
eddv's page

********** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia 969 posts (7,438 including aliases). 115 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 55 Organized Play characters. 14 aliases.


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Second Seekers (Roheas)

Goodness, *another* repeatable with a content warning?

Whats going on?

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

PF Coop wrote:
Talon Stormwarden wrote:
Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:
Talon Stormwarden wrote:
I’m similarly unsure what would be an obvious error to fix vs a change that increases difficulty, which is prohibited.

There is a creature in a scenario with +132 to it's attack. (Pretty clearly it was changed from +13 to +12 or vice versa and someone forgot to hit delete / backspace. I guess it is lucky it wasn't on the damage line...)

While I’ll agree that’s a very obvious error, that really doesn’t address the question.

I agree. I think that the text should include this update:


- Run combat encounters without deliberately increasing difficulty, except as dictated by the scenario or to correct obvious errors

Great note, thatd address it nicely.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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I have several issues I would like to raise and get answers for in terms of what this policy would allow for and perhaps more importantly, what it wouldnt.

I think its kind of hard to tell in many cases what is intended to be high difficulty vs what is a typo or perhaps a copy/paste erorr.

A good example is the recent scenario Godsrain in a Godless Land, the DCs for one of the subsystems are *really* high but the threshold for success is sort of low so maybe that was the intention.

Do we have pretty broad latitude on judgement calls?

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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I think the specific frustration isnt so much the lack of update to this specific space - its the lack of update provided to any public facing space at all.

The topic suggesting it be this space is because that has traditionally been seen as the quick and dirty way to do this since otherwise you would need to fully update the pdfs and we all know what a pain in the rear that can be.

It isnt that we are incapable of improvisation; it is that there is official guidance available that simply isnt being communicated to anyone but the foundry team, which is a whole bunch of extra steps. I dont like finding out weeks later that a brutal fight was caused by my not being aware of a foundry pdf update.

Trust me when I say, I have to fill in gaps for myself all the time when an npc doesnt quite have enough on the bone to be roleplayable or when enemy tactics dont last two pc turns in terms of viability or whatever else. That isnt what we are concerned about.

What we are concerned about is that we know you are already doing to work to make official (and sometimes fairly subtle) mechanical clarifications. And thank you for doing that by the way. But we dont understand what is preventing someone from taking the time to properly communicate those when they happen.

It doesnt have to be here. It can be anywhere we all have access to and it can be through a designated intermediary, just some sort of regular process that can make it so we are aware that you have done the hard work of revisiting and clarifying the scenarios so that we can implement them is all anyone really wants.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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I dont see what being stingy with rebuilding accomplishes here tbh.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

Alex Speidel wrote:
eddv wrote:

This will maybe be self evident when the tracking sheet launches but will the rewards be tracked via the boons tab and unlocked much the same way scenario boons are for pfs2 scenarios or via the tracking sheet itself?

The unlocks for PFS2 and SFS1 will just be tracked on the Tracking Sheet (aside from AcP which will obviously use the online system). We're not ready to comment on what the rewards system will look like for SFS2 yet as that's still a year away. I think that answers your question?

Yup, perfect.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

This will maybe be self evident when the tracking sheet launches but will the rewards be tracked via the boons tab and unlocked much the same way scenario boons are for pfs2 scenarios or via the tracking sheet itself?

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

I think a good solution could be to increasingly just pretend PFS1 didnt happen to be honest.

Just need a like strong iteration of why we are even doing this s%@&. Feel like its been lost for a long time now.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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Part of the messiness here is the factions and the schools now occupy the same "space" lorewise.

They were initially semi official groups trying to dominate the society and then became fraternities vying for society resources and now are like...social clubs for agents of similar persuasion?

Its gotten lost in the sauce completely and the idea of the thing here has gotten all muddled and the LO book for PFS is easily the weakest one as a result.

Toss in the 10 and the various semi redundant VOs (why do we have 3 VCs in the same city in Qadira now and why are they operating in Jalmeray?) and yeh its not something most people have a way to connect to now.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

Oh boy poppets.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

Arutema wrote:
Osprey ** spoiler omitted **

Right buuuut

There have been a lot of openings including the ones that came open after EOTT
Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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Quentin Coldwater wrote:

As a total aside, we know the identity of several Decemvirate members now, right? Or at least know of their existence, I believe. Am I missing people?

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

My musings on the topic of decemvirate members.

All of PFS:

HERE is to my knowledge the full list of known 10 members past and present:

Category 1 - people who died in Eyes of the Ten and may or may not have come back

Odrian of Akiton
Eddington Keel
*Kyalla (we know for sure she retired after these events)

Category 2 -

Members of the 10 who definitely survived Eyes of the 10

Shemis (the titular diviner who is The Eyes of the Ten)
Eliza Petulengro

(Adrils scheme involved killing those 4 plus a 5th he was implied to have already killed or who he believed was killed* to make himself and his confederates have a majoritt vote in the 10 as it was implied The Spider had compromised the ones he didnt kill, which I guess included Vahlo. Its unknown to what extent Vahlo, The Spider and Hestram had their s~*! together.)

*This was probably Drandle Dreng in hindsight, given the events of Shadows Fall over Absalom and Season 2 of PFS2.

Season 10 -
Vahlo the graveknight who definitely is dead
*Eylisia, a founding member of the 10 who despite still being alive probably did not resume her role as a member but you never know
<insert your favorite pfs1 character who played Passing the Torch>

PFS2 category

Eliza (confirmed now instead of just heavily implied)
Drandle Dreng (though hes confirmed no longer in the picture)
Shrike (who may be Waterfall?)

In terms of on screen appearances of members of the 10 under masks we know Eliza was the briefer for All for Immortality, we know Eddington Keel was the briefer for the season 1 pfs1 missions, and we know Dreng and Shrike (who may or may not be waterfall/322).

This means the current make up is FOR SURE:

<insert pfs1 character>

The following are possible but unlikely:

Eddington Keel
Prince Odrian

People have long suspected:


Both are bare minimum super super trusted by the 10 and are in on the organizations deepest secrets.

So AT MOST we know 9 but 4 are confirmed.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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I think this is mostly a "its season 16 of this particular soap opera" problem. Theres a lot of characters and a lot of dangling plot threads.

Especially since the jump from pfs1 to pfs2 ended up being more Naruto to Naruto Shippuden jump than a Naruto to Boruto or Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball Z style jump.

And all of that is fine except when you go to draw on history the authors assume people know and they dont and things dont land. You know like the entire Equal Exchanges plotline.

No easy answers here except obviously we need the Aspis to go on a winning streak.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

"Secret plots" not again!

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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Bring back the Species name its So Good and much more thematically appropriate for Starfinder (a Bantrid and a Entu Colony have really very little in common ancestrywise)

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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Thanks for the recognition everybody.

This has been an incredible journey, I have loved organized play since I happened across Living Greyhawk at a local game store when I was 16.

I love GMing for our community. I love being one of the first people who introduce the game to new people. I love GMing at the big cons, the little cons and the retail game days.

Ive slowed down a bit with a kid and all the extra responsibilities in my life but...

Bring on the 150 Starfinder 2 games!

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:

Prepping this for tomorrow, and I have a few questions. (Spoilers, obviously)

1. How often should Barnaby have to roll deception? Once per text block? Once per Area (so once in the meeting with the mayor, once at the boat, and once at the crypt?) Or only when it explicitly says he lies?

2. How large is the hole in A3? Medium creature sized?

1. I dont have him roll ever. Thats a proactive pc thing vs his bluff dc imo.

2. I played it like the brekthroughs were too small to be traversed without squeezing

3. Short of Joseph coming in here to say otherwise, run it as only having the bite back in the tier it says it does. Maybe thats why its a variant.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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Id like to take this opportunity to congratulate the 3 newest campaign coin recipients and explain why the three were awarded since people seem to like knowing what people have done to earn these.

#880 - Amie Tracey
When Asheville Scarefest began, it was the sort of retail con that many of us have run and supported over the years. Amie had the vision of making it something more than that, she moved it to Montreat College and began to execute the vision of it being a community-enhancing event for the entire Appalachian region. The vibe of the con is campy, slightly off putting humor, with fun little skits. This con has been the pillar of our community for going on 5 years now and coming out of the pandemic this con helped pull our community back from dormancy.

#881 - Robert Wiesehugel
Robert took over as Venture Captain in Knoxville at the tail end of the pandemic, not because he wanted to, but because he knew someone had to step up to lead his community. Knoxville is now a thriving and diverse community. If you've ever had a chance to game with the people from East Tennessee you'll be hard pressed to find a group that has more fun, more respect for one another than them. This community he has fostered is worth this coin twice over but Robert also helps a ton behind the scenes keeping us up to date with NDAs.

#882 Amber Howell - Amber has been a stalwart of our community for as long as Ive been involved in this campaign, which is by this point a damn long time. Amber does all the behind the scenes work for her Cookeville scene, and she and her husband Matt Travel all over the region, an almost completely reliable pair of gms at any con thats drivable for a pretty liberal definition of drivable. She has also been a relentless advocate for the campaign all over Tennessee.

Congratulations again to Amie, Robert and Amber and I am proud to have been able to award these coins to you.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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I will say that the biggest challenge as an organizer in terms of getting people to GM are these two percieved factors

1) The rules seem really complicated and prospective GMs always seem to feel that "they just do not know the game well enough to run the games". There is an intimidatiom factor

1a) The game is completely asymmetrical. So just playing the game doesnt really prepare you for running the game.

2) It seems like a lot of work and a lot of money. Long-time GMs can take for granted that these scenarios are basically their own genre and things you read as second nature now can sometimes be near impenetrable for a new person. Toss in that each scenario requires 1-3 flip mats, maybe some flip tiles, and a drawn or printed custom map. From the outside, GMing looks pretty expensive both in terms of money and time invested.

There are three things I have seen done in my region that have put a dent in these two factors.

A) Some kind of reward always helps. The old boon system was great for this but there are other ways we can do this. One local VC gives every GM a free mini the first time they run a game. Another has name tags with spots for 5 glyphs. Run pnce and get the tag, get a glyph, you get a glyph on the tag.

B) Offering/promising as VO that youll be there the first few times to help with amy rules and to offer mentorship as theyre working through the scenarop. Plan ahead. Asking someone to run a game 6 weeks from now can give them a chance to take their time.

C) Have a library of resources available. One local lodge prints every adventure and every map from every adventure and lovingly cuts out and tapes together the maps. Those folders then can be lent out to whoever is going to gm. They still need to study the scenario but now maps, chronicles handours and printing are done and the investment is significantly lightened.

The downside to all this is that it DOES mean an increased investment in terms of time and treasure from the venture officers and not everyong can do all of this (including me, i barely have time to do any of this).

If my wildest dreams were to come true Paizo/OPF could offset some of this expense somehow or provide some of these resources.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

Eastern and i have a minimalist profile to begun witj but left you notes

Second Seekers (Roheas)

It seems like a lot of the balance was down to technology.

If Michael had been equipped with Jennys gun do you think you would have come to these same conclusions regarding the balance? Because it sounds like all the nrgatives for him boiled down to the single shot weapons.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

CorvusMask wrote:
Isn't 2e misfire mechanic just "if you use ability that says you misfire on fail or if you forgot to clean your guns on previous day and roll crit fail"?

Yeah its exceptionally rare, usually when you use risky reload.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I have a philosophical question about the ringtone spell.

Why are you going to the effort of reinventing soothe? Wasnt the whole point of using P2s chassis to not need to do double work like that?

Second Seekers (Roheas)

I just hope we take another crack at the name.

Witchwarper has always struck me as just an awful sci-fi name.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

Hey all. Start date is sneaking up on me.

I have 4 glyphs to share.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

I havent even seen the mechanics for witchwarper yet and can already feel the migraine coming on reading about it.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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At this point Thursty is saying all the things I wanna hear.

Lets just let it play out a bit more.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

Driftbourne wrote:

I was just looking at what species are available for play in SFS and just realized there around 40 species that are not playable. I was a bit disappointed to find Stellifera on that list, but more surprised by SROs not being playable. I just realized 1/2 the characters I've created are unplayable. Unfortunately, SFS is the only way I'm able to play Starfinder.

With time running out for Starfinder 1e I'm worried many of these will never get a chance to be played in e1 SFS. I does look like many of them are from APs not sure if that's an automatic disqualifier. But several aren't form APs so there's got to be more than one disqualifier. Any chance of making all the species playable in 1e SFS after the final season of 1e SFS, if it can't be done before?

Both are accessible via scenario boon.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

Its gonna depend on what the game looks like.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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Kishmo wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
Well, we already know that Vesk-6, aka Pulonis, will be joining the Pact Worlds.
...is that confirmed? Not that I don't believe you, and it would be one logical conclusion for the Pulonis Liberation Front, but: source?

The gencon keynote.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

CorvusMask wrote:

I guess Aucturn hatching would be same as it blowing up?

But yeah not sure I like idea of any of planets blowing up, that feels like... Well like treating planets same as single country or single city.

(I guess they could have chosen that Idari blew up in Devastation Ark?)

My money is on Triaxus because eff them dragons.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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First reaction:
holy crap EN World is still a thing?

Second reaction:

“The classes you will see will be unlike classes you’ve seen before," said Thurston. “The classes we are doing for Starfinder 2nd Edition are not just sci-fi versions of Pathfinder classes.”

I wonder if this means "unlike the PF2 classes that already exist" or "unlike the SF classes that already exist".

Ive been assuming the core 6 field test classes were going to be 6 of the 7 CRB classes but maybe the last two that havent been confirmed yet are going to be entirely new?

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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thistledown wrote:

(Venture Captain hat)

When PF2 was announced, within a month I had several pf1 players drop from my community because "What's the point if they'll be unsupported in a year?' I've ALREADY had one of my players say they're dropping from SF because of the same reasons.

I can say my scene has been on life support for some time. If I lose even 2 of these people we dont have a scene and the state of the current releases has made it hard to onboard newer people while still serving the surviving few.

The pandemic really kinda murdered SFS here hard in ways it didnt PFS2. I felt it really gathering momentum hard coming out of season 2 and the 2 years of online play just took the wind right out of the sails in profoundly disappointing ways. I myself almost resigned because it felt like the campaign was dead.

But the announcement does have people asking me about the game again for the first time since the pandemic. I think a lot of people had kind of left it for dead and are delighted to see that not be the case.

As for compatibility, I think a lot of people expected SF2 to use big chunks of the P2 "engine" but not, to torture the analogy, the transmission, brakes and power steering. And that is what "compatibility" hits a lot of ears as, including my own at first glance. I have now seen you in many places say its not your intention to make things 100% directly compatible. The former makes it sound like SF2 is like...a campaign setting for P2 a la Spelljammer and the latter makes it sound like SF2 might be to PF2 what SF1 was to PF1.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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Kishmo wrote:

Two things I'm curious to get a benchmark on: lvl 1 telepathy, and lvl 1 blindsight/sense. Just like flight, they seem like things that could upset the PF2 balance, but are fairly common (and easy to add later via itemization) in SF species. Are there many species in PF2 that start with telepathy or blindsight/sense?

For the matter, I hope blindsight/sense gets some TLC in SF2. Currently, it's useable, but there's a lot of questions and grey areas about it. Does blindsight/sense (hereafter, bss) sound or vibration work in a vacuum, what's the difference between sound and vibration anyways, do more esoteric things like bss thought or emotion require a medium to work through, can non-mindless things that are usually immune to mind-affecting stuff (like necrovites or SROs) be sensed via bss thought, what blocks various bss, and so on.

There is a very real tension between keeping common SFisms in the game and allowing for clean porting from P2ERemaster

I do hope it leans more toward the former.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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Karmagator wrote:
Driftbourne wrote:
My guess is the soldier field test is just one example of what a Soldier can do and focused on testing new ideas for the class. The field test document refers to itself as a snippet of the soldier.

That is literally what it is, yes ^^. Though probably less "new" stuff (everything is new after all) and more the basic feel of the class.

I think people are heavily overestimating how far along SF2 is in development. Essentially anything that isn't the basic PF2 math and system is most likely subject to change.

Dustin said "a year" roughly on the keynote stream.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

WatersLethe wrote:
eddv wrote:

Its mostly the same to be honest because you got all the stuff you got at level 1 and if you wanted more later racial feats were a thing.
Don't forget, you get ancestry feats in PF2 without trading in your other means of character customization.

Yeah but trust me Id rather trade in my ancestral feats for more class feats not the other way around.28

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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Staffan Johansson wrote:
Golurkcanfly wrote:
I think the Soldier is neat as a class for PF2e, but it's really narrow as one of 6 starting classes for a new game.
That's pretty much my take on it as well. Admittedly, we're only feeling a small part of the elephant right now, but "burly dude/dudette with big gun" seems more like a subclass than a full class to me. If you have a full class about that sort of thing, I wonder where folks like Ka D'Argo, Drax the Destroyer, Finn, Ronon Dex, Amos Burton, or Jayne Cobb will be. I mean, they can't all be Operatives.

I mean....Fighter.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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I think it feels niche as hell; wouldnt play one unless I was the "5th" player and all the basic roles are covered already.

Looks sorta fun as like a high-staying power non magical debuffer.

I just have my doubts that itll carry its weight as a partys main damage

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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Two of the three members of the team are big mecha fans and I am pretty sure the author of the original mech rules is still on the team.

I feel pretty safe saying even if they somehow miss the core book you wont be waiting long

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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WatersLethe wrote:

I really think this "First level ancestry abilities" concern is quite overblown.

Humans in Starfinder get a bonus feat at level 1 and an extra skill rank each level.

Humans in PF2 can get the exact same thing, and then *also* awesome choices at 5, 9, 13, and 17, and a bonus one at 3rd if they take a general feat.

Androids in Starfinder get a bonus vs biological and mind affecting stuff, darkvision, penalty to social stuff, and an armor upgrade slot.

Androids in PF2 get a bonus vs biological stuff, low light vision, penalty to social stuff, a first level feat that could be an internal compartment, and a choice of much more impactful stuff from a variety of heritages, and then *also* awesome choices at 5, 9, 13, and 17, and a bonus one at 3rd if they take a general feat.

It's clear that there is quite a bit of room at level 1 for interesting stuff. We know early access to flight is already on the table, and yeah cheek pouches being kept back until later levels is weird, but I don't see all the upsides people are talking about.

Its mostly the same to be honest because you got all the stuff you got at level 1 and if you wanted more later racial feats were a thing.

The difference is you didnt often have to piecemeal together your basic features like your wings or darkvision etc so you had a pretty potent core of abilities, which you could then improve if you wanted to.

It sounds to me from further interviews that they plan to not be slavishly devoted to clean 1 to 1 ports of mechanics from P2e so we may yet see some loosening in areas where P2 is very conservative, including flight climbing and burrowing. So i will be very anxious to see what they cook up for the Kasatha and Kiirinta and the like

Second Seekers (Roheas)

OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
Thurston Hillman wrote:


The cantina is not closing. The sky is not falling.

I didn't think so. I have a suspicion that the cantina is going to get a lot more crowded. Is that a group of demon-hunting orcs whose ancestors were doing the same in the Mwangi expanse? Is that the famed iruxi scientist from one of their worlds? How will the changeling bartender, the kitsune cook, and the staff of anadi, nagaji, shoonies and others keep up?
Hmm, just how many playable ancestries are there in PF2 right now? It’s not 124 or near that though, right? But not a tiny number either…So even though they might not have the same wow factor of SF ancestries, they can go a way toward bridging the gap between SF2’s starting number and subsequent releases. Also, conrasu say hi.

Its true that theres a lot of ancestries but they are largely fantasy-coded not sci-fi coded and that is an important distinction.

But like...we will get there somehow and hell we will probably get there faster not having to waste bookspace on space elves or space dwarves

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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I mean it does genuinely feel like "its gonna be like P2" is the only real selling point which is meh. And I do play both games alot. *gestures towards his glyphs and novas*

Im not really happy or sad about the new edition.

I like P2 well enough but its old hat by this point. I know what it is at this point its not exciting or sexy or anything like that in and of itself. There isnt a whole lot of mystery waiting to be unfolded.

That's more what I think Kish is getting at - its not got any real selling point for people who actually like Starfinder already beyond "hey your games not getting moth balled".

Itll maybe be nice to see some new faces at the starfinder table I guess but thats like two years away still.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

I will be curious to see just how much retread vs new stuff we see.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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Theme going away is almost the thing Im saddest about.

Background is who my character was where Theme was always who my character is and I feel thats a very important narrative distinction.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

Its true having 6 arms, an extra move action 1/encounter, and a conpletely untyped grapple bonus is just SO irrelevent on my level 3 skittermander vanguard lol.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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On the brightside converting your favorite SF1 species to SF2 will probably be a fruitful Starfinder Infinite hobby.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

It will certainly be harder for scenario writers to just drop a random new playable species in a starfinder society scenario but I do think this is a potential benefit to the game being 100% cross compatible.

We already have mechanics for a lot of species so they will be able to focus on just the most alien ones. I imagine there will be full mechanics for all the common pact world and scoured star species from early on. Especially since Ysoki, Android, and Human plus all the "legacy" species already have mechanics.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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First of all, I am not speculating; let me quote the FAQ for you:

Will new classes just be old classes IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE?

Classes in Starfinder are going to be their own bespoke classes that operate alongside the existing set of Pathfinder classes.

Theyre already explicitly telling us this is how its going to work and if you watched the announcement stream they really couldnt have been any more explicit about their intent.

Second while the fighter class is the same one used in Pathfinder its not like he is gonna use a holy avenger longsword. He is gonna use the same Reaction Cannon the soldier is or a doshko or something and still use Sudden Charge or Power Attack as normal.

I want to be clear I dont think this even necessarily is a bad thing, they still have a solid chance of nailing the flavor anyway even without their own mechanical engine.

But I think being in denial that its what this is gonna be is weird.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

With the remaster on its way its extremely possible that that IS within the new standard design parameters of PF2 to be fair; thats a pretty minor thing.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

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WatersLethe wrote:
I mean they aren't going to require a SF2 player to pick up a PF2 book in order to fill out their core class or science-fantasy archetypical character lineup. Their goal will be to be able to buy and play SF2 completely independently from PF2, with the interoperability as a surprise bonus for new players who want to branch out later.

This is the part that I just dont think is true or else Soldier wouldnt look the way it does.

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