Maia answers, watching impatiently for the waitress’ return, “I’m in no spot to judge anyone else- especially not for something silly like the shape of the ears.”

CG Dwarf Spirit Ranger 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 (t12, ff12) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +6, Sense Motive +4 ; initiative +2 | active effects: --

Waiting on second breakfast, Igneous listens to the interaction between the women but does not interject.

N Human Shifter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 16 (t14, ff12) | CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 | perception +6, sense motive +2 ; initiative +4 | active effects: --

That should say “the shape of their ears”… I got autocorrected and didn’t notice until it was too late. Sorry.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Maia Blackwing wrote:
”Don’t worry,” Maia answers, watching impatiently for the waitress’ return, “I’m in no spot to judge anyone else- especially not for something silly like the shape of the ears.”

The waitress returns, with a loaf of fresh baked bread, a plate of pancakes, and another plate of ham and hash browns. "This should go for you, young woman," she says. "And a plate of pancakes for you, miss elf."

N Human Shifter 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 16 (t14, ff12) | CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 | perception +6, sense motive +2 ; initiative +4 | active effects: --

"But I..." Maia protests as she slumps forward on the table. "I just wanted another weak wine... or two..."

that's why I showed you my empty glass... why did I stay at an inn... the bed was amazing but I'm going to be broke again by the time I get out of here...

"What am I gonna do with all this food?"

CG Dwarf Spirit Ranger 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 (t12, ff12) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +6, Sense Motive +4 ; initiative +2 | active effects: --

Igneous chuckles at Maia, "Fear not Maia, is it? I am Igneous and I think that might be my order of has browns and ham! If you are hungry, have at it, if not, I'll claim the plate".

Human 1st Warpriest HP11 |F: +4 R:+2 W:+5 | BAB+0|AC: 18|T: 12 |FF: 16|

" So much food are we going for a celebration? Maybe to new friends?" he says beaming a waem welcoming smile.

CG Dwarf Spirit Ranger 1 | HP 17/17 | AC 14 (t12, ff12) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 | Perception +6, Sense Motive +4 ; initiative +2 | active effects: --

Igneous shrugs, "Perhaps.

I celebrate my final day in the mercenary company, I am my own once more no longer Subject to orders of my superiors. What is next I do not know"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"That was what was ordered," the waitress said.

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