Jeevika Kailani |

Making a note here so I have it declared.
1) If Karzoug targets with her a spell, Jeevika will expend her Moment of Prescience to get a +22 bonus.
2) If she rolls a Natural 1 on any spell Karzoug casts on her, she will use Borrow Fortune to get a reroll.

Eugeni Silva |

Can I have done this before we went in? I kind of missed what was happening with the move and everything, but I had intended to cast shield, shapechanger's gift and displacement on myself before we pushed.

Eugeni Silva |

Can I have done this before we went in? I kind of missed what was happening with the move and everything, but I had intended to cast shield, shapechanger's gift and displacement on myself before we pushed.
Answer please?

DM Thron |

Explanation of my silence: had to get a new phone post vacation, and have also been working fairly consistently since returning. So I don’t have my pdf of the book on the phone to try and update properly from it even if I had the time.
I have Tuesday/Wednesday off, for now. So...unless the wife develops a massive “Honey-Do” list by then, I should be able to take some time Tuesday morning to reference my books and get an update up.

DM Thron |

Been a hectic stretch for me lately. Had some life things crop up that have kept me occupied, and picked up a second job to try and help out with some financial strains I’ve been having. If I’m a bit more silent than usual, please don’t take it as a lack of interest.
I will continue posting as I can, but anything involving heavy mechanics posts may be slower than usual from me. Please be patient with me.

Zoli Tileani |

OK, I just did 203 to it (56 of which was nonlethal). It seems pretty beat up. Let's try to take it down, but not kill it.
Z (and I as player) would still love to figure out what gives here.

Jeevika Kailani |

Making a note here about Eugeni's Wand of Infernal Healing usage:
-Eugeni used six charges to get back to full health.
-Setsuna's second Wand of Infernal Healing is now completely spent: 0/50 leftover.
-Setsuna's third Wand of Infernal Healing now has 49/50 leftover.

Zoli Tileani |

Hey team, Thron just--understandably--needed to get some sleep.
Currently under determination is if Z survived K's latest spell. Details if you have thoughts:
0. Shield Other active (with Lion shielding Zoli). I'm not clear on exact number but started at something like Lion at ~30 HP and Zoli at ~140 HP.
1. Karzoug blasts them both with Wail of the Banshee, dealing something like ~200 dam to each.
What happens then?
I believe the 200 directed at Z gets split evenly, and so--the instant the spell resolves--300 dam resolves against Lion and 100 dam resolves against Z.