Wild Elf

Gilthanis's page

Organized Play Member. 767 posts (12,468 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters. 23 aliases.

Full Name

Gilthanis Silverbrow



About Gilthanis

PFS scenario completed:

Season 0-1

Intro I: Torsk, Kain
Intro II: Chasik
Intro III: Gilthanis
#01: Jasmine
#04: Jasmine
#05: Jasmine
#07: Ryskovich
#13: Jessique
#26: Chasik
#29: Chasik
#45: Valik
#51: Jasmine
#52: Jasmine
#55: Jasmine

Season 2

#2-01: Ryskovich
#2-02: Ryskovich
#2-11: Valik
#2-13: Chasik
#2-15: Ryskivich
#2-17: Ryskovich
#2-19: Ryskovich

Season 3

#3-03: Chasik
#3-16: Chasik
#3-19: Jasmine
#3-21: Zen'yr
#3-23: Valik
#3-25: Zen'yr

Season 4

#4-01: Valik
#4-02: Valik
#4-03: Chasik
#4-05: Valik
#4-07: Valik
#4-08: Chasik
#4-09: Valik
#4-11: Valik
#4-12: Chasik
#4-13: Valik
#4-14: Valik
#4-15: Vakik
#4-18: Valik
#4-19: Gilthanis
#4-21: Valik
#4-23: Valik

Season 5

#5-01: Ryskovich
#5-02: Jasmine
#5-07: Chasik
#5-08: Torsk, Ebonfeather, Jessique, Kain, Reis
#5-09: Ryskovich
#5-11: Ryskovich
#5-12: Chasik
#5-14: Valik
#5-15: Chasik
#5-16: Chasik
#5-17: Chasik
#5-21: Torsk
#5-22: Ryskovich

Season 6

#6-01: Torsk
#6-05: Gilthanis
#6-07: Chasik
#6-10: Voarima, Ebonfeather, Entorra, Dorora
#6-13: Chasik
#6-19: Ryskovich (GM)
#6-97: Ryskovich
#6-98: Ryskovich

Season 7

#7-2: Jasmine
#7-7: Reis
#7-10: Vinhinan Steelheart
#7-12: Jasmine

Season 8

#8-05: Ryskovich

Dragons Demand I-III
Thornkeep II: Forgotten Labratory
Thornkeep III: Enigma Vaults
Midnight Mirror
Master of Fallen Fortress
Crypt of the Everflame
Emerald Spire I: Tower Ruins
Emerald Spire II: The Cellars
Emerald Spire III: Splinterden
Emerald Spire III: Godhome
Emerald Spire IV:
Emerald Spire V:
Emerald Spire VI
Emerald Spire VII
Emerald Spire VIII
Emerald Spire IX
Emerald Spire X
Emerald Spire XI
Emerald Spire XIII

CORE scenarios completed:

#1: Silent Tide - Umaga
#3: Murder on the Silken Caravan - Taidus Raine
#4: Frozen Finger of Midnight - Demario
#6: Black Waters - Demario Whistler
#7: Among the Living - Taidus Raine (GM)
#14: Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch - Umaga
#29: Devil We Know I - Belgrim
#45: Dilirium's Tangle - Umaga
#49: Among the Dead - Taidus Raine (GM)
#51: City of Strangers I - Umaga
#52: City of Stranger II - Umaga
#55: Infernal Vault - Umaga
#2-01: Before the Dawn I - Taidus Raine
#2-02: Before the Dawn II - Taidus Raine
#3-18: God's Market Gamble - Umaga
#4-19: Night March of Kalkemedes - Umaga
#5-08: Confirmation - Rozella Tenn
#6-01: Trial by Machine - Taidus Raine
#6-10: Wounded Wisp - Dorora, Entorra Dinnai
#7-00: Sky Key Solution (GM) - Entorra Dinnai
#7-10: Consortium's Compact - Rozella Tenn

Master of the Fallen Fortress - Demario Whistler,
Crypt of the Everflame (GM) - Entorra Dinnai
Thornkeep: Accursed Halls - (GM) Umaga

Starfinder Games Completed:

1-01: Shess Mira, Ketch Um
1-04: Ketch Um

Bounty #01: The Cantina Job — Ketch Um

Undead: play as mindless undead, kill adventurers, transform into better undead and wreck more people?

[spoiler=Prehistoric Golarion Game]

Race: human, elf, half-elf, half-orc, dwarf
Age: adult, middle-aged, old
Class: Barbarian, Fighter, Shaman
Level: 2
Gear: 500gp, weapons & armor: stone/bone/obsidian

Do you Wanna Build a ?:

A group of friends all pitch in an equal amount of funds, to purchase a building of their choice (ie inn, tavern, smithy, etc). They then all work together to make it a profitable and enjoyable endeavor. Once big enough, they can go adventure in an underground complex to both gain funds to increase their business or personal wealth.