
Thron's page

326 posts (20,441 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 54 aliases.


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Orri Lebeda wrote:
Just to note, for us to full staff our kingdoms, we need at least 9 other people to avoid any penalties. So for the currently planned 5 kingdoms that is 45 NPCs. Your list is only 24, unless you are expecting that we won't be able to fully staff our leader roles to begin with?

These are just potential in game supplemental NPC’s that can help on top of your gains from Leadership (NPC Class Cohort and Followers)

Hello all. Terana pinged me and said ya might be looking for a replacement. I’m game if you’ll have me. Thinking a female Druid who is focused on casting while shapeshifted. Honestly may spend most time in animal form with Wild Speech. Thoughts?

Nod of approval and hopeful excitement!!!

I promise to when I get time to sit down and focus on this exclusively. Right now my bulk time is being divided between RotR and my other active games. Soon as RotR closes and I can outnumber my bulk “PC Time” towards it I will get her built up.

I really don’t know if I’ll do much with the Sphere stuff. I’m more interested in using illusions as my primary trick, and also being a bit of a party face.

1d5 ⇒ 1

I’ve been kicking my idea around, and mechanically there will be no change, but background wise he felt a bit of a stretch for a legacy character. So, instead, I’m going to play Cai’nan Blakros, Argor’s son who indeed did become lost in the Mwangi Expanse, But has since returned, after adopting a connection to nature and learning the Druidic arts from the shaman of the tribe who saved him.

As things are unfolding in the conclusion of Absalom...I’m forseeing some changes to Argor’s Future and this games past. Heh

Now that everyone has checked in here, I’m going to be making the other campaign inactive to clear our campaign tabs. If anyone wants to snag anything while it’s still there, and move it here, go for it. I’ll wait until tomorrow or the next day to do so.

How debutante.


I’ll go youngest. I picture you 2 being the closer ones of the trio, my guy’s youthful troublemaking alienating him a bit.

Regarding “The Trifecta”

So Shalelu takes on an adoptive mother role, eh? At what point does she start this, during her run as building up the Black Arrows?

I’m thinking My Character (MC) was always a bit mischievous, and as he grew up he was always getting into trouble. When he was old enough (in his mind, like 16) he rebelled and ran away, joining an excursion to the Mwangi Expanse. He wasn’t heard from for a long time.

Until you got a letter from Absalom, informing you that he was coming home...

Hop on RotR roll20.

Go with it! Maybe we could be twins, practicing our shapeshifting Magic’s in our own ways but united. I’ll go a more combat oriented route. All it will need is a wee bit of stat swapping.

What does a brown fur arcanist specialize in?

And don’t be doubting my beefiness. I have 21 AC and my Rex has 23. I could always tweak just a few things and make my Druid a bruiser.

Ok, necromancer is out the window.

In its place, is a vanilla druid. Going to focus on summoning, but is prepared to be a bit rough and tumble if need be. Personality I’m still a bit nebulous on. Depends what others play and where I can spot fun interactions.

As for campaign trait - I went with Time Lost.

Some core bits, though, that are already set up:
- Will be a an ex-adventurer of Chelaxian descent whose group was decimated in the Mwangi Jungle. After several years there, he became quite comfortable with the lifestyle. Was a young druid’s adept when he started, but used what he learned from both his late Master and what he’s taught himself to become a Druid on his own.

- He will be a bit more civilized than the common Druid. While he survived several years in isolation and solitude, deep down he has some culture to him.

- He has a baby T-Rex that he stole from a clutch of eggs and hatched and has been raising as a guardian. Has bought it some armor too!

I have a planned connection to an Legacy PC, but he is not like a direct descendant if anyone.

Actually, Geb is quite a heavily traded with nation in part due to its mindless undead workforce. So I feel a case could be made for some necromancers in the world who see utilizing the remains of creatures in a way similar to animating objects.

Sure, others may look on it with disgust and disdain. May even refuse them or their creations entry in certain places (if it is known). But there are examples in Golarion already of undead and living coexisting and even doing business.

But like I said, I’m not married to the idea. Also have plenty of concepts I’d enjoy. Depends what everyone else makes and is fine with.

I too, am curious what others are planning on rolling with. My current assumptions:

Stalwart = Kallie (Enchantment Caster)
CDL = Galatea (sounds like healing now?)

After reading the players guide, I kinda chuckled at the idea of Kallie being the accidental clone into Sorshen. Hehehe

As for me...I’m tempted to play someone’s twin. Mechanically, I...kinda wanna play a necromancer. Not a maniacal out of control “Death to the Living” type, but a “The spirit is gone. Why let the body go to waste when I can have it protect us?” Line of thought. Of course, the character’s total crassness and lack of empathy towards the emotional side of it tends them to be a bit...[Dr. Evil Impression]”eeeviiil.”[/Dr. Evil Impression]

To that end, if characters stay as they are, I think this best fit would be as Abasi’s twin brother. And instead of twin younger sisters, Bethania would be their older sibling, and it would have been the birth of Abasi and (insert name here) that resulted in Imrizade’s demise. Could be a driving factor in my character’s secret study into the dark arts, too.

But...I’ve also been itching to play a Druid. Shapeshifting summoner and sneak style. “Oh...look at that mouse over there squeezing. What the...OH BY GORRUM’S CODPIECE A T-REX!!!”

I think I’d rather pursue this option. Save the 5E thing for a rainy day.

So...any character rule stipulations? Limits on Legacy options? Are we open to do some background alterations to account for the new continuity?

Veltariel begins moving across the wooden plank...

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Do you have a set language on Google Translate you’d like us to use for Elven? Just curious for future reference.

I could probably work that into my trait line up. Would make sense for a Ranger/Scout to be good at disabling traps.

I can rock the archer.

And John - oh, she’s willing to work with them...but as you said...she doesn’t have to like it! Haha!

If those are the groups you wanna go with that works for me.

And for the record, I’m Eastern Stone Zone.

I’m debating on Ranger or Fighter for my build...I’ll have to look some stuff over to decide, but Ranger seems most fitting and is how I’m leaning currently.

I've seen several Elf ideas posted, really tempting me to go with my Elven Archer Xenophobe. HAHAHA

Do any of you have any requests as to which of the PC's on my list you think you'd prefer to see me run, or are you all fine with me going with whatever I pick? I'm more interested in good story than good mechanics.

Honestly? I’ve never enjoyed the feel of the Oracle class.

I have lots of concepts I’d enjoy playing, so I’ll list a few in no particular order:

A) Undead Lord Cleric as above.
B) Former Gladiator with a bit of a cocky attitude and a mouth. Very “Alpha Male” type.
C) Failed Paladiness who is now “changed.” Would mechanically be a bloodrager...with a unique spin on their rage feature (though only in skinning it, not mechanically)
D) An elven Archer whose a bit of a xenophobe when she is around other races.
E) A Druid with a summoning focus, but also likes to mix it up in combat once they can shapeshift.
F) A sorceress focused on enchantments (depending on how you personally handle said spells)
G) A Half-Orc who...isn’t the brightest continual flame torch in the world...but is a beast in combat (honestly, I played this guy before...the game allowed a bit lower/higher stats and his mental stats were all 5. Yes, 5. And he was hilarious to role play, because I can play up a dumb character like a champ! Lmao)

The list goes on...

Checking in for great justice (or injustice...depending on my character, hehehe).

In all seriousness...I’m tempted to play something evilish. But not evil as in maniacal take over the world, but evil as in self serving evil. We shall see...but I don’t wanna accidentally drag this towards an evil group off the start.

Couple of questions:

1) Would you be open to someone going Undead Lord Cleric without a deity, but more of an ideal? Basically saw unintelligent Undead creations as a form of golem in a sense, and the intelligent ones as another stage of some creatures lifecycle. A twisted version of a caterpillar to a butterfly...

2) Any thoughts on using Downtime Rules to have businesses (to fund lifestyle expenses, not personal gear) and homes of our own?

May have more questions later...

Congrats to those who made it in. Feel free to keep my robot in mind if you need a filler later.

Bronwyn Pascal wrote:
Thron/______: One thing I'd be interested to see is how you expect your Newborn to relate towards humanity. Removed curiosity? Data's Pinnochio story? For example, do you see ______ attending school?

It would be a removed curiosity. I don’t see how it would attend a school unless it was one for super kids explicitly and it went more as a curiosity than for actual education.

I’s nature is fairly obvious...

Yes, it’s inspired heavily in both look and theme to the Robot in the Netflix version of Lost in Space. But it will eventually be way more vocal. Not always the quiet threat off to the side. I post too often to play the quiet type, ;-P

Been snooping for any further questions directed towards my submission, but haven’t noticed any. If you all want any further info just lemme know!

Bran the Blessed wrote:

_______ the Newborn: It seems like you've got a lot of things you're hoping to discover about this character as you play them. So instead, could you tell us more about the parts of this character you're really excited to show off, or stories you're hoping to have them grow through?

Alternatively, tell us something about the Facilitators.

Honestly I’m curious if the character ever really gets to feeling like an individual being, or if he will always be treated as a thing.

The Facilitators are just a term for the builders of the AI soldiers. They could be called any number of synonyms for builder, constructor, etc.

The Operators are the ones pulling the strings. They are an alien race who are incredibly intelligent, almost beyond comprehension, but are physically quite frail. As a solution, they tend to control/expand their territory by use of AI soldiers. AKA - what this robot is. Hitherto, they have never sent one to Earth, and have never been heard of or encountered before. The fact that one of their war drones is here SURELY isn’t a bad sign...right?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am going to submit a Newborn. I will post as my default alias for now, though, to keep my post count down on it until you guys give it a name in game. Heh.


Who created you, and why? "Unit constructed by Facilitators for combat and reconnaissance."

How are you different from humans? "Unit differs from local species in form, material composition, and durability. Unit capable of adapting to any environment with ease compared to local species, which is limited by need of biological organ structures to function in specific conditions."

Who, outside of the team, is your caretaker? "Operators give commands. Unit complies."

What about humanity fascinates you the most? "Local species seems to have wide range of biological traits that enable them to perform tasks at limits beyond those of their biological form. Some encounters defy logic. Further data needed to fully correlate findings."

Why do you care about the team? ...Well...this one depends on how things develop in game. The above answers would be given...if the "Unit" could remember it's central programming. I foresee this character being found in a wreck of some sort, and accidentally being activated/fought with/rescued by the team, who an effort to learn what the hell it is...manage to reactivate it to a default "Memory Wiped" mode where it is much more easily programmed given command prompts, which causes it to then bond in a way with the team.

When Our Team First Came Together:
I think this would be best left to actually playing out in game. But I see it much as described above.


Again...depends on how things would develop in game...heh


Noticing a trend? haha


Fantastic Elasticity (?) - Basically, its form is mostly composed of a strange series of interchangeable nano-parts that make up a greater whole. While 99.99% of the time, its form is completely solid and appears very robot-like, it can alter that form as needed to better fit the situation at hand or the environment it is in.

Super Durability and Strength - Alien Robot Strong and Tough!

Newborn Moves:

A Mind of Their Own

A Blank Slate:

I'd kinda like to let the group fill these Lessons in once the game gets going. So basically they could like, give an initial two "Commands" to my character, and then as more prompts open up, they can be filled in as usual during play.

More to come as needed!

Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:

1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.

2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.

3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.

4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.

I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.

Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:

1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.

2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.

3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.

4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.

I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.

Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:

1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.

2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.

3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.

4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.

I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.

Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:

1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.

2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.

3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.

4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.

I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.

Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:

1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.

2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.

3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.

4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.

I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:

1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.

2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.

3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.

4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.

I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.

Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:

1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.

2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.

3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.

4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.

I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.

Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:

1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.

2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.

3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.

4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.

I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.

Quicker than intended post to explain my absence lately:

1. Kid: he’s okay, but been battling a virus for about a week and a half. Finally been symptom free for about two to three days.

2. Work: still working as much OT as I can grab.

3. Wife Aggro: anytime I so much as THINK I have free time to post, she uses her super-wife-mind-reading-powers to come up with something for me to not have free time. As is, I’m hiding in the bathroom to post this to all my games. Example 2, today was secretly planned to be a big day of relaxation and posting. She and the kid were supposed to be at school. Instead, she wanted me to keep the kid. Reason: just because.

4. Interviews: been to multiple interviews lately trying to get into a better job that will require less OT. No such luck so far, with one last major option within my hospital in process. Low odds of getting picked. May have to start looking outside of my facility.

I’m PLANNING on tomorrow being my 1 “me day” in the past few weeks and getting some posts caught up. We will see how that goes.

Sorry to intrude, but if you are looking for some fresh blood I have been chatting with Stalwart and have a character concept I’d be willing to drop in. Up to y’all though.

I too like background skills.

However, we now have four melee characters. If everyone else is settled, I can easily alter my concept. No biggie.

Ah. Yeah unchained rogue is far more streamlined.

Can we take feats like Dervish Dance? And are the dance ranks still required?

I may play a Narinar Druid. Really only thing jumping out at me. Revered the gods as extensions of the worldly elements.

Extra Wealth: 10d100 ⇒ (69, 99, 13, 29, 2, 83, 100, 28, 18, 47) = 488

1d5 ⇒ 2 Piety. Hmmmm

Lol, didn’t get a PM notification at all, just randomly checked it. Must be Fate. But yeah, I’ll brainstorm something. Any caveats I should be aware of? I know you have a distaste for Enchantment focused people. Anything else off limits?

What level range we starting at?

Seraph Attack vs Wisp, Smite Evil, Power Attack, Flank: 1d20 + 12 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 12 - 2 + 2 = 15
Damage: 2d8 + 12 ⇒ (1, 4) + 12 = 17

Seraph Attack vs Wisp, Smite Evil, Power Attack: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 12 - 2 = 20
Damage: 2d8 + 12 ⇒ (3, 4) + 12 = 19

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