The Oliphaunt of Jandelay

DM Thron's page

5,205 posts. Alias of Thron.


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Hey guys.

So some of you may know, I recently got a promotion and am taking on leadership of two surgical ICU units at my hospital. We are a high acuity facility, and there is a lot of pressure and responsibility falling on the shoulders of both myself and my entire staff (as is always the case for healthcare employees in general, but I digress).

But, the past few days have shown me I need to trim things down significantly in my life to give the new job the focus it deserves. As such, I regretfully am going to have to withdraw from this game. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I have to do what I have to do to for my new situation.

I will be marking this thread as inactive, but most all my games have access to me by discord. Feel free to chat with me on there.

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With he annexation of Varnhold complete, things fall into a bit of a routine…as nerve wracking as that may seem. And the nation is growing. A few months ago, a man by the name of Loy Rezbin arrived and swore fealty to Administrator Sophiel, and offered up his services in the efforts to construct a town within the woodlands to the west. He assures everyone that he has brought with him all the supplies necessary to handle the founding of the town without straining Gliocas’ resources at all.

A few months pass, and the village of Tatzylford has grown up to be a quite prosperous little town built upon the location of the Tatzylford den near the Skunk River. Loy Rezbin was elected mayor. And things have continued to be peaceful in town.

Then, a messenger arrives…

He smiles knowingly, and the two of you enjoy a meal of chowder and ale. The raucous scene continues, various pirates pairing off with local singles in various groupings. Arika and Aneka wave and come make some small talk briefly before allowing themselves to be whisked away to dance with a couple of the ship’s crew. All in all, everyone seems to be having a good time.

Orik and Lisavet eventually retire for the evening, though don’t quite “retire.” As the two have sex, he tries to coax Lisavet into brining Thanara into his bed alongside her…

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Orik takes a long drink from his mug while he thinks. ”I…I don’t guess. Ain’t like you are letting someone else shove a cock in ya, are ya?” he asks rhetorically.

Another thought runs through his mind. ”She is the only one, right?”

Orik had just taken a pull of ale when Lisavet hit the meat of her confession, and the mercenary spits it out in shock at the information! He coughs a couple times, choking a bit.

”Holy shit! Really?” he guffaws, which draws eyes from nearby tables. ”I mean, I guess not. Ain’t like your letting another man f@** ya.”

He ponders a moment then asks ”You two looking for a third? II think I could make that sacrifice for ya, if you need me to?” with his awkward grin.

Orik narrows his eyes at the priestess. ”Actually we’ve not seen each other for a few weeks. But I get what you are saying. There something you need to tell me?”

Orik tries to flag down a server girl, as busy as they are though it is proving a challenge. ”Oh, same as usual. Quiet town life. They did hold a service for the victims about a week ago. Was kind of sad around town a few days around that. But otherwise same as always.”

He sighs and gives up on a waitress for a moment. He looks back to Lisavet and asks ”How about your mission? And the city? Anything exciting happen?”

As you approach the Hagfish, you can hear a boisterous crowd from its direction. And in the distance, you see the masts of a sizable ship has laid anchor in the bay.

The crowd is large, but you are able to make your way inside and secure a table, thanks to your popularity in town as one of its new heroines. The crowd is full of new faces, clearly much of the crew of the ship, as well as many locals here out of curiosity. As you enter, one of their number, a rather dashing elf, is just starting to lead the crew in a song.

”When I was just a little lad or so me mammy told me,” he begins as he moves through the crowd.

His shipmates join in, scattered around the room, ”Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.”

”That if I didn't kiss the girls me lips would grow a-moldy,” he sings before suddenly leaning in and stealing a kiss from Aneka Avertin, who gasps and playfully swats at him as the customers and crew laugh.

”Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Away (Ho!) haul away! We'll haul away together!
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Away (Ho!) haul away! We'll haul for better weather.
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.”

The lead songsman continues, still milling through the tavern, ”I used to have a Chelish girl, but she got fat and lazy,” he pauses as the crew respond ”Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.”

He then hooks an arm around Arika’s waist and adds ”But now I've got a Varisia girl, and she just drives me crazy!” eliciting a blush from her.

”Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Away (Ho!) haul away! We'll haul away together!
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Away (Ho!) haul away! We'll haul for better weather.
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.”

He hops up on a table and adds ”Old Thruney was the king of Galt before the revolut-i-on.”

”Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.”

He brings his hand in a chop against his other palm as he continues ”But when he got his head chopped off he lost his constitut-i-on.”

”Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Away (Ho!) haul away! We'll haul away together!
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Away (Ho!) haul away! We'll haul for better weather.
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.”

During this chorus, he had hopped off the table and approached a rough looking female sailor. He made an overture her way before she pushed him back and joined the song, ”You call yourself a second mate, you cannae tie a bowline,” as other crewmen laugh and continue their part ”Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.”

”You can't even stand up straight, with the package ye be rollin'!” she adds as she suddenly roughly grabs his crotch!

The whole tavern erupts in laughter, and can barely continue their part, her leading the crowd this time and toasting with her mug!

”Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Away (Ho!) haul away! We'll haul away together!
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Away (Ho!) haul away! We'll haul for better weather.
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.”

The elven bard regained his composure and continued, hopping up on the bar and squatting down as he waves the room to quiet a bit before continuing more softly ”Well now can't you see the black clouds a-gatherin',” to which they respond in similar tone, ”Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.”

He slowly starts to rise up, ”Well now can't you see the storm clouds a-risin'.”

”Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.”

But then he stands up fully and resumes the louder tone.

”Away (Ho!) haul away! We'll haul away together!
Away haul away, we'll haul away Joe.
Away (Ho!) haul away! We'll haul for betteeer weeeeatheeer.
Awaaaay haul awaaaay, we'll haul awaaaay Joooooo-AH!”

The lead shanty-man holds his tricorn out to one side and his mug out to the other before taking a bow to the applause in the tavern!

Perform: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31

Orik manages just now to squeeze through the crowd and finds you. ”Well, that was interesting. Sorry, didn’t know the Hag was gonna be this crowded,” he says loud enough so you can hear him over the din of the crowd as he takes a seat and looks over the newcomers. ”Wonder what this is all about?”

”Got a bit till sundown. Meet at…the Hagfish a bit after sunset?”

She steps up and reaches out to try to pull Lisavet for an embrace and a kiss as he says ”I’ve been alright. Better, now that you are back!”

Ryn simply groans an acceptance before burying Snow’s lips with her own.

Ryn blushes. ”A date would be nice.”

Ryn thinks a few moments as she catches her breath. Then she smirks and says ”I don’t care who knows. Just, no collar. At least in public. Clashes with my style!”

She nuzzles her face into Snow’s shoulder and neck. ”Just…don’t make me do things I don’t want. I…I’m fine if you see other people. Just…don’t force me to do the same. Or to…be rough,” she says. But then she sits up quickly and adds ”I mean, YOU can be a little rough, but I don’t like to be.”

Ryn crawled forward on her knees, gently sliding her hands up the boots to the fasteners for snow’s trousers. She undid them expertly, having made them herself, and pulled them down to around the shifter’s knees before setting to work on proving her worth to Snow. All the while, she maintained eye contact, her eyes searching, pleading for approval.

When she brings Snow to the release she wanted, Ryn leaned back onto her heels, dutifully waiting to see if her new Mistress approved.

”Oh. Alright,” he stammers as Lisavet calls the evening short. He reaches for the soap and actually begins washing himself off as she dresses. ”See you tomorrow?” he asks.

”Good girl. Gooood girl,” he coaches her as she climaxes. But he hadn’t finished this time yet. He holds her on top of him for several more minutes, coaxing her to continue moving on top of him until he to finds relief again, before letting her slump down against his chest. He squeezes her rump possessively as the two lay there, still entangled with one another in the tub.

Orik smiles, an unsettling sight given the look in his eyes. ”That’s what I thought. You don’t care about any of that bullshit the Scarnetti b*~@~ says,” he says as his hands slide up Lisavet’s waist to her breasts, squeezing them firmly. ”You just let yourself go and give in to what your body wants. What it needs,” he says as he slides his hands back down to your waist, pulling you down further onto himself. ”And what it needs, is me.”

”Well, if you want it, come and get it,” he says as he doesn’t relent, though his hips moving adds a punctuation to the statement.

Orik doesn’t relent, keeping it up until he thinks she’s on the verge of climax. He then suddenly slows to a near stop, letting her come down ever so slightly, before resuming.


And again.

And again…

Never letting her cross over that threshold.

Orik grins to himself. ”Yeah, don’t you worry your pretty little ass about it. Just do what feels good,” he adds as his hand slides down Lisavet’s stomach and slips back between her legs. She can feel his own arousal rising again against her back as he begins stimulating the priestess once again.

Orik’s hands pause at the mention of Thanara’s comment. He grumbles something totally incomprehensible under his breath.

”Don’t fret over that girl talk bullshit,” he replies. ”Just have fun. Enjoy the moment like it could be your last, right?”

Orik runs a hand through his hair, in both frustration at the predicament and confusion. ”Uh…I…I dunno. It’s never come up before. That I’m aware of, that is.”

He places his hands on the smooth skin of Lisavet’s waist and steps closer. ”We need to worry about that now? I mean? I clearly like ya. Got a job for the biggest ass in town just to stick around!”

Orik pauses. ”Uh. I mean, how you suppose we do that?” he asks pointedly. It’s clear he wasn’t prepared for such a deep question and that the concept had never occurred to him.

Orik grins unsettlingly. ”Probably not, but that’s half the point,” he says as his hands reach to start untying the priestesses robes. Looking to the tub, Lisavet is able to gauge that he added a pretty fair amount of water to the tub that the two could both slip inside and it not spill. Almost as if it wasn’t his first time doing such things.

Orik smiles at the priestesses response to his foot rub. He continues as he replies ”All in time. But damn you make it look good though,” with a grin. His hands slowly transition to her calves, squeezing and kneeling the muscles there.

Orik washes his hands before coming to join in idle small talk as the water heats. He eventually reaches down and takes up one of Lisavet’s feet as they talk, his strong hands pressing firmly into the soles and giving them a massage as they wait.

Orik smirks. ”We could. My new job has left me enough coin to rent a small house here now. It’s nothing fancy…but it’s not the Feedbag!”

He leads Lisavet through town to his humble abode, a small one bedroom townhouse. Inside it is sparsely furnished, with a shared kitchen and living area containing a fireplace, and an adjoining bedroom with a was tub.

Once inside, he says coyly ”Make yourself at home, and I’ll heat up some water so we can get cleaned up, like you asked.”

Orik shakes his head. ”Naw. Lord Scarnetti has me stationed here and also tasked me with helping get the mess cleaned up to get the Mill back up and running. It’s not the prettiest of sights in there,” he replies. And the way he said “Lord” did not give a sense of respect.

He listens to Lisavet’s retelling of the Misgivings and shakes his head. ”Wow…that’s…intense. You three women are truly amazing, you know that?” he asks complimentarily.

Lisavet learns from the maid that Orik has been assigned to security at the Mill, given the circumstances.

She finds him there in his armor, and a Scarnetti tabard displaying the sigil of twin axes crossed in an X behind a tree. His armor has bits of gore and blood on it in places, and he seems tired. But as Lisavet approaches, he smiles and seems reinvigorated. ”Priestess Ambra! A pleasure to see you, as always!” he calls out with a sly grin.

He smiles in approval as he pauses long enough to remove his own clothes. He then lifts her up again, holding her up against the door as he finally goes all the way with her.
Outside, an older couple that had rented a room as they were passing through were walking by, and could clearly hear the obvious sounds coming from just the other side of the rattling door. The pair blushed and hurried on down the hall.
A few hours later:
The pair, having spent their first session of passion against the door, the second on the floor, then the third, fourth, and fifth sessions finally in the bed, lay panting in sweat covered heap as they caught their breath.

”I was wrong. Sex with a priestess doesn’t sap their powers. It’s clearly the…the other way around,” he jokes between panted breaths.

He doesn’t stop. He keeps it up, moving from breast to breast, as he continues muttering little encouragements to her, coaxing her to be louder.

He picks up the pace and the pressure, purely on the exterior surfaces. He growls in her ear ”Louder,” before his face crawls down her face, to her neck, to her shoulder, to her breast, all the while maintaining the pace with his right hand and not letting her hands free with his left.

Orik is persistent, in a voracious sense. Almost like a starved animal. He continues, relentlessly, until he draws a climax out of the priestess. He then slowly lowers her to the ground, but only to the point her toes can barely touch the wood floor. He brings her hands up and pins them above her head against the door with his left hand as his right replaces where his lips had been. He rubs them roughly across the now hyper-sensitive area as he whispers into Lisa’s ear ”Thatta girl. I want another one. I’m not gonna stop until every room around us knows how good you’re feeling…” a moment before he playfully nibbles on her earlobe.

At the end of the undressing, Orik rises from the bed and surges forward, grasping Lisavet and pressing her firmly back against the door. He aggressively buries his face into her neck as his hands drift over her body like they are trying to make contact with every inch of her smooth skin.

After a few minutes, he hefts her up off the floor, to the point that her legs are draped across his shoulders as he stands on the floor, his face buried between her legs as he begins a relentless assault on her womanhood.

Orik continues running his hands across her body as she leans back into him until she asks her question. He then steps away and around her, making his way to the bed where he has a seat and says ”I think I wanna enjoy the show…”

Based on the distortion of his trousers, it is clear he already is.

Orik is out of the booth in what could be record time! He accompanies Lisavet up the stairs to the room that Lisavet had acquired. As she approaches the door with the key, she is suddenly distracted by the return of Orik’s hands running across her stomach from behind and his lips busting themselves on the crook of her neck.

Orik’s mood suddenly brightens back up! ”Well damn! Let’s get out of he-,” he says before pausing as realization sets in. ”Ummm…though, my room isn’t really…well, it’s trash. All I could afford long term is a room in some dive called the Feedbag. It’s so beneath you. And I don’t think the cathedral is really the best place either…” he muses, embarrassed at his situation.

Orik pulls himself away. ”I…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”

He scoots away embarsssed. ”I’m not used to trying to…court someone so far out of my league. And you are a priestess to boot. I’ve heard what happens when priestesses…” he pauses, trying to think of the most polite way to say it, ”lose their virtue. And if I caused you to lose your powers just from being intimate with me…I’d never forgive myself.”

Orik likewise was growing more accustomed and involved in their dates and make out sessions. Though he has always refrained from anything too forward. It’s not clear what the change is tonight, though, as he lowers his lips from hers and drops them to the side of her neck as his hand drifts up and slides along her exposed midriff.

Orik returns the kiss happily. As the awkward position complicates things, when they break away he slides around the booth until they are seated directly beside each other. He then resumes the kiss, his hand dropping down to Lisavet’s armored thigh.

He half panics and says ”Y-yes. Please,” but then pauses and turns back to add ”Actually, I hear the White Deer would be a bit more…private?” he asks hopefully.

He blushed. ”Suits you?” he comments as he takes her hands and gently raises them out to either side of the pair as he appreciates her body with his eyes. ”Priestess, you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen…”

He lets her hands go and adds ”I’m sorry. I’m here gawking and stuttering like a kid.”

The fighting turns to a kobold favorite: guerilla warfare and terrorist tactics. Traps are set. Hostages on both sides taken. The battle lines often times run even separate individual egg clusters warrens.

What started as a skirmish has erupted into a formal civil war.

Lisavet recognizes the older woman as Sarah, the Scarnetti maid. ”Oh…Gods be praised, I found you!” she says nervously. ”Please. Can you come with me? Umm…Lady Scarnetti would like to meet with you…” she says, looking around to make sure nobody else is near enough to be eavesdropping.

As Lisa recovers, a few of the younger male priests cannot help but do double takes at her as she stands panting against the door. Before she can move away, though, she feels a thud against the door of someone attempting to enter.

”Hello? Is someone there?” as muffled but familiar woman’s voice comes through the door which Lisavet is accidentally barring, it’s tone somewhat urgent and scared.

Orik’s passion grows as Lisavet doesn’t seem interested in halting the moment. His lips grow more eager and his left hand slides up her bare back as his right slides the opposite direction.

Orik delivers a light kiss at first, testing the waters of her interest before attempting to kiss her with more zeal as his hands instinctively wander to the bare sides of Lisavet’s ribs.

Orik smiles broadly at the accepted second date, and steps closer and leans his head down towards the priestess…

Sootscale Holdings:

As the arrests begin, things begin to unravel quickly! Arrays start to turn violent, and onlookers who had not been showing which side their allegiance was on began stepping in and fighting! Before long, the warrens are in open civil war!

Ipmeek, I need a Loyalty check at -5 for your kingdom please, representing the fall out from Mikmek’s plotting and rebellion! (This is also setting things up for the overall merger of the kingdoms, not me picking on you, by the way. All about the drama!)

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