
Brunhilde Olafsdottir's page

338 posts. Organized Play character for Alex Mack.

Full Name



Human (Ulfen)


Init +2, Perception +8 AC 21 (T12 FF 19) HP 26/26 CMD 18 CMB +6 BAB +3 WIL +4 (+2 vs. Mind affecting) FORT +6 REF +5










Gorum ya'll


Around the World


Common, Skald, Orc


I'm a Princess you fool!

Strength 19
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 14
Charisma 7

About Brunhilde Olafsdottir

Brunhilde Olafsdottir was born the youngest daughter of King Olaf of Dragendord. Brunhilde had always been a demanding child but never got what she wanted which led her to become ever more rebellious. Faced with the choice of being a good Ulfen Princess and marrying some petty lord for a few Longboats she chose to walk away from her home and seek a life of adventure.
Due to her short temper, and physical prowess Brunhilde acquired her nickname "the Brutal" at age 13 when she knocked seven teeth out of a Fisherman's boys mouth who was drunken enough to ask her to dance.


Human Ranger (Trapper Archetype) 2/Bloodrager (Contact Specialist/Bloodline Familiar/Urban Bloodrager) 1/ Siegebreaker 1
STR 19 DEX 14 CON 12 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 7
Init +2, Perception +6
AC 22 (T12 FF 20) HP 26/26 CMD 19 CMB +7 BAB +3
WIL +5 (+2 vs. Mind affecting +When Raging) FORT +9 REF +6
+1 Bashing Shield +9 1d8+8 (20/x2)
MW Spiked Armor +9 1d6+4 (20/x2)
Throwing Axe +6 1d6+4 (20/x2)

Race Abilities and Traits:

Skilled: +1 Skill Rank per level
Bonus Feat: Spiked Destroyer

Shield Bearer (Religion): You have survived many battles thanks to your skill with your shield. When performing a shield bash, you deal 1 additional point of damage. Also, once per day on your turn as a free action, you may provide one adjacent ally a +2 trait bonus to his Armor Class. This bonus lasts for 1 round, so long as you and the target remain adjacent to one another. You can only use this ability if you are using a shield. You retain your shield bonus to your armor class when using this ability.
Sound of Mind (Regional): +2 trait bonus versus mind-affecting effects

Class Abilities and Feats:

Wild Empathy
Trap finding
Favored Enemy (Human) +2
Ranger Combat Style: Weapon and Shield--> Shield Slam
Feats: Improved Shield Bash (HB) /Spiked Destroyer(1st)/Shield Slam (Ranger Combat Style)/Imp. Bull Rush (Contact Specialist Bonus Feat)/ Extra Rage (3rd)
Urban Blooodrage: +2 Bonus to STR, DEX or CON for CON+4 rounds per Day
Bloodline Familiar: Hedgehog Familiar with Protector Archetype
Bonus Feat: Impr. Bull Rush
Breaker Rush (Ex):A siegebreaker can attempt bull rush or overrun combat maneuvers without provoking attacks of opportunity. When he performs either combat maneuver, he deals an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to his Strength bonus (minimum 1). If he has Improved Bull Rush or Improved Overrun, the damage dealt by the appropriate maneuver increases by 2 and he adds any enhancement bonus from his armor or shield (though such enhancement bonuses do not stack, if both armor and shield are magic).


Acrobatics +7 (2 rank)[-ACP]
Climb +8 (1 rank) [-ACP]
Diplomacy +5 (4 ranks)
Disable Device +11 (4 rank)
Knoledge Local +5 (1 rank)
Knowledge Dungeoneering +5 (1 rank)
Knowledge Geography +5 (1 rank)
Knowledge Nature +6 (2 ranks)
Knowledge Arcana +5 (1 rank)
Perception +9 (4 Ranks)
Linguistics +5 (1 rank)
Profession (Trapper) +6 (1 ranks)
Survival +6 (1 Rank)
Swim +8 (1 Rank) [-ACP]


MW MW Heavy Shield (Metal) 2PP
+2 Armor Enhancement for Shield of Bashing(4000 GP)
Wand of Infernal Healing 2PP (45 charges remaining)
Throwing axe x2 (16 GP)
MW Spiked Agile Moves Breastplate (600 GP)
+1 Armor enhancement for Breastplate (1000 GP)
Air Crystalx2 (50 GP)
Weapon Blanche (Silver) x2 (10 GP)
Rations x10 (5)
Backpack (1 GP)
Bedroll (2 GP)
Daggerx2 (2 GP)
Acid Flaskx2 (20 GP)
Cold Wheather Outfit (Free)
MW Thieves tools (100 GP)
Scroll of Endure Elements (25 GP)
Cloack of Protection +1
Scroll of Fly (x2) (2PP)
Scroll of Lesser Restoration (x2) (Boon)
Total 7679 GP
Spent 6830


Shades of Ice: Permanent Endure Elements Effect for Cold
Psychic Awakening: Shield
Mark off one box for each time you use weapon to attack in combat.
Righteous Redemption: Get 2 free scrolls of lesser restoration

PFS: 37010-9