[PFS] DM Kludde's ongoing soul harvesting: recruitment for Low-Level PFS games (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde


Continuous recruitment for PFS games. Sign up for games in the list above. Please only sign up for one game at a time, so everybody gets a go.

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DM Kludde wrote:

- bluedove, Wei Ji and cuatroespada: I might be plugging in a game of penumbral accords somewhere (quite possibly between 503 and 504, timewise). I've never run silent tide, and I'm not really planning on running season 0's all that much (I prefer to focus on newer scenarios). Feel free to enter your name on any of the other games

-dinuci, caps: just enter your name on a game once you're ready to roll
-anyone who hasn't listed their preference: please just sign in on the game list directly if you're still looking for a game.

Ok, I am still trying to play through all the Blakros museum "series" before I run them PbP. I have GM'ed The Penumbral Accords at a tabletop event once, but it's been awhile. I like to list some preferences since I feel like just saying "any" isn't particularly helpful when you're trying to select what to run. I'll keep an eye out for when an appropriate slot opens up. Thanks, Kludde!

Wei, cuatro, bluedove: I haven't put up the Penumbral slot yet, and I'm not able to do so now. Expect something to appear somewhere friday-ish, saturday-ish.

Running the Blakros (which, in my view and understanding, starts for real at the Penumbral Accords) series is something that is on my list of things to do, so I might as well start.


It starts with Mists of Mawangi, but it is one of the only season 0 scenarios that has been converted to Pathfinder. Making it one of the better season 0 options.


I've been fighting the urge for a while, but I am caving in and looking to start a PFS Core PbP. If you do not know what Core is please read this post. I already have one yahoo on board and I am looking for 4 others. I am looking for regular posters ready to RP and post productively with lots of pushes and hooks. I am also open for suggestions on what to run. Spots will given given to the first ones interested, but those who have GM'd for me get priority.

Sovereign Court

Kysh, I have a core monk I'd love to play, if you'd have him.

I'll play some core pbp with ya Kysh :)

Kludde: Now I'm a bit confused with your list. Do we just put our names into the game we want to run in or is there still a list that we need to get our names on?

I'd be willing to run some core with a bow-style cleric.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Kyshkumen, I would be happy to play a core game ... likely with a squishy wizard.


Alright it looks like Pau, Pirate Rob, TobiasBlues and RyanH. Please sign in by filling out the form here. Pau you need to drop the cestus as that is an APG weapon.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

All 1's ... first Core game. Open to anything though starting at the beginning might make sense.

Alright, filled out some stuff, my preference is to start with one of the replayables.

@kyshkumen - looks like you got enough, but by chance can you fit another? Would love to join.

Sovereign Court

Kyshkumen wrote:
Alright it looks like Pau, Pirate Rob, TobiasBlues and RyanH. Please sign in by filling out the form here. Pau you need to drop the cestus as that is an APG weapon.

Kysh, I can't sign your sheet since I am on my iPad, but I'd be happy with running any scenario. Pau is brand new, so I'd be up for any scenario you feel like running!

I'll correct the weapon as well. I forgot exactly what was core, lol.

Yeah this is the first core character I've made, so any scenario is good with me.

Grats on your 5th * Kysh!

Sovereign Court

I'll be back in the office on Friday, Kysh, and I can sign up on the list then, but everything is open for Pau as he doesn't have any XP yet.


Looks like we will probably end up with Wounded Wisp. I will try and get the thread up sometime over the weekend. With an official start early next week as this is a big con weekend coming up.

@Gossamar4: looks like there is room for you as well.

@Pirate Rob: Thanks, it feels good to have it finally finished.

Grand Lodge

<-Pirate Rob here. As you know, I'll be pretty busy with DundraCon over the weekend, but I thought I'd link the first draft of the character I'm bringing.

My Dwarven Calistrian "Ninja"

Dark Archive

RyanH here ... first pass at my Gnomish wizard ...

Grand Lodge

Tobias here. Talathel here is my cleric that I'll be working with.


Looks like I have room for one more for Core Wounded Wisp.

I've set up the gameplay thread (link) for the first Wardstone Patrol game.

The following players can go there directly:
Thaddaeus Hawke


The second table will start one week from now. It looks like we have one more spot available for that one, so grab it while you can!

Changed my signup! I'll be your sixth, if you'll have me.

The Exchange

character tied up and I don't have a replacement level 3, sorry but you'll have to recruit someone else in my spot.

Scarab Sages

wait a second, yeah I have a replacement level 3, but he is a sorcerer if that is okay.

I have a replacement level 1 or level 3, if needed.

Silver Crusade

I won't be able to play the wardstone patrol, unfortunately. So that's another free spot for table 2.

Zinou wrote:
I won't be able to play the wardstone patrol, unfortunately. So that's another free spot for table 2.

Too bad, I was hoping we could play together for once...

I'll set up the second 5-02 game as soon as that last spot is filled. Any takers?

Liberty's Edge

If the spot is still available, Kludde, I'll gladly grab the spot with Balon here. He's my dhampir cleric of Urgathoa. :)

If you need a replacement then i offer my services for wardstone patrol if you cannot find anyone else. i would prefer the spot go to one not in a game so as to spread the wealth, but if you desire someone to start now i am available.


The Wounded Wisp Core thread is up. If the following players could check in we will be getting started soon.

Pirate Rob

There is still room for one more if anyone is interested.

i would like to claim the final spot for Core WW is still there. :)


There is still room so go ahead and check in with your character Gilthanis. If you are planning on using Dorora then you need to drop the spiked gauntlet as it is not core legal.

Edit: Disregard the spike gauntlet comment.. It is core legal.

Sovereign Court

DM Kludde wrote:
I'll set up the second 5-02 game as soon as that last spot is filled. Any takers?

I can join as well. 4th level musket master.

I've got the following players for the Wardstone Patrol:

ShadowKhan (Dvalin)
Vasari (Izoki)
Eric Swanson

Please go directly to:

Wardstone Table II (link)

The Exchange

I'm just checking if I can apply for the next Core low-level adventure with Lionel. Lionel has completed Master of the Fallen Fortress, and is ready to work with any group. He is level 1, and a reach cleric. If interested, check how the scenario went here.

The next game to start is the Hellknight's feast. People have been asking for a reserve list: I've put a list next to each of the games, so you can enter your name there.

@Kludde- go ahead and replace me from the Hellknight Feast. I would love to play it but feel I have been hogging PbP games as of late. I want to spread the wealth.

I've set up the campaign thread for the Hellknight's Feast as well. I'll probably move the start forward a bit. Please dot in here (link)

Richard Harris
Jolly Roger
Maar the Volcano Monk (Naiar)

I've also added a slot for good old Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, a game that I've never run before. It's tier 4-6, and I'll be running it on the side, starting somewhere in the coming week as soon as we have enough sign-ins.

My 5e adventure ended. It was fun while it lasted, but if feels good to have time to put my name on the list again!

Added myself to Dawn of the Scarlet sun. ^^

I've got two more free slots for the Hellknight's feast. The first two to sign up on the list (link) get the spots. It's the list that decides...

I also have two spots free on dawn of the scarlet sun, to be enjoyed with a tier 4-6 character...

Sovereign Court

DM Kludde wrote:
I also have two spots free on dawn of the scarlet sun, to be enjoyed with a tier 4-6 character...

I'll take a spot on Scarlet Sun! 4th level Musket Master (single barrel only)

Grand Lodge

I put myself on on the interested part. I assume that's what you ned to do before going into the normal list for the proposed scenario? Or do I just add myself in and wait?

Interested in The Penumbral Accords with my character here.

Dark Archive

Interested in Hellknight's Feast, added myself to the list. Wizard 3/cleric 3

Welcome, Vordrek. Please feel free to proceed to the gameplay thread. We'll start the game once everybody is there.

I've got one more spot free, up for grabs for everyone. If it doesn't get filled by the time Vordrek checks in, I'll just start with five.

Just fyi- I dotted in the Hellknight Kludde. In case you weren't tracking.

I've set up the gameplay thread for Dawn of the Scarlet Sun

The following players can go directly to the gameplay thread and dot in!
Jolly Roger
Carla the Profane
Gerald (Ruprecht)
Vasari (Izoki)

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