About Eugeni SilvaEugeni is pronounced ay/eh-ooh-HEY-ni, not you-gee-ni or you-gay-ni. Eugeni
Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +17
Weaknesses light blindness (negated by Lenses of Darkness)
Special Attacks arcane reservoir (19), arcanist exploits (greater metamagic knowledge II, metamagic knowledge, potent magic (spend 1 point, caster level +2/DC +2), metamixing, consume spells Bloodline:Orc Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th; concentration +20)
0 (9/day) - All 1st (9/day) - alarm, ant haul, blood money, charm person, endure elements, grease, infernal healing, interrogation, mage armor, magic missile, mindlink, mount, prot. evil, ray of enfeeblement, shield, silent image, snowball, vanish, windy escape 2nd (5/day) - blur, blindness/deafness, defending bone, detect thoughts, false life, glitterdust, hideous laughter, invisibility, locate object, minor image, mirror image, protecton from evil (communal), resist energy, scorching ray, see invis., web 3rd (4/day) - arcane sight, battering blast, beast shape I, dispel magic, displacement, fireball, fractions of heal and harm, haste, heroism, major image, nondetection, slow, vampiric touch 4th (4/day) - black tentacles, confusion, dimension door, dimensional anchor, dream shield, evervation, greater invis, locate creature, phantasmal killer, nondetection (communal), stoneskin, stone shape, telekinetic charge 5th (4/day) - animal growth, break enchantment, dominate person, fabricate, feeblemind, icy prison, life bubble, major creation, overland flight, permanancy, shapechanger's gift, sending, shadow evocation, telekinesis, teleport, transmute rock to mud, wall of force 6th (3/day) - chains of light, contingency, dispel magic (greater), disintegrate, flesh to stone, greater heroism, mage's decree, permanent image, repulsion, stone to flesh, summon monster VI, true seeing, veil 7th (2/day) - banishment, create demiplane (lesser), ethereal jaunt, fey form III, limited wish, mage's magnificent mansion, plane shift, power word (blind), simulacrum, scrying (greater), shapechanger's gift (greater), teleport (greater), vision 8th - create demiplane, clone, discern location, iron body, mind blank, polymorph any object, maze, power word (stun), trap the soul Typical Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 17th; concentration +26 (+27 cast defensively), spell penetration +21 (+25 for BB))
(one free metamagic on battering blast, -2 final spell level for metamagic battering blast.)
Traits: Magical Lineage (Battering Blast), Metamagic Master (Battering Blast) Feats Bloodmage Initiate (Evocation), Dazing Spell, Empower Spell, Greater Spell Penetration, quicken spell* (GMK), Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Perfection (Battering Blast), Spell Penetration, Spell Specialization (Battering Blast), Varisian Tattoo (Evocation), maximize spell (GMK II), intensify spell Skills Acrobatics +21, Fly +22, Knowledge (arcana) +26, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15, Know (geography) +15, Know (history) +15, Knowledge (local) +26, Knowledge (nature) +15, Knowledge (planes) +26, Knowledge (religion) +17, Linguistics +26, Perception +18, Perform (sing) +10, Sleight of Hand +8, Spellcraft +28, Use Magic Device +22 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Elven, Giant, Orc, Thassilonian, 16 more SQ arcane focus Combat Gear ring of wizardry II, extend metamagic rod (1/3), lesser extend metamagic rod (0/3), scroll of arcane sight, greater infernal healing, teleport (CL 15th); Other Gear belt of physical might +6 (Dex, Con), cloak of resistance +5, headband of vast intelligence +6, lenses of darkness, orange prism ioun stone, ring of sustenance, Cracked pale green prism ioun stone arcanist starting spellbook, blessed book, sihedron ring, ring of freedom of movement, scarab of protection, 6699.63 gp --------------------
Bloodline Arcana You gain the orc subtype, including darkvision 60 feet and light sensitivity. If you already have darkvision, its range increases to 90 feet. Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled. Strength of the Beast (Ex): At 9th level, you gain a +2 inherent bonus to your Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th level, and to +6 at 17th level. Blood Havoc Whenever you cast an arcanist spell that deals damage, add 1 point of damage per die rolled. This benefit applies only to damaging spells that belong to schools you have selected with Spell Focus or that are bloodline spells for your bloodline. Fearless (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain a +4 bonus on saving throws made against fear and a +1 natural armor bonus. At 9th level, you lose your light sensitivity, gain immunity to fear, and your natural armor bonus increases to +2. Arcane Focus (Ex) +2 to concentration checks to cast arcane spells defensively. Arcane Reservoir +2 DC or CL (16/day) (Su) Pool of points fuel exploits, or can expend to add +2 CL or DC while cast spell. Consume Spells (3/day) (Su) As a move action, expend a spell slot to add its spell levels to arcane reservoir. Greater Metamagic Knowledge When preparing spells, can exchange bonus MM
Greater Spell Focus (Evocation) +1 to the Save DC of spells from one school. Light Blindness (Ex) Bright light blinds for 1 rd, then dazzled as long as remain in it. Metamixing (Su) The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to add a metamagic feat that she knows to a spell as she casts it without affecting the casting time (though using a higher-level spell slot as normal). She can use this ability to add a metamagic feat to a spell that she prepared using a metamagic feat, although she cannot add the same metamagic feat to a given spell more than once. Power of Giants (Sp): At 15th level, you may grow to Large size as a standard action. At this size you gain a +6 size bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +4 size bonus to Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus. You may return to your normal size as a standard action. You may remain in this size for up to 1 minute per character level per day; this duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1 minute increments. ===================================================
Eugeni's father and mother were amongst the Varisian travelers who used the current location of Sandpoint as a winter camp in the year 4666 AR when four powerful families from Magnimar sailed north. The families had designs on settling the region where Sandpoint now stands, and rather than work against each other, they consolidated their efforts and formed the Sandpoint Mercantile League. When they arrived, they came into conflict with the Varisians already living there. After an incident of violence that left dead on both sides, eventually the two groups came together and formed the town of Sandpoint. Eugeni's father, Viorec Silva, lost his brother in the initial attack by the Mercantile League. It left him bitter and full of rage. He led his young wife, Maria, away from Sandpoint and fell in with a group of Sczarni. They wandered up and down the Lost Cost living the life of rogue Varisians. Eventually Maria became pregnant and in 4692 AR Eugeni was born. When Viorec saw that his son was covered in fur he wanted to abandon the baby. Maria begged him not to kill her son. Unwilling to potentially lose his wife, who he still loved at the time, Viorec consented to keep the baby. But only with the agreement that Eugeni would never leave their wagon. The first two years of his life were probably the most pleasant of Eugeni's childhood. He spent each day with his mother in their house wagon, enjoying the love of her tender care. Eventually he became a rambunctious toddler, and keeping him pent up became impossible. One day he discovered how to open the door to the wagon, and toddled out into the middle of camp during dinner time. Viorec's family had already become well ostracized from the rest of the caravan since Eugeni was born, and upon sighting the furry beast they called a son, the rest of the group treated them even more like pitiable freaks. Viorec had turned more and more to hard drink as a balm for his pride since Eugeni was born. That night, in a drunken rage, Viorec beat Eugeni savagely for daring to leave the wagon. He threw the young boy in with the troupe's vicious guard dogs, saying that since he looked like a dog, he could live like one too. From that point on Eugeni spent most of his time with the hounds. They constantly bit at him and kept him in the lowest place in their pack. He barely got enough to eat living off the scraps they left. His mother sneaked him enough food when she could to make sure he never came truly close to starvation, and with each month Eugeni grew in size and strength. After a few years, he'd gone from bottom of the pack to alpha dog. He wasn't nearly as big or strong as the big mastiff who was the previous alpha, but he was much smarter. He poisoned the bigger dog using something he stole from the troupe's drug chemist one night, and after that beat it in a fight using a makeshift club. After that none of the other dogs messed with him much. When his mother saw what he'd done, she knew her son was becoming as savage as the animals he spent his days with. In fact, he was becoming as savage as his father. Unwilling to let that happen, she risked the wrath of Viorec and sneaked Eugeni from the camp one night. They were near the Whisperwood south of Sandpoint. Maria took Eugeni into the woods, giving him a pack with food, a knife and two waterskins. She said a prayer to Erastil over the boy, asking him to watch out for her son, since she wouldn't be able to any more. Her faith was true, and a few minutes later a mighty antlered stag appeared from the underbrush. Maria cried tears of thankful joy, and told her son to follow the strangely calm deer. Eugeni did as he was told. He was just happy to be away from the camp and the dogs. The stag led him through the forest, and to a large outcropping of boulders. There the deer lifted aside a curtain of vines to reveal a small passage which led to a cave. Eugeni went inside, and exhausted as he was, promptly fell asleep. He was awoken the next day by a light touch on his shoulder. Standing over him were a beautiful half elven woman, and a mountain lion. Eugeni screamed, completely shocked to see the large predator so close to him. The woman told him not to fear, and introduced herself as Murial, a hunter of Erastil. She asked him how it was that he'd come to be in one of her cave hide outs. Eugeni told her what had happened the previous night, and through further questioning the general story of his life so far. Murial was overcome with empathy for the poor child, and told him that from now on, she would look out for him. Eugeni spent the next decade as her adopted son and apprentice, traveling up and down the Lost Coast Road. They mainly hunted, but sometimes Murial would help the good people of the Coast who were having trouble with goblins or some other threat. Murial and her cougar, Dusty, were a formidable team. As he got older, Eugeni even helped her a few times, firing his longbow from a safe distance while watching her back. He learned the skills of a hunter, and many prayers to Erastil. As he came to understand the role Old Deadeye had in rescuing him that fateful night in his youth, Eugeni decided to dedicate himself fully to the deity. When he was 15 years old in 4702 AR, Murial and Eugeni were on one of their frequent visits to Sandpoint. This was during the time of the "late unpleasantness" and Murial offered her services to try to help the town. Unfortunately in the process, she became one of the victims of the Chopper. Eugeni was devastated. He retreated to the forests north east of town and spent the next few years as a hermit. He lived off the land and avoided all the people and goblins as much as possible. Eventually the pain of his grief was lessened by time, and he returned to Sandpoint. Over the last two years, Eugeni has worked hard to establish himself as one of the town's primary hunters. He has good working relationships with both Chod Bevuk or the Meat Market and Larz Rovanky of the tannery. Eugeni is also friends with Father Zantus, who while a priest of a different faith, has an open mind and heart. Eugeni learned most of what he knows about other religions from Zantus, and has been an excited proponent of rebuilding the cathedral after it burned down, contributing his own money to the project whenever possible. Most recently, Eugeni has returned to Sandpoint for the Swallowtail Festival and the grand opening of the Cathedral. He plans to enjoy the social time that he doesn't normally get in his day to day life as a hunter.
All Natural Fallacy; Eugeni believes everything "from nature" is better even when it isn't. Tenacious; Once he's started something Eugeni prefers to finish it if at all possible. Loyal; Eugeni feels great loyalty towards his community, Sandpoint, and the people who live around it. This is a religious as well as personal obligation due his following Erastil. Driven; With the death of two friends in the ruins under Thistletop, Eugeni has become hardened and driven to perfect himself and destroy any evil that threatens his community. Angry; Neverending cruelty in the world around him has seeded a deep rage in Eugeni's soul. He tries to hide it most of the time, but against the Rangers' enemies, he has no problem letting it show.
Eugeni is a freakish, three-armed aberration who wears a robe and carries a pack bristling with scroll cases, rods and other adventuring gear typical to spellcasters. Dead Eugeni:
Eugeni Silva
Half-orc bloodrager (crossblooded) 1/monk (zen archer) 10 LN Medium humanoid (human, orc) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +20 --------------------
Melee unarmed strike +12/+7 (1d10+4) Ranged
Special Attacks bloodrage (11 rounds/day), flurry of blows, staggering strike, zen archery
Feats Clustered Shots, Combat Reflexes, Deadly Aim, Dodge, Extra Ki, Extra Rage, Improved Unarmed Strike, Manyshot, Monkey Style, Perfect Strike, Point Blank Master, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow), Weapon Specialization (longbow) Traits brute, bullied Skills Acrobatics +22 (+48 to jump), Climb +8, Craft (bows) +10, Handle Animal +14, Intimidate +18, Knowledge (geography) +3, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +20, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +14, Survival +7, Swim +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate Languages Common, Orc SQ fast movement, fast movement, high jump, ki archery, ki arrows, ki pool (10 points cold iron, lawful, magic, silver), orc blood, reflexive shot, slow fall 50 ft., wholeness of body (10 hit points) Gearwand of shield (50/50), wand of mage armor (49/50), wand of reduce person (50/50), ring of sustenance,wand of shield of faith (Given to Setsuna), +1 adaptive furious giant bane Composite Longbow,Durable Arrows (100 divided between quivers), Bracers of Falcon's Aim, Extra quiver (12 durable arrows), Extra quiver 2 (20 durable arrows), amulet of natural armor +1, belt of physical might +2 (Str, Dex), cloak of resistance +3, headband of inspired wisdom +2, winged boots, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), pot, trail rations (5), waterskin, 41,854.92 GP (Zoli owes 2400)