The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XIII Announcement
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Grand Lodge

Mysteries Under Moonlight
noral wrote:
My situation will not change in the foreseeable future and want you to know how sorry I am. I wish you all the best!

Best to you as well, noral. If/when you are able to make it back, gimme a holler and I'll run a scenario of Zaarah's choice...

male human

Just curious, but is anyone else having trouble with PFS Sessiontracker? I keep getting "wrong info for login" type error messages.

Yeah, I had that issue yesterday. I just figured it was down and would check back in later.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Scenario and AP Tracker

No worries at all Noral! It looks as if all tables have been covered. Thank you also to this wonderful community for stepping in and helping when a fellow GM needed it!

Tyranius wrote:

  • Wounded Wisp (Part of Gameday VIII) - (GM Cwethan took over)
  • Heroes of Highdelve (Part of Gameday VIII) (GM Qstor took over)
  • The Stolen Heir (Disbanded)
  • Salvation of Sages (Final Fight) (GM Supervillan took over)
  • Grotto of the Deluged God Table 1 (Just started) (Disbanded)
  • Grotto of the Deluged God Table 2 (Just started) (GM Ietsuna took over)

  • So a question... if someone just isn't responding during a pbp... then its typically considered fine to 'Bot' them for a bit. (like they went to the bathroom in a tabletop game)

    But, if someone pulls out of everything, much like Noral did... that's different right... more akin to them picking up their stuff, and going home.

    In the later case, I'm not allowed to 'bot' them anymore, as they are no longer considered present, right? Heaven forbid you manage to kill a PC who's technically no longer at the table.

    Just want to clarify.

    Sovereign Court

    Seems right.

    In the latter case, you might also be able to recruit a replacement if you are not too far in to the adventure.

    Lantern Lodge

    SFS 05-99 BftB

    When that has happened to me, I've just run the rest of the adventure without that character, sometimes that took them down to a four player adjustment.

    Pays to remember it can also do nasty things to the party balance. While in theory most parties can do most things, if your only front line fighter vanishes just before the end, you don't necessarily have the same resources lined up as if you started the scenario knowing there was going to be no front liner - so you may want to allow for some on-the-fly adjustments here and there too.

    Silver Crusade

    Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

    If a player leaves, you can bot them to the end of the encounter if you had already started it. EM, I will send you a private message with a few ideas.

    All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    So, because I'm in sort of a lull waiting for Gameday to start (and if I don't do something I'll sign up for way more games than I can actually handle) AND because I don't want to make any (or maybe just many) more characters for 1E, I thought I would throw a couple character concepts up that I like but don't plan on using -

    1.) A halfling vigilante with the "Childlike" Feat. So, by night he is a terrifying scourge of injustice and by day, he is a dirty but adorable street urchin.

    2.) A female Animal Speaker Bard as a Disney Princess. She sings and birds and small forest animals surround and help her.

    Anyone have any others? Anything that struck you as a cool idea while you were perusing a rulebook but you just can't get to or can't quite figure out how to make work effectively?

    Book reader 2/Japanophile 1/Cat Animal lover 1/Undecided 3

    I've got a few! Some of the more notable ones include:

    3.) An atheist counter-summoner unchained summoner. Strongly believes that all 'divine magic' is just people deluding themselves as to where their power comes from. Counters summons of other people from a different plane/'summons' her own creation as proof. Never could figure out how to refute actually going to another plane.

    4.) A half-orc bard worshiper of Jalaijatali, emperyal lord of natural music. Used a modified sword as a wind based 'tuning fork' for a gutteral, wordless bardic performance based on performance (sing). As he got better at using th sword the amount of time he'd have to spend swinging it around to get the right notes would go down.

    Male Human

    A master spy who disguises himself as an enemy to slip past their defenses. I tried something like this with an unchained rogue, and it's a fun strategy but in PFS it just doesn't solve problems very often.

    Grand Archive

    Male Human Teacher 2/Librarian 1

    1) An archmage medium. It just doesn't seem to be that effective, mainly because its spirit bonus is practically useless.

    2) A doll-like halfling vizier mesmerist with concealed casting that just rides in someone's backpack and casts spells and abilities without anyone knowing its them

    3) An esoteric magus or a sohei monk/wizard/eldritch knight. The wizard/monk concept is just way easier in 2e.

    4) A witch hunter (malice binder) investigator that just hates magic and doesn't think anyone is responsible enough to use it.

    All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    This one would be hard because you'd have to toe a lot of lines but a Caydenite who is not a jolly drunk. No, he's the uncle who comes to Thanksgiving and ruins it because the first thing he does is crack open the whiskey. He'd be belligerent, inappropriate, hitting on people not interested, urinating in public places and if anyone called him on his activities, he would berate them for attacking his religion.

    I considered a concept similar to that, but instead of being a jerk he was just an incredibly depressed emotionless husk of an alcoholic.

    Then I realized the game is supposed to be fun and yeah...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
    EbonFist wrote:

    So, because I'm in sort of a lull waiting for Gameday to start (and if I don't do something I'll sign up for way more games than I can actually handle) AND because I don't want to make any (or maybe just many) more characters for 1E, I thought I would throw a couple character concepts up that I like but don't plan on using -

    1.) A halfling vigilante with the "Childlike" Feat. So, by night he is a terrifying scourge of injustice and by day, he is a dirty but adorable street urchin.

    2.) A female Animal Speaker Bard as a Disney Princess. She sings and birds and small forest animals surround and help her.

    Anyone have any others? Anything that struck you as a cool idea while you were perusing a rulebook but you just can't get to or can't quite figure out how to make work effectively?

    No, I got to most of mine. ;)

    Grand Lodge

    Though an all Disney Princess game does sound appealing. I could finally work up the final stats for Rampianna (my alternate spelling of Rapunzel).

    All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)
    The World's Most Interesting GM wrote:
    EbonFist wrote:

    So, because I'm in sort of a lull waiting for Gameday to start (and if I don't do something I'll sign up for way more games than I can actually handle) AND because I don't want to make any (or maybe just many) more characters for 1E, I thought I would throw a couple character concepts up that I like but don't plan on using -

    1.) A halfling vigilante with the "Childlike" Feat. So, by night he is a terrifying scourge of injustice and by day, he is a dirty but adorable street urchin.

    2.) A female Animal Speaker Bard as a Disney Princess. She sings and birds and small forest animals surround and help her.

    Anyone have any others? Anything that struck you as a cool idea while you were perusing a rulebook but you just can't get to or can't quite figure out how to make work effectively?

    No, I got to most of mine. ;)

    You have more characters than I have Organized Play credits.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)
    Rampianna wrote:
    Though an all Disney Princess game does sound appealing. I could finally work up the final stats for Rampianna (my alternate spelling of Rapunzel).

    Isn't there a Witch Hex/ability that allows you to attack/manipulate things with your hair?

    Her familiar could be a chameleon.

    She could have the improvised weapon feat and buy a frying pan.

    EbonFist wrote:
    Rampianna wrote:
    Though an all Disney Princess game does sound appealing. I could finally work up the final stats for Rampianna (my alternate spelling of Rapunzel).

    Isn't there a Witch Hex/ability that allows you to attack/manipulate things with your hair?

    Her familiar could be a chameleon.

    She could have the improvised weapon feat and buy a frying pan.

    Dibs on Ariel, a songbound merfolk oracle. :D

    Sovereign Court

    EbonFist wrote:
    Rampianna wrote:
    Though an all Disney Princess game does sound appealing. I could finally work up the final stats for Rampianna (my alternate spelling of Rapunzel).

    Isn't there a Witch Hex/ability that allows you to attack/manipulate things with your hair?

    Her familiar could be a chameleon.

    She could have the improvised weapon feat and buy a frying pan.

    White-Haired Witch.

    The archetype does not actually require the hair to be white.

    You could probably do something with the Major Ameliorating hex to simulate tears which cure blindness.

    Sovereign Court

    Pete H. wrote:
    EbonFist wrote:
    Rampianna wrote:
    Though an all Disney Princess game does sound appealing. I could finally work up the final stats for Rampianna (my alternate spelling of Rapunzel).

    Isn't there a Witch Hex/ability that allows you to attack/manipulate things with your hair?

    Her familiar could be a chameleon.

    She could have the improvised weapon feat and buy a frying pan.

    Dibs on Ariel, a songbound merfolk oracle. :D

    I think I would go for Merida (Brave) as an archery ranger with a bear AC.

    The Confirmation | Oathbreakers Die
    GeraintElberion wrote:
    Pete H. wrote:
    EbonFist wrote:
    Rampianna wrote:
    Though an all Disney Princess game does sound appealing. I could finally work up the final stats for Rampianna (my alternate spelling of Rapunzel).

    Isn't there a Witch Hex/ability that allows you to attack/manipulate things with your hair?

    Her familiar could be a chameleon.

    She could have the improvised weapon feat and buy a frying pan.

    Dibs on Ariel, a songbound merfolk oracle. :D
    I think I would go for Merida (Brave) as an archery ranger with a bear AC.

    An argument could be made for a horse and mounted archer.

    The Confirmation | Oathbreakers Die
    Rampianna wrote:
    Though an all Disney Princess game does sound appealing. I could finally work up the final stats for Rampianna (my alternate spelling of Rapunzel).

    Fa Mulan could be a fighter

    Snow White (or possibly any of them) could be a bard
    Man that'd be a fun adventure.

    Male Human

    Elsa is probably the easiest: elemental (cold) sorcerer. I have one in Core!

    Sovereign Court

    GM Roxxie wrote:
    Rampianna wrote:
    Though an all Disney Princess game does sound appealing. I could finally work up the final stats for Rampianna (my alternate spelling of Rapunzel).

    Fa Mulan could be a fighter

    Snow White (or possibly any of them) could be a bard
    Man that'd be a fun adventure.

    Animal Speaker You might have to flavour the rat swarms as 'chipmunk and squirrel' swarms.

    Sovereign Court

    Belle as a summoner with a bipedal eidolon?

    All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    Tiana as a druid with a REALLY limited Wild Shape ability.

    Sovereign Court

    EbonFist wrote:
    Tiana as a druid with a REALLY limited Wild Shape ability.

    Shifter with frog aspect?

    Male Human

    I pictured Belle as more like a wizard (for her love of books), perhaps one whose familiar has the mauler archetype.

    Moana could be a watersinger bard.

    Grand Archive

    Male Human Teacher 2/Librarian 1
    SodiumTelluride wrote:
    Elsa is probably the easiest: elemental (cold) sorcerer. I have one in Core!

    Actually, I think of her as more of an ice kineticist. She can't do a whole lot other than shoot ice and make stuff out of it, all of which can be covered by wild talents and infusions.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male Human
    zer0darkfire wrote:
    SodiumTelluride wrote:
    Elsa is probably the easiest: elemental (cold) sorcerer. I have one in Core!
    Actually, I think of her as more of an ice kineticist. She can't do a whole lot other than shoot ice and make stuff out of it, all of which can be covered by wild talents and infusions.

    I'll admit I don't know a lot about kineticists, but I pretty much reskin all my sorceress's spells to be ice-related. Daze? Puff of snow to the face. Grease? Wet ice. Mage hand? Encase item in ice, move as needed.

    EbonFist wrote:
    Anyone have any others? Anything that struck you as a cool idea while you were perusing a rulebook but you just can't get to or can't quite figure out how to make work effectively?

    An inquisitor of Ghenshau that smacks anyone around that tries to make him do anything and is the laziest pathfinder you will ever find.

    Liberty's Edge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    My daughters' first PFS PCs were Merida and Elsa.

    Silver Crusade

    Male Human (Taldan) inquisitor (preacher) of Shelyn 1 | hp 10 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | CMD 13 | F +3 R +1 W +6 | Spd 30' | Init +1 | KnLoc +7, Kn(Nat, Pla, Rel) +6, Perc +8, Scrft +6, SensM +9 |
    miteke wrote:
    EbonFist wrote:
    Anyone have any others? Anything that struck you as a cool idea while you were perusing a rulebook but you just can't get to or can't quite figure out how to make work effectively?
    An inquisitor of Ghenshau that smacks anyone around that tries to make him do anything and is the laziest pathfinder you will ever find.

    I've got one of those. He's an art critic of Shelyn.

    "Everything you are doing is bad. I want you to know this."

    Liberty's Edge

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    My daughter had this idea for a cheerful, chaotic good cleric of Groetus that I really like. The cleric happily goes on adventures, and is just SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW IT ALL TURNS OUT! ISN'T IT EXCITING? WE’RE GONNA GET TO SEE HOW EVERYTHING ENDS!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
    My daughter had this idea for a cheerful, chaotic good cleric of Groetus that I really like. The cleric happily goes on adventures, and is just SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW IT ALL TURNS OUT! ISN'T IT EXCITING? WE’RE GONNA GET TO SEE HOW EVERYTHING ENDS!

    This reminds me a bit of a character concept that I had (and am actually playing). A CN Wizard focusing on summoning. Went to the Acadame in Korvosa. While there accidentally messed up a spell and ended up glimpsing into the void. He went quite insane, and now secretly worships Nylarthotep. He joined the Pathfinder Society to search for rituals and relics that can help him usher Nylarthotep into the world, and prevent the other old gods / threats to Golarian from getting here first.

    He spends most of his time ranting about how we are all doomed.

    Grand Lodge

    Male CN Human Cleric 3(Ecclesitheurge) of the Lantern King/Sorcerer (Crossblooded) 1 | HP 33/33 | AC 8 T 8 FF 10 | CMB +0, CMD 8 | F: +5, R: -1, W: +9 | Init: -2 | Perc: +10, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Channel Energy 6/6 | Spells: Cleric 1st 5/5 Sorcerer 1st 4/4 Cleric 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: Insanity?
    yogadragon wrote:
    Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
    My daughter had this idea for a cheerful, chaotic good cleric of Groetus that I really like. The cleric happily goes on adventures, and is just SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW IT ALL TURNS OUT! ISN'T IT EXCITING? WE’RE GONNA GET TO SEE HOW EVERYTHING ENDS!

    This reminds me a bit of a character concept that I had (and am actually playing). A CN Wizard focusing on summoning. Went to the Acadame in Korvosa. While there accidentally messed up a spell and ended up glimpsing into the void. He went quite insane, and now secretly worships Nylarthotep. He joined the Pathfinder Society to search for rituals and relics that can help him usher Nylarthotep into the world, and prevent the other old gods / threats to Golarian from getting here first.

    He spends most of his time ranting about how we are all doomed.

    "The light of lanterns? No, the light of another touches the mind." says a man wearing more than a single lantern helmet upon his head, "Working against the lanterns or part of the game? Ask the king of cards what he thinks while using the queen"

    All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)

    I've always wanted to create a bard who uses cleaned up versions of Nine Inch Nails lyrics...

    "And the gods themselves will reach their arms push you down...just to push you down."

    The Confirmation | Oathbreakers Die
    EbonFist wrote:
    Anyone have any others? Anything that struck you as a cool idea while you were perusing a rulebook but you just can't get to or can't quite figure out how to make work effectively?

    A friend and I have been looking at the Card Caster magus archetype, possibly paired with Staff Magus, to create a character inspired by the Marvel character Gambit. That's kinda super niche though.

    All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)
    GM Roxxie wrote:
    EbonFist wrote:
    Anyone have any others? Anything that struck you as a cool idea while you were perusing a rulebook but you just can't get to or can't quite figure out how to make work effectively?
    A friend and I have been looking at the Card Caster magus archetype, possibly paired with Staff Magus, to create a character inspired by the Marvel character Gambit. That's kinda super niche though.

    I expect to get a Changeling Boon at some point and I've been wracking my brain to figure out some way of making her a close combat unarmed fighter.

    She'd be named "Jenwal," have the Profession: Lawyer skill and have a distinctly green cast to her skin.

    Dark Archive

    Tiefling Magus 6 | Far Strike Monk 2 | Occultist 1 AC 21 (T:16/ FF:16) | HP: 80/ 80 | Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +9 | Perception: +12 | Initiative: +5 | Reroll 1/1 | CMD: 21 |Resist Cold / Electricity / Fire: 10
    Mental Focus:
    Transmutation 4/4 {+2 CON} | Abjuration 2/2 {+1 resistances}
    GM Roxxie wrote:
    A friend and I have been looking at the Card Caster magus archetype, possibly paired with Staff Magus, to create a character inspired by the Marvel character Gambit. That's kinda super niche though.

    Hey, that's kind of my build, except he tosses daggers. Added a level of occultist to pick up the occasional 'Bane'. It is working out well so far.

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Scenario and AP Tracker

    With Gameday VIII approaching real soon I have been receiving a similar question.

    When can we start?

    With this being a global event Gameday VIII will begin at Midnight UTC on September 9th (that would be 7 pm Central Standard Time on Sept 8th)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    VC - Sydney, Australia

    Dotted into some of these games in July.

    I will have spent longer in the dot in and waiting stage than the game will take to complete.


    "Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

    I know. We are so sorry for the delay, Shifty.


    He doesn't believe in 'game balance'. Gandalf always lets him pass. As a feat, he has Exotic Weapon Proficiency (beard). The city guard often question him, just because they find him so interesting. His dice bag is woven from tarrasque leather. His TPKs end game lines. His blood cures moderate wounds. He once punched a flumph. Yes, you heard me. He belongs to a prestige class whose sole requirement for entry is just being him. ♬ He is indeed, the most interesting GM in the world. ♬
    Shifty wrote:

    Dotted into some of these games in July.

    I will have spent longer in the dot in and waiting stage than the game will take to complete.


    That's because I'm not GMing this time around. ;p

    Silver Crusade

    Female Human Level 5 Homemaker

    Our group for GM Baerlie's #10-16: What the Helms Hide have finished the scenario and received Chronicle sheets with incorrect quantities of gp on them. Our GM noted the error on Aug. 20 and promised to get the corrected Chronicle sheets out to us, but despite some nudges and a PM, we haven't had a response. How do we go about getting our corrected Chronicle sheets?

    For reference, here's a link to our Discussion page.

    VC - Sydney, Australia

    ^^Looks like the above has been resolved :)

    Silver Crusade

    Female Human Level 5 Homemaker

    Looks like it. :)

    VC Australia - WA
    Shifty wrote:
    ^^Looks like the above has been resolved :)

    Indeed it does, good to see.

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